Advances in Enterprise Information Technology Security


Information science reference

Djamel Khadraoui
Public Research Centre Henri Toudor, Luxembourg
Francine Herrmann
University Paul Vertaine-Metz, France

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Advances in Enterprise Information Technology Security


This excellent reference source offers a fascinating new insight into modern issues of security. It brings together contributions from an international group of active researchers who, between them, are addressing a number of the current key challenges in providing enterprise-wide information technology solutions.
The general area of security has long been acknowledged as vitally important in enterprise systems design; because of the key role it has in protecting the resources belonging to the organization and in ensuring that the organization meets its objectives. Historically, the emphasis has been on protecting complete systems and hardening the communications between trusted systems against external attack.
Architects have concentrated on creating an encapsulation boundary supported by a trusted computing base able to control the access to all the available resources.
However, the themes selected for this book illustrate a change of emphasis that has been in progress over recent years. There has been a steady movement during this time towards finer grain control with the introduction of progressively more subtle distinctions of role and responsibility and more precise characterization of target resources. The controls applied have also become more dynamic, with increasing emphasis on delegation of responsibility and change of organizational structure, and the need for powerful trust models to support them. At the same time there has been a blurring of the traditional boundaries, because of the need for controlled cooperation and limited sharing of resources. The protection
is in terms of smaller and more specialized resource units, operated in potentially more hostile environments.
Two examples may help to illustrate this trend. On the one hand, there is a need to protect information and privileges embodied in mobile devices. A mobile phone or PDA may contain information or access tokens of considerable sensitivity and importance, and the impact of loss or theft of the device needs to be bounded by system support that resists tampering and illicit use. On the other hand, digital rights management focuses on the protection against unauthorized use of items of information, ranging from software to entertainment media, which need to be subject to access controls even when resident within
the systems managed by a potential attacker. Both these situations challenge the traditional complete system view of security provision.
These examples illustrate that the emphasis is on flexibility of the organizational infrastructure and on the introduction of new styles of information use. However, this is not primarily a book about mechanisms; it is about enterprise concerns and on the interplay that is required between enterprise goals and security solutions. Even a glance at the contents makes this clear. The emphasis is on architecture and the interplay of trust, threat and risk analysis. Illustrated by practical examples and concerns, the discussion
covers the subtle relationship between the exploitation of new opportunities and the exposure to new threats. Strong countermeasures that rule out otherwise attractive organizational structures represent a lost opportunity, but business decisions that change the underlying assumptions in a way that invalidates the trust and risk analysis may threaten the viability of the organization in a fundamental way.
Nothing illustrates this better than the growing importance of social engineering, or phishing, styles of attack. The attacks are based on abuse of the social relationship that must be developed between an organization and its clients, and on the ignorance of most users of the way authentication works and of the dangerous side effects of communicating with untrusted systems. Countermeasures range from education and management actions to the development of authentication techniques suitable for application between mutually suspicious systems.
One of the messages to be taken from these essays is that security must be a major consideration at all stages in the planning and development of information technology solutions. Although this is a view that experts have been promoting for many years, it is still not universally adopted. Yet we know that retrofitting security to partially completed designs is much more expensive and is often ineffectual. Risk analysis needs to start during the formulation of a business process, and the enterprise needs a wellformulated
trust model as an accepted part of its organizational structure. Only in this way can really
well-informed technical choices be made about the information technology infrastructure needed to support any given business initiative. The stronger integration of business and infrastructure concerns also allows timely feedback on any social or organizational changes required by the adoption of particular technical solutions, thus reducing the risk of future social attacks. For these reasons, the section on risk management and its integration with the software lifecycle is a fitting culmination of the themes presented here. It is the endpoint of a journey from technical architectures, through trust models and threat awareness to intelligent control of risks and security responses to them.
I hope this book will stimulate a greater awareness of the whole range of security issues facing the modern enterprise in its adoption of information technology, and that it will help to convince the framers of organizational policy of the importance of addressing these issues throughout the lifecycle of new business solutions, from their inception through deployment and into service. We all know that reduction of risk brings competitive advantage, and this book shows some of the ways in which suitable security
approaches can do so.
Peter F. Linington
Professor of Computer Communication

University of Kent, UK

Peter Linington is a professor of computer communication and head of the Networks and Distributed Systems Research Group at the University of Kent. His current work focuses on distributed enterprise modeling, the checking of enterprise pattern application and policy-based management. He has been heavily involved in the development of the ISO standard architecture for open distributed processing, particularly the enterprise language. His recent work in this area has focused on the monitoring of contractual behaviour in e-business systems. He has worked on the use of multiviewpoint approaches for expressing distribution architectures, and collaborated regularly with colleagues on the formal basis of such system. He was been an advocate of model-driven approaches before they became fashionable, and experimented in the Permabase project with performance prediction from models. He is currently working on the application of model driven techniques to security problems. He has performed consultancy for BT on the software engineering aspects of distribution architectures. He has recently been awarded an IBM Faculty Award to expand work on the enhancement of the Eclipse modelling framework with support for OCL constraint checking.

In the last decade information and computer security is mainly moving from the confines of academia to the enterprise concerns. As populations become more and more comfortable with the extensive use of networks and the Internet, as our reliance on the knowledge-intensive technology grows, and as progress in the computer software and wireless telecommunication increases accessibility, there will be a higher risk of unmanageable failure in enterprise systems.
In fact, today’s information systems are widely spread and connected over the networks, but also heterogeneous, which involves more complexity. This situation has a dramatic drawback regarding threats, which are now occurring on such networks. Indeed, the drawback of being open and interconnected is that they are more and more vulnerable as a wide range of threats and attacks. These attacks have appeared during the last few years and are growing continuously with IP emergence and with all new technologies exploiting it (SIP vulnerabilities, phishing attacks, etc.) and also due to the threats exposing operators (DDOS) and end user (phishing attacks, worms, etc.). The Slammer and SoBig attacks are some of the
examples that were widely covered in the media and broadcast into the average citizen home.
From the enterprise perspective, information about customers, competitors, products and processes is a key issue for its success. The increasing importance of information technology for production, providing and maintaining consistent security of this information on servers and across networks becomes one of the major enterprise business activities. This means that it requires a high flexibility of the organizational infrastructure and on the introduction of new ways of information usage.
In such a complex world, there is a strong need of security to ensure system protection in order to
maintain the enterprise activities operational. However, this book gathers some essays that will stimulate a greater awareness of the whole range of security issues facing the modern enterprise. It mainly shows how important to have a strong interaction that is required between enterprise goals and security solutions.

It is the purpose of this book to provide a practical survey of the principals and practice of IT security with respect to enterprise business systems. It also offers a broad working knowledge of all the major security issues affecting today’s enterprise IT activities, giving readers the tools to address opportunities in the field. This is mainly because the security factors provide to the enterprise a high potential in order to provide trusted services to their customers. This book shows also to readers how to apply a number of security techniques to the enterprise environment with its complex and various applications.
It covers the many domains related to the enterprise security, including: communication networks and authorisation and enterprise security risk management.
This book gathers a best collection of papers written by many authors instead of a book that focuses on a specific approach or methodology.

Intended Audience
Aimed at the information technology practitioner, the book is valuable to CIO’s, operations managers, network managers, database managers, software architects, application integrators, programmers, and analysts. The book is also suitable for graduate, master and postgraduate course in computer science as well as for computers in business courses.

Structure Of The Book
The book chapters are organized in logical groupings that are akin to appropriate levels in an enterprise IT security. Each section of the actual book is devoted to carefully chosen papers, some of which reflect individual authors’ experience. The strength of this approach is that it gives a benefit from a rich diversity of viewpoints and deep subject matter knowledge.
The book is organized into eighteen chapters. A brief description of each of the chapters follows:
Chapter I proposes three different realistic security-level network architectures that may be currently deployed within companies. For more realistic analysis and illustration, two examples of companies with different size and profile are given. A number of advices, explanations and guidelines are provided in this chapter so readers are able to adapt those architectures to their own companies and both security and network needs.
Chapter II is dedicated to the security requirements detailing various secured middleware systems, such as GRID computing, which implies sharing heterogeneous resources, located in different places belonging to different administrative domains over a heterogeneous network. It shows that there is a great similarity between GRID security and classical network security. Moreover, additional requirements specific to grid environments exist. At the end, the chapter gives some examples of companies using such systems.
Chapter III describes in detail the fundamental security requirements of a Symbian based mobile
device such as physical protection, device access control, storage protection, network access control, network service access control, and network connection security. Symbian security is also evaluated by discussing its weaknesses and by comparing it to other mobile operating systems.
Chapter IV describes in its first part the security features of IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks, and shows their weaknesses. A practical guideline for choosing the preferred WLAN configuration is given. The second part of this chapter is dedicated to the wireless radio network by presenting the associated threats with some practical defence strategies.
Chapter V presents first a classification and a brief description of intrusion detection systems, taking into account several issues such as information sources, analysis of intrusion detection systems, response options for intrusion detection systems, analysis timing, control strategy, and architecture of intrusion detection systems. It is then discussed the problem of information exchange among intrusion detection systems, being addressed the intrusion detection exchange protocol and a format for the exchange of information among intrusion detection systems. The lack of a format of the answers or countermeasures interchanged between the components of intrusion detection systems is also discussed as well as some future trends in this area.
Chapter VI presents security solutions in integrated patient-centric Web based healthcare information systems, also known as electronic healthcare record (EHCR). Security solutions in several projects have been presented and in particular a solution for EHCR integration from scratch. Implementations of, privilege management infrastructure, role based access control and rule based access control in EHCR have been presented. Regarding EHCR integration from scratch architecture and security have been proposed and discussed.
Chapter VII proposes a novel interactive access control model: servers should be able to interact
with clients asking for missing or excessing credentials whereas clients my decided to comply or not with the requested credentials. The process iterates until a final agreement is reached or denied. Further the chapter shows how to model a trust negotiation protocol that allows two entities in a network to automatically negotiate requirements needed to access a service. A practical implementation of the access control model is given using X.509 and SAML standards.
Chapter VIII aims to put into perspective the delegation implications, issues and concepts that are
derived from a selected group of authorization schemes which have been proposed during recent years as solutions to the distributed authorization problem. It is also the analysis of some of the most interesting federation solutions that have been developed by different consortiums or companies, representing both educational and enterprise points of view. The final part of this chapter focuses on different formalisms specifically developed to support delegation services and which can be integrated into a multiplicity of applications.
Chapter IX introduces digital rights management (DRM) in the perspective of digital policy management (DPM) focusing on the enterprise and corporate sector. DRM has become a domain in full expansion with many stakes, which are by far not only technological. They also touch legal aspects as well as business and economic. Information is a strategic resource and as such requires a responsible approach of its management almost to the extent of being patrimonial. This chapter mainly focuses on the latter introducing DRM concepts, standards and the underlying technologies from its origins to its most recent developments in order to assess the challenges and opportunities of enterprise digital policy management.
Chapter X describes common attacks on antivirus tools and a few obfuscation techniques applied
to recent viruses that were used to thwart commercial grade antivirus tools. Similarities among different malware and their variants are also presented in this chapter. The signature used in this method is the percentage of APIs (application programming interface) appearing in the malware type.
Chapter XI describes the various ways in which phishing can take place. This is followed by a
description of key strategies that can be adopted for protection of end users and organizations. The end user protection strategies include desktop protection agents, password management tools, secure email, simple and trusted browser setting, and digital signature. Some of the commercially available and popular antiphishing products are also described in this chapter.
Chapter XII describes the threat of phishing in which attackers generally sent a fraudulent email to their victims in an attempt to trick them into revealing private information. This chapter starts defining the phishing threat and its impact on the financial industry. Next, it reviews different types of hardware and software attacks and their countermeasures. Finally, it discusses policies that can protect an organization against phishing attacks. An understanding of how phishers elicit confidential information along with technology and policy-based countermeasures will empower managers and end-users to better protect their information systems.
Chapter XIII provides a wide spectrum of end users with a complete reference on malicious code
or malware. End users include researchers, students, as well as information technology and security professionals in their daily activities. First, the author provides an overview of malicious code, its past, present, and future. Second, he presents methodologies, guidelines and recommendation on how an organization can enhance its prevention of malicious code, how it should respond to the occurrence of a malware incident, and how it should learn from such an incident to be better prepared in the future.
Finally, the author addresses the issue of the current research as well as future trends of malicious code and the new and future means of malware prevention.
Chapter XIV provides a wide spectrum of existing security risk management methodologies. The
chapter starts presenting the concept and the objectives of enterprise risk management. Some exiting security risk management methods are then presented by sowing the way to enhance their applications to enterprise needs.
Chapter XV presents a system life cycle and suggests which aspects of security should be covered
at which life cycle stage of the system. Based on this it is presented a process framework that due to its iteratively and detailed ness accommodates the needs for life cycle oriented security management.
Chapter XVI presents a study on the classification of software specification languages discussing
the current state of the art regarding attack languages. Specification languages are categorized based on their features and their main purposes. A detailed comparison among attack languages is provided. We show the example extensions of the two software specification languages to include some features of the attack languages. We believe that extending certain types of software specification languages to express security aspects like attack descriptions is a major step towards unifying software and security engineering.
Chapter XVII qualifies and treats the security associated with the transfer of the content, as a quality of service parameter. The user is free to select the parameter depending up on the content being transferred. As dictated by the demanding situations, a minimum agreed security would be assured for the data at the expense of the appropriate resources over the network.
Chapter XVIII gives an introduction to the CORAS approach for model-based security risk analysis. It presents a guided walkthrough of the CORAS risk analysis process based on examples from risk analysis of security, trust and legal issues in a collaborative engineering virtual organisation. CORAS makes use of structured brainstorming to identify risks and treatments. To get a good picture of the risks, it is important to involve people with different insight into the target being analysed, such as end users, developers and managers. One challenge in this setting is to bridge the communication gap between the participants, who typically have widely different backgrounds and expertise. The use of graphical models supports communication and understanding between these participants. The CORAS graphical
language for threat modelling has been developed especially with this goal in mind.

Table of Contents
Foreword .............xii
Preface ........... xiv
Acknowledgment ............xviii

Section I
Security Architectures
Chapter I
Security Architectures / Sophie Gastellier-Prevost and 
Maryline Laurent-Maknavicius.......... 1
Chapter II
Security in GRID Computing / Eric Garcia, Hervé Guyennet, Fabien Hantz, and
Jean-Christophe Lapayre............ 20
Chapter III
Security of Symbian Based Mobile Devices / Göran Pulkkis, Kay J. Grahn,
Jonny Karlsson, and Nhat Dai Tran .......... 31
Chapter IV
Wireless Local Area Network Security / Michéle Germain, 
Alexis Ferrero, and Jouni Karvo............ 75
Chapter V
Interoperability Among Intrusion Detection Systems / Mário M. Freire ..... 92

Section II
Trust, Privacy, and Authorization
Chapter VI
Security in E-Health Applications / Snezana Sucurovic ........ 104
Chapter VII
Interactive Access Control and Trust Negotiation for Autonomic Communication /
Hristo Koshutanski and Fabio Massacci....... 120
Chapter VIII
Delegation Services: A Step Beyond Authorization / Isaac Agudo, 
Javier Lopez, and Jose A. Montenegro........ 149
Chapter IX
From DRM to Enterprise Rights and Policy Management: 
Challenges and Opportunities/Jean-Henry Morin and Michel Pawlak.......... 169

Section III
Chapter X
Limitations of Current Antivirus Scanning Technologies / Srinivas Mukkamala,
Antonins Sulaiman, Patrick Chavez, and Andew H. Sung....... 190
Chapter XI
Phishing: The New Security Threat on the Internet / Indranil Bose..... 210
Chapter XII
Phishing Attacks and Countermeasures:
Implications for Enterprise Information Security / Bogdan Hoanca 
and Kenrick Mock .... 221
Chapter XIII
Prevention and Handlind of Malicious Code / Halim Khelafa...... 239

Section IV
Risk Management
Chapter XIV
Security Risk Management Methodologies / Francine 
Herrmann and Djamel Khadraoui ...... 261
Chapter XV
Information System Life Cycles and Security/ Albin Zuccato .... 274
Chapter XVI
Software Specification and Attack Langauges / Mohammed Hussein, Mohammed Raihan,
and Mohammed Zulkernine ........ 285
Chapter XVII
Dynamic Management of Security Constraints in Advanced Enterprises/ R. Manjunath....... 302
Chapter XVIII
Assessing Enterprise Risk Level: The CORAS Approach / Fredrik Vraalsen, Tobias Mahler, Mass Soldal Lund, Ida Hogganvik, Folker den Braber, and Ketil Stølen..... 311
Compilation of References ...334
About the Contributors ......355
Index........ 363
Detail Table of Contents
Foreword ......xii
Preface ..... xiv
Acknowledgment .....xviii
Section I
Security Architectures
Chapter I
Security Architectures / Sophie Gastellier-Prevost and Maryline Laurent-Maknavicius....................... 1
This chapter proposes three different realistic security-level network architectures that may be currently deployed within companies. For more realistic analysis and illustration, two examples of companies with different size and profile are given. Advices, explanations, and guidelines are provided in this chapter so that readers are able to adapt those architectures to their own companies and to security and network needs.
Chapter II
Security in GRID Computing / Eric Garcia, Hervé Guyennet, Fabien Hantz, and
Jean-Christophe Lapayre............... 20
GRID computing implies sharing heterogeneous resources, located in different places, belonging to different administrative domains, over a heterogeneous network. There is a great similarity between GRID security and classical network security. Moreover, additional requirements specific to grid environments exist. This chapter is dedicated to these security requirements, detailing various secured middleware systems. Finally, the chapter gives some examples of companies using such systems.
Chapter III
Security of Symbian Based Mobile Devices / Göran Pulkkis, Kay J. Grahn,
Jonny Karlsson, and Nhat Dai Tran ........ 31
Fundamental security requirements of a Symbian-based mobile device such as physical protection, device access control, storage protection, network access control, network service access control, and network connection security are described in detail in this chapter. Symbian security is also evaluated by discussing its weaknesses and by comparing it to other mobile operating systems.
Chapter IV
Wireless Local Area Network Security / Michéle Germain, Alexis Ferrero, and Jouni Karvo............ 75
This chapter describes in its first part the security features of IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks and shows their weaknesses. A practical guideline for choosing the preferred WLAN configuration is given. The second part of this chapter is dedicated to the wireless radio network by presenting the associated threats with some practical defence strategies.
Chapter V
Interoperability Among Intrusion Detection Systems / Mário M. Freire ...... 92
This chapter presents first a classification and a brief description of intrusion detection systems, taking into account several issues such as information sources, analysis of intrusion detection systems, response options for intrusion detection systems, analysis timing, control strategy, and architecture of intrusion detection systems. The problem of information exchange among intrusion detection systems, the intrusion detection exchange protocol, and a format for the exchange of information among intrusion detection systems is discussed. The lack of a format of the answers or countermeasures interchanged between the components of intrusion detection systems is also discussed as well as some future trends in this area.
Section II
Trust, Privacy, and Authorization
Chapter VI
Security in E-Health Applications / Snezana Sucurovic ...... 104
This chapter presents security solutions in integrated patient-centric Web-based health-care information systems, also known as electronic health-care record (EHCR). Security solutions in several projects have been presented and in particular a solution for EHCR integration from scratch. Implementations of Public Key Infrastructure, privilege management infrastructure, role-based access control, and rule-based access control in EHCR have been presented. Regarding EHCR integration from scratch, architecture and security have been proposed and discussed.
Chapter VII
Interactive Access Control and Trust Negotiation for Autonomic Communication /
Hristo Koshutanski and Fabio Massacci......... 120
This chapter proposes a novel interactive access control model: servers should be able to interact with clients asking for missing or excessing credentials, whereas clients my decided to comply or not with the requested credentials. The process iterates until a final agreement is reached or denied. Further, the chapter shows how to model a trust negotiation protocol that allows two entities in a network to automatically negotiate requirements needed to access a service. A practical implementation of the access control model is given using X.509 and SAML standards.
Chapter VIII
Delegation Services: A Step Beyond Authorization / Isaac Agudo, Javier Lopez, and
Jose A. Montenegro.......... 149
Because delegation is a concept derived from authorization, this chapter aims to put into perspective the delegation implications, issues, and concepts that are derived from a selected group of authorization schemes that have been proposed during recent years as solutions to the distributed authorization problem. It is also the analysis of some of the most interesting federation solutions that have been developed by different consortiums or companies, representing both educational and enterprise points of view. The final part of this chapter focuses on different formalisms specifically developed to support delegation
services and which can be integrated into a multiplicity of applications.
Chapter IX
From DRM to Enterprise Rights and Policy Management: Challenges and Opportunities/
Jean-Henry Morin and Michel Pawlak......... 169
This chapter introduces digital rights management (DRM) in the perspective of digital policy management (DPM), focusing on the enterprise and corporate sector. DRM has become a domain in full expansion with many stakes, which are by far not only technological. They also touch legal aspects as well as business and economic. Information is a strategic resource and as such requires a responsible approach of its management, almost to the extent of being patrimonial. This chapter mainly focuses on
the latter introducing DRM concepts, standards and the underlying technologies from its origins to its most recent developments in order to assess the challenges and opportunities of enterprise digital policy management.
Section III
Chapter X
Limitations of Current Antivirus Scanning Technologies / Srinivas Mukkamala,
Antonins Sulaiman, Patrick Chavez, and Andew H. Sung....... 190
This chapter describes common attacks on antivirus tools and a few obfuscation techniques applied to recent viruses that were used to thwart commercial-grade antivirus tools. Similarities among different malware and their variants are also presented in this chapter. The signature used in this method is the percentage of application programming interface (APIs) appearing in the malware type.
Chapter XI
Phishing: The New Security Threat on the Internet / Indranil Bose......... 210
The various ways in which phishing can take place are described in this chapter. This is followed by a description of key strategies that can be adopted for protection of end users and organizations. The end user protection strategies include desktop protection agents, password management tools, secure e-mail, simple and trusted browser setting, and digital signature. Some of the commercially available and popular antiphishing products are also described in this chapter.
Chapter XII
Phishing Attacks and Countermeasures: 
Implications for Enterprise Information Security / Bogdan Hoanca and Kenrick Mock .... 221
This chapter describes the threat of phishing in which attackers generally sent a fraudulent e-mail to their victims in an attempt to trick them into revealing private information. This chapter starts defining the phishing threat and its impact on the financial industry. Next, it reviews different types of hardware and software attacks and their countermeasures. Finally, it discusses policies that can protect an organization against phishing attacks. An understanding of how phishers elicit confidential information along with technology and policy-based countermeasures will empower managers and end users to better protect their information systems.
Chapter XIII
Prevention and Handlind of Malicious Code / Halim Khelafa....... 239
This chapter provides a wide spectrum of end users with a complete reference on malicious code, or malware. End users include researchers, students, as well as information technology and security professionals in their daily activities. First, the author provides an overview of malicious code, its past, present, and future. Second, he presents methodologies, guidelines and recommendation on how an organization can enhance its prevention of malicious code, how it should respond to the occurrence of a malware incident, and how it should learn from such an incident to be better prepared in the future.
Finally, the author addresses the issue of the current research as well as future trends of malicious code and the new and future means of malware prevention.
Section IV
Risk Management
Chapter XIV
Security Risk Management Methodologies / Francine Herrmann and Djamel Khadraoui ..... 261
This chapter provides a wide spectrum of existing security risk management methodologies. 
The chapter starts presenting the concept and the objectives of enterprise risk management. Some exiting security risk management methods are then presented by sowing the way to enhance their application to enterprise needs.
Chapter XV
Information System Life Cycles and Security/ Albin Zuccato ..... 274
This chapter presents a system life cycle and suggests which aspects of security should be covered at which life-cycle stage of the system. Based on this, a process framework is presented that, due to its iterativity and detailedness, accommodates the needs for life-cycle oriented security management.
Chapter XVI
Software Specification and Attack Langauges / Mohammed Hussein, Mohammed Raihan,
and Mohammed Zulkernine ....... 285
In this chapter, it is presented a study on the classification of software specification languages discussing the current state of the art regarding attack languages. Specification languages are categorized based on their features and their main purposes. A detailed comparison among attack languages is provided. We show the example extensions of the two software specification languages to include some features of the attack languages. We believe that extending certain types of software specification languages to express security aspects like attack descriptions is a major step towards unifying software and security engineering.
Chapter XVII
Dynamic Management of Security Constraints in 
Advanced Enterprises/ R. Manjunath.................. 302
In this chapter, the security associated with the transfer of the content is quantified and treated as a quality of service parameter. The user is free to select the parameter depending upon the content being transferred. As dictated by the demanding situations, a minimum agreed security would be assured for the data at the expense of the appropriate resources over the network.
Chapter XVIII
Assessing Enterprise Risk Level: The CORAS Approach / Fredrik Vraalsen, Tobias Mahler,
Mass Soldal Lund, Ida Hogganvik, Folker den Braber, and Ketil Stølen........ 311
This chapter gives an introduction to the CORAS approach for model-based security risk analysis. It presents a guided walkthrough of the CORAS risk-analysis process based on examples from risk analysis of security, trust, and legal issues in a collaborative engineering virtual organisation. CORAS makes use of structured brainstorming to identify risks and treatments. To get a good picture of the risks, it is important to involve people with different insight into the target being analysed, such as end users, developers and managers. One challenge in this setting is to bridge the communication gap between the participants, who typically have widely different backgrounds and expertise. The use of graphical models supports communication and understanding between these participants. The CORAS graphical language for threat modelling has been developed especially with this goal in mind.
Compilation of References ....334
About the Contributors ......355
Index........... 363


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 888 p
 File Size
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 File Type
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 978-1-59904-090-5 (hardcover) 
 978-1-59904-092-9 (ebook)
 2007 by IGI Global 

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