The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic

- A New Translation -


Subjects: LCSH: Magic
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 1059 p
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 2017 John Michael Greer
 and Mark Anthony Mikituk
 Penguin supports copyright.

JOHN MICHAEL GREER is a widely respected author, translator, and
blogger in the occult field. He is most recently the editor of the new,
substantially revised seventh edition of Israel Regardie’s occult landmark
The Golden Dawn (Llewellyn 2016).

MARK MIKITUK, currently a resident of France, has extensive
experience as a translator and has also taught English to Francophone
students. This is his first book project.

Mark Anthony Mikituk
and therefore, although it is unusual to do so, I would like to take a few
moments of the reader’s time to expound upon my qualifications for, and
my method of, translating it.

John Michael Greer and I met through the magic of the Internet: in one
of his blogs he mentioned his dissatisfaction with A. E. Waite’s
translation, and I had the temerity to offer my services as a professional
translator, in the production of a new, annotated version.
I believe that in John Michael Greer’s mind my main qualifications for
the job, aside from the fact that I am a professional translator, was that I
lacked virtually any other basis upon which to recommend myself: I
belonged to no occult organization; I had very little experience with the
occult beyond an expressed interest in it; I had not, and never did
throughout this translation, read A. E. Waite’s version of the work; and, as
I said to Greer myself, I had “no skin in the game.”
Thus I embarked upon this translation, as the fool would, naively, with
just a bit of courage at hand.

But no fool is entirely naive, even at birth, and from the start I chose a
particular method with regard to my translation, which was then confirmed
by experience: I believed that any great work of the occult—as The
Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic most certainly is—might have some
ulterior, initially indefinable, motive, and that I should stick as closely as I
possibly could to the original form of the work, in order not to make the
mistake of failing to transmit some unknown quantity.
That intuition was quickly, and positively confirmed, by the effect the
translation of Levi’s work had upon me. This was not some vulgar book,
on magic or otherwise; it was written with the intention to act upon the
reader’s mind exactly like an initiatory experience, if that reader is of the
right frame of mind. That is to say, although written as prose, this book is
in fact poetry for the mind and acts as a key that can be used to open it.
In practice, as is the case when one translates poetry, this meant
keeping as close as possible, not only to the sense, but also to the sound,
the form and the rhythm, of the work. And so I have endeavored to keep
the structure and rhythm of Lévi’s work intact. As much as possible, I
have stayed close to Lévi’s words and tone, even if, perhaps, in English
they at times seem a bit highfalutin. This is originally a French work, after all.

Thus to the best of my ability I have attempted to intuit and reproduce
The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic, as Éliphas Lévi might have
written it, had he done so in English.
Any errors are of course mine, but I would like to thank John Michael
Greer for numerous pieces of advice and wisdom, and my wife, Géraldine,
for her patience.

Table of Contents
Title Page 2
Copyright 3
Contents 4
General Introduction by John Michael Greer 8
Translator’s Note by Mark Anthony Mikituk 24

Introduction to the Doctrine of High Magic 27
Chapter One: The Initiate 46
Chapter Two: The Columns of the Temple 56
Chapter Three: The Triangle of Solomon 64
Chapter Four: The Tetragrammaton 71
Chapter Five: The Pentagram 80
Chapter Six: Magical Equilibrium 88
Chapter Seven: The Flaming Sword 95
Chapter Eight: Realization 100
Chapter Nine: Initiation 107
Chapter Ten: The Cabala 110
Chapter Eleven: The Magical Chain 119
Chapter Twelve: The Great Work 127
Chapter Thirteen: Necromancy 132
Chapter Fourteen: Transmutations 140
Chapter Fifteen: Black Magic 146
Chapter Sixteen: Enchantments 149
Chapter Seventeen: Astrology 157
Chapter Eighteen: Potions and Spells 164
Chapter Nineteen: The Stone of the Philosophers, Elagabalus 173
Chapter Twenty: The Universal Medicine 177
Chapter Twenty-One: Divination 181
Chapter Twenty-Two: Summary and General Key to the Four
Occult Sciences 186

Introduction to the Ritual of High Magic 191
Chapter One: Preparations 206
Chapter Two: Magical Equilibrium 214
Chapter Three: The Triangle of the Pentacles 220
Chapter Four: The Conjuration of the Four 228
Chapter Five: The Flaming Pentagram 240
Chapter Six: The Medium and the Mediator 245
Chapter Seven: The Septenary of Talismans 250
Chapter Eight: A Warning to the Imprudent 263
Chapter Nine: The Ceremony of the Initiates 267
Chapter Ten: The Key of Occultism 272
Chapter Eleven: The Triple Chain 276
Chapter Twelve: The Great Work 280
Chapter Thirteen: Necromancy 286
Chapter Fourteen: Transmutations 297
Chapter Fifteen: The Sabbath of the Sorcerers 303
Chapter Sixteen: Enchantments and Spells 319
Chapter Seventeen: The Writing of the Stars 326
Chapter Eighteen: Potions and Magnetism 338
Chapter Nineteen: The Magistery of the Sun 346
Chapter Twenty: Thaumaturgy 350
Chapter Twenty-One: The Science of the Prophets 357
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Book of Hermes 365

THE NUCTEMERON of Apollonius of Tyana 396
Of Country Magic and the Sorcery of Shepherds 415
Responses to Some Questions and Criticisms 430
The Religious, Philosophical, and Moral Tendencies of Our Books
on Magic 431
Index 443
About the Translators 465


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Lévi, Eliphas, 1810–1875, author.
Title: The doctrine and ritual of high magic / Eliphas Lévi; translated by Mark Anthony Mikituk;
introduction and notes by John Michael Greer.
Other titles: Dogme et rituel de la haute magie. English
Description: New York: TarcherPerigee, 2017. | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016040845 (print) | LCCN 2017002427 (ebook) | 
ISBN 9780143111030 | ISBN 9781101992746
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