Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast
Mark Hyman, MD
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| 550 p |
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| 978-0-316-22998-2 |
| 2014 by Hyman Enterprises, LLC |
Mark Hyman, MD, believes that we all deserve a life of vitality—and that we
have the potential to create it for ourselves. That’s why he is dedicated to
tackling the root causes of chronic disease by harnessing the power of functional
medicine to transform health care. Dr. Hyman and his team work every day to
empower people, organizations, and communities to heal their bodies and minds,
and improve our social and economic resilience.
Dr. Hyman is a practicing family physician, a six-time #1 New York Times
bestselling author, and an internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator,
and advocate in his field. He is also the founder and medical director of the
UltraWellness Center, chairman of the board of the Institute for Functional
Medicine, a medical editor of the Huffington Post, and a regular medical
contributor on Katie Couric’s TV show, Katie.
Dr. Hyman works with individuals and organizations, as well as policy makers
and influencers. He has testified before both the White House Commission on
Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the Senate Working Group on
Health Care Reform on Functional Medicine. He has consulted with the Surgeon
General on diabetes prevention and participated in the 2009 White House Forum
on Prevention and Wellness. Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa nominated Dr. Hyman
for the President’s Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and
Integrative and Public Health. In addition, Dr. Hyman has worked with President
Clinton, presenting at the Clinton Foundation’s Health Matters, Achieving
Wellness in Every Generation conference, and the Clinton Global Initiative, as
well as with the World Economic Forum on global health issues.
Dr. Hyman also works with fellow leaders in his field to help people and
communities thrive—with Rick Warren, Dr. Mehmet Oz, and Dr. Daniel Amen,
he created the Daniel Plan, a faith-based initiative that helped the Saddleback
Church collectively lose 250,000 pounds. He has appeared as an advisor on The
Dr. Oz Show and is on the board of Dr. Oz’s HealthCorps, which tackles the
obesity epidemic by educating American students about nutrition. With Dr. Dean
Ornish and Dr. Michael Roizen, Dr. Hyman crafted and helped introduce the
Take Back Your Health Act of 2009 to the United States Senate to provide for
reimbursement of lifestyle treatment of chronic disease.
Join Dr. Hyman on his path to revolutionize the way we think about and take
care of our health and our societies at, on Twitter and
Instagram @markhymanmd, and on Facebook at
Are you ready for a total body revolution?
Welcome to the Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet!
In my book The Blood Sugar Solution, I shared my proven six-week plan for
preventing, treating, and even reversing diabetes and pre-diabetes. Millions of
people were amazed as they fixed their life-threatening blood sugar problems. At
the same time, the program kicked their metabolism into high gear and they
easily lost stubborn belly fat.
Now, for the first time, I have created a fast-track plan that will enable you to
shed upwards of ten pounds and radically reboot your entire system in just ten
short days. With the right combination of powerful foods and practices, we’re
going to stop your fat-storage hormone in its tracks, cool off the inflammation
that contributes to weight gain, and upgrade your detox pathways. You’ll lose
weight with astonishing speed and ease—and keep it off using these lifelong
tools and strategies for maximum success.
With the 10-Day Detox Diet, we’re going to get rid of more than just
unwanted pounds. This is your chance to heal your body on every level. Yes, you
will drop pounds, but you will also find that your energy, sleep, and mood
improve, that chronic problems including joint pain, digestive problems,
autoimmune disease, headaches, memory problems and brain fog, sinus and
allergy issues, even acne, eczema, and psoriasis will get better or disappear
entirely. Your sexual desire and function may even improve.
Why is that the case? Because what makes you sick also makes you fat, and
what makes you fat makes you sick. Let me explain. Health is a state of
balance, and disease is a state of imbalance. When you begin to put on weight,
especially lethal belly fat, your biology shifts out of balance, veering into the
unstable and unhealthy territory of disease—which in turn makes you fatter.
One point that a growing number of doctors like me agree upon is that the
whole idea of “disease” itself is wrong. We recognize disease only when we
reach a certain level of symptoms or results on our blood tests. For example, if
your blood sugar is 98 mg/dl, it is normal, but if it is 101 mg/dl, you have prediabetes.
If your blood sugar is 124 mg/dl, you have pre-diabetes, but if it is 127
mg/dl, you have type 2 diabetes. This is absurd.
Imbalance occurs along a continuum, and the farther along that continuum you
are, the more problems you have. Many people have whole collections of
symptoms, conditions, and diseases—obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure,
high cholesterol, arthritis, depression, reflux, irritable bowel, autoimmune
disease, asthma, and more.
I call myself a “wholistic” doctor, because I take care of patients with a
“whole list” of symptoms. In treating such patients, I’ve often found that their
health complaints are not really separate problems. They are all related and
driven by a few common root causes: what they eat; how much they move, rest,
connect; and how toxic they are.
What we have found in functional medicine is that everything is connected—
this is called systems medicine. Your body is one integrated, interdependent
system. That is why, when you get to the root cause or causes, so many oftenrelated
symptoms go away without having to be addressed individually. It is
medicine by cause, not by symptom. It is medicine of your whole system, not by
geography or where the symptoms are located in your body. By connecting the
dots, we can find a clear path to health and wellness.
Here’s how this all ties in with weight: The factors that cause your symptoms
are the very same factors that cause weight gain, pre-diabetes, and diabetes.
Those factors include inflammation, hormonal imbalance, toxicity, and more.
But remember, it’s all connected, so your excess weight problems very likely
share many of the same root causes as your other health complaints. As you
follow the program, you’ll come to understand how the ways you eat, move,
relax, live, and think can quickly create either an environment of healing or an
environment of toxicity within your body, and set the stage for weight gain or
weight loss.
It comes down to this: If you’re toxic, it makes you sick and fat. That is why I
want you to take the Toxicity Questionnaire below, both before beginning the
10-Day Detox Diet, and again after you’ve completed the ten days. It will give
you a baseline for your existing symptoms, which are indications of being toxic
and inflamed. But even more, it will help you connect the dots and see the
interconnections in your body, and see for yourself how, after just ten days, you
can enjoy such a dramatic reduction in symptoms and problems.
Those who did the 10-Day Detox Diet experienced a 62 percent reduction in
their symptoms. Think about that: There is no drug on the planet that can reduce
all these symptoms in just ten days! But if you treat your whole system, rather
than individual symptoms, extraordinary healing and weight loss can occur.
How to Use This Book
Let me give you a quick overview of the book.
In Part I, I explain the nature of food addiction and how our biology has been
held hostage by the food industry. I will help you fix your “fat thinking,”
dispelling the myths that keep you fat and sick and helping you find a path to
food freedom.
In Part II, I explain how the program works, including what you’ll do, what
you’ll eat, who you will have on your side, how you will track your results, and
how you can get rid of the bad stuff and add in the good stuff to create effortless
healing and weight loss.
In Part III, I’ll take you through the Prep Phase, during which you will do six
simple things to get ready: detox your kitchen; gather your supplies; taper off
caffeine, alcohol, and sugar; align your mind and intentions; measure yourself;
and connect with the Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet online
community to get the support you need.
In Part IV, I’ll give you a step-by-step, goof-proof plan for each of the ten
days. You will receive your daily schedule and learn about each component of
your daily routine, which, when done synergistically, will generate powerful
healing and weight loss. Each day has a unique focus and a journaling exercise
related to the changes you will be experiencing. These are designed to take you
deeper into the detox process and help you transform lifelong bad habits into
conditions for lifelong success.
In Part V, you will learn how to gently and safely transition into a long-term
plan personalized specifically for your needs.
In Part VI, I’ll explain the power of giving back. You’ll find out how you can
be part of the larger solution to the health and obesity crisis affecting our
families, our communities, our nation, other nations, and even the planet. You’ll
also discover how becoming a part of this new, empowering health revolution
can benefit you directly. Part VI provides very specific starter ideas for us all to
get healthy together.
Part VII contains the meal plan and recipes designed specifically for the 10-
Day Detox Diet. You will find easy and delicious recipes to follow for each
day’s meals. There are two plans to choose from: the Core Plan, which features
simple meals easy enough even for novices in the kitchen, and the Adventure
Plan, for those who have more time to enjoy cooking and want to experiment
with some new flavors and ideas. I’ll also give you my “Cooking the Basics”
tips with ultrasimple yet delicious vegetables and proteins that you can use as
substitutions whenever you are pressed for time.
Praise for
I hope you are having a great day, because I am! My energy level is up and I feel
like I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. I have lost ten pounds in the past ten days!
—Helen Allen
When I started the detox, I felt hopeless, at my all-time high
weight of 270 pounds. This morning, Day 10, I weigh under 253 pounds!! I feel
so great. I’m sleeping soundly, have less anxiety, feel hopeful, and my knee is
hurting so much less. I’m very excited to keep going. Getting such quick results,
learning how to cook real food, and feeling alert have given me the confidence
I’ve needed to move forward and stay with this style of eating and living.
—Patricia Swanson
This has completely changed my life! I can’t believe how
much weight I have lost in such a short amount of time. But more importantly, I
feel so much better. I have suffered for years from insomnia… to finally be able
to hit the pillow and go to sleep… priceless!
—Lauren Creekmur
It really did work. I lost eleven pounds, and my blood sugar is down over forty
points. I never even knew it was high. My blood pressure—which I also never
knew was elevated—has returned to normal. I think this was a gift that came at a
time I really needed it, and didn’t quite know how much.
—Martha Broyles
Possibly the best part for me as a former sugar addict: no sugar for twelve days!
I’m now convinced that this and even greater health changes are possible for
anyone when we make the powerful choices that support our body, mind, and
spirit in being well.
—Jodi Briden
I have been struggling with acne for the past year, and amazingly over the last
ten days my skin has almost completely cleared up. I couldn’t be happier with
the way I look and feel.
—Sara Fleischhauer
Although I knew prior to the start of the program that I had
hypertension, I didn’t get the results of my blood test until Day 4, when I found
out I have type 2 diabetes. My fasting glucose level was 152. Since this diet, my
fasting glucose levels have been between 98 and 110. I’m totally convinced this
diet is going to help me regain my health, energy, and passion for life that I had
felt slipping away.
—David Swan
I am calmer and thinner. I have another thirty-five pounds to lose
and now have the confidence that it can be done. I used to be an above-average
fit person… I was very much in self-loathing about that. Not today. I can’t thank you enough.
—Jim Portz
I am more clear-headed than I have been in a long time. I did lose weight, but I
am more excited about how great I feel.
—Jennifer Lawrence
A coworker commented on Day 6 that I looked different. I
asked what he meant by “different” and he replied, “You’re glowing.” That’s
just what I needed to hear to know the diet was truly making a difference.
—Fay Switsky
I have been struggling for years with depression. I used to be the one with
boundless energy and a smile on my face, but as time went by, I saw that person
less and less. When I was given the chance to try the 10-Day Detox, I knew this
was my chance. The end result was ten pounds lost, but more importantly, I
began to find the old me. The person with the winning outlook began to reappear
and the fog began to lift. Dr. Hyman used the word “vitality” … that is a great
word to explain what I have been given back through this opportunity.
—Charlene Wynant