The Penetration Tester’s Guide
by David Kennedy, Jim O’Gorman, Devon Kearns, and Mati Aharoni
The Absolute Basics of Penetration Testing
Metasploit Basics
Intelligence Gathering
Vulnerability Scanning
The Joy of Exploitation
Avoiding Detection
Exploitation Using Client-Side Attacks
Metasploit Auxiliary Modules
The Social-Engineer Toolkit
Building Your Own Module
Creating Your Own Exploits
Porting Exploits to the Metasploit Framework
Meterpreter Scripting
Simulated Penetration Test
Metasploit Basics
Intelligence Gathering
Vulnerability Scanning
The Joy of Exploitation
Avoiding Detection
Exploitation Using Client-Side Attacks
Metasploit Auxiliary Modules
The Social-Engineer Toolkit
Building Your Own Module
Creating Your Own Exploits
Porting Exploits to the Metasploit Framework
Meterpreter Scripting
Simulated Penetration Test
Information technology is a complex field, littered
with the half-dead technology of the past and an
ever-increasing menagerie of new systems, software, and protocols. Securing today’s enterprise networks
involves more than simply patch management, firewalls,
and user education; it requires frequent realworld
validation of what works and what fails.
This is what penetration testing is all about.
Penetration testing is a uniquely challenging job. You are paid to think
like a criminal, to use guerilla tactics to your advantage, and to find the weakest
links in a highly intricate net of defenses. The things you find can be both
surprising and disturbing; penetration tests have uncovered everything from
rogue pornography sites to large-scale fraud and criminal activity.
Penetration testing is about ignoring an organization’s perception of
its security and probing its systems for weaknesses. The data obtained from a
successful penetration test often uncovers issues that no architecture review
or vulnerability assessment would be able to identify. Typical findings include
shared passwords, cross-connected networks, and troves of sensitive data sitting
in the clear. The problems created by sloppy system administration and
rushed implementations often pose significant threats to an organization,
while the solutions languish under a dozen items on an administrator’s to-do
list. Penetration testing highlights these misplaced priorities and identifies
what an organization needs to do to defend itself from a real intrusion.
Penetration testers handle a company’s most sensitive resources; they
gain access to areas that can have dire real-world consequences if the wrong
action is taken. A single misplaced packet can bring a factory floor to a halt,
with a cost measured in millions of dollars per hour. Failure to notify the
appropriate personnel can result in an uncomfortable and embarrassing conversation
with the local police. Medical systems are one area that even the
most experienced security professionals may hesitate to test; nobody wants
to be responsible for mixing up a patient’s blood type in an OpenVMS mainframe
or corrupting the memory on an X-ray machine running Windows XP.
The most critical systems are often the most exposed, and few system administrators
want to risk an outage by bringing down a database server to apply a
security patch.
Balancing the use of available attack paths and the risk of causing damage
is a skill that all penetration testers must hone. This process depends not
only on a technical knowledge of the tools and the techniques but also on a
strong understanding of how the organization operates and where the path
of least resistance may lie.
In this book, you will see penetration testing through the eyes of four
security professionals with widely divergent backgrounds. The authors include
folks with experience at the top of the corporate security structure all the way
down to the Wild West world of underground exploit development and vulnerability
research. There are a number of books available on penetration testing
and security assessments, and there are many that focus entirely on tools.
This book, however, strives for a balance between the two, covering the fundamental
tools and techniques while also explaining how they play into the
overall structure of a successful penetration testing process. Experienced
penetration testers will benefit from the discussion of the methodology,
which is based on the recently codified Penetration Test Execution Standard.
Readers who are new to the field will be presented with a wealth of information
not only about how to get started but also why those steps matter and
what they mean in the bigger picture.
This book focuses on the Metasploit Framework. This open source
platform provides a consistent, reliable library of constantly updated exploits
and offers a complete development environment for building new tools and
automating every aspect of a penetration test. Metasploit Express and Metasploit
Pro, the commercial siblings of the Framework, are also represented in
this book. These products provide a different perspective on how to conduct
and automate large-scale penetration tests.
The Metasploit Framework is an infamously volatile project; the code
base is updated dozens of times every day by a core group of developers and
submissions from hundreds of community contributors. Writing a book about
the Framework is a masochistic endeavor; by the time that a given chapter
has been proofread, the content may already be out of date. The authors
took on the Herculean task of writing this book in such a way that the content
will still be applicable by the time it reaches its readers.
The Metasploit team has been involved with this book to make sure that
changes to the code are accurately reflected and that the final result is as close
to zero-day coverage of the Metasploit Framework as is humanly possible. We
can state with full confidence that it is the best guide to the Metasploit Framework
available today, and it will likely remain so for a long time. We hope you
find this book valuable in your work and an excellent reference in your trials ahead.
The Metasploit Framework has long been one of the
tools most widely used by information security professionals,
but for a long time little documentation
existed aside from the source code itself or comments
on blogs. That situation changed significantly when
Offensive-Security developed its online course, Metasploit
Unleashed. Shortly after the course went live, No
Starch Press contacted us about the possibly of creating
a book to expand on our work with Metasploit Unleashed.
This book is designed to teach you the ins and outs of Metasploit and
how to use the Framework to its fullest. Our coverage is selective—we won’t
cover every single flag or exploit—but we give you the foundation you’ll need
to understand and use Metasploit now and in future versions.
Penetration testing is a uniquely challenging job. You are paid to think
like a criminal, to use guerilla tactics to your advantage, and to find the weakest
links in a highly intricate net of defenses. The things you find can be both
surprising and disturbing; penetration tests have uncovered everything from
rogue pornography sites to large-scale fraud and criminal activity.
Penetration testing is about ignoring an organization’s perception of
its security and probing its systems for weaknesses. The data obtained from a
successful penetration test often uncovers issues that no architecture review
or vulnerability assessment would be able to identify. Typical findings include
shared passwords, cross-connected networks, and troves of sensitive data sitting
in the clear. The problems created by sloppy system administration and
rushed implementations often pose significant threats to an organization,
while the solutions languish under a dozen items on an administrator’s to-do
list. Penetration testing highlights these misplaced priorities and identifies
what an organization needs to do to defend itself from a real intrusion.
Penetration testers handle a company’s most sensitive resources; they
gain access to areas that can have dire real-world consequences if the wrong
action is taken. A single misplaced packet can bring a factory floor to a halt,
with a cost measured in millions of dollars per hour. Failure to notify the
appropriate personnel can result in an uncomfortable and embarrassing conversation
with the local police. Medical systems are one area that even the
most experienced security professionals may hesitate to test; nobody wants
to be responsible for mixing up a patient’s blood type in an OpenVMS mainframe
or corrupting the memory on an X-ray machine running Windows XP.
The most critical systems are often the most exposed, and few system administrators
want to risk an outage by bringing down a database server to apply a
security patch.
Balancing the use of available attack paths and the risk of causing damage
is a skill that all penetration testers must hone. This process depends not
only on a technical knowledge of the tools and the techniques but also on a
strong understanding of how the organization operates and where the path
of least resistance may lie.
In this book, you will see penetration testing through the eyes of four
security professionals with widely divergent backgrounds. The authors include
folks with experience at the top of the corporate security structure all the way
down to the Wild West world of underground exploit development and vulnerability
research. There are a number of books available on penetration testing
and security assessments, and there are many that focus entirely on tools.
This book, however, strives for a balance between the two, covering the fundamental
tools and techniques while also explaining how they play into the
overall structure of a successful penetration testing process. Experienced
penetration testers will benefit from the discussion of the methodology,
which is based on the recently codified Penetration Test Execution Standard.
Readers who are new to the field will be presented with a wealth of information
not only about how to get started but also why those steps matter and
what they mean in the bigger picture.
This book focuses on the Metasploit Framework. This open source
platform provides a consistent, reliable library of constantly updated exploits
and offers a complete development environment for building new tools and
automating every aspect of a penetration test. Metasploit Express and Metasploit
Pro, the commercial siblings of the Framework, are also represented in
this book. These products provide a different perspective on how to conduct
and automate large-scale penetration tests.
The Metasploit Framework is an infamously volatile project; the code
base is updated dozens of times every day by a core group of developers and
submissions from hundreds of community contributors. Writing a book about
the Framework is a masochistic endeavor; by the time that a given chapter
has been proofread, the content may already be out of date. The authors
took on the Herculean task of writing this book in such a way that the content
will still be applicable by the time it reaches its readers.
The Metasploit team has been involved with this book to make sure that
changes to the code are accurately reflected and that the final result is as close
to zero-day coverage of the Metasploit Framework as is humanly possible. We
can state with full confidence that it is the best guide to the Metasploit Framework
available today, and it will likely remain so for a long time. We hope you
find this book valuable in your work and an excellent reference in your trials ahead.
HD Moore
Founder, The Metasploit Project
The Metasploit Framework has long been one of the
tools most widely used by information security professionals,
but for a long time little documentation
existed aside from the source code itself or comments
on blogs. That situation changed significantly when
Offensive-Security developed its online course, Metasploit
Unleashed. Shortly after the course went live, No
Starch Press contacted us about the possibly of creating
a book to expand on our work with Metasploit Unleashed.
This book is designed to teach you the ins and outs of Metasploit and
how to use the Framework to its fullest. Our coverage is selective—we won’t
cover every single flag or exploit—but we give you the foundation you’ll need
to understand and use Metasploit now and in future versions.
Imagine that sometime in the not-so-distant future an
attacker decides to attack a multinational company’s
digital assets, targeting hundreds of millions of dollars
worth of intellectual property buried behind millions
of dollars in infrastructure. Naturally, the attacker
begins by firing up the latest version of Metasploit.
After exploring the target’s perimeter, he finds a soft spot and begins a
methodical series of attacks, but even after he’s compromised nearly every
aspect of the network, the fun has only just begun. He maneuvers through
systems, identifying core, critical business components that keep the company
running. With a single keystroke, he could help himself to millions of
company dollars and compromise all their sensitive data.
Congratulations on a job well done—you’ve shown true business impact,
and now it’s time to write the report. Oddly enough, today’s penetration
testers often find themselves in the role of a fictitious adversary like the one
described above, performing legal attacks at the request of companies that
need high levels of security. Welcome to the world of penetration testing and
the future of security.
attacker decides to attack a multinational company’s
digital assets, targeting hundreds of millions of dollars
worth of intellectual property buried behind millions
of dollars in infrastructure. Naturally, the attacker
begins by firing up the latest version of Metasploit.
After exploring the target’s perimeter, he finds a soft spot and begins a
methodical series of attacks, but even after he’s compromised nearly every
aspect of the network, the fun has only just begun. He maneuvers through
systems, identifying core, critical business components that keep the company
running. With a single keystroke, he could help himself to millions of
company dollars and compromise all their sensitive data.
Congratulations on a job well done—you’ve shown true business impact,
and now it’s time to write the report. Oddly enough, today’s penetration
testers often find themselves in the role of a fictitious adversary like the one
described above, performing legal attacks at the request of companies that
need high levels of security. Welcome to the world of penetration testing and
the future of security.
Why Do a Penetration Test?
Companies invest millions of dollars in security programs to protect critical
infrastructures, identify chinks in the armor, and prevent serious data breaches.
A penetration test is one of the most effective ways to identify systemic weaknesses
and deficiencies in these programs. By attempting to circumvent security
controls and bypass security mechanisms, a penetration tester is able to
identify ways in which a hacker might be able to compromise an organization’s
security and damage the organization as a whole.
As you read through this book, remember that you’re not necessarily
targeting one system or multiple systems. Your goal is to show, in a safe and
controlled manner, how an attacker might be able to cause serious harm to
an organization and impact its ability to, among other things, generate revenue,
maintain its reputation, and protect its customers.
Why Metasploit?
Metasploit isn’t just a tool; it’s an entire framework that provides the infrastructure
needed to automate mundane, routine, and complex tasks. This
allows you to concentrate on the unique or specialized aspects of penetration
testing and on identifying flaws within your information security program.
As you progress through the chapters in this book and establish a wellrounded
methodology, you will begin to see the many ways in which Metasploit
can be used in your penetration tests. Metasploit allows you to easily
build attack vectors to augment its exploits, payloads, encoders, and more
in order to create and execute more advanced attacks. At various points in
this book we explain several third-party tools—including some written by the
authors of this book—that build on the Metasploit Framework. Our goal is to
get you comfortable with the Framework, show you some advanced attacks,
and ensure that you can apply these techniques responsibly. We hope you
enjoy reading this book as much as we enjoyed creating it. Let the fun and
games begin.
A Brief History of Metasploit
Metasploit was originally developed and conceived by HD Moore while he
was employed by a security firm. When HD realized that he was spending
most of his time validating and sanitizing public exploit code, he began to
create a flexible and maintainable framework for the creation and development
of exploits. He released his first edition of the Perl-based Metasploit
in October 2003 with a total of 11 exploits.
With the help of Spoonm, HD released a total rewrite of the project,
Metasploit 2.0, in April 2004. This version included 19 exploits and over 27
payloads. Shortly after this release, Matt Miller (Skape) joined the Metasploit
development team, and as the project gained popularity, the Metasploit Framework
received heavy backing from the information security community and
quickly became a necessary tool for penetration testing and exploitation.
Following a complete rewrite in the Ruby programming language,
the Metasploit team released Metasploit 3.0 in 2007. The migration of the
Framework from Perl to Ruby took 18 months and resulted in over 150,000
lines of new code. With the 3.0 release, Metasploit saw widespread adoption
in the security community and a big increase in user contributions.
In fall 2009, Metasploit was acquired by Rapid7, a leader in the
vulnerability-scanning field, which allowed HD to build a team to focus
solely on the development of the Metasploit Framework. Since the acquisition,
updates have occurred more rapidly than anyone could have imagined.
Rapid7 released two commercial products based on the Metasploit Framework:
Metasploit Express and Metasploit Pro. Metasploit Express is a lighter
version of the Metasploit Framework with a GUI and additional functionality,
including reporting, among other useful features. Metasploit Pro is an expanded
version of Metasploit Express that touts collaboration and group penetration
testing and such features as a one-click virtual private network (VPN) tunnel
and much more.
About This Book
This book is designed to teach you everything from the fundamentals of
the Framework to advanced techniques in exploitation. Our goal is to provide
a useful tutorial for the beginner and a reference for practitioners. However,
we won’t always hold your hand. Programming knowledge is a definite
advantage in the penetration testing field, and many of the examples in this
book will use either the Ruby or Python programming language. Still, while
we suggest that you learn a language like Ruby or Python to aid in advanced
exploitation and customization of attacks, programming knowledge is not
As you grow more comfortable with Metasploit, you will notice that the
Framework is frequently updated with new features, exploits, and attacks.
This book was developed with the knowledge that Metasploit is continually
changing and that no printed book is likely to be able to keep pace with this
rapid development. Therefore, we focus on the fundamentals, because once
you understand how Metasploit works you will be able to ramp up quickly
with updates to the Framework.
What’s in the Book?
How can this book help you to get started or take your skills to the next level?
Each chapter is designed to build on the previous one and to help you build
your skills as a penetration tester from the ground up.
Chapter 1, “The Absolute Basics of Penetration Testing,” establishes the
methodologies around penetration testing.
Chapter 2, “Metasploit Basics,” is your introduction to the various tools
within the Metasploit Framework.
Chapter 3, “Intelligence Gathering,” shows you ways to leverage Metasploit
in the reconnaissance phase of a penetration test.
Chapter 4, “Vulnerability Scanning,” walks you through identifying vulnerabilities
and leveraging vulnerability scanning technology.
Chapter 5, “The Joy of Exploitation,” throws you into exploitation.
Chapter 6, “Meterpreter,” walks you through the Swiss Army knife of
post exploitation: Meterpreter.
Chapter 7, “Avoiding Detection,” focuses on the underlying concepts of
antivirus evasion techniques.
Chapter 8, “Exploitation Using Client-Side Attacks,” covers client-side
exploitation and browser bugs.
Chapter 9, “Metasploit Auxiliary Modules,” walks you through auxiliary
Chapter 10, “The Social-Engineer Toolkit,” is your guide to leveraging
the Social-Engineer Toolkit in social-engineering attacks.
Chapter 11, “Fast-Track,” offers a complete run down on Fast-Track, an
automated penetration testing framework.
Chapter 12, “Karmetasploit,” shows you how to leverage Karmetasploit
for wireless attacks.
Chapter 13, “Building Your Own Modules,” teaches you how to build
your own exploitation module.
Chapter 14, “Creating Your Own Exploits,” covers fuzzing and creating
exploit modules out of buffer overflows.
Chapter 15, “Porting Exploits to the Metasploit Framework,” is an indepth
look at how to port existing exploits into a Metasploit-based module.
Chapter 16, “Meterpreter Scripting,” shows you how to create your own
Meterpreter scripts.
Chapter 17, “Simulated Penetration Test,” pulls everything together as it
walks you through a simulated penetration test.
Table of Contents
FOREWORD by HD Moore xiii
Special Thanks ....... xx
Why Do A Penetration Test? ................................................................................... xxii
Why Metasploit? .................................................................................................. xxii
A Brief History of Metasploit ................................................................................... xxii
About this Book .....................................................................................................xxiii
What’s in the Book? ..............................................................................................xxiii
A Note on Ethics ..................................................................................................xxiv
The Phases of the PTES .............................................................................................. 2
Pre-engagement Interactions ......................................................................... 2
Intelligence Gathering .................................................................................. 2
Threat Modeling ......................................................................................... 2
Vulnerability Analysis .................................................................................. 3
Exploitation ................................................................................................ 3
Post Exploitation .......................................................................................... 3
Reporting ................................................................................................... 4
Types of Penetration Tests .......................................................................................... 4
Overt Penetration Testing ............................................................................. 5
Covert Penetration Testing ............................................................................ 5
Vulnerability Scanners .............................................................................................. 5
Pulling It All Together ................................................................................................ 6
Terminology ............................................................................................................ 7
Exploit ....................................................................................................... 8
Payload ..................................................................................................... 8
Shellcode ................................................................................................... 8
Module ...................................................................................................... 8
Listener ...................................................................................................... 8
Metasploit Interfaces ................................................................................................. 8
MSFconsole ................................................................................................ 9
MSFcli ....................................................................................................... 9
Armitage .................................................................................................. 11
Metasploit Utilities .................................................................................................. 12
MSFpayload ............................................................................................. 12
MSFencode .............................................................................................. 13
Nasm Shell ............................................................................................... 13
Metasploit Express and Metasploit Pro ...................................................................... 14
Wrapping Up ........................................................................................................ 14
Passive Information Gathering ................................................................................. 16
whois Lookups .......................................................................................... 16
Netcraft ................................................................................................... 17
NSLookup ................................................................................................ 18
Active Information Gathering ................................................................................... 18
Port Scanning with Nmap .......................................................................... 18
Working with Databases in Metasploit ........................................................ 20
Port Scanning with Metasploit ..................................................................... 25
Targeted Scanning ................................................................................................. 26
Server Message Block Scanning .................................................................. 26
Hunting for Poorly Configured Microsoft SQL Servers .................................... 27
SSH Server Scanning ................................................................................. 28
FTP Scanning ............................................................................................ 29
Simple Network Management Protocol Sweeping ......................................... 30
Writing a Custom Scanner ...................................................................................... 31
Looking Ahead ...................................................................................................... 33
The Basic Vulnerability Scan .................................................................................... 36
Scanning with NeXpose .......................................................................................... 37
Configuration ........................................................................................... 37
Importing Your Report into the Metasploit Framework .................................... 42
Running NeXpose Within MSFconsole ......................................................... 43
Scanning with Nessus ............................................................................................. 44
Nessus Configuration ................................................................................ 44
Creating a Nessus Scan Policy ................................................................... 45
Running a Nessus Scan .............................................................................. 47
Nessus Reports ......................................................................................... 47
Importing Results into the Metasploit Framework ............................................ 48
Scanning with Nessus from Within Metasploit .............................................. 49
Specialty Vulnerability Scanners ............................................................................... 51
Validating SMB Logins ............................................................................... 51
Scanning for Open VNC Authentication ....................................................... 52
Scanning for Open X11 Servers .................................................................. 54
Using Scan Results for Autopwning ........................................................................... 56
Basic Exploitation ................................................................................................... 58
msf> show exploits .................................................................................... 58
msf> show auxiliary .................................................................................. 58
msf> show options .................................................................................... 58
msf> show payloads .................................................................................. 60
msf> show targets ..................................................................................... 62
info ......................................................................................................... 63
set and unset ............................................................................................ 63
setg and unsetg ......................................................................................... 64
save ........................................................................................................ 64
Exploiting Your First Machine .................................................................................. 64
Exploiting an Ubuntu Machine ................................................................................. 68
All-Ports Payloads: Brute Forcing Ports ....................................................................... 71
Resource Files ........................................................................................................ 72
Wrapping Up ........................................................................................................ 73
Compromising a Windows XP Virtual Machine .......................................................... 76
Scanning for Ports with Nmap .................................................................... 76
Attacking MS SQL ..................................................................................... 76
Brute Forcing MS SQL Server ...................................................................... 78
The xp_cmdshell ........................................................................................ 79
Basic Meterpreter Commands ..................................................................... 80
Capturing Keystrokes ................................................................................. 81
Dumping Usernames and Passwords ........................................................................ 82
Extracting the Password Hashes .................................................................. 82
Dumping the Password Hash ...................................................................... 83
Pass the Hash ........................................................................................................ 84
Privilege Escalation ................................................................................................ 85
Token Impersonation ............................................................................................... 87
Using ps ............................................................................................................... 87
Pivoting onto Other Systems .................................................................................... 89
Using Meterpreter Scripts ........................................................................................ 92
Migrating a Process ................................................................................... 92
Killing Antivirus Software ........................................................................... 93
Obtaining System Password Hashes ............................................................ 93
Viewing All Traffic on a Target Machine ...................................................... 93
Scraping a System .................................................................................... 93
Using Persistence ...................................................................................... 94
Leveraging Post Exploitation Modules ....................................................................... 95
Upgrading Your Command Shell to Meterpreter ......................................................... 95
Manipulating Windows APIs with the Railgun Add-On ................................................ 97
Wrapping Up ........................................................................................................ 97
Creating Stand-Alone Binaries with MSFpayload ...................................................... 100
Evading Antivirus Detection ................................................................................... 101
Encoding with MSFencode ....................................................................... 102
Multi-encoding ........................................................................................ 103
Custom Executable Templates ................................................................................ 105
Launching a Payload Stealthily................................................................................ 106
Packers ............................................................................................................... 107
A Final Note on Antivirus Software Evasion ............................................................. 108
Browser-Based Exploits ......................................................................................... 110
How Browser-Based Exploits Work ............................................................ 111
Looking at NOPs ..................................................................................... 112
Using Immunity Debugger to Decipher NOP Shellcode ............................................. 112
Exploring the Internet Explorer Aurora Exploit .......................................................... 116
File Format Exploits .............................................................................................. 119
Sending the Payload ............................................................................................ 120
Wrapping Up ...................................................................................................... 121
Auxiliary Modules in Use ...................................................................................... 126
Anatomy of an Auxiliary Module ............................................................................ 128
Going Forward .................................................................................................... 133
Configuring the Social-Engineer Toolkit ................................................................... 136
Spear-Phishing Attack Vector ................................................................................. 137
Web Attack Vectors .............................................................................................. 142
Java Applet ............................................................................................ 142
Client-Side Web Exploits .......................................................................... 146
Username and Password Harvesting .......................................................... 148
Tabnabbing ............................................................................................ 150
Man-Left-in-the-Middle .............................................................................. 150
Web Jacking .......................................................................................... 151
Putting It All Together with a Multipronged Attack ........................................ 153
Infectious Media Generator ................................................................................... 157
Teensy USB HID Attack Vector ............................................................................... 157
Additional SET Features ........................................................................................ 160
Looking Ahead .................................................................................................... 161
Microsoft SQL Injection ......................................................................................... 164
SQL Injector—Query String Attack ............................................................. 165
SQL Injector—POST Parameter Attack ........................................................ 166
Manual Injection ..................................................................................... 167
MSSQL Bruter ......................................................................................... 168
SQLPwnage ............................................................................................ 172
Binary-to-Hex Generator ........................................................................................ 174
Mass Client-Side Attack ........................................................................................ 175
A Few Words About Automation ............................................................................ 176
Configuration ...................................................................................................... 178
Launching the Attack ............................................................................................. 179
Credential Harvesting ........................................................................................... 181
Getting a Shell ..................................................................................................... 182
Wrapping Up ...................................................................................................... 184
Getting Command Execution on Microsoft SQL ........................................................ 186
Exploring an Existing Metasploit Module ................................................................. 187
Creating a New Module ....................................................................................... 189
PowerShell ............................................................................................. 189
Running the Shell Exploit .......................................................................... 190
Creating powershell_upload_exec ............................................................. 192
Conversion from Hex to Binary ................................................................. 192
Counters ................................................................................................ 194
Running the Exploit .................................................................................. 195
The Power of Code Reuse ..................................................................................... 196
The Art of Fuzzing ................................................................................................ 198
Controlling the Structured Exception Handler ........................................................... 201
Hopping Around SEH Restrictions ........................................................................... 204
Getting a Return Address ...................................................................................... 206
Bad Characters and Remote Code Execution ........................................................... 210
Wrapping Up ...................................................................................................... 213
Assembly Language Basics .................................................................................... 216
EIP and ESP Registers ............................................................................... 216
The JMP Instruction Set ............................................................................. 216
NOPs and NOP Slides ............................................................................ 216
Porting a Buffer Overflow ...................................................................................... 216
Stripping the Existing Exploit ..................................................................... 218
Configuring the Exploit Definition .............................................................. 219
Testing Our Base Exploit .......................................................................... 220
Implementing Features of the Framework .................................................... 221
Adding Randomization ............................................................................ 222
Removing the NOP Slide .......................................................................... 223
Removing the Dummy Shellcode ................................................................ 223
Our Completed Module ........................................................................... 224
SEH Overwrite Exploit .......................................................................................... 226
Wrapping Up ...................................................................................................... 233
Meterpreter API .................................................................................................... 241
Printing Output ........................................................................................ 241
Base API Calls ........................................................................................ 242
Meterpreter Mixins .................................................................................. 242
Rules for Writing Meterpreter Scripts ...................................................................... 244
Creating Your Own Meterpreter Script .................................................................... 244
Wrapping Up ...................................................................................................... 250
Pre-engagement Interactions .................................................................................. 252
Intelligence Gathering ........................................................................................... 252
Threat Modeling .................................................................................................. 253
Exploitation ......................................................................................................... 255
Customizing MSFconsole ...................................................................................... 255
Post Exploitation ................................................................................................... 257
Scanning the Metasploitable System .......................................................... 258
Identifying Vulnerable Services ................................................................. 259
Attacking Apache Tomcat ..................................................................................... 260
Attacking Obscure Services ................................................................................... 262
Covering Your Tracks ........................................................................................... 264
Wrapping Up ...................................................................................................... 266
Installing and Setting Up the System ....................................................................... 267
Booting Up the Linux Virtual Machines .................................................................... 268
Setting Up a Vulnerable Windows XP Installation ..................................................... 269
Configuring Your Web Server on Windows XP ........................................... 269
Building a SQL Server .............................................................................. 269
Creating a Vulnerable Web Application .................................................... 272
Updating Back|Track .............................................................................. 273
MSFconsole Commands ........................................................................................ 275
Meterpreter Commands ........................................................................................ 277
MSFpayload Commands ....................................................................................... 280
MSFencode Commands ........................................................................................ 280
MSFcli Commands ............................................................................................... 281
MSF, Ninja, Fu .................................................................................................... 281
MSFvenom .......................................................................................................... 281
Meterpreter Post Exploitation Commands ................................................................ 282