Manifesting Paradise: The book of manifesting paradise teachings

A divinely guided manual for personal, global and planetary healing


'Blessed are the meek who are wise of mind for they shall manifest paradise'

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Book Details
 340 p
 File Size 
 3,745 KB
 File Type
 PDF format
 978-1-4525-0975-4 (sc) 
 978-1-4525-0976-1 (e)
 2013 Matali 

The Manifesting Paradise Teachings and the specifically related insights
elucidated in this book were divinely given as the essential guidance
required for the healing of hmnanity and planet Earth and the
re establishment of a global paradise.
Paradise was and still is the divine plan; the intention of
The Divine Source; the creator and sustainer of all creation and all life.
The importance of the teachings provided within the pages of this
book is that very few people know what paradise really is or how to attain it.

One of The Manifesting Paradise Teachings being that true paradise
cannot be experienced, manifested or maintained without paradise
consciousness, which is our innate spiritual consciousness that arises
from the heart.
Paradise consciousness is a heart centered consciousness that has
all but disappeared, coinciding with the rise of the out of control
Industrial revolution and Consumerism.
Paradise consciousness was and still is the divine plan.
Re awakening of paradise consciousnes s is also our deepest desire; a
soul urge of our own divine self; the soul.
Chronic apathy has stricken humanity.
Most people have succumbed to the general belief that we are
powerless to manifest the ideal future; for ourselves, our children and Planet Earth.

This disempowering belief is entirely erroneous.
Extreme greed, extreme science, abandonment of 1llorality and ethics,
abandon1llent of the natural self sufficient lifestyle and the corruption
of the global education system has dangerously lowered hU1llanities
consciousness and our moral, ethical and cultural standards.
Money and science have become all important; being elevated by the
majority to God status.
Most people no longer know what God is and that God actually does
exist. The majority of the human population today now consider
money, science and sex as being more important than God, 1llorality
and mother Earth.

Human beings were not only given paradise, but also paradise
consciousness and a set of divine laws to help us 1llaintain paradise
consciousness and paradise.
Paradise consciousness has all but disappeared and planet Earth all
but destroyed.
Consumerism is rapidly consu1ning Planet Earth.
Planet Earths ecosyste1lls and humanities experimental global
civilization of Industrialization and Consumerism are now on the
verge of collapse.

And what about our future?
To recreate paradise, humanity needs a united future vision of an
ideal world.
Facilitating hU1llanities drea1ning of the ideal future and bringing it
into being is the purpose of The Manifesting Paradise Teachings; the
healing of humanity and mother Earth.
The Manifesting Paradise Teachings were divinely given to guide
and assist individuals and humanity to easily re attain paradise
consciousness and 1llanifest paradise on a personal, global and
planetary level.
They are educational and inspirational, not political.
Once paradise consciousness and personal paradise is attained by
the individual., these individuals then autolnatically begin to effect
their positive change of consciousness, wellbeing and lifestyle on a
societal level.
When a sufficient proportion of the population has re-attained
paradise consciousness on a societal level, paradise consciousness
will continue to influence other individuals and societies and spread,
ultimately re-establishing paradise consciousness and re-establishing
paradise on a global and planetary level.
The wellbeing of our race and this planet can only come from a
lnass change in humanities consciousness; an elevation of humanities
currently dangerously low level consciousness.
Who will initiate this positive change?
It is unlikely to come from governments, our lnainstream education
systems or science. The responsibility for the individuals own well
being is the individuals alone.
The responsibility for humanities wellbeing and the well being of
planet Earth is humanities alone; not just governlnents.
Mass change cannot occur without individual change.
For global humanitarian and environmental healing, re-attainment of
paradise consciousness is essential.
The Manifesting Paradise Teachings clearly identify the essential
moral, ethical and cultural standards that are urgently required to
attain paradise consciousness and manifest personal, global and
planetary paradise.
These essential, divinely given, moral, ethical and cultural standards
are known as The Essential Divine Standards.
Throughout history these Essential Divine Standards have continually
been given to humanity via the highly spiritualized seers and sages
through whom the divine source spoke.
They are the lnost important divine guidance that hUlnanity has ever
received and still continues to receive.
It is the widespread ignorance and abandonlnent of The Essential
Divine Standards, widespread abandorunent of our natural self
sufficient lifestyle and the resultant extreme consumerism that is the
cause of all of humanities suffering and the rapid destruction of
Planet Earth.
Widespread re-adoption and integration into our lives of The
Essential Divine Standards, a widespread return to a natural self
sufficient lifestyle and widespread reforestation is the only truly
sustainable solution to humanities impending catharsis and planet
Earths destruction.
Without the divine guidance of The Essential Divine Standards and
re-attainment of paradise consciousness, humanities dangerously low
1lloral, ethical and cultural standards now threaten to destroy us all
along with planet Earth.
The Manifesting Paradise Teachings also teach that manifestation
is a simple, yet powerful process which utilizes our innate spiritual
powers, enabling us to effortlessly enrich and heal ourselves
without the daily struggle that has become the norm in our sick and
struggling society.
By understanding and utilizing the power of manifestation, we as
individuals and humanity, the human collective, can dream the ideal
future and bring it into being.
The Manifesting Paradise Teachings began being written down
as a matter of urgency early in the year 20 1 2 AD, the astrological
beginning of The Era of Great Change.
As a race, hU1llanity and our globalized experimental civilization of
Industrialization and Consumerism has now evolved misguided, to an
extremely dangerous level of self and world destructive immorality,
ill health and all time low level consciousness.

The solution?
There are seven essential steps to manifesting personal, global and
planetary paradise which are elucidated .in this book.
In a nutshell they can be reduced down to, comprehensive lllorals
and ethics, higher cultural standards, widespread self sufficiency and
global reforestation.
If .individuals and humanity wants to avert global social catharsis and
global destruction, have a significant .influence over our future and
re-lllanifest paradise, div.ine guidance and an enlightened common
future vision is essential.
The Manifesting Paradise Teach.ings provide this.
The Manifesting Paradise Teach.ings are the blue for the healing
of the .individual, our race and planet Earth.
The roadmap to paradise. The Book of Life
With deep love, Matali

Manifesting: The non physical process of harmonious co-creation
between the divine aspect of humanity and The Divine Source,
where the divine intention at the core of the will to manifest and
manifestation is Love.
Paradise: The pure and perfect world of the meek; the highly
virtuous and self sufficient children of God, who live in harmony
with all of creation in accord with the natural and divinely given
laws for humanity.

Table of Contents
This manual is divided into four parts or books -
Book one: The three aspects of paradise, The Essential Divine
Standards, The process for the attainment of paradise consciousness
and manifesting true paradise.
Book two: Creating and living in paradise
Book three: Gospels - true personal stories of divine guidance,
divine intervention, metaphysical phenomena and miracles for the
understanding and validation of the miraculous stories and teachings
of the sacred ancient spiritual texts.
Book four: Manifesting Paradise - Future vision, unity and action.
Related prophecies
Foreword and Dedication ........................................................................... v
Introduction ................................................................................................ vii
Song of The Divine Source ..................................................... : ................ xii
Table of contents ...................................................................................... xiii
Book One:
The three aspects of Paradise: . . . . . . . . . . 1
Personal paradise: - Inner and Outer . . . . . . . . 1
Global Paradise and Planetary Paradise: ............................... 5
The seven steps to personal, global and planetary Paradise: ................. 6
How to attain paradise consciousness . . . . . . 7
The Essential Divine Standards - the traditional set....... 9
The Essential Divine Standards were offered to hUlnanity
again via spiritualized sages of the Native American Indian
civilization: ..................... 1 6
The cOlnplete list of The Essential Divine Standards . .. . . . . . . . . . 23
Understanding The Essential Divine Standards ..... . ...... 24
Consciousness ................................................... 69
The influence of our Chakras on overall consciousness ..................... 70
Paradise consciousness .............................................................................. 74
Communion with The Divine Source ..................................................... 7 5
Divine Guidance ............................................................... ......................... 76
Intuition is a fonn of divine guidance .................................................... 77
Wisdom is a fonn of divine guidance .................................................... 80
Attuning to The Divine Source ............................................................... 88
I<riya yoga .................................................................................................... 90
Manifestation .............................................................................................. 93
Sacred Spiritualization Techniques .......................................................... 97
Book Two: Advice for manifesting and living in Paradise . ................ 1 04
Money ........................................................................................................ 108
Need versus Greed .................................................................................. 11 0
The Songbird ............................................................................................ 110
Back to Nature .......................................................................................... 111
A natural diet ............................................................................................ 113
A natural lifestyle: ..................................................................................... 115
The Self Perpetuating Madness ............................................................. 11 7
Wisdom of our Ancestors ...................................................................... 118
A message from the Hopi Elders - Orabai, Arizona Hopi
Nation 2011 .............................................................................................. 119
The Drones ............................................................................................... 120
Consumerism and the Industrial Revolution ....................................... 123
A cup of coffee with two sugars ........................................................... 126
Population Overload ................................................................................ 131
Decentralization and the natural communal village lifestyle of
human beings ............................................................................................ 138
Manifesting Ideal C01nmunities ............................................................. 139
The Gunas - The three natural qualities inherent in everything ...... 144
Coming of Age and Rites of Passage ................................................... 148
Suggestions for Rites of Passage ceremonies ...................................... 150
From Adolescence to Adulthood life education: ................................ 155
Healing the Little Child Within: ............................................................. 15 5
Peer pressure and being an individual: ................................................. .158
Guiding others: ......................................................................................... 160
Loving Yourself: ....................................................................................... 161
Respect for all others and all life: ........................................................... 162
Self ............................................................................................................. 163
Self discipline ............................................................................................ 163
Self control ............................................................................................... 163
Self Mastery .............................................................................................. 164
The Essential Divine Standards ............................................................. 165
What is the purpose of a hU1nan life?: .................................................. 165
What is the true measure of a successful life?: .................................... 166
Responsibility ............................................................................................ 167
Choosing a career ..................................................................................... 168
The Credit trap ......................................................................................... 1 71
The Gender trap ....................................................................................... 172
Love making .............................................................................................. 1 73
Salute to the Sun ....................................................................................... 1 74
The two I's ................................................................................................. 175
What is God?: ........................................................................................... 176
Unconditional happiness ......................................................................... 180
Jihad - The holy batde within ................................................................ 181
Race Consciousness ................................................................................. 185
What is Reality? ........................................................................................ 186
Oneness - the Ocean and the Wave ..................................................... 187
The Divine Potter .................................................................................... 189
Book Three: A Divine Life ..................................................................... 190
The Hypnotist .......................................... . ................................................ 192
I want to know 'you, God ..................................................................... ... 196
The Book ................................................................................................... 199
My life as a hermit: . .......................................................................·. .......... 203
My Yoga Teacher from India: ................................................................ 205
Back to the city ......................................................................................... 209
The Divine light: ...................................................................................... 211
The girl for me: ..... , .................................................................................... 212
Journey to Indonesia: .............................................................................. 213
Saint Valentines Day ................................................................................ 214
Love in the slums ..................................................................................... 216
Incurable disease cured by divine guidance ......................................... 219
Who am I? ................................................................................................. 225
When the student is ready the Guru appears: . .................................... 228
Mahavatar Babaji materiali􀃲s: ............................................................... 229
Sacred Waters ............................................................................................ 233
A gift from DanieL ........................................................... . ....... ................ 236
Bathing in the Holy Stream of The Divine Source ............................ 238
Seeing the divine light emanating out of 1ny heart ............................. 243
Book Four: Prophecies and future vision ............................................ 245
The Garden of Eden: .............................................................................. 245
The meek shall inherit the Earth ................................... ........................ 251
The Book of Micah ................................................................................. 259
The Prophecy of The Children of the Rainbow ................................ 272
The Prophecy of The Seven Fires ........................................................ 273
The spiritualized children of the light .................................................. 273
Who owns Planet Earth? ........................................................................ 277
The World Scientists Warning to Humanity - 1992: ........................... 278
Re-Manifesting Paradise the problems,
the cause and the solution ...................................................................... 283
Humanities future vision? ....................................................................... 287
The New Dawn ........................................................................................ 291
Beware the false Prophets that come after 1ne ................................. ... 292
'The Manifesting Paradise Daily Inspirations' ..................................... 294
Each one of us is like a bag of seeds .................................................... 311
Conclusion ................................................................................................ 313

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May these teachings reawaken the paradise consciousness which
is sleeping within you, rekindling your deep connection with
the truth, the natural world and the divine reality, to become a
knowing, and a yearning for the simple and fulfilling, healthy,
sustainable and harmonious, natural way of living,
May these teachings guide you and uplift you on the path to paradise.
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