The Book of Secret Wisdom

The Prophetic Record of Human Destiny and Evolution

Translated from the Senzar by Zinovia Dushkova

1. Theosophy. 2. Evolution. 3. Cosmology, Ancient. 4. Love—Philosophy. 5. Spiritual life—Miscellanea.

Radiant Books
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Book Details
 257 p
 File Size 
 1,336 KB
 File Type
 PDF format
 978-5-9905431-3-3 (hardcover)
 978-5-9905431-4-0 (paperback)
 978-5-9905431-5-7 (e-book)
 2015 by Zinovia Dushkova
 and Alexander Gerasimchuk 

Zinovia Vasilievna Dushkova, Ph.D., is a Russian author, poet, philosopher,
historian, and traveller. She has been honoured with a number of awards, prizes,
and commendations for her contribution to the spiritual development of society
and for merit in the domain of scientific research in the ecology of
consciousness. She is a Fellow of the European Academy of Natural Sciences
(Europäische Akademie der Naturwissenschaften) and the European Scientific
Society (Europäische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft), both based in Hanover, Germany.

Dr. Dushkova’s interest in the history of world religions and philosophy,
along with a desire to realize and fulfil her mission in life, led her first to the
wisdom of prominent philosophers and thinkers, and subsequently to the works
of Helena Blavatsky and the Roerichs, which changed her life radically. It is said
in Oriental teachings that when the disciple is ready, the Teacher will appear —
thus, in 1992, the Master came to her. After three years of intense training and
probation, in 1995 she embarked on her first trip to India — the land of ancient
teachings. There, at the foot of the sacred Himalayas, in the Buddhist Ghoom
Monastery — where Madame Blavatsky in 1882 and Helena Roerich in 1923
met with the Master M. — the path of Zinovia Dushkova began.

The mysterious paths — leading into the heart of the Himalayas and the Blue
Mountains, in the vicinity of Mounts Kanchenjunga, Kailash, Everest, and so on
— brought Dushkova to the secret Abodes of Light, from where the Call had
sounded. Much like a hermit monk, her soul started poring over the sacred pages
of Life from the archaic manuscripts that have been preserved in the most hidden
corners of Sikkim, Ladakh, and other unexplored places of India, as well as
those of other countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America. She has
braved the most dangerous paths through impassable mountains, wild deserts,
and unknown caves so that now — having embraced the unembraceable and
collected treasures of Ageless Knowledge and Wisdom in her heart — she may
tell people, once again: “Love!” This is the only power capable of transforming
the life of humanity and the entire planet.

Dr. Dushkova has devoted more than twenty years of her life to the study and
acquisition of hidden esoteric wisdom, which she is now sharing with people
through her books. She is the author of approximately forty works, published in
Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, and France. These works of an ethical and spiritual
nature reflect a synthesis of science, religion, history, and philosophy.
Underlying her poetry and prose, fairy tales and legends, is a worldview full of
wisdom and the cultural heritage of both the East and the West.

Zinovia Dushkova’s major works, The Teaching of the Heart, The Fiery
Bible, and The Secret Doctrine of Love, have called forth a wave of social
movement in Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan, centred around the development
of culture, science, and education, all of which contribute to the progress and
prosperity of society. Her award-winning philosophical children’s book, Fairy
Tales for the Saviour, has been given a ringing endorsement by teachers working
with problem children in orphanages and juvenile detention centres.
Reigniting hope where it has disappeared, illuminating love where it has died
away, and adding delight to life where its meaning has been lost — this is the
goal which Dr. Zinovia Dushkova strives to attain in all her writings.
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“There is no Religion higher than Truth.”

Table of Contents
The Oldest Book in the World and Its Sacred Language
AGAPEGENESIS: Twelve Stanzas from the Book of Dzyan

STANZA I: The Genesis of Divine Love
STANZA II: The Knowledge of the Heart
STANZA III: The Sowing of Love
STANZA IV: The Gift of Mind
STANZA V: The Persecution of Love
STANZA VI: The Final Battle
STANZA VII: The Fiery Baptism
STANZA VIII: The Love of the Heart
STANZA IX: The Era of Wisdom and Beauty
STANZA X: The Divine Humanity
STANZA XI: The Fire of Love
STANZA XII: The Birth of Gods

Letter to the Reader
Parables from Shambhala (Excerpt)
Recommended Reading
About the Translator


The publisher is grateful to all who have contributed their time and efforts to
making this book possible:
Translation Editor: John Woodsworth
Initial Copyeditor: Jo-Ann Langseth
Proofreader: Julie Clayton
Indexer (for print edition): Lydia Jones
Designer: Richard Wehrman
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