Talk Like TED

Carmine Gallo

The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World's Top Minds

1. Business presentations. 2. Public speaking.
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Book Details
 251 p
 File Size 
 1,693 KB
 File Type
 PDF format
 978-1-250-04112-8 (hardcover)
 978-1-4668-3727-0 (e-book)
 2014 by Carmine Gallo

About the Author
CARMINE GALLO, bestselling author of The Presentation Secrets of Steve
Jobs, is the communications coach for the world’s most admired brands. A
former anchor and correspondent for CNN and CBS, Gallo is a popular keynote
speaker who has worked with executives at Intel, Cisco, Chevron, Hewlett-
Packard, Coca-Cola, Pfizer, and many others and writes the column
“My Communications Coach.” He lives in Pleasanton, California, with his wife
and two daughters.

Ideas Are the Currency of the Twenty-first Century

“I’m a learning machine and this is the place to learn.”

IDEAS ARE THE CURRENCY OF the twenty-first century. Some people are
exceptionally good at presenting their ideas. Their skill elevates their stature and
influence in today’s society. There’s nothing more inspiring than a bold idea
delivered by a great speaker. Ideas, effectively packaged and delivered, can
change the world. So, wouldn’t it be amazing to identify the exact techniques
shared by the world’s greatest communicators, watch them deliver jaw-dropping
presentations, and apply their secrets to wow your audiences? Now you can,
thanks to a world famous conference that posts its best presentations for free on
the Internet—TED (Technology, Education, Design), a scientific analysis of
hundreds of TED presentations, direct interviews with TED’s most popular
speakers, and my personal insights gleaned from years of coaching inspiring
leaders of the world’s most admired brands.
Talk Like TED is for anyone who wants to speak with more confidence and
authority. It’s for anyone who delivers presentations, sells products and services,
or leads people who need to be inspired. If you have ideas worth sharing, the
techniques in this book will help you craft and deliver those ideas far more
persuasively than you’ve ever imagined.
In March 2012, civil rights attorney Bryan Stevenson delivered a talk to 1,000
people attending the annual TED conference in Long Beach, California. He
received the longest standing ovation in TED history, and his presentation has
been viewed nearly two million times online. For 18 minutes Stevenson held the
audience spellbound by appealing to their heads and their hearts. The
combination worked. Stevenson told me that the attendees that day donated a
combined $1 million to his nonprofit, the Equal Justice Initiative. That’s over
$55,000 for each minute he spoke.
Stevenson did not deliver a PowerPoint presentation. He offered no visuals, no
slides, no props. The power of his narrative carried the day. Some popular TED
speakers prefer to use PowerPoint to reinforce the impact of their narrative. In
March 2011, professor David Christian launched a movement to teach “Big
History” in schools after delivering a riveting 18-minute TED talk backed by
visually engaging slides and intriguing graphics. “Big history” teaches students
how the world evolved and its place in the universe. Christian’s presentation,
which covers 13 billion years of history in 18 minutes, has been viewed more
than one million times.
Christian and Stevenson have seemingly different presentation styles and you
will hear from both of them in this book. One tells stories, the other delivers
mountains of data with image-rich slides, yet both are captivating, entertaining,
and inspiring because they share nine secrets. They understand the science and
the art of persuasion.
After analyzing more than 500 TED presentations (more than 150 hours) and
speaking directly to successful TED speakers, I’ve discovered that the most
popular TED presentations share nine common elements. I’ve also interviewed
some of the world’s leading neuroscientists, psychologists, and communications
experts to gain a better understanding of why the principles that underlie these
elements work as well as they do. Best of all, once you learn the secrets these
communicators share, you can adopt them and stand out in your very next pitch
or presentation. These are techniques I’ve used for years to coach CEOs,
entrepreneurs, and leaders who have invented products or run companies that
touch your life every day. While you may never speak at an actual TED
conference, if you want to succeed in business you’d better be able to deliver a
TED-worthy presentation. It represents a bold, fresh, contemporary, and
compelling style that will help you win over your audience.

Table of Contents

Title Page
Copyright Notice
Introduction: Ideas Are the Currency of the Twenty-first Century

PART I: Emotional
1. Unleash the Master Within
2. Master the Art of Storytelling
3. Have a Conversation
PART II: Novel
4. Teach Me Something New
5. Deliver Jaw-Dropping Moments
6. Lighten Up
PART III: Memorable
7. Stick to the 18-Minute Rule
8. Paint a Mental Picture with Multisensory Experiences
9. Stay in Your Lane

Author’s Note
Also by Carmine Gallo
About the Author


Copyright Notice
The author and publisher have provided this e-book to you for your personal use
only. You may not make this e-book publicly available in any way. Copyright
infringement is against the law. If you believe the copy of this e-book you
are reading infringes on the author’s copyright, please notify the publisher
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