The Key


The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want

1. New Thought. 2. Success. 3. Conduct of life.
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Book Details
 227 p
 File Size 
 876 KB
 File Type
 PDF format
 978-0-470-18076-1 (cloth : alk. paper)  
 2008 by Hypnotic Marketing, Inc   

About the Author
One of the stars of the movie The Secret, Dr. Joe Vitale is
president of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., and president of
Frontier Nutritional Research, Inc., both companies based
outside of Austin, Texas.
He is the author of way too many books to list here,
including the #1 best-selling book The Attractor Factor, the #1
best seller Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, and the best-selling
Nightingale-Conant audioprogram, The Power of Outrageous Marketing.
He has also written The E-Code, There’s a Customer Born Every
Minute, The Seven Lost Secrets of Success, Hypnotic Writing, Your
Internet Cash Machine, and Buying Trances, and is co-author of
Meet and Grow Rich and Zero Limits, all published by JohnWiley & Sons.
Once homeless and living in poverty, Joe is now considered
one of the pioneers of Internet marketing. He has helped
people become millionaires and has helped create online empires.
Due to his work in The Secret and to the success of his books
The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits, he is now becoming known
as a self-help guru. He’s often called the Buddha of the Internet.
His main web site is at

The cause of success is not in the environment of the individual,
because if it were, all persons within a given radius would be
successful, and success would be wholly a matter of neighborhood; and
we see that people whose environments are practically the same and
who live in the same neighborhood show us all degrees of success and
failure; therefore, we know that the cause of success must be in the
individual, and nowhere else.
—WallaceD.Wattles, author of How to GetWhat YouWant
and The Science of Getting Rich

You are the masterpiece of your own life; you are theMichelangelo of
your own life. The David that you are sculpting is you.
—Dr. Joe Vitale, from the movie The Secret

Table of Contents

The Optimist Creed—Christian D. Larson xiii
Foreword—Bob Proctor xv
Acknowledgments xvii
Part One: The Key
The Missing Secret 3
The Key 9
How the Universe Works 13
The Law of Attraction 17
No Loopholes 21
Is Action Always Necessary? 25
How to Attract a Million Dollars 31
Why Material Things? 35
Your Threshold of Deservingness 39
Expect Miracles 43
Think Bigger! 47
Part Two: The Methods
Clearing Method #1:You Are Here 51
Clearing Method #2: Opting to Change Inner Beliefs 59
Clearing Method #3: Unraveling Your Thoughts 65
Clearing Method #4: Hypnotic Stories 69
Clearing Method #5: I Love You 77
Clearing Method #6: Tap-Dancing Your Troubles Away 85
Clearing Method #7: Nevillize It 91
Clearing Method #8: Please Forgive Me 97
Clearing Method #9:Your Body Speaks 103
Clearing Method #10: The Vital Message 113
Part Three: The Miracles
A Miracles Coaching Q&A: An Excerpt from a Miracles
Coaching Teleseminar 121
Five Insights on Manifesting Money: Excerpts from
a Miracles Coaching Teleseminar 147
What Is Miracles Coaching? 155
Bonus: Emotional Freedom 101: Letting Go of
Unwanted Thoughts or Feelings—Peter Michel 161
Bibliography 185
About the Author 191
Special Offer: Who Else Wants a Miracles Coach? 193
Index 195


Praise for The Key
‘‘For those of us who loved The Attractor Factor and The Secret, Joe has done it again. The Key is
the how-to book that makes the ‘law of attraction’ come alive!"
—Jessica Biel, actor and philanthropist
‘‘Joe Vitale’s energy and enthusiasm for life jumps off every page of his new book, The Key. He
leaves no stone unturned in explaining exactly how to attract everything you want in your life.
The words ’I love you’ have taken on a whole new meaning. Bravo!’’
—Cathy Lee Crosby, actress and author of Let the Magic Begin
‘‘Joe Vitale reveals the hidden ’obstacles’ behind most failed attempts at manifestation and
attraction. If you have been unable to manifest or attract what you truly desire, the missing
secret he outlines in this book will open the door for you. Knowing and applying this key in
your life will more than pay for the cost of this book! Read it and reap the benefits!’’
—Dr. Robert Anthony, author of Beyond Positive Thinking
‘‘This is one of the most powerful resources I have ever read! The Key is completely lifetransforming,
brilliantly simple, and can unlock the door to everything you desire. This book
ranks up there with the classics.’’
—Peggy McColl, author of Your Destiny Switch
‘‘The Key has been a secret for far too long. Joe Vitale shows us how to easily and precisely
unlock the conscious and unconscious impediments to our success and clear the way to
unlimited self-improvement. This is a must-read for all!’’
—Dr. R. F. Barrett, wellness advisor and author of Dare to Break Through the Pain
"In his typically engaging storytelling style, Joe Vitale addresses the toughest questions and
objections related to manifesting your desires. Further, he provides a remarkable collection of
tools to help you eliminate even the most stubborn blocks and limiting beliefs, thus clearing
the way for any and all possibilities. An absolute must-read for anyone serious about living
their life by design."
—Bob Doyle, creator and facilitator of the Wealth Beyond Reason program
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