Secrets of Your Face. Kiana Lee


Kiana Lee

UnCover the REAL Personality Behind the People 
In your Life and Read Them Like an Open Book

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Secrets of Your Face

About the Author
Kiana Lee
All we want is a better life for ourselves, but we end up hating the ‘flaws’ that
prevent us from having the life we want and deserve.

Instead of truly looking at ourselves we only look long enough to cover up
what is there. Whether it’s the make up we put on or the mask that settles over
our face before we step outside, it’s never our true self that we show the world.
We have learnt to hide our precious true self, because when we have in the past
we received only rejection and pain in return.

How can we begin to understand and relate to others in our relationships when
we have not even really begun to see ourselves in the mirror? “
Kiana Lee shows people to look at themselves with awareness and how to do it
gently. In helping others create a new awareness of themselves, of choices and
open doors appear in places they thought only walls existed.

“It’s not just about who’s from Mars and who’s from Venus. We are individuals
and unique in who we are. Just like we all have different learning styles, we all
also have different ways of thinking and therefore communicating. We can’t
always speak to others based on our own life experience because they have had
experiences different from ours. We have to communicate in a way that they
can relate to. By having insight other people we can communicate better. By
understanding ourselves we can begin to understand others.”

Kiana Lee spent years living in North America, Asia and Europe, observing the
differences in the cultures, in the languages and in the interaction between individuals.
After her father passed away from cancer she went into isolation from her
friends and family for many years, focusing inward on meditation and qi gong. It
was during that period that her career really began as she noticed that even while
she locked away from the world, the world still came to seek her out.

People were naturally drawn to her and found themselves unburdening their problems
before they even knew her name. While she still doesn’t believe she can save
the world, she does believe in the importance of communication and listening. Listening
with our eyes and ears brings understanding. From understanding change
can take place. The change that will come from ourselves because we are our own
guru and our own foremost authority.

Most people judge us in the first minutes of a meeting. They have made up
their minds about us based on how we look and act and few of us ever have
a second chance to give a different impression. While we can easily change
how we dress, changing how we act is more of a challenge, especially when
we don’t know where to start.

Many of us, on the other hand, through observation, interaction with people
and life experience, unconsciously adjust our behaviour to get along better
with the person across from us. We are able to do that because we have
an intuition of the person’s personality and character from our past experiences.
It could simply be that we encountered someone like this person
in our past and now have a fair idea of how this person might act or
react. It adds up to cumulative experience combined with observation that
connect people’s character and attitude to their looks, actions or gestures.
Take someone who doesn’t look you in the eye when they talk to you; We
instantly know that either this person has something to hide or they are insecure
about themselves and unsure of themselves in the outer world.

By understanding the structures of the face we can accurately get to know
someone and even have a good idea of their life experiences; whether they
feel life is a cup half empty or half full, tend to be generous by nature, or
even if they are meticulous. This book introduces us to a quicker way of
understanding people which then allows us to better communicate in our
relationships. Instead of wondering about where the person opposite us is
coming from we now can not only understand them, but also understand
them in relation to us. We will know why they are treating us the way they
are because we understand how they are unconsciously reacting to our own
facial features.

Our facial features or structures are always relative to the person next to us.
For instance, while we might appear to be a great actor in our local drama
class, we would pale in comparison to Sir Anthony Hopkins. It is the same
with understanding the secrets of the face. Once we begin to do so with this
book it not only becomes a very powerful tool for great relationships on all
levels, but in our daily communication as well.

How to use this book
When you first read this book, read it with yourself in mind. Where do you
fit in? What speaks to you? Then remember that everything in this book is
relative. For example, you might have full lips in comparison to everyone
in your family, but to your friends you have thinner lips. Lips generally are
about expressing, talking and giving of yourself. So while in your family
you might be the most talkative member, you may find yourself the least
talkative amongst your friends. Keep this in mind when you are looking at
the traits in this book.

Once you identify with your trait and read your own face, you can then
understand how others compare to you by reading their faces. Are they
more expressive than you or less? Are they more open minded in comparison
to you or less? Even if you are generally an open minded person, you
will appear narrow minded to them if they have more of that trait than you do.

Knowing yourself and others puts you in a position of understanding. Once
you realize why you are reacting to someone the way you are and what trait
is triggering your reaction then you are given a choice. You can change your
reaction because you now understand why that person is acting as they are.
You sould strive to avoid abusing this information by using it to justify your
own behaviour. i.e. I have full lips and since that means I’m a talker and you
should listen! Instead you will realize that the person across from you has
less full lips than you and that’s why they hardly talk around you! So if you
want to hear more of what they say, you get to keep quiet long enough for
them to start talking and don’t interrupt once they do!

Combining Traits
This is where things get really fun! At first you will be seeing the face structure
by structure like pieces of a puzzle. After that you get to put it together
to see the whole picture.

Let’s say someone has full lips , large irises, and a narrow face. This is the
perfect “damsel in distress”. During times of stress she will be openly emotional
with plenty of tears as she tells you her woeful tale of sorrow. She
will need a shoulder to lean on as she confesses all her feelings until the sunrises.

And the hero that she leans on with thinner lips, straight eyebrows and a
broad strong face will be be listening, reserved and her pillar of strength as
he is for everyone else.

Translated into real life terms when you put them side by side: the lady will
often find herself talking not only all the time, but also non stop about her
emotions and feelings. The guy will hold himself in reserve and be another
one of those strong silent types.

What if you met someone with straight eyebrows and full lips? Full lips
would imply that they are talkative but how does this combine with reserved
eyebrows? What you get is someone who re-serves their opinions to themselves
a lot before they say them out loud. Someone who will not talk much
unless they are very comfortable or passionate about the subject of conversation.
There are also instances where a trait is in denial. An example of a trait in
denial is when the person acts in the opposite of the trait they have. Which
confuses everyone of course, because the person might look like a talker
and yet doesn’t talk.

As you can see it can get to be complicated.
For an in depth reading of the face visit


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Product details
 File Size
 220 KB
 30 p
 File Type
 PDF format
 2003 by Kiana Lee, Your Alternative Health 

Table of Contents
Introduction. . . . . 5
How to use this book . . . 6
Combining Traits . . . . 7
Result orientated . . . . . 8
Process orientated. . . . 9
Cautious type. . . . . 10
Confident type  . . . . . 11
Intolerant of error . . . 12
Tolerant of error . . . .. 13
Self controlled type . . . . . 14
Emotional type .  . . . 15
Up close and personal . . . . . 16
Discriminating . . .. . 17
Reserved type . .. . 18
Dramatic type . . . . 19
Reliant on others approval .  . . . 20
Reliant solely on myself . . . . 21
Concise type . .  . . . 22
Verbal type . . .  23
Reflective before giving . . . 24
Generous type . . .  . 25
About the Author . . . . . . 26
Personal and partnership profile . . . . 27
Order form . . . . . . 28


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