Harness The Power Of Your Personality Type To Transform Your Work, Relationships, And Life
Joel Mark Witt & Antonia Dodge
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| 441 p |
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| 978-1-61243-779-8 |
| 2018 Joel Mark Witt and Antonia Dodge |
Joel Mark Witt and Antonia Dodge are podcasters, entrepreneurs, personal
development coaches, and personality typology experts who have consulted with
companies like Zappos, Oracle, American Express, CNN, and many others.
Through their Profiler Training Course, they have taught hundreds of students,
including CEOs, coaches, investors, and law enforcement agents, to use their
unique conversational typing method and help others uncover their best-fit
Myers-Briggs personality. Joel and Antonia also host the popular Personality
Hacker podcast. Each episode is a conversation that helps you create awareness
around how you are wired, gives you permission to be who you truly are, and
design a custom personal growth path for your life.
They live in Pennsylvania with their daughter Piper, Joel’s sons Gunnar and
Sawyer, and a golden retriever named Duncan.
The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic
emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technology.
— E. O. Wilson
Our Generation’s Identity Crisis
Identity questions often take center stage in our society. People talk about gender
identity, national identity, cultural identity, sexual identity, and even lost
identity. Humanity seems to be in the midst of a collective identity crisis.
We don’t really know who we are anymore. We face crippling insecurity. On a
micro level, online comment wars break out over anything from politics to
vaccinations to child-rearing. On a macro level, real international wars break out
over religion, culture, or national pride. These conflicts are rooted in identity and
the defensiveness of our egos.
We may be so defensive because we feel our identities are constantly under
attack. When a person lacks a strong sense of who they are, it is easier for them
to marginalize or undermine another’s sense of self.
We are all searching for ourselves in an ocean of conflicting narratives.
How We Got into This Mess
We believe there are several reasons why humanity faces this identity crisis:
Technology evolves too fast, there’s a glut of information, and the world is
increasingly globalized.
Technology Evolves Too Fast
Technologies are outpacing our ability to adapt. Just over ten years ago, Bill
Baker wrote in Destination Branding for Small Cities, “We are living in the most
over-communicated time period in history.” At the time of his writing, the first
iPhone—a piece of consumer technology that changed the game of
connectedness and communication—had not yet been released.
According to Moore’s Law, the capacity of technological hardware doubles
every two years, rendering advancements in consumer tech both more powerful
and more affordable. This is why the phone in your pocket is more powerful
than the room-sized computers NASA relied upon to calculate the Apollo moon
landings. And on those phones, we install an infinite array of apps that we use to
engage with each other, while simultaneously complaining about how we lack
true connection and intimacy.
This is not to say that consumer technology is at fault or that our modern world
is somehow wrong. Technology and digital communication aren’t the problems;
it’s that their evolution outpaces our own. We fear being ostracized and disliked.
According to our Paleolithic emotions, being disliked by a large group is similar
to getting kicked out of the tribe—a fate equal to death. Because of this, our
mental wiring causes us to react to negative words from someone online as if our
survival were in imminent danger. We have ancient imprints telling us to be
careful, for if an entire group of people were to dislike us, we might die. Being
hated by a group has negative survival implications, and there just hasn’t been
enough time to upgrade these DNA-level blueprints.
Technology gives us new opportunities, but also pressures us to keep pace in a
fast-moving world.
Information Overload
We spend a lifetime attempting to know about everything but struggle to know
ourselves. We have too much data coming at us, all too fast. We can’t sort
through and vet the rapid outpouring of information in a constantly connected
world. The internet is great for organizing and distributing all the world’s
information, but it also creates in us a hunger for producing (and consuming)
more and more.
People today know more about global politics, world events, and celebrity
relationships than any previous generation knew. Yet somehow, we are often
baffled about ourselves and the people we spend the most time around.
Globalization Leads to Fragmentation
The world is becoming more globalized, yet also more fragmented and chaotic.
We as humans used to strongly identify with our immediate families, tribes, and
even nation-states, but as national borders dissolve and humans connect globally,
we are left without strong group identities and we lose our individual roles
within those groups.
So, we gravitate to ideologies that bind us together. And we know that
ideologies, rooted deeply in our egos, are often the source of escalated conflict.
We then find ourselves tethered to our ideals rather than to other humans. We
can see this with the rise of authoritarian leadership. Lacking individual
identities, masses grasp at any cult of personality that can give them markers of
strong identity. Even when the leadership is harsh and acts against the people’s
best interest, people tend to accept it because it helps them feel a sense of self.
Why We Need to Know Ourselves
Humans need to move past superficial markers of identity. It’s time to reach out
and experience a deep sense of self-knowing. People need to know themselves to
love themselves, and they need to love themselves to love others. We, the
authors, believe that a strong sense of identity will help you learn to do those
things, as well as achieve a greater sense of personal security and reduced anxiety.
Acceptance of Self and Others
When you have a strong sense of identity, you can make space for and accept
others. We believe that by understanding and honoring your own individuality,
you will become empowered to claim your life’s passion, purpose, and mission.
A strong identity is built on feeling secure. Security comes from a modest selfevaluation,
without inflating or diminishing your own talents. It is knowing
you’ll be okay with whatever life throws at you. When we all show up as our
secure selves, we will create a more peaceful world that makes space for others.
This often means agreeing to disagree. There will be disagreements as we create
a world that honors individual expression and supports everyone becoming the
person they were meant to be. But disagreements and peace can coincide when
individuals are confident in who they are. We nurture confidence when we take
advantage of the tools designed to understand ourselves better.
Personal Security
A strong sense of identity inoculates you from being “hacked” by others who
know you better than you know yourself. There is a growing amount of evidence
that the 2016 United States presidential election was swayed by foreign
governments and private research firms. These actors used a combination of
misinformation campaigns, personality insights, and psychographic data to
“hack” into people’s behaviors, preferences, and motivations to influence the
election’s outcome.
We are racing toward a new frontier of psychological possibilities, including
psychological exploitation. Will you be prepared for the coming mental divide?
There will be people who understand how their minds work, which will give
them the control and power over themselves. They will have a strong sense of
who they are, giving them greater influence over their own decisions. And there
will be people who don’t learn about their personalities, don’t claim their
identities, and could become sitting ducks for exploitation.
If you don’t know who you are and what motivates you, control is out of your
hands. You are at the mercy of people who know how your mind works better
than you do. Do you want to be vulnerable or would you like to get to know
yourself, your learning styles, and your motivational core?
Table of Contents
Our Generation’s Identity Crisis
How We Got into This Mess
Why We Need to Know Ourselves
What You’ll Gain from This Book
How This Book Is Organized
Getting the Most from This Book
System of Personality
Our Favorite Personality Map
Myers-Briggs Dichotomies and Cognitive Functions
Myers-Briggs Dichotomies Explained
Introversion vs Extraversion: Inner World vs. Outer World Reality
Sensing vs. iNtuition: How We Perceive Reality
Thinking vs. Feeling: How We Evaluate Information and Make Decisions
Judging vs. Perceiving: Do You Want Freedom or Organization?
Dichotomies: In Conclusion
The Cognitive Functions
The Four Cognitive Functions You Use
Pairing Cognitive Functions with Myers-Briggs Types
Dominant and Auxiliary Functions
Tertiary and Inferior Functions
The Car Model
Determining Cognitive Function from Type
Driver (Dominant)
Copilot (Auxiliary)
10-Year-Old (Tertiary)
3-Year-Old (Inferior)
Cognitive Functions in Detail
Perceiving Functions
Judging Functions
The Good News and Bad News
ENTP Personality Type
The ENTP Driver Is Exploration (Ne)
The ENTP Copilot Is Accuracy (Ti)
The ENTP 10-Year-Old Is Harmony (Fe)
The ENTP 3-Year-Old Is Memory (Si)
ENFP Personality Type
The ENFP Driver Is Exploration (Ne)
The ENFP Copilot Is Authenticity (Fi)
The ENFP 10-Year-Old Is Effectiveness (Te)
The ENFP 3-Year-Old Is Memory (Si)
ESTP Personality Type
The ESTP Driver Is Sensation (Se)
The ESTP Copilot Is Accuracy (Ti)
The ESTP 10-Year-Old Is Harmony (Fe)
The ESTP 3-Year-Old Is Perspectives (Ni)
ESFP Personality Type
The ESFP Driver Is Sensation (Se)
The ESFP Copilot Is Authenticity (Fi)
The ESFP 10-Year-Old Is Effectiveness (Te)
The ESFP 3-Year-Old Is Perspectives (Ni)
INTJ Personality Type
The INTJ Driver Is Perspectives (Ni)
The INTJ Copilot Is Effectiveness (Te)
The INTJ 10-Year-Old Is Authenticity (Fi)
The INTJ 3-Year-Old Is Sensation (Se)
INFJ Personality Type
The INFJ Driver Is Perspectives (Ni)
The INFJ Copilot Is Harmony (Fe)
The INFJ 10-Year-Old Is Accuracy (Ti)
The INFJ 3-Year-Old Is Sensation (Se)
ISTJ Personality Type
The ISTJ Driver Is Memory (Si)
The ISTJ Copilot Is Effectiveness (Te)
The ISTJ 10-Year-Old Is Authenticity (Fi)
The ISTJ 3-Year-Old Is Exploration (Ne)
ISFJ Personality Type
The ISFJ Driver Is Memory (Si)
The ISFJ Copilot Is Harmony (Fe)
The ISFJ 10-Year-Old Is Accuracy (Ti)
The ISFJ 3-Year-Old Is Exploration (Ne)
INTP Personality Type
The INTP Driver Is Accuracy (Ti)
The INTP Copilot Is Exploration (Ne)
The INTP 10-Year-Old Is Memory (Si)
The INTP 3-Year-Old Is Harmony (Fe)
INFP Personality Type
The INFP Driver Is Authenticity (Fi)
The INFP Copilot Is Exploration (Ne)
The INFP 10-Year-Old Is Memory (Si)
The INFP 3-Year-Old Is Effectiveness (Te)
ISTP Personality Type
The ISTP Driver Is Accuracy (Ti)
The ISTP Copilot Is Sensation (Se)
The ISTP 10-Year-Old Is Perspectives (Ni)
The ISTP 3-Year-Old Is Harmony (Fe)
ISFP Personality Type
The ISFP Driver Is Authenticity (Fi)
The ISFP Copilot Is Sensation (Se)
The ISFP 10-Year-Old Is Perspectives (Ni)
The ISFP 3-Year-Old Is Effectiveness (Te)
ENTJ Personality Type
The ENTJ Driver Is Effectiveness (Te)
The ENTJ Copilot Is Perspectives (Ni)
The ENTJ 10-Year-Old Is Sensation (Se)
The ENTJ 3-Year-Old Is Authenticity (Fi)
ENFJ Personality Type
The ENFJ Driver Is Harmony (Fe)
The ENFJ Copilot Is Perspectives (Ni)
The ENFJ 10-Year-Old Is Sensation (Se)
The ENFJ 3-Year-Old Is Accuracy (Ti)
ESTJ Personality Type
The ESTJ Driver Is Effectiveness (Te)
The ESTJ Copilot Is Memory (Si)
The ESTJ 10-Year-Old Is Exploration (Ne)
The ESTJ 3-Year-Old Is Authenticity (Fi)
ESFJ Personality Type
The ESFJ Driver Is Harmony (Fe)
The ESFJ Copilot Is Memory (Si)
The ESFJ 10-Year-Old Is Exploration (Ne)
The ESFJ 3-Year-Old Is Accuracy (Ti)
The FIRM Model
Find Your Fixation
Personality Fixations
What If You Don’t Identify with Your Type’s Fixation?
What If You Identify with a FIRM Fixation of a Different Type?
Think of Yourself as a Sovereign Person
Find Access Points to Become Who You Were Meant to Be
Change the World by Loving and Developing Yourself
Discovering your Myers-Briggs Type
Scoring Mechanism
My Car Model
Car Model Notes
Reduced Anxiety
Nearly all people grapple with the same series of questions: “What is my
purpose, my meaning?” “What should I spend my life doing?” “Who should I
spend it with?” When the answers to these questions don’t make themselves
known, we can become anxious, afraid we’re running out of time, or uncertain of
our own futures.
When you spend time and effort getting to know yourself, you 1) spot
opportunities when they are right for you, 2) avoid wasting time on the wrong
things, and 3) trust that things will happen when the timing is right, without
heaping blame on yourself or otherwise getting into self-destructive cycles.