by Drunvalo Melebizedeh
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2.50 |
| 244 p |
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| 1-891824-21-X |
We meet again, together exploring the vastness of who we are, and
again dreaming the same ancient secret that life is a beautiful mystery leading
to wherever we envision.
Volume 2 contains the meditation instructions that were originally
taught to me by the angels for entering the consciousness state called the
Mer-Ka-Ba—in modern terms called the human lightbody. Our lightbody
holds the possibility for the human potential to transcend into a new translation
of the universe we find so familiar. Within a specific state of consciousness,
all things can begin anew and life will change in ways that appear miraculous.
These words speak more of remembrance than of learning or teaching.
You already know what is in these pages because it is written in every cell of
your body, but it is also hidden deep inside your heart and your mind, where
all that is really needed is just a simple nudge.
Out of the love that I have for you and all life everywhere, I offer these
images and this vision to you so that they will be useful; so that they will
bring you closer to the self-realization that Great Spirit is intimately and
lovingly connected to your essence; and with the prayer that these words be
the catalyst that opens the way for you into the higher worlds.
You and I live in a pivotal moment in Earth's history. The world is dramatically
metamorphosing as computers and humans enter into a symbiotic
relationship, giving Mother Earth two ways to see and interpret world
events. She is using this new sight to alter and open the pathways into the
higher worlds of light so that even a child can understand. Our Mother
loves us so much.
We, her children, are now walking between the two worlds, our ordinary
everyday life and a world that surpasses the dreams of even our oldest
ancestors. With our Mother's love and our Father's help, we will find a way
to heal the hearts of the people and transform this world back into unity
consciousness once again.
May you enjoy what you are about to read, and may it truly be a blessing in your life.
In love and service,
Table of Contents
Introduction xi
NINE Spirit and Sacred Geometry 225
The Third Informational System
in the Fruit of Life- 225
The Circles and Squares of Human Consciousness 225
Finding Near-Perfect Phi Ratios 226
The First and Third Levels of Consciousness 227
Locating the Second Level 228
Geometric Lenses to Interpret Reality 229
Superimposing the Fruit of Life 230
Lucie's Genius 230
Lucie's Ladder 231
Side Note: Sacred Geometry Is a Do-It-Yourself Project 233
A Snag in the Ladder 234
The Three Lenses 235
Square Roots and 3-4-5 Triangles 236
Leonardo's and CBS's Eye 237
Vitruvius" 10 by 12 238
10,000 Years to Figure Out 239
Vitruviusand the Great Pyramid 240
The Search for a 14 by 18 241
The Unknown Leonardo 242
A Great Synchronicity 245
Earth-Moon Proportions 246
Earth, Moon and Pyramid Proportions 248
Rooms in the Great Pyramid 248
More Rooms 250
The Initiation Process 250
Light Reflectors and Absorbers above the King's Chamber 251
Comparing the Levels of Consciousness 252
Catching the White Light 252
Proof of the Initiation Chamber 254
Catching the Dark Light 255
The Halls of Amend and the Face of Jesus 256
Summary of the Initiation Process 256
TEN The Left Eye of Horus Mystery School 259
Egyptian Initiations 262
Crocodile Initiation at Kom Ombo 262
The Well under the Great Pyramid 267
The Tunnel beneath the Pyramid 268
TheHathors 278
Dendera 280
An Immaculate Conception 282
The World's Virgin Births 282
Parthenogenesis 283
Conception on a Different Dimension 284
Thoth's Genesis and FamityTree 285
An Earth Lineage Travels into Space 285
The Flower of Life Seen from the Feminine Side 287
Wheels on the Ceiling 292
The Geometry of the Egyptian Wheels 293
ELEVEN Ancient Influences on Our Modern World 297
The Heliacal Rising of Sirius 303
Virgo and Leo, Aquarius and Pisces 304
The Four Comers Implication 304
The Philadelphia Experiment 305
TWELVE The Mer-Ka-Ba, the Human Lightbody 309
The Geometries of the Human Chakra System 310
The Unfolded Egg of Life and the Musical Scale 311
The Human Chakras and the Musical Scale 314
The Wall with a Hidden Doorway 315
Ways to Find the Doorway 317
Chakras on Our Star Tetrahedrons 319
The Egyptian 13-Chakra System 320
Discovering the True Chakra Locations 321
A Body-Surface Chakra Map 322
A Different Movement on the Star Tetrahedron 323
The Five Spiraling Light Channels 324
Let There Be Light 324
Egyptian Sexual Energy and the Orgasm 330
The 64 Sexual/Personality Configurations 332
Instructions for the Orgasm 333
Beyond the Fifth Chakra 334
Through the Final Half Step 335
The Energy Fields around theBody 337
How to See Auras 338
The Rest of the Human Lightbody 340
From My Old Writings—Living as a Child 399
How Life Works When You're Connected with the Higher Self 401
Communicating with Everything Everywhere 403
Foretelling the Future 404
The Lessons of the Seven Angels 406
Testing the Reality of Your Connection with Your Higher Self 407
SEVENTEEN Duality Transcended 411
Judging 411
The Lucifer Experiment: Duality 411
The Bright and Shining One 412
Creating a Dualistic Reality 414
Earth Humans as the Focus of the Experiment 417
Using the Intellect without Love 418
The Third, Integrated Way 419
TheSirian Experiment 419
My Three Days in Space 419
Technology Reconsidered 421
The History of the Sirian Experiment 422
August 7, 1972, and the Successful Aftermath 425
The Return of Free Will and Unexpected Positive Consequences . . . . 426
EIGHTEEN The Dimensional Shift 429
The Great Change 429
An Overview of a Dimensional Shift 429
The First Signs 430
The Phase before the Shift 431
Five to Six Hours before the Shift 432
Synthetic Objects and Lucifer-Reality Thought Forms 433
Planetary Shifts 434
The Experience of an Actual Planetary Shift 435
Six Hours before the Shift 435
The Void—Three Days of Blackness 436
The New Birth 437
Your Thoughts and Survival 438
How to Prepare: The Secret of Everyday Life 440
This Unique Transition 442
NINETEEN The New Children 443
The Current Growth of Knowledge 443
Human Mutations, Historical and Recent 445
DNA Changes in Blood Types 445
The Indigo Children 446
The Children of AIDS 448
The Bible Code and AIDS 449
The Superpsychic Children 450
The Fourth-Dimensional Shift and the Superkids 454
Life Is Great, an Epilogue 455
References 459
Index 463
Template for a Star Tetrahedron (see back of book)
Book editor, Margaret Pinyan
Computer graphics originated by
Tim Stouse and Michael Tyree