Ajax Security. Addison-Wesley

Billy Hoffman and Bryan Sullivan


“Ajax Security is a remarkably rigorous and thorough examination
of an underexplored subject. Every Ajax engineer needs to have
the knowledge contained in this book—or be able to explain why they don’t.”
Jesse James Garrett
“Finally, a book that collects and presents the various Ajax security
concerns in an understandable format! So many people have
hopped onto the Ajax bandwagon without considering the security
ramifications; now those people need to read this book and
revisit their applications to address the various security 
shortcomings pointed out by the authors.”
Jeff Forristal
“If you are writing or reviewing Ajax code, you need this book.
Billy and Bryan have done a stellar job in a nascent area of our
field, and deserve success. Go buy this book. I can’t wait for it to come out.”
Andrew van der Stock, Executive Director, OWASP
“Web technologies like Ajax are creating new networked business
structures that remove the sources of friction in the new economy.
Regrettably, hackers work to compromise this evolution by
capitalizing on the weaknesses in this technology and those who
develop it. Until now, few books told the whole Ajax security
story, educating those using or planning to use this technology. This one does.”
Managing Partner, Trellum Technologies

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Ajax Security

The names on the cover of this book are Billy Hoffman and Bryan Sullivan, but the truth
is that there are many incredibly talented and dedicated people who made this book a
reality.Without their help, the entire text of this book would read something like
“Securing Ajax is hard.”We’ll never be able to thank them enough for the gifts of their
time and expertise, but we’re going to try anyway.
First and foremost, we have to thank our lovely, intelligent, and compassionate wives,
Jill and Amy, for their support over the last year.We can only imagine how difficult it
was to tell us “Get back to work on the book!” when what you really wanted to say was
“Forget the book and take me out to dinner!”You are amazing women and we don’t deserve you.

We want to thank our technical editors Trellum Technologies, Inc., Jeff Forristal,
Joe Stagner, and Vinnie Liu. You made this book better than we ever hoped it could be.
No, you weren’t too nitpicky. Yes, we can still be friends.
We also want to thank everyone at SPI for their contributions and their understanding.
While there were many SPIs who pitched in with their help, we want to single out
two people in particular. Caleb Sima, this book would not be possible without your infinite
wisdom. You have built an amazing company and we are honored and humbled to
be a part of it. Ashley Vandiver, you did more work on this book than we ever had the
right to ask for. Thank you so much.
Special thanks go out to Samantha Black for her help with the “Web Attacks” and
“Attacking the Presentation Layer” chapters.

Finally, we would like to acknowledge the amazing staff at Addison-Wesley
Professional and Pearson Education who helped bring Ajax Security to life: Sheri Cain,
Alan Clements, Romny French, Karen Gettman, Gina Kanouse, Jake McFarland, Kathy
Ruiz, Lisa Stumpf,Michael Thurston, and Kristin Weinberger.We especially want to
thank Marie McKinley for her marketing expertise (and the Black Hat flyers!); Linda
Harrison for making us sound like professional writers instead of computer programmers;
and Chelsey Marti for her efforts with editing a document that was blocked by
antivirus software. Rot-13 to the rescue! Last but certainly not least, thanks to our acquisitions
editor Jessica Goldstein for believing in two novice authors and for keeping us
moving forward throughout this adventure.
To think it all started with a short, curly-haired pregnant woman asking the innocent
question “So have you thought about writing a book?”What a fun, strange ride this has been.

Thanks to my wife Jill. She kept me motivated and focused when all I wanted to do was
give up and this book simply would not have been completed without her.
Thanks to my parents,Mary and Billy, and my brother Jason.Without their unwavering
support and love in all my endeavors I wouldn’t be half the person I am today.
And of course, thanks to my co-author Bryan. Through long nights and crazy deadlines
we created something to be proud of all while becoming closer friends. I can’t think
of anyone else I would have wanted to write this book with.

Once again—and it’s still not enough—I have to thank my wife, Amy, for her love and
support, not just during the writing of this book, but for every minute of the past 14 years.
Finally, I can’t think of anyone with whom I would rather have spent my nights and
weekends guzzling Red Bull and debating the relative merits of various CSRF defense
strategies than you, Billy. It may have taken a little more blood, sweat, and tears than we
originally anticipated, but we’ll always be able to say that we saved an entire generation
of programmers from the shame and embarrassment of PA.

About the Authors
Billy Hoffman is the lead researcher for HP Security Labs of HP Software. At HP, Billy
focuses on JavaScript source code analysis, automated discovery of Web application vulnerabilities,
and Web crawling technologies. He has worked in the security space since
2001 after he wrote an article on cracking software for 2600, “The Hacker Quarterly,” and
learned that people would pay him to be curious. Over the years Billy has worked a variety
of projects including reverse engineering file formats, micro-controllers, JavaScript
malware, and magstripes. He is the creator of Stripe Snoop, a suite of research tools that
captures, modifies, validates, generates, analyzes, and shares data from magstripes. Billy’s
work has been featured in Wired, Make magazine, Slashdot, G4TechTV, and in various
other journals and Web sites.

Billy is a regular presenter at hacker conferences including Toorcon, Shmoocon,
Phreaknic, Summercon, and Outerz0ne and is active in the South East hacking scene.
Occasionally the suits make him take off the black t-shirt and he speaks at more mainstream
security events including RSA, Infosec, AJAXWorld, and Black Hat.
Billy graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2005 with a BS in
Computer Science with specializations in networking and embedded systems. He lives in
Atlanta with his wife and two tubby and very spoiled cats.

Bryan Sullivan is a software development manager for the Application Security Center
division of HP Software. He has been a professional software developer and development
manager for over 12 years, with the last five years focused on the Internet security software
industry. Prior to HP, Bryan was a security researcher for SPI Dynamics, a leading
Web application security company acquired by HP in August 2007.While at SPI, he
created the DevInspect product, which analyzes Web applications for security vulnerabilities
during development.
Bryan is a frequent speaker at industry events, most recently AjaxWorld, Black Hat,
and RSA. He was involved in the creation of the Application Vulnerability Description
Language (AVDL) and has three patents on security assessment and remediation
methodologies pending review. He is a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology
with a BS in Applied Mathematics.
When he’s not trying to break the Internet, Bryan spends as much time as he can on
the golf links. If any Augusta National members are reading this, Bryan would be exceedingly

happy to tell you everything he knows about Ajax security over a round or two.


Fire. The wheel. Electricity. All of these pale next to the monumental achievement that is
Ajax. From the moment man first walked upright, he dreamed of, nay, lusted for the day
that he would be able to make partial page refreshes in a Web application. Surely Jesse
James Garrett was touched by the hand of God Himself the morning he stood in his
shower and contemplated the word Ajax.

But like Cortés to the Aztecs, or the Star Wars prequels, what was at first received
as a savior was later revealed to be an agent of ultimate destruction. As the staggering
security vulnerabilities of Ajax reared their sinister heads, chaos erupted in the streets.
Civilizations crumbled. Only two men could dare to confront the overwhelming horror
of Ajax. To protect the innocent. To smite the wicked. To stave off the end of all life in the universe.
And we’re glad you’ve paid $49.99 for our book.

(The Real One)
Ajax has completely changed the way we architect and deploy Web applications. Gone
are the days of the Web browser as a simple dumb terminal for powerful applications
running on Web servers. Today’s Ajax applications implement functionality inside a
user’s Web browser to create responsive desktop-like applications that exist on both the
client and the server.We are seeing excellent work from developers at companies like
Google and Yahoo! as well the open source community pushing the bounds of what Ajax
can do with new features like client-side storage, offline applications, and rich Web APIs.
As Web programmers and security researchers, we rushed out and learned as much as
we could about these cool new applications and technologies.While we were excited by
all the possibilities Ajax seemed to offer, we were left with a nagging feeling: No one was
talking about the security repercussions of this new application architecture.We saw
prominent resources and experts in the Ajax field giving poor advice and code samples
riddled with dangerous security vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection or Cross-Site Scripting.

Digging deeper, we found that not only were these traditional Web vulnerabilities
ignored or relegated to passing mention in an appendix, but there were also larger security
concerns with developing Ajax applications: overly granular Web services, application
control flow tampering, insecure practices for developing mashups, and easily
bypassed authentication mechanisms. Ajax may have the inherent usability strengths of
both desktop and Web applications, but it also has both of their inherent security weaknesses.
Still, security seems to be an afterthought for most developers.

We hope to change that perspective.
We wrote this book for the Ajax developer who wants to implement the latest and
greatest Ajax features in their applications, while still developing them securely to avoid
falling prey to evil hackers looking to exploit the applications for personal and financial
gain. Throughout the book, we focus not just on presenting you with potential security
problems in your Ajax applications, but also on providing guidance on how you can
overcome these problems and deliver tighter, more secure code.We also analyze common
Ajax frameworks like Prototype, DWR, and Microsoft’s ASP.NET AJAX to find out
what security protections frameworks have built-in and what you, as a developer, are
responsible to add.

We also wrote this book for the quality assurance engineer and the professional penetration
tester.We have tried to provide information about common weaknesses and
security defects found in Ajax applications. The book discusses the testing challenges you
will face in auditing an Ajax application, such as discovering the application’s footprint
and detecting defects.We review a few tools that aid you in completing these challenging
tasks. Finally, we give details on new Ajax attack techniques such as JavaScript hijacking,
persistent storage theft, and attacking mashups.We also provide fresh takes on familiar
attacks, such as a simplified Ajax-based SQL Injection method, which requires only two
requests to extract the entire backend database.

This is not a book for learning Ajax or Web programming—we expect you to have a
pretty good handle on that already. Instead, we will focus on the mistakes and problems
with the design and creation of Ajax applications that create security vulnerabilities and
provide advice on how to develop Ajax applications securely. This book is not program
language specific and does not force you to write the server-side of your application in
any specific language. There are common components to all Ajax applications, including
HTTP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.We focus our analysis on these components.When
we do provide security advice with respect to your Web server code, we do so using techniques
such as regular expressions or string operations that can be implemented using any language.

This book also contains a great deal of material that should benefit both the developer
and the tester. Case studies of real-world Ajax applications and how they were hacked,
such as MySpace’s Samy worm and Yahoo!’s Yamanner worm, are discussed. Sample
applications and examples, such as an online travel booking site, provide guidance on
how to secure an Ajax application for testers and developers alike.

While we do mean for the book to be read cover-to-cover, front-to-back, each chapter
stands on its own. If there’s a particular topic you can’t wait to discover, such as the
analysis of specific Ajax frameworks for security issues (which can be found in Chapter
15, “Analysis of Ajax Frameworks”), feel free to skip ahead or read out of order.
Ajax provides an exciting new philosophy for creating Web applications. This book is
by no means an attempt to dismiss Ajax as silly or infeasible from a security perspective.
Instead, we hope to provide a resource to help you develop powerful, feature-rich Ajax
applications that are extremely useful, while at the same time robust and secure against
malicious attackers.
Billy and Bryan


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Product details
 File Size
 12,759 KB
 498 p
 File Type
 PDF format
 2008 Pearson Education, Inc 

Preface xvii
Preface (The Real One) xvix
Chapter 1 Introduction to Ajax Security
An Ajax Primer 2
What Is Ajax? 2
Asynchronous 3
JavaScript 6
XML 11
Dynamic HTML (DHTML) 11
The Ajax Architecture Shift 11
Thick-Client Architecture 12
Thin-Client Architecture 13
Ajax: The Goldilocks of Architecture 15
A Security Perspective: Thick-Client Applications 16
A Security Perspective: Thin-Client Applications 17
A Security Perspective: Ajax Applications 18
A Perfect Storm of Vulnerabilities 19
Increased Complexity, Transparency, and Size 19
Sociological Issues 22
Ajax Applications: Attractive and Strategic Targets 23
Conclusions 24
Chapter 2 The Heist
Eve 25
Hacking HighTechVacations.net 26
Hacking the Coupon System 26
Attacking Client-Side Data Binding 32
Attacking the Ajax API 36
A Theft in the Night 42
Chapter 3 Web Attacks
The Basic Attack Categories 45
Resource Enumeration 46
Parameter Manipulation 50
Other Attacks 75
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) 75
Phishing 76
Denial-of-Service (DoS) 77
Protecting Web Applications from Resource Enumeration and Parameter
Manipulation 77
Secure Sockets Layer 78
Conclusions 78
Chapter 4 Ajax Attack Surface
Understanding the Attack Surface 81
Traditional Web Application Attack Surface 83
Form Inputs 83
Cookies 84
Headers 85
Hidden Form Inputs 86
Query Parameters 86
Uploaded Files 89
Traditional Web Application Attacks: A Report Card 90
Web Service Attack Surface 92
Web Service Methods 92
Web Service Definitions 94
Ajax Application Attack Surface 94
The Origin of the Ajax Application Attack Surface 96
Best of Both Worlds—for the Hacker 98
Proper Input Validation 98
The Problem with Blacklisting and Other Specific Fixes 99
Treating the Symptoms Instead of the Disease 102
Whitelist Input Validation 105
Regular Expressions 109
Additional Thoughts on Input Validation 109
Validating Rich User Input 111
Validating Markup Languages 111
Validating Binary Files 113
Validating JavaScript Source Code 114
Validating Serialized Data 120
The Myth of User-Supplied Content 122
Conclusion 123
Chapter 5 Ajax Code Complexity
Multiple Languages and Architectures 125
Array Indexing 126
String Operations 128
Code Comments 129
Someone Else’s Problem 130
JavaScript Quirks 132
Interpreted, Not Compiled 132
Weakly Typed 133
Asynchronicity 135
Race Conditions 135
Deadlocks and the Dining Philosophers Problem 139
Client-Side Synchronization 144
Be Careful Whose Advice You Take 144
Conclusions 145
Chapter 6 Transparency in Ajax Applications
Black Boxes Versus White Boxes 147
Example: MyLocalWeatherForecast.com 150
Example: MyLocalWeatherForecast.com “Ajaxified” 152
Comparison Conclusions 156
The Web Application as an API 156
Data Types and Method Signatures 158
Specific Security Mistakes 158
Improper Authorization 159
Overly Granular Server API 161
Session State Stored in JavaScript 164
Sensitive Data Revealed to Users 165
Comments and Documentation Included in Client-Side Code 166
Data Transformation Performed on the Client 167
Security through Obscurity 172
Obfuscation 173
Conclusions 174
Chapter 7 Hijacking Ajax Applications
Hijacking Ajax Frameworks 176
Accidental Function Clobbering 176
Function Clobbering for Fun and Profit 178
Hijacking On-Demand Ajax 184
Hijacking JSON APIs 190
Hijacking Object Literals 195
Root of JSON Hijacking 195
Defending Against JSON Hijacking 196
Conclusions 199
Chapter 8 Attacking Client-Side Storage
Overview of Client-Side Storage Systems 201
General Client-Side Storage Security 202
HTTP Cookies 204
Cookie Access Control Rules 206
Storage Capacity of HTTP Cookies 211
Lifetime of Cookies 215
Additional Cookie Storage Security Notes 216
Cookie Storage Summary 216
Flash Local Shared Objects 218
Flash Local Shared Objects Summary 225
DOM Storage 226
Session Storage 227
Global Storage 229
The Devilish Details of DOM Storage 231
DOM Storage Security 233
DOM Storage Summary 234
Internet Explorer userData 235
Security Summary 240
General Client-Side Storage Attacks and Defenses 240
Cross-Domain Attacks 241
Cross-Directory Attacks 242
Cross-Port Attacks 243
Conclusions 243
Chapter 9 Offline Ajax Applications
Offline Ajax Applications 245
Google Gears 247
Native Security Features and Shortcomings of Google Gears 248
Exploiting WorkerPool 251
LocalServer Data Disclosure and Poisoning 253
Directly Accessing the Google Gears Database 257
SQL Injection and Google Gears 258
How Dangerous Is Client-Side SQL Injection? 262
Dojo.Offline 264
Keeping the Key Safe 265
Keeping the Data Safe 266
Good Passwords Make for Good Keys 267
Client-Side Input Validation Becomes Relevant 268
Other Approaches to Offline Applications 270
Conclusions 270
Chapter 10 Request Origin Issues
Robots, Spiders, Browsers, and Other Creepy Crawlers 273
“Hello! My Name Is Firefox. I Enjoy Chunked Encoding, PDFs, and
Long Walks on the Beach.” 275
Request Origin Uncertainty and JavaScript 276
Ajax Requests from the Web Server’s Point of View 276
Yourself, or Someone Like You 280
Sending HTTP Requests with JavaScript 282
JavaScript HTTP Attacks in a Pre-Ajax World 284
Hunting Content with XMLHttpRequest 286
Combination XSS/XHR Attacks in Action 290
Defenses 292
Conclusions 294
Chapter 11 Web Mashups and Aggregators
Machine-Consumable Data on the Internet 296
Early 90’s: Dawn of the Human Web 296
Mid 90s: The Birth of the Machine Web 297
2000s: The Machine Web Matures 298
Publicly Available Web Services 299
Mashups: Frankenstein on the Web 301
ChicagoCrime.org 302
HousingMaps.com 303
Other Mashups 304
Constructing Mashups 304
Mashups and Ajax 306
Bridges, Proxies, and Gateways—Oh My! 308
Ajax Proxy Alternatives 309
Attacking Ajax Proxies 310
Et Tu, HousingMaps.com? 312
Input Validation in Mashups 314
Aggregate Sites 317
Degraded Security and Trust 324
Conclusions 327
Chapter 12 Attacking the Presentation Layer
A Pinch of Presentation Makes the Content Go Down 329
Attacking the Presentation Layer 333
Data Mining Cascading Style Sheets 334
Look and Feel Hacks 337
Advanced Look and Feel Hacks 341
Embedded Program Logic 345
Cascading Style Sheets Vectors 347
Modifying the Browser Cache 348
Preventing Presentation Layer Attacks 352
Conclusion 353
Chapter 13 JavaScript Worms
Overview of JavaScript Worms 355
Traditional Computer Viruses 356
JavaScript Worms 359
JavaScript Worm Construction 361
JavaScript Limitations 363
Propagating JavaScript Worms 364
JavaScript Worm Payloads 364
Putting It All Together 372
Case Study: Samy Worm 373
How It Worked 374
The Virus’ Payload 377
Conclusions About the Samy Worm 379
Case Study: Yamanner Worm (JS/Yamanner-A) 380
How It Worked 380
The Virus’ Payload 383
Conclusions About the Yamanner Worm 384
Lessons Learned from Real JavaScript Worms 387
Conclusions 389
Chapter 14 Testing Ajax Applications
Black Magic 391
Not Everyone Uses a Web Browser to Browse the Web 396
Catch-22 398
Security Testing Tools—or Why Real Life Is Not Like Hollywood 399
Site Cataloging 400
Vulnerability Detection 401
Analysis Tool: Sprajax 403
Analysis Tool: Paros Proxy 406
Analysis Tool: LAPSE (Lightweight Analysis for Program Security
in Eclipse) 408
Analysis Tool:WebInspect™ 409
Additional Thoughts on Security Testing 411
Chapter 15 Analysis of Ajax Frameworks
ASP.NET AJAX (formerly Atlas) 414
ScriptService 417
Security Showdown: UpdatePanel Versus ScriptService 419
ValidateRequest 424
ViewStateUserKey 425
ASP.NET Configuration and Debugging 426
PHP 427
Sajax 427
Sajax and Cross-Site Request Forgery 430
Java EE 431
Direct Web Remoting (DWR) 432
JavaScript Frameworks 434
A Warning About Client-Side Code 435
Prototype 435
Conclusions 437
Appendix A Samy Source Code 439
Appendix B Source Code for Yamanner Worm 447
Index 453


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