Ubuntu Linux Secrets. Wiley

Richard Blum


.Delve into the underiying applications and features of the Ubuntu Linux system
.Discover how to make the most of workstation and server applications
.Get helpful tips for modifying your environment and keeping your system running smoothly

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Ubuntu Linux Secrets

About the Author
Richard Blum has worked in the IT industry for over 20 years as both a systems and
network administrator. During that time he has administered UNIX, Linux, Novell, and
Microsoft servers, as well as helped manage desktop workstations on a 3,500-user network.
He has used Linux since the days of loading the system from floppy disks and has
utilized Ubuntu workstations and servers in his environment.

Rich has a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering and a master of science
degree in management, specializing in management information systems, from Purdue
University. He is the author of several Linux books, including Linux Command Line and
Shell Script Bible, Professional Assembly Language Programming, Network Performance
Open Source Toolkit, sendmail for Linux, Running qmail, Postfix, and Open Source E‑mail
Security. He’s also a coauthor of Professional Linux Programming, and Linux for Dummies,
8th Edition. When he’s not being a computer nerd, Rich plays bass guitar for his church
worship band and enjoys spending time with his wife, Barbara, and their two daughters,
Katie Jane and Jessica.

First, all glory and praise go to God, who through His Son makes all things possible and
gives us the gift of eternal life.

Many thanks go to the great team of people at Wiley Publishing for their outstanding
work on this project. Thanks to Jenny Watson, the acquisitions editor, for offering me the
opportunity to work on this book. Also, thanks to Tom Dinse, the development editor, for
keeping things on track and making this book more presentable. The technical editor,
Warren Wyrostek, did an amazing job of double-checking all the work in this book, plus
making suggestions to improve the content. Thanks, Warren, for your hard work and
diligence. I would also like to thank Carole McClendon at Waterside Productions, Inc. for
arranging this opportunity for me and for helping out in my writing career.

Finally, I would like to thank my parents, Mike and Joyce Blum, for their dedication and
support while raising me, and my wife, Barbara and daughters, Katie Jane and Jessica,
for their love, patience, and understanding, especially while I was writing this book.


Welcome to Ubuntu Linux Secrets. Like all books in the Secrets series, you can expect to
find both hands-on tutorials and real-world practical application information, as well as
reference and background information that provides a context for what you are learning.
This book is a fairly comprehensive resource on the Ubuntu Linux distribution. By the
time you have completed Ubuntu Linux Secrets you will be well-prepared to utilize your
Ubuntu workstation or server to its fullest.

Who Should Read This Book
If you’re new to the Linux world, you’ll benefit greatly from this book’s hands-on approach.
The book walks through all of the steps required for setting up an Ubuntu Linux system,
guiding you through the pitfalls and offering practical advice for getting your Ubuntu
workstation up and running. It then walks through all of the applications you’ll find on
your new system, showing you how to use the office productivity software; work with
images, audio and video clips on your desktop; run CDs and DVDs; and interact with the Internet.

If you’re an advanced Linux enthusiast, you’ll also benefit from Ubuntu Linux Secrets.
Nowadays it’s easy to get lost in the graphical world of prebuilt desktop packages. Most
desktop Linux distributions try their best to hide the Linux system from the typical user.
However, there are times when you have to know what’s going on under the hood. This
book shows you how to use the Ubuntu administration features to manage your system,
including monitoring programs, users, and disk space. It shows how to access the Linux
command-line prompt and what to do once you get there. It also explains how to use your
Ubuntu system as a complete program development platform, discussing how to program
using shell, Perl, and Python scripts; the C, Java, and Ruby programming languages; and
the PHP web-scripting language.

Ubuntu Linux Secrets also walks the seasoned system administrator through how to use
the various server software packages included in the Ubuntu server distribution. It discusses
how to set up a complete web server using both the LAMP and Tomcat web servers
and a database server using the popular MySQL or the feature-rich PostgreSQL database
package, how to interact on a Microsoft Windows network using the Samba software, and
how to create an email server for your home or organization.

How This Book Is Organized
This book is organized to lead you through the basics of the Ubuntu Linux distribution
features, from installing your system to using the installed applications. The book is
divided into five parts, each one building on the previous parts.

Part 1 starts you out on your Ubuntu Linux journey by helping you get your Ubuntu
system running. Chapter 1, “What Is Ubuntu?” walks through the complicated world of
Linux distributions, describing why there are so many distributions and what the Ubuntu
Linux distribution has to offer. After explaining the basics of the Ubuntu system, 
Part 1 continues with Downloading and working with the U 
♦♦ buntu LiveCD (Chapter 2)
♦♦ Installing Ubuntu on your PC (Chapter 3)
♦♦ Exploring the features of the GNOME desktop (Chapter 4)
In Part 2, the book takes you through the features you’ll find in the Ubuntu workstation:
♦♦ Working with files and folders in Ubuntu (Chapter 5)
♦♦ Working with text files using the Ubuntu text editors (Chapter 6)
♦♦ Using the OpenOffice.org office productivity suite (Chapter 7)
♦♦ Becoming familiar with the Ubuntu Network applications (Chapter 8)
♦♦ Accessing your email with the Evolution email software (Chapter 9)
♦♦ Working with image files (Chapter 10)
♦♦ Playing and ripping CDs (Chapter 11)
♦♦ Playing DVDs and watching video clips from the Internet (Chapter 12)
Part 3 shows you how to manage your Ubuntu system:
♦♦ Installing and updating software packages (Chapter 13)
♦♦ Configuring network access (Chapter 14)
♦♦ Installing and using external devices such as printers and scanners (Chapter 15)
♦♦ Configuring your display and setting up multiple monitors (Chapter 16)
♦♦ Adding new users (Chapter 17)
♦♦ Controlling running programs and monitoring the system (Chapter 18)
♦♦ Using the Ubuntu command line (Chapter 19)
In Part 4, you’ll see how to install and configure the Ubuntu server packages:
♦♦ Creating a domain name server (DNS) (Chapter 20)
♦♦ Maintaining a web server for dynamic web applications (Chapter 21)
♦♦ Using Samba to interact with other devices on a Microsoft Windows network (Chapter 22)
♦♦ Managing a complete email server (Chapter 23)
♦♦ Running a full-featured database server using either MySQL or PostgreSQL
(Chapter 24)
The last section of the book, Part 5, demonstrates how to use your Ubuntu workstation as
a complete programming development environment:
♦♦ Writing and running shell scripts from the Ubuntu command line (Chapter 25)
♦♦ Working with Perl and Python scripts to manipulate data (Chapter 26)
♦♦ Using the C programming language to create professional applications (Chapter 27)
♦♦ Installing the Java programming environment to write applications (Chapter 28)
♦♦ Installing Ruby to write local and web applications (Chapter 29)
♦♦ Using PHP on the Ubuntu LAMP server to write dynamic web applications (Chapter 30)

Conventions and Features
There are many different organizational and typographical features throughout this book
designed to help you get the most of the information. Secrets
When the author wants to provide additional information to help you get the most out of
your Ubuntu system, the information will appear in a Secrets sidebar, separate from the
main chapter material.

The information in the Secrets sidebars is important and is set off in a separate
paragraph with a special icon. Secrets provide additional information about things
to watch out for, tips on how to better use a feature, or background information
that helps in understanding a topic.

Minimum Requirements
To get the most from the Ubuntu workstation software you must have a PC with at least a
700-MHz processor, 384 MB of system memory (RAM), 8 GB of disk space, and a graphics
card capable of at least 1024 × 768 resolution. It also helps to have a sound card if you
plan on working with audio and video, and a network card if you plan on interacting with
a local network or the Internet.

Where to Go from Here
Once you’ve completed Ubuntu Linux Secrets you’ll be well on your way to being an
Ubuntu Linux guru. In the ever-changing world of Linux, it’s always a good idea to stay
in touch with new developments. The Ubuntu Linux distribution comes out with a new
version every 6 months, adding new features and removing some older ones. To keep
your knowledge of Ubuntu fresh, it’s important to stay well informed. Find a good Linux
forum on the web and monitor what’s going on in the Linux world. There are many popular
sites, such as Slashdot and Distrowatch, that provide up-to-the-minute information about
advances in Linux. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on the Ubuntu distribution site
itself. Each new release goes through a series of beta releases, which are a great way to
be introduced to new features before they’re released in the next version.


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Product details
 File Size
 30,636 KB
 838 p
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 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc 

Contents at a Glance
Part 1: Starting Out with Ubuntu
Chapter 1: What is Ubuntu?
Chapter 2: Playing with the LiveCD
Chapter 3: Installing Ubuntu
Chapter 4: Exploring the Desktop
Part 2: Starting Out with Ubuntu
Chapter 5: File Management
Chapter 6: Working With Text
Chapter 7: The OpenOffice Suite
Chapter 8: Network Applications
Chapter 9: Evolution
Chapter 10: Image Manipulation
Chapter 11: Using Audio
Chapter 12: Using Video
PART 3: Managing Your Workstation
Chapter 13: Software Installs and Updates
Chapter 14: Networking
Chapter 15: External Devices
Chapter 16: The Display
Chapter 17: Users and Groups
Chapter 18: Basic Administration
Chapter 19: The Ubuntu Command Line
PART 4: Using the Ubuntu Server
Chapter 20: DNS Server
Chapter 21: Web Server
Chapter 22: Samba and Print Server
Chapter 23: Email Server
Chapter 24: Database Server
Part 5: Programming in Ubuntu
Chapter 25: Shell Scripts
Chapter 26: Perl and Python
Chapter 27: C Programming
Chapter 28: Java
Chapter 29: Ruby
Chapter 30: PHP

Table of Contents
Introduction................. xxv
Part 1: Starting Out with Ubuntu..............1
Chapter 1: What is Ubuntu?................... 3
What Is Linux?.......................... 4
The Linux Kernel.................. 4
The GNU Utilities......... 11
The Linux Desktop Environment....................... 13
Linux Distributions.......................19
Core Linux Distributions..................... 19
Specialized Linux Distributions.................. 20
The Linux LiveCD................ 21
What Is Ubuntu?......................... 22
Ubuntu Versions..................... 22
Ubuntu Release Schedule....... 23
Ubuntu Cousins..........24
Summary................................... 24
Chapter 2: Playing with the LiveCD...........................25
The Ubuntu LiveCD................ 26
Downloading Ubuntu........................ 26
Downloading from the Web....................... 27
Using BitTorrent to Download....................... 29
Verifying the File...................... 32
Creating the LiveCD....................... 34
Burning CDs in Linux.................. 34
Burning CDs in Mac OS X......................... 34
Burning CDs in Windows.......... 36
Booting the LiveCD.................. 36
The Boot Process.................... 37
Using Ubuntu.......... 37
The LiveCD Desktop................. 39
Storing Files....................... 40
Running Ubuntu in Windows................ 42
The Wubi Project............................. 43
Installing in Windows............ 43
Running Ubuntu in Windows.................... 44
Summary........................ 45
Chapter 3: Installing Ubuntu.............47
Preparing Your PC................ 48
System Requirements............... 48
Creating a Place for Ubuntu.................. 51
Installing from the LiveCD.............. 57
Select a Language................. 58
Select a Time Zone...................... 58
Select a Keyboard.................. 58
Prepare the Disk Space..................... 60
Create a Login ID.......... 63
Migrate Documents and Settings................... 64
Review Options................... 66
Installing from the Alternate Install CD.............. 67
Guided Partitions.......................... 68
Manual Partitions............................ 69
Server Installation............... 70
Main Installation..................... 70
Server Programs............. 71
Upgrading Ubuntu.....................75
Summary........................ 77
Chapter 4: Exploring the Desktop.............79
Desktop Features............... 80
The Top Panel...................... 81
The Desktop Workspace.................... 86
The Bottom Panel.......................... 87
Modifying the Desktop....................... 89
Adding to the Panel Menus...................... 89
Adding Panel Applets............92
Adding Desktop Icons....................... 96
Desktop Appearance.......... 97
The Desktop Theme...................... 98
The Background................. 99
Fonts..................... 100
Interface....................... 100
Visual Effects................ 101
Accessibility Features..........101
Preferred Applications.............. 102
Keyboard Features............. 104
Mouse Features............... 104
Summary..................... 106
Part 2: Starting Out with Ubuntu...... 107
Chapter 5: File Management..............109
The Linux Filesystem...................110
Filepaths........................ 110
Filenames......................... 113
Nautilus Window Components.............. 113
Browser Versus Spatial Mode............ 119
Modifying Nautilus Windows................. 120
Handling Files................ 125
Creating New Files and Folders........... 125
Copying and Moving Files........ 126
Running Programs............126
Deleting Files............128
File Properties...................128
Basic Properties..............128
Open With........................ 132
Notes............... 133
Chapter 6: Working With Text.................135
The gedit Editor....................... 136
Starting gedit.................. 136
Basic gedit Features................... 137
Setting Preferences............. 138
The Character Map..........141
The vim Editor....................143
The Basics of vim.............. 143
Editing Data........ 145
Copy and Paste....................... 146
Search and Substitute................... 146
The emacs Editor............147
Using emacs on the Console.............. 148
Using emacs in GNOME...... 152
The Tomboy Notes Application............... 154
Starting Tomboy Notes.............. 154
Creating Notes......... 155
Editing Notes...... 156
Organizing Notes............. 157
Changing Preferences............ 157
Tomboy Add-ins....... 159
Summary........................ .....159
Chapter 7: The OpenOffice Suite .....161
The OpenOffice.org Suite....... ............162
Word Processing...... 163
Writer Features.... ...... 163
Working with Writer Files........... ...... 167
Spreadsheets....... ............168
The OpenOffice.org Calc Layout... 168
Working with Calc Files... 173
Presentations......... 174
Using the Presentation Wizard......... 174
Taking a Tour of OpenOffice.org Impress......... 176
Working with Impress Files....... 179
Database.................. ......180
Getting Help from the Wizard.... 180
Taking a Tour of Base................ 183
Working with Tables............ 184
Drawing.............. .....186
Taking a Tour of OpenOffice.org Draw........... 186
Working with Draw Files....... .. 189
Math..................... ..... 190
Starting Math.......... 190
The Math Layout...... 191
Working with Math.... .... 193
Summary...... .....195
Chapter 8: Network Applications......... ....197
The Ubuntu Internet Software Suite...... 198
Ekiga........... ............... 198
Firefox......... .............. 200
Walking Through Firefox......... 201
Configuring Firefox................ 203
Working with Add-ons................. 210
Pidgin......... ......212
Using the Pidgin Instant Messenger... 213
Pidgin Preferences........ 215
Remote Desktop Viewer.......... ..........216
Terminal Server Client.... .....218
Transmission...... .................. 220
gFTP........... ..... 222
Summary........... .......... 224
Chapter 9: Evolution......... ........227
The Evolution Suite.......... ........ 228
Starting Evolution.......... ...... 228
Obtain Email Client Info..... ........... 229
Run the Wizard......... 229
The Evolution Window........ ........ 238
The Menu Bar.. ........... 238
The Toolbar..... . 239
The Search Tool........... ............. 240
The Message List.......... 240
The Sidebar............. 242
The Switcher........... 242
The Preview Pane.......... 242
Using Evolution..... ..... 242
Sending Messages......... 242
Changing the Configuration.............. 244
Mail Filtering............ 247
Filtering Messages....... 247
Filtering Spam....... 249
Backing Up Evolution.......  250
Using the Address Book........ ...... 250
Accessing the Calendar and Tasks... 252
Calendar........... 252
Tasks........ . 253
Summary......... .... 254
Chapter 10: Image Manipulation........ ....255
Eye of GNOME Image Viewer.....  256
Using the Image Viewer......... . 256
Supported File Types....... 260
The GIMP Image Editor........ ......261
Starting GIMP.... 261
GIMP Basic Tools... ......... 261
Using GIMP... 263
F-Spot Photo Manager...........  268
The F-Spot Layout.......... 268
Using the F-Spot Editor........... 273
Summary..... .............. 276
Chapter 11: Using Audio..................277
Audio File Basics...................278
Controlling Sound in Ubuntu................... 279
Sound Preferences..................... 280
The Sound Applet................. 282
Rhythmbox........................... 284
Playing Audio CDs............284
Playing Audio Files.......................... 286
Listening to Internet Audio.................. 288
Ripping Audio CDs............. 289
Brasero................. 290
Sound Recorder.......... 291
Playing Audio Files from Nautilus.............292
Summary............ 294
Chapter 12: Using Video................295
Video Formats.............. 296
The Totem Movie Player.................... 297
The Totem Interface........... 298
The Totem Preferences Settings............ 301
Watching Web Clips........... 302
Checking Your Plug-ins........... 303
Adding Plug-ins............... 304
More Video Support............. 306
Editing Videos.............. 307
Installing Kino.........308
The Kino Interface............ 309
The Kino Preferences Settings................. 310
PART 3: Managing Your Workstation...................313
Chapter 13: Software Installs and Updates.....................315
Software Management in Ubuntu.............316
Software Packages............316
Software Repositories..........316
Configuring Software Repositories........317
Installing Updates.............................319
The Update Manager...........319
Using the Update Manager Applet.........321
Installing New Applications............322
The Add/Remove Applications Window..........322
Adding a New Application.........324
Removing an Application.....326
Installing New Packages.......... 327
The Synaptic Layout...........328
Installing Packages.......331
Removing Packages........333
Command-Line Package Management.........333
Setting Repositories..........333
Apt-get Commands.................334
Summary........... 336
Chapter 14: Networking.................337
Networking Basics........... 338
Internet Connection Types..........338
Ethernet Connections..........341
Connecting to the Network........... 343
GNOME PPP.................... 343
Network Manager..............345
Network Tools.......... 349
Ping.............. 351
Port Scan.......355
Lookup........ 355
Whois............. 357
Firewalls................ 358
Installing Firestarter.....359
Starting Firestarter.......360
Using Firestarter........ 360
Summary...... 364
Chapter 15: External Devices..................367
Printers......................... 368
The Printer Configuration Tool............................... 368
Printer Server Settings................. 369
Adding a New Printer...................... 370
Modifying Printer Properties................ 372
Scanners.......................... 376
Detecting the Scanner..................... 376
Scanning a Document......................... 379
The Work Area................................................................................................................................... 380
Digital Cameras................ 383
Portable Music Players.................. 385
Summary................................... 386
Chapter 16: The Display.............................387
The X Windows System....... 388
What Is X Windows?......388
Linux X Windows Software.........389
The X.Org Configuration............... 390
Ubuntu Video Configuration.......... 394
The Screen Resolution Utility.....394
Setting Compiz Fusion Features..... 396
Monitor and Video Cards................ 401
Using 3-D Cards.................... 403
Ubuntu 3-D Support...403
Viewing Restricted Hardware Drivers..........404
Summary................ 404
Chapter 17: Users and Groups................ 407
The User Administration Tool........408
Adding Users............408
Modifying Users........412
Deleting Users...........413
Ubuntu Groups.......................414
Adding Groups.........416
Modifying Groups........417
Deleting Groups...........418
User and Group Files.....................418
The Users File........... 418
The Groups File...................419
Using the Command Line......420
Understanding File Permissions..........421
File Properties..........421
Changing File Permissions............422
Summary................. 423
Chapter 18: Basic Administration.............425
Monitoring the System........ 426
Processes......... 427
File Systems.........430
Log Files...........431
Ubuntu Log Files.................431
The System Log Viewer.........432
Starting Services................ 433
Starting and Stopping Services.......433
Service Properties..............435
Sessions............ 436
Startup Programs....... 437
Disk Usage Analyzer.............. 438
Summary.................... 440
Chapter 19: The Ubuntu Command Line................441
The GNOME Terminal Program....442
Session Tabs...................442
The Menu Bar.......443
The Command-Line Parameters........ 446
Command-Line Basics...............447
Setting the Command Prompt.........447
The bash Manual...............449
Traversing Directories...............451
File and Directory Listing..........452
File Handling..........458
Directory Handling.....................464
Summary............. 466
PART 4: Using the Ubuntu Server................467
Chapter 20: DNS Server.................... 469
History of Computer Names.............470
Domain Names.....................470
DNS Structure..................... 470
Finding Domains........472
DNS Database Records................. 473
DNS Protocol......... 478
Ubuntu as a DNS Client...............478
Configuring DNS Client Files....479
Ubuntu Client DNS Programs......480
Ubuntu as a DNS Server............. 486
The named Files....... 486
Using named as a Local Cache Server....488
Using named as a Master DNS Server................ 489
Summary............... 492
Chapter 21: Web Server.................. 493
Ubuntu Web Servers......... 494
Web Scripting Languages................. 494
The LAMP Platform.......498
The Tomcat Platform......498
The Apache Web Server................ 499
Apache Configuration Files........500
Apache Modules............500
Creating Virtual Hosts..... 502
Testing the Apache Server.............. 503
The MySQL Software...... 506
Accessing the Server................... 506
Changing the Root Password........507
The phpMyAdmin Tool........ 508
The PHP Software...............510
The PHP Configuration Files............ 510
PHP Extensions...................... 511
Using PHP......... 513
Tomcat Configuration..... 515
Testing Tomcat........515
Managing Tomcat..........518
Summary................. 520
Chapter 22: Samba and Print Server.........521
What Is Samba?....... 522
The Ubuntu Samba Environment....523
Samba Programs................523
Samba Configuration Files............524
Creating a Samba Server...................531
Editing the smb.conf File.......531
Defining Samba Passwords... 532
Managing Samba...........533
The Samba Client................ 533
The smbclient Program...........533
Interacting with a Windows Share............534
Connecting from Windows.............. 537
The CUPS Print Server......... 539
Printing in Linux......539
The CUPS Software........541
CUPS Configuration..............541
Managing CUPS Printers...... 542
Summary.................. 546
Chapter 23: Email Server........547
How Email Works..................... 548
Mail Transfer Agent.......549
Mail Delivery Agent.......551
Mail User Agent............553
Postfix Setup........... 557
Postfix Core Programs........558
Postfix Message Queues............. 559
Postfix Utility Programs..........560
Postfix Configuration Files..............561
Postfix Lookup Tables.......562
Installing Postfix........ 563
Internet Site.............563
Internet with SmartHost.......564
Satellite System............ 565
Local Only.......566
Configuring Postfix.................... 567
Wizard Windows.........566
Modifying Configuration Settings........573
The .procmailrc File............574
Using procmail........576
Chapter 24: Database Server.............579
The MySQL Server................... 580
The MySQL Server Files......580
The mysql Command.......585
Using mysql.......588
The PostgreSQL Server...................... 590
The PostgreSQL Files..........591
The psql Command.............594
Using psql...............597
Working with Databases.............. 599
Creating a Database.........599
Managing Users...600
Building Tables...........602
Adding and Viewing Data............. 603
Summary................. 604
Part 5: Programming in Ubuntu.................605
Chapter 25: Shell Scripts................607
Using Multiple Commands.....608
Creating a Script File.............. 608
Displaying Output................610
Using Variables.........612
Environment Variables.......... 612
User Variables.....613
The Backtick..........615
Redirecting Input and Output.............616
Output Redirection................ 616
Input Redirection.........617
Performing Math........ 620
The expr Command......... 620
Using Brackets............ 622
A Floating-Point Solution......... 623
Exiting the Script............. 626
Checking the Exit Status....627
The exit Command........628
Structured Commands................... 629
The if-then-else Statement......629
The test Command........ 631
Summary............ 636
Chapter 26: Perl and Python.................637
What Is Perl?............. 638
Working with Perl............. 638
Command-Line Interpreter.639
Creating a Perl Program...................................... 640
Perl Programming........................ 640
Using Variables in Perl........641
Structured Commands.......644
Perl Operators................. 646
Regular Expressions.............................. 648
Perl Command-Line Arguments......650
Perl Modules and CPAN.................651
What Is Python?.................. 652
Working with Python..........653
Programming in Python.............654
Python Variables and Data Structures......654
Tuples Variables.................655
Indentation in Structured Commands.......656
Object-Oriented Programming...........657
Python Command-Line Arguments.....657
Python Modules................ 658
Summary............. 659
Chapter 27: C Programming..................661
C Programming in Ubuntu....662
The GNU Compiler..............662
The GNU Assembler......665
The GNU Linker.........668
The GNU Debugger Program.............671
The GNU objdump Program........674
The GNU Profiler Program............676
Writing C Programs................... 681
C Program Format.............681
Sample Program..............684
Summary............ 685
Chapter 28: Java...................687
The Java Development Environment.688
Java Programs........... 688
Ubuntu Java Environments.....690
Using OpenJDK..........691
Installing OpenJDK........692
OpenJDK Components..........692
Java Development Environments.......693
Command-Line Tools.........694
Chapter 29: Ruby.................713
What Is Ruby?.......................714
Ruby on the Web...... 714
Ruby on Rails.....715
Installing Ruby................715
Ruby Components..........715
Installing Ruby in Ubuntu....... 716
Working with Ruby Code..........................719
Interactive Ruby........719
Scripting with Ruby..........720
Embedded Ruby..........721
The Ruby Language................ 722
Structured Commands........725
Object-Oriented Programming..........730
Creating Classes....730
Using Objects.........731
Adding Methods........... 732
Ruby on Rails............732
Creating a Project................. 733
Testing the Project............................ 736
Summary................. 739
Chapter 30: PHP...........741
What Is PHP?..............742
PHP in Ubuntu......743
Core Installation.............. 743
PHP Extensions.....745
Working with PHP......................747
Defining PHP Code................. 747
PHP Output.......... 749
The PHP Language....................751
PHP Variables............ 751
Iterating Through Arrays............... 754
Structured Commands............. 754
Including External Files.......756
Working with MySQL.....759
Object-Oriented PHP................. 760
Creating a Class in PHP...................... 761
Creating Objects..761
Writing OOP Code in PHP............ 762
Expanding on OOP.......................... 763
Class Constructors.................................... 765
PECL and PEAR............... 768
Summary....................................... 768

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