Sanjib Sinha
Howrah, West Bengal, India
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Book Details
2.00 USD |
| 255 p |
File Size
2,714 KB |
File Type
PDF format |
| 978-1-4842-2540-0 978-1-4842-2541-7 |
| Sanjib Sinha 2017 |
This book is intended for complete programming beginners or general people
who know nothing about any programming language but want to learn ethical hacking.
Let us clear it first: Ethical Hacking is not associated with any kind of
illegal electronic activities. They always stay within laws. This book is
intended for those people – young and old – who are creative and curious and
who want to develop a creative hobby or take up internet security profession
acting as ethical hacker. Keeping that in mind we’ll also learn Python 3
programming language to enhance our skill as ethical hackers.
This book is not intended for any kind of malicious user. If anyone tries to
use this book or any type of code examples from this book for illegal purpose
this book will take no moral responsibility for that malicious behaviours.
If you think that you can use this book for any malicious purpose then you
are advised to read the first chapter “Legal Side of Ethical Hacking”. I hope
you won’t like the idea of ending up in jail by harming some other systems.
I would like to start this brief introduction with an image. This image
depicts many things that I will later discuss in detail. It says, “The author is
using “Ubuntu” Linux distribution as his default operating system. He has
installed Virtual Box – a kind of virtual machine – that runs in Windows also.
And in that Virtual Box he has installed three more operating systems. One is
“Windows XP” and the other two are “Kali Linux” and “Windows 7 Ultimate”.
The image also says, and that is very important, “Currently three operating
systems are virtually running on the desktop”.
( The virtual Box is running three operating systems. You can try any
kind of experiment on this Virtual OS. That will not damage your main
system. )
As an ethical hacker you will learn how to defend yourself. To defend
yourself sometime you need to attack your enemy. But it is a part of your
defense system. It is a part of your defense strategy. More you know about your
enemy’s strategy, more you can defend yourself. You need to learn those tools
are frequently used by the malicious hackers or crackers. They use the same
tool that you use to defend yourself.
Whether you are an ethical hacker or a malicious cracker, you do the same
thing. You use the identical software tools to attack the security system. Only
your purpose or intention differs.
Probably you know that a big car company before launching a new model
of car generally tests the locking system. They have their own security
engineers and besides they call for the locking experts to test the vulnerability.
They pay a good amount of money if you can break the locking system of the
car. Basically it is a work of “PENTESTING”. The locking experts PENTESTS
the system and see if there is any weakness in the system.
It is good example of ethical hacking. The locking experts are invited to do
the job and they are paid well. On the contrary car thieves do the same job
without any invitation. They simply break the locking system of an unattended
car parked on the road side and take it away. I hope by now you have
understood the difference between ethical hacking and cracking.
Your main intention centers on the security of the system. Security consists
of four key components. As the book progresses you will increasingly be
finding words like “PENTESTING”, “EXPLOIT”, “PENETRATION”,
four key components mentioned below mainly deal with these terms.
Table of Contents
Part I
Chapter 1: Legal Side of Hacking
Chapter 2: Hacking Environment
Ethical Hacking and Networking
What Does Network Mean?
Chapter 3: Installing Virtual Box
Chapter 4: Installing Kali Linux and Other Operating Systems on VB
Chapter 5: Linux Terminal, Basic Commands
Part II
Chapter 6: Python 3 and Ethical Hacking
Chapter 7: Python Environment
Chapter 8: General Syntaxes
Create the main() function
Indentation and White Space
Assigning Values
Chapter 9: Variables, Objects and Values
Using Numbers
What is Type and ID
Logical Values
Tuples And Lists
Chapter 10: Conditionals
Chapter 11: Loops
While Loops
For Loops
Chapter 12: Regular Expressions
Using “re” Module
Reusing With Regular Expressions
Searching with Regular Expressions
Chapter 13: Exceptions, Catching Errors
Chapter 14: Functions
Return Values
Generate Functions
Lists of Arguments
Named Arguments
Chapter 15: Classes
Object-Oriented Methodology
The Foundation of Object Orientation
Understanding Classes and Objects
Write Your Own Game, “Good Vs Bad”
Primary Class and Object
Accessing Object Data
Using Generators
Chapter 16: String Methods
Chapter 17: File Input And Output
Chapter 18: Containers
Operating on Tuple and List Object
Operating on Dictionary Object
Chapter 19: Database
Let us start with SQLite3
MySQL for Big Project
Chapter 20: Module
Chapter 21: Debugging, Unittest Module
Chapter 22: Socket and Networking
Chapter 23: Importing Nmap Module
Chapter 24: Building an Nmap Network Scanner
Part III
Chapter 25: Protect Anonymity on the Internet
Chapter 26: Dark Web and Tor
Hidden Wikipedia
Chapter 27: Proxy Chains
Chapter 28: Virtual Private Network or VPN
Chapter 29: MAC Address
Epilogue—What Next
The key components are:
1. Availability
2. Integrity
3. Authenticity
4. Confidentiality
We will see how crackers want to attack these components to gain access to
the system. Since a hacker ’s main goal is to exploit the vulnerabilities of the
system so he wants to see if there is any weakness in these core components.
Let us assume the hacker wants to block the availability of the data. In that
case he will use the “Denial of Attack” or ‘DoS’ method. To do this attack
usually hackers use system’s resource or bandwidth. But DoS has many other
forms. When the resource or bandwidth of your system is eaten up completely,
the server usually crashes. The final target is one system but the number of
victims is plenty. It is something like millions of people gather in front your
house main door and jam it with a kind of human chain so that you and your
family members can not enter into it.
The second key component Integrity should not be compromised at any
cost. What does this term “integrity” mean? It’s basically centered on the nature
of data. When this nature of data is tampered with some kind of ‘BITFLIPPING’
attacks, the integrity of the system is also compromised. It can be
done just by changing the message itself. The data may either be in the move or
at rest, but it can be changed. Imagine what happens when a transaction of
money is tampered with the addition of few more zeroes at the end! Let us
assume a bank is transferring money. In its instruction it is written: “transfer
$10, 000”. Now the attacker changes the cryptic text in such a manner so that
the amount changes to $10, 000000. So the attack is intended for the message
itself or a series of messages.
The issue of authentication is normally handled by the Media Access
Control (MAC) filtering. If it is properly placed the network does not allow
unauthorized device. What happens if someone spoofs the MAC Address of a
legitimate network station and takes it off? He can take on the station’s identity
and control it. This is called authentication attack or MAC Address spoofing.
Finally the issue of confidentiality rises above all. Data travel in clear text
across the trusted network. Here data mean information. The information theft
like cracking someone’s password is confidentiality attack. The data or
information is intended for someone but instead of the recipient the hacker
gains the access. Actually the cracker steals it when the data is moving across
the trusted network as clear text.