Trading Binary Options, Second Edition

 Strategies and Tactics

Abe Cofnas

Subjects: LCSH: Options (Finance) | Prices—Forecasting.

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Book Details
 243 p
 File Size 
 8,267 KB
 File Type
 PDF format
 978-1-119-19417-0 (cloth)
 978-1-119-19419-4 (epub)
 978-1-119-19418-7 (ePDF)
 2016 by Abe Cofnas 

About the Author
Abe Cofnas is considered a leader in the field of currency trading, analysis,
and training. He founded ( in 2001 as one of
the first online training programs for currency trading. He has been the Forex
trader columnist for Modern Trader magazine since 2001, writing over 100
columns on Forex events.
He has authored three previous books on trading: The Forex Trading
Course: A Self-Study Guide to Becoming a Successful Currency Trader (now in
its second edition); The Forex Options Course: A Self-Study Guide to Trading
Currency Options; and Sentiment Indicators—Renko, Price Break, Kagi, Point
and Figure: What They Are and How to Use Them to Trade. He is also the editor
of Binary Dimensions newsletter, which specializes in binary option alerts.
He brings extensive understanding of trading from all perspectives,
including advanced fundamental and political analysis. Cofnas holds two
master’s degrees from the University of California at Berkeley—a master’s in
political science and a master’s in public policy analysis. He is Senior Fundamental
Strategist for the Market Trader’s Institute.
Cofnas can be reached at

Are you interested in trading, but don’t like to wait weeks and months for a
return? Are you following news events and want to financially benefit from
your knowledge? Are you new to trading and want to participate but avoid
the long learning curve for mastering trading skills? If these questions are on
your mind, this book is for you.
Binary option trading provides excitement and opportunity for achieving
unusually large returns in less than a week! While there are many variations
to this type of trading, this book focuses on the regulatory-approved weekly
binary option trades of the North American Derivative Exchange (Nadex).
Trades have limited risk to the cost of a position. There is no margin. The
trade is a bet on the direction of a market by the end of the week. If the trade
is correct, the payoff is $100 per lot. If it is wrong, the payoff is $0. Simply
put, it’s a yes-or-no proposition. One can open an account with as little as
$100 and start trading. This simple structure allows anyone to trade in over
20 different underlying markets, from currencies to indexes to commodities.
This book takes the reader through the basic features of the binary option
instrument. But it does more. It provides a detailed review of fundamental
and technical analysis useful to making trading decisions. Beginners, as well
as more experienced traders, will be able to build upon their core trading
knowledge. More importantly, new online tools and techniques for detecting
market sentiment are presented, because trading can no longer be separated
from the Internet and the social media it has generated. The web itself is a
force on trading decisions and outcomes, as emotions are propagated through
the web. This phenomenon has made sentiment analysis a major challenge for
traders. For the binary option trader who is shaping a decision for a weekly
outcome, or even an intraday outcome, the critical factor will be the actionable
knowledge that is applied.
This book provides real-world examples of how to scan the political
and economic news and formulate appropriate binary option trading
strategies. Key trading strategies are reviewed with examples. These
include: at-the-money; out-of-the-money; in-the-money; deep-in-the-money;
and deep-out-of-the-money. Also reviewed are case studies of binary option
trading in relationship to key news events that we have lived through.
These include: The U.S. congressional elections; the Greek sovereign risk
crises; turmoil in the Middle East; and the Japanese earthquake. The reader
will see exactly how these events shaped trading strategies that worked.
This book is also designed to provide a self-directed performance audit
capability to the trader. Specific training challenges are provided, including a
test of your knowledge (see Appendix A).
No other book provides a comprehensive get-started approach to trading
binary options. It is my hope that Trading Binary Options: Strategies and
Tactics makes a difference and improves your ability to get started in binary
option trading, but most importantly, to do it the right way!

Table of Contents
Preface vii
Acknowledgments ix
About the Author xi
What Are Binary Options and Why Are They Important? 1
Chapter 1
Key Features of Binary Option Types 7
Chapter 2
Identifying Profit Return Potential in Binary Option Trading 19
Chapter 3
Sentiment Analysis: New Predictive Tools 27
Chapter 4
Tracking Fundamental Forces That Impact Markets 43
A Primer for Binary Traders
Chapter 5
Basic Technical Analysis 69
Chapter 6
Advanced Technical Analysis: Volatility Tools 97
Chapter 7
Binary Option Trading Strategies 127
Chapter 8
Analyzing NFP Data for Binary Trading 163
Chapter 9
Risk Management in Theory and Practice 179
Chapter 10
Metrics for Improving Binary Trading Performance 185
Chapter 11
Performance Tools and Training for Improving
Binary Option Trading 199
Afterword 205
Appendix A: Test Your Knowledge 207
Appendix B: More Training Tools and Tests 217
Index 219

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