Tribe of Hackers: Cybersecurity Advice from the Best Hackers in the World

Marcus J. Carey 

Jennifer Jin

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Book Details
 413 p
 File Size 
 12,932 KB
 File Type
 PDF format
 2019 by Marcus J. Carey 

My mind is in a very peaceful and reflective mood. I’m
nearing the end of my first time away from work in at least
three years, most of which has been a blur as I founded my
own cybersecurity firm.

I’ve learned a lot about venture capital, investors, and
mentors—as well as what it takes to build a company from
just an idea. It’s been an amazing journey. My reputation
as a white hat hacker gave me the credibility to get this far,
and we’re just getting started.

I believe in giving as I go. In other words, instead of waiting
until I “make it” to give back to others, I have been trying
to mentor everyone I come across along the way. I have
always been the type to want to help others, so I mean
it when I say you’re welcome to email or meet me for
guidance about anything. I will always try my best to help.

Over the last year, I’ve listened to hundreds of hours
of audiobooks while going to and from work and while
walking the dogs. One of the books that really impressed
me was Tribe of Mentors by Timothy Ferriss, and it
stands as the inspiration for this book’s concept. I highly
recommend this thought-provoking read on life and
business, especially if you’re a fan of self-help books or entrepreneurship.

In his book, Ferriss asked famous people from his
impressive network eleven questions, and then the magic
just happens. For me, this immediately sparked the idea
that there should be a cybersecurity version of the book.
So, I compiled the most common questions people ask me
about cybersecurity and then narrowed it down to the list
you are about to see.

In total, I ended up with 14 questions. The questions
initially start with views of cybersecurity at-large and
then become more personal. I noticed that when I have
conversations at conferences, this is the normal flow. We
call these types of conversations “hallway-con,” because
some of the best learning happens between the scheduled
talks and events.

After compiling the questions, I started reaching out to
my network of friends and colleagues in the industry and
asked them to be a part of this book. I was humbled by
the response. In total, we ended up with 70 inspiring and
thought-provoking interviews with notable hackers—
including such luminaries as Lesley Carhart, David
Kennedy, and Bruce Potter.

But before we launch into the interviews, let’s take a quick
look at the questions:
1. If there is one myth that you could debunk in
cybersecurity, what would it be?
2. What is one of the biggest bang-for-the-buck
actions that an organization can take to improve
their cybersecurity posture?
3. How is it that cybersecurity spending is
increasing but breaches are still happening?
4. Do you need a college degree or certification
to be a cybersecurity professional?
5. How did you get started in the cybersecurity field,
and what advice would you give to a beginner
pursuing a career in cybersecurity?
6. What is your specialty in cybersecurity?
How can others gain expertise in your specialty?
7. What is your advice for career success when it
comes to getting hired, climbing the corporate
ladder, or starting a company in cybersecurity?
8. What qualities do you believe all highly successful
cybersecurity professionals share?
9. What is the best book or movie that can be
used to illustrate cybersecurity challenges?
10. What is your favorite hacker movie?
11. What are your favorite books for motivation,
personal development, or enjoyment?
12. What is some practical cybersecurity advice you
give to people at home in the age of social media
and the Internet of Things?
13. What is a life hack that you’d like to share?
14. What is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made,
and how did you recover from it?
Before we wrap up, a quick note about the book: We edited
every interview to improve flow and readability, and in
some cases, this meant abbreviating answers or deleting
non-responses. You’ll also notice that we’ve included
contact information at the end of each bio indicating where
you can find each hacker on the web, as well as on social
media. We’re an engaged and tight-knit group, and we
hope you’ll join us.

Creating this book has been an amazing journey, and I
hope the answers to these questions help guide you along your path.
Marcus J. Carey
CEO Threatcare
January 1, 2018

Table of Contents
Introduction 1
01 Marcus J. Carey 6
02 Ian Anderson 12
03 Andrew Bagrin 18
04 Zate Berg 24
05 Cheryl Biswas 28
06 Keirsten Brager 32
07 Evan Booth 38
08 Kyle Bubp 42
09 Lesley Carhart 48
10 Lee Carsten 54
11 Whitney Champion 60
12 Ming Chow 66
13 Jim Christy 72
14 Ian Coldwater 78
15 Dan Cornell 84
16 Kim Crawley 90
17 Emily Crose 96
18 Daniel Crowley 100
19 Winnona DeSombre 104
20 Ryan Dewhurst 110
21 Deidre Diamond 114
22 Ben Donnelly 118
23 Kimber Dowsett 130
24 Ronald Eddings 136
25 Justin Elze 140
26 Robert Graham 144
27 Claudio Guarnieri 150
28 Ron Gula 154
29 Jennifer Havermann 158
30 Teuta Hyseni 162
31 Terence Jackson 168
32 Ken Johnson 172
33 David Kennedy 178
34 Michelle Klinger 186
35 Marina Krotofil 192
36 Sami Laiho 200
37 Robert M. Lee 204
38 Kelly Lum 208
39 Tracy Z. Maleeff 212
40 Andy Malone 218
41 Jeffrey Man 224
42 Jim Manico 232
43 Kylie Martonik 236
44 Christina Morillo 240
45 Kent Nabors 244
46 Wendy Nather 252
47 Charles Nwatu 258
48 Davi Ottenheimer 264
49 Brandon Perry 274
50 Bruce Potter 280
51 Edward Prevost 284
52 Steve Ragan 288
53 Stephen A. Ridley 292
54 Tony Robinson 300
55 David Rook 306
56 Guillaume Ross 314
57 Brad Schaufenbuel 320
58 Chinyere Schwartz 326
59 Khalil Sehnaoui 330
60 Astha Singhal 338
61 Dug Song 342
62 Jayson E. Street 352
63 Ben Ten 358
64 Dan Tentler 362
65 Ben Tomhave 368
66 Robert "TProphet" Walker 374
67 Georgia Weidman 380
68 Jake Williams 384
69 Robert Willis 390
70 Robin Wood 394
Final Thoughts 399
Acknowledgments 400
Bibliography 401

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