Relativity Demystified. McGraw-Hill


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Relativity Demystified

A Quick Review of Special Relativity
Fundamentally, our commonsense intuition about howthe universeworks is tied
up in notions about space and time. In 1905, Einstein stunned the physics world
with the special theory of relativity, a theory of space and time that challenges
many of these closely held commonsense assumptions about how the world
works. By accepting that the speed of light in vacuum is the same constant value
for all observers, regardless of their state of motion, we are forced to throw away
basic ideas about the passage of time and the lengths of rigid objects.

This book is about the general theory of relativity, Einstein’s theory of
gravity. Therefore our discussion of special relativity will be a quick overview
of concepts needed to understand the general theory. For a detailed discussion
of special relativity, please see our list of references and suggested reading at
the back of the book.

The theory of special relativity has its origins in a set of paradoxes that were
discovered in the study of electromagnetic phenomena during the nineteenth
century. In 1865, a physicist named James Clerk Maxwell published his famous
set of results we now call Maxwell’s equations. Through theoretical studies
alone, Maxwell discovered that there are electromagnetic waves and that they
travel at one speed—the speed of light c. Let’s take a quick detour to get a
glimpse into the way this idea came about. We will work in SI units.
In careful experimental studies, during the first half of the nineteenth century,

The theory of relativity stands out as one of the greatest achievements in science.
The “special theory”,which did not include gravity,was put forward by Einstein
in 1905 to explain many troubling facts that had arisen in the study of electricity
and magnetism. In particular, his postulate that the speed of light in vacuum is the
same constant seen by all observers forced scientists to throwaway many closely
held commonsense assumptions, such as the absolute nature of the passage of
time. In short, the theory of relativity challenges our notions of what reality is,
and this is one of the reasons why the theory is so interesting.

Einstein published the “general” theory of relativity, which is a theory about
gravity, about a decade later. This theory is far more mathematically daunting,
and perhaps this is why it took Einstein so long to come up with it. This theory is
more fundamental than the special theory of relativity; it is a theory of space and
time itself, and it not only describes, it explains gravity. Gravity is the distortion
of the structure of spacetime as caused by the presence of matter and energy,
while the paths followed by matter and energy (think of bending of passing light
rays by the sun) in spacetime are governed by the structure of spacetime. This
great feedback loop is described by Einstein’s field equations.

This is a book about general relativity. There is no getting around the fact
that general relativity is mathematically challenging, so we cannot hope to
learn the theory without mastering the mathematics. Our hope with this book
is to “demystify” that mathematics so that relativity is easier to learn and more
accessible to a wider audience than ever before. In this book we will not skip
any of the math that relativity requires, but we will present it in what we hope
to be a clear fashion and illustrate how to use it with many explicitly solved
examples. Our goal is to make relativity more accessible to everyone. Therefore
we hope that engineers, chemists, and mathematicians or anyone who has had
basic mathematical training at the college level will find this book useful. And
of course the book is aimed at physicists and astronomers 
who want to learn the theory.

The truth is that relativity looks much harder than it is. There is a lot to learn,
but once you get comfortable with the new math and new notation, you will
actually find it a bit easier than many other 
technical areas you have studied in the past.

This book is meant to be a self-study guide or a supplement, and not a fullblown
textbook. As a result we may not cover every detail and will not provide
lengthly derivations or detailed physical explanations. Those can be found in any
number of fine textbooks on the market. Our focus here is also in “demystifying”
the mathematical framework of relativity, and so we will not include lengthly
descriptions of physical arguments. At the end of the bookwe provide a listing of
references used in the development of this manuscript, and you can select books
from that list to find the details we are leaving out. In much of the material, we
take the approach in this book of stating theorems and results, and then applying
them in solved problems. Similar problems in the end-of chapter quiz help you
try things out yourself.

So if you are taking a relativity course, you might want to use this book to
help you gain better understanding of your main textbook, or help you to see
how to accomplish certain tasks. If you are interested in self-study, this book
will help you get started in your own mastery of the subject and make it easier
for you to read more advanced books.

While this book is taking a lighter approach than the textbooks in the field,
we are not going to cut corners on using advanced mathematics. The bottom
line is you are going to need some mathematical background to find this book
useful. Calculus is a must, studies of differential equations, vector analysis and
linear algebra are helpful. A background in basic physics is also helpful.

Relativity can be done in different ways using a coordinate-based approach
or differential forms and Cartan’s equations.We much prefer the latter approach
and will use it extensively. Again, it looks intimidating at first because there are
lots of Greek characters and fancy symbols, and it is a new way of doing things.
When doing calculations it does require a bit of attention to detail. But after a
bit of practice, you will find that its not really so hard. So we hope that readers
will invest the effort necessary to master this nice mathematical way of solving
physics problems.


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Product details
 File Size
 5,353 KB
 370 p
 File Type
 PDF format
 Print Version
 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc 

Preface xi
CHAPTER 1 A Quick Review of Special Relativity 1
Frame of Reference 5
Clock Synchronization 5
Inertial Frames 6
Galilean Transformations 7
Events 7
The Interval 8
Postulates of Special Relativity 9
Three Basic Physical Implications 13
Light Cones and Spacetime Diagrams 17
Four Vectors 19
Relativistic Mass and Energy 20
Quiz 21
CHAPTER 2 Vectors, One Forms, and the Metric 23
Vectors 23
New Notation 25
Four Vectors 27
The Einstein Summation Convention 28
Tangent Vectors, One Forms, and the
Coordinate Basis 29
Coordinate Transformations 31
For more information about this title, click here
The Metric 32
The Signature of a Metric 36
The Flat Space Metric 37
The Metric as a Tensor 37
Index Raising and Lowering 38
Index Gymnastics 41
The Dot Product 42
Passing Arguments to the Metric 43
Null Vectors 45
The Metric Determinant 45
Quiz 45
CHAPTER 3 More on Tensors 47
Manifolds 47
Parameterized Curves 49
Tangent Vectors and One Forms, Again 50
Tensors as Functions 53
Tensor Operations 54
The Levi-Cevita Tensor 59
Quiz 59
CHAPTER 4 Tensor Calculus 60
Testing Tensor Character 60
The Importance of Tensor Equations 61
The Covariant Derivative 62
The Torsion Tensor 72
The Metric and Christoffel Symbols 72
The Exterior Derivative 79
The Lie Derivative 81
The Absolute Derivative and Geodesics 82
The Riemann Tensor 85
The Ricci Tensor and Ricci Scalar 88
The Weyl Tensor and Conformal Metrics 90
Quiz 91
CHAPTER 5 Cartan’s Structure Equations 93
Introduction 93
Holonomic (Coordinate) Bases 94
Nonholonomic Bases 95
Commutation Coefficients 96
Commutation Coefficients and Basis
One Forms 98
Transforming between Bases 100
A Note on Notation 103
Cartan’s First Structure Equation and the
Ricci Rotation Coefficients 104
Computing Curvature 112
Quiz 120
CHAPTER 6 The Einstein Field Equations 122
Equivalence of Mass in Newtonian Theory 123
Test Particles 126
The Einstein Lift Experiments 126
The Weak Equivalence Principle 130
The Strong Equivalence Principle 130
The Principle of General Covariance 131
Geodesic Deviation 131
The Einstein Equations 136
The Einstein Equations with Cosmological
Constant 138
An Example Solving Einstein’s Equations
in 2 + 1 Dimensions 139
Energy Conditions 152
Quiz 152
CHAPTER 7 The Energy-Momentum Tensor 155
Energy Density 156
Momentum Density and Energy Flux 156
Stress 156
Conservation Equations 157
Dust 158
Perfect Fluids 160
Relativistic Effects on Number Density 163
More Complicated Fluids 164
Quiz 165
CHAPTER 8 Killing Vectors 167
Introduction 167
Derivatives of Killing Vectors 177
Constructing a Conserved Current
with Killing Vectors 178
Quiz 178
CHAPTER 9 Null Tetrads and the Petrov Classification 180
Null Vectors 182
A Null Tetrad 184
Extending the Formalism 190
Physical Interpretation and the Petrov
Classification 193
Quiz 201
CHAPTER 10 The Schwarzschild Solution 203
The Vacuum Equations 204
A Static, Spherically Symmetric Spacetime 204
The Curvature One Forms 206
Solving for the Curvature Tensor 209
The Vacuum Equations 211
The Meaning of the Integration Constant 214
The Schwarzschild Metric 215
The Time Coordinate 215
The Schwarzschild Radius 215
Geodesics in the Schwarzschild Spacetime 216
Particle Orbits in the Schwarzschild
Spacetime 218
The Deflection of Light Rays 224
Time Delay 229
Quiz 230
CHAPTER 11 Black Holes 233
Redshift in a Gravitational Field 234
Coordinate Singularities 235
Eddington-Finkelstein Coordinates 236
The Path of a Radially Infalling Particle 238
Eddington-Finkelstein Coordinates 239
Kruskal Coordinates 242
The Kerr Black Hole 244
Frame Dragging 249
The Singularity 252
A Summary of the Orbital Equations
for the Kerr Metric 252
Further Reading 253
Quiz 254
CHAPTER 12 Cosmology 256
The Cosmological Principle 257
A Metric Incorporating Spatial
Homogeneity and Isotropy 257
Spaces of Positive, Negative, and
Zero Curvature 262
Useful Definitions 264
The Robertson-Walker Metric and the
Friedmann Equations 267
Different Models of the Universe 271
Quiz 276
CHAPTER 13 Gravitational Waves 279
The Linearized Metric 280
Traveling Wave Solutions 284
The Canonical Form and Plane Waves 287
The Behavior of Particles as a
Gravitational Wave Passes 291
The Weyl Scalars 294
Review: Petrov Types and the
Optical Scalars 295
pp Gravity Waves 297
Plane Waves 301
The Aichelburg-Sexl Solution 303
Colliding Gravity Waves 304
The Effects of Collision 311
More General Collisions 312
Nonzero Cosmological Constant 318
Further Reading 321
Quiz 322
Final Exam 323
Quiz and Exam Solutions 329
References and Bibliography 333
Index 337

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