Mind to Matter

The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality

Dawson Church

Praise for Mind to Matter

“If you’ve been wondering whether your thoughts really do affect your life, this
marvelous book will make you a believer. From the level of the atom to the level
of our bodies to the level of the galaxies, Dawson Church’s painstaking research
shows that mind is profoundly creative. Synthesizing hundreds of studies in the
fields of biology, physics, and psychology, he shows that moment by moment, the
energy fields of our brains are literally creating reality. These insights can have
a radical effect on your health and prosperity, and I highly recommend you
apply them in your life.”
— John Gray, #1 New York Times best-selling author of Men Are from Mars,
Women Are from Venus
“We have entered an era of healing in which the influence of consciousness in
health and illness is being validated as never before. For a view of these crucial
insights, researcher Dawson Church’s Mind to Matter is invaluable.”
— Larry Dossey, M.D., author of One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part
of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters
“Dawson Church’s careful scientific work shows that the Law of Attraction isn’t
just a metaphysical proposition—it’s a scientific reality. Drawing from hundreds
of studies, and illustrated with inspiring real-life stories, it demystifies the
intricate mechanisms by which thoughts become things. As the boundaries of
what you believe is possible for your life are stretched by Dawson’s work, they
may never snap back to their old shape.”
— Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times best-selling author of Happy for No Reason
“I love this book. It constantly fascinated me with delicious facts and so many
captivating stories. And it is wonderful to see science catching up with what the
shamans and sages have always known!”
— Donna Eden, author of Energy Medicine
“Once in a long while, a profoundly disruptive vision shatters the scientific
paradigm, refocuses the entire way we see the world, and opens up vast new
horizons of human potential. For our generation, this book is that vision.”
— Raymond Aaron, New York Times best-selling author of Chicken Soup for the
Parent’s Soul
“Dawson Church has again proven himself to be one of the great thinkers of our
time, demystifying the most complex principles in the universe that influence our
lives, with a story-telling ability that makes it all fun and easy to understand. By
weaving eye-opening research into engaging, heart-warming stories, an
awareness emerges of the power your own mind has to not only direct your life
but influence the collective consciousness of the universe itself which binds us
together as one.”
— Robert Hoss, co-author of Dreams That Change Our Lives; Director,
DreamScience Foundation
“This groundbreaking book presents the exciting new scientific evidence
demonstrating that our thoughts have a direct impact on the world around us,
and it shows us how to harness this knowledge for joyful and effective lives.”
— David Feinstein, Ph.D., co-author of Personal Mythology
“I believe that Mind to Matter is one of the most important books ever written.
Chapter after chapter it shows us how we are masters of our bodies and the
world around us. It’s filled with mind-blowing research that has completely
changed the way I approach my life. The results I’m getting by applying the
techniques are astonishing. They can transform your mind and the world of
matter around you. I can’t recommend this book highly enough.”
— Matt Gallant, author of Triple Your Productivity
“Mind to Matter challenges the core principles of modern medicine and
conventional science. Dawson Church makes a compelling case that the
mind/body link is more profound than we ever suspected, and that science must
expand its paradigm to include forces like consciousness, resonance, and
energy. Profusely illustrated, the book includes an impressive compendium of
research citations, from classic papers to recent breakthroughs. Many practical
examples and exercises provide tools to work on our own personal
transformation and, if the book’s thesis of interconnection is correct, our social
transformation as well. I highly recommend this book.”
— Eric Leskowitz, M.D., Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
“Dawson Church has been a pioneer in the field of healing for decades, his
research far ahead of its time. His book Mind to Matter is perfectly timed for an
era in which people are opening up to the science and research behind energy
techniques. Dawson offers a brilliant and insightful guide to how our thoughts
create our reality. Packed with fascinating history from the dawn of evolution to
the latest brain research, his work is a blueprint for both experts and nonprofessionals
looking for effective healing strategies. Dawson succinctly shows
us not just that these methods work, but the empirical basis for how they work. If
you have ever wanted to learn the science of manifestation and how your
thoughts affect your material world, this book is a must-read. It will change your
thoughts, and applying these principles every day will in turn change your
reality. The question is—what will you create after you read it?”
— Peta Stapleton, Ph.D., School of Psychology, Bond University, Australia
“Many in our culture are shifting from powerless victims to powerful cocreators.
Yet as this evolutionary impulse toward greater power emerges, we are
coming face to face with what happens when power is abused. As we face global
crises of unpredictable proportions, we need heart-based creators of deep
integrity in touch with their power now more than ever. What would be possible
in our lives and on our planet if we connected our power with our hearts? What
does science have to say about such manifesting power? Mind to Matter
explores this edge of how our power to participate in the co-creation of reality
functions from the scientific perspective. It also calls us out on how to avoid
overstating our human power, as so many ‘law of attraction’ books mistakenly
promise. As our power grows, we are called to acknowledge with humility the
paradoxical nature of how powerful we are as creators, yet how uncontrollable
the great Mystery really is. May those who read this book step fully into their
power, their hearts, and their integrity, and may the world be blessed by how
this book affects you.”
— Lissa Rankin, M.D., New York Times best-selling author of Mind Over Medicine

Mind to Matter- The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality
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Book Details
 333 p
 File Size 
 27,831 KB
 File Type
 PDF format
 9781401955236 (hardcover : alk. paper)
 2018 by Dawson Church
 Published in the United States
 by: Hay House, Inc

About the Author
Dawson Church is an award-winning author whose best-selling book The
Genie in Your Genes (www.YourGeniusGene.com) has been hailed by reviewers
as a breakthrough in our understanding of the link between emotions and
genetics. He founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare
(www.NIIH.org) to study and implement promising evidence-based
psychological and medical techniques. In his undergraduate and graduate work
at Baylor University, he became the first student to successfully graduate from
the academically rigorous University Scholars program in 1979. He earned a
doctorate at Holos University under the mentorship of neurosurgeon Norman
Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., founder of the American Holistic Medical Association.
After an early career in book publishing as editor and then president of Aslan
Publishing (www.aslanpublishing.com), Church went on to receive a
postgraduate Ph.D. in Natural Medicine as well as clinical certification in
Energy Psychology (CEHP certification# 2016). Church’s groundbreaking
research has been published in prestigious scientific journals. He is the editor of
Energy Psychology: Theory, Research & Treatment, a peer-reviewed
professional journal (www.EnergyPsychologyJournal.org), and a blogger for the
Huffington Post. He shares how to apply the breakthroughs of energy
psychology to health and athletic performance through EFT Universe
(www.EFTUniverse.com). EFT Universe was the first organization to have its
courses accredited for CME (continuing medical education) for all of the major
professions, including doctors (AMA), psychologists (APA), and nurses
(ANCC). He has trained thousands of practitioners in energy psychology
techniques and offers the premier certification program in the field


Metaphysics Meets Science
Thoughts become things. This is manifestly true. I am sitting on a chair right
now. It began as a thought in someone’s mind—every detail of it. The frame, the
fabric, the curves, the color.

Thoughts become things. This is manifestly untrue. I will never be a
quarterback for the National Football League, no matter how earnestly I think
about it. I will never be 16 years old again. I will never pilot the starship Enterprise.
Between the ways in which thoughts become things and the ways in which
thoughts can never become things there is a wide middle ground.
This book explores that middle ground.

Why? We want to be able to create to the outermost limits of our thought,
expanding our lives to the limits of our potential. We want to be as happy,
healthy, wealthy, wise, fulfilled, creative, and loved as possible. We also don’t
want to chase pipe dreams, thoughts that are never going to become things.
When we apply the rigorous standards of science to the inquiry, that middle
ground turns out to be enormous. Research shows us that with thought, used
deliberately, we can create things beyond the ordinary.

The idea that thoughts are things has become a meme in popular culture. It’s
held as a firm proposition in metaphysics, and some spiritual teachers ascribe
infinite powers to the mind. Yet there are clearly limits to human creative
abilities; I cannot manifest an aircraft carrier simply by thinking about one. I
cannot become Indonesian, jump over Mount Everest, or turn lead into gold.
New discoveries in epigenetics, neuroscience, electromagnetism, psychology,
cymatics, public health, and quantum physics, however, are showing that
thoughts can be profoundly creative. The page or device on which you now read
these words began as a thought. So did democracy, the bikini, space travel,
immunization, money, the four-minute mile, and the assembly line.

Science and metaphysics are generally considered to be polar opposites.
Science is experimental, practical, rigorous, empirical, materialistic, objective,
and intellectual. Metaphysics is spiritual, experiential, abstract, mystical,
ephemeral, internal, irreplicable, imprecise, subjective, otherworldly,
impractical, and impossible to prove. Science studies the world of matter while
metaphysics seeks to transcend it.

I have never perceived science and metaphysics as separate and have
delighted in being both a mystic and a scientific researcher. When I bring the
rigor of science to the questions of consciousness, each illuminates the other.
This book examines the science behind the creative powers of the mind. It
reviews the studies that show, step-by-step, exactly how our minds create
material form. As each piece of the puzzle falls into place, the science turns out
to be even more astonishing than the metaphysics.

This book is also full of case histories—real, up close, authentic personal
accounts of people who had an experience of mind-into-matter. Drawn from the
worlds of medicine, psychology, sports, business, and scientific discovery, these
stories run the gamut from profound to inspiring to heart-wrenching. They show
us that thoughts can become things in ways that stretch the fabric of our spacetime reality.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Dr. Joseph Dispenza
Introduction: Metaphysics Meets Science

Chapter 1: How Our Brains Shape the World
Chapter 2: How Energy Builds Matter
Chapter 3: How Our Emotions Organize Our Environment
Chapter 4: How Energy Regulates DNA and the Cells of Our Bodies
Chapter 5: The Power of Coherent Mind
Chapter 6: Entraining Self with Synchronicity
Chapter 7: Thinking from beyond Local Mind

Afterword: Where Mind Takes Us Next
About the Author
Image Credits

Mind to Matter
www.hayhouse.com® • Published in Australia by: Hay House Australia Pty. Ltd.: www.hayhouse.com.au
• Published in the United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Ltd.: www.hayhouse.co.uk • Published in India
by: Hay House Publishers India: www.hayhouse.co.in

Cover design: Victoria Valentine • Interior design: Riann Bender Indexer: Joan Shapiro
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