Ancient Book of Enoch

by Ken Johnson, Th.D.
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 2012, by Ken Johnson, Th.D. 

The Book of Enoch, 2800-200 BC
If the legends are to be believed, Enoch
passed his book and other books to
Noah, who preserved them in the Ark.
Noah then passed Enoch’s book on to
Shem, who preserved it in the city of
Salem. Eventually it was passed down
to the Israeli tribe of Levi for safe
keeping. Somewhere along the line a
new Hebrew translation renamed some
of the place names of the cities, rivers,
and lands. This was most likely done
around the time of Solomon. It was then
preserved up to the time the Essenes
buried it, along with other ancient texts,
to be found among the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Ancient Church on Enoch, AD 32-700
The Book of Enoch is quoted by church
fathers and rabbis alike, all the way
back to the first century. By the year AD
700 it was forgotten by the church as a
whole. Here are a few quotes from the
ancient church fathers that let us know
that the Ethiopic version of Enoch
(called 1 Enoch) was considered the
real Book of Enoch and that it contained
real prophecy. It was not, however, to
be added to the canon of Scripture, but
was considered recommend reading by
Scripture much like the Ancient Book of
Jasher. What we know today as 2 Enoch
and 3 Enoch were never considered real
by either the church or the ancient rabbis.
Origen, Of First Principles 4.1.35,
quotes Enoch 41 and 17.
Origen, Against Celsus 5.48,54,
shows that Celsus’ quote of
Enoch’s prophecy of seventy angels
is from 2 Enoch. Origen corrects
him by stating that the books of
Enoch he was using (2 and 3
Enoch) are not received by Jews or Christians.
Irenaeus, Against Heresies 4.16,
summarized the story of Enoch 6-16.
Tertullian, On Idolatry 4, said
Enoch taught that the demons and
spirits of the apostate angels turned
everything pure into idolatry.
Anatolius 5 says the Book of Enoch
clearly shows the Hebrew New
Year begins about the time of the equinox.
Testament of Levi 10 teaches that
the Book of Enoch says the Jews
will be scattered among the heathen
and the temple will be at Jerusalem.
Theodotus 2 quotes Enoch as
saying “I have seen all sorts of matter.”
Tertullian, Apparel of Women 1.2 ,
summarized the errors taught by the
fallen angels in Enoch 6-16.
Tertullian, Apparel of Women 1.3 ,
says the Book of Enoch is genuine.
The Book of Enoch was not
received by some Christians
because it was not part of the
Jewish canon. The Jews
[Pharisees] rejected it, like some
portions of Scripture, because it
testified of Christ. Its quotation
from the epistle of Jude proves it is
to be considered genuine prophecy.
Tertullian, Treatise on the Soul 50,
says Enoch and Elijah will return to
earth (his interpretation of Enoch 90:31).
Tertullian, Idolatry 1.4, 15, quotes
the Book of Enoch.

AD 1768-1948
A man named James Bruce heard that the
only translation known to still exist of
the lost Book of Enoch was preserved
by the Ethiopian Christian Church. In
AD 1768, Bruce travelled to Ethiopia to
find the Book of Enoch. Six years later,
in 1773, he brought three manuscripts
back to London where they lay in the
British Museum untranslated. One
hundred and twenty years later, in 1893,
a man named R. H. Charles translated
the manuscripts from the Ethiopic
language into English.

Enoch was the seventh generation from
Adam, the first man God created
(Genesis 5:1-24). From Scripture we
know Enoch lived for 365 years and then
was translated or raptured without
dying, and that even though he was a
sinner like every other human being, he
pleased God with his lifestyle.

And Enoch lived sixty and five
years, and begat Methuselah: and
Enoch walked with God after he
begat Methuselah three hundred
years, and begat sons and
daughters: and all the days of
Enoch were three hundred sixty and
five years: and Enoch walked with
God: and he was not; for God took him. Genesis 5:21-24

By faith Enoch was translated that
he should not see death; and was
not found, because God had
translated him: for before his
translation he had this testimony,
that he pleased God. But without
faith it is impossible to please Him:
for he that cometh to God must
believe that He is, and that He is a
rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:5-6

Enoch named his firstborn son
Methuselah (Genesis 5:22). The name
Methuselah is made up of two Hebrew
words; “meth” meaning “death” and
“selah” meaning “to send.” The way
Genesis 5:22 puts these two words
together is unique. The spelling suggests
the name can be translated as a Hebrew
sentence meaning “when he is dead, it
will be sent.” If we add the years from
creation to the birth of Methuselah as
found in Genesis 5, and then add his age
at death, we find he died the very same
year the Flood came. If we look in the
ancient book of Jasher 5:36, we see
Methuselah died exactly one week
before the Flood occurred. This is the
same day Noah entered the Ark! (Genesis 7:1-4).

The timing clearly shows Enoch knew of
the prophecy of God’s judgment of the
world and, apparently, God gave Enoch
a prophecy that the day his son died
would be the end of the world as he
knew it! This would, indeed, keep Enoch
centered on both his son and the
teachings of God throughout his whole
life, walking very closely with God.
Theologian John Gill (AD 1697-1771)
wrote about the Book of Enoch saying:
“Enoch, the seventh from Adam,
delivered out the prophecy referred
to by the apostle Jude, (verses 14,
15) … the Jews make mention of a
writing of his in their ancient book
of Zohar; and in the Targum of
Jonathan on Genesis 5:24, he is
called the great scribe; and several
of the Christian fathers speak of his
book as authentic, as Tertullian and
others; and the Arabic writers
[Flavius Josephus] tell us of
pyramids and pillars erected by
him, on which he engraved the arts
and the instruments of them; and
some writers ascribe the invention
of letters and writing of books to
hi m” A Dissertation Concerning
the Antiquity of the Hebrew
Language, Letters, Vowel Points,
and Accents, by John Gill, D.D., ch. 2, pg. 36

Table of Contents
The Book of Enoch
End-Time Outline 1-5
The Watchers 6-16
The Seventy Generations
The Dream of the Two Houses
Enoch’s Journeys 17-36
First Parable 38-44
Second Parable 45-57
Third Parable 58-71
The Astronomical Calendar 72-82
End Time Signs
First Dream - The Flood 83-84
Second Dream 85-90
The Seventy Shepherds
Apocalypse of Weeks 91-93
Woe to Sinners 94-105
Prophecy of Noah’s Birth 106-107
Enoch’s Last Word 108
Enoch’s Prophecies
Appendix A The Sons of God (Genesis 6)
Appendix B The History of the Nephilim
Appendix C Book of Giants
Appendix D Genetic Experiments as of 2012
Other Books by Ken Johnson, Th.D.

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