Hacks The Google, O'Reilly


100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Tools

Tara Calashain

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Hacks The Google

Why Google Hacks?
"Hacks" are generally considered to be "quick-n-dirty" solutions to programming problems or interesting techniques for getting a task done. But what does this kind of hacking have to do with Google?
Considering the size of the Google index, there are many times when you might want to do a particular kind of search and you get too many results for the search to be useful. Or you may want to do a search that the current Google interface does not support.
The idea of Google Hacks
is not to give you some exhaustive manual of how every command in the Google syntax works, but rather to show you some tricks for making the best use of a search and show applications of the Google API that perform searches that you can't perform using the regular Google interface. In other words, hacks.
Dozens of programs and interfaces have sprung up from the Google API. Both games and serious applications using Google's database of web pages are available from everybody from the serious programmer to the devoted fan (like me).

How This Book Is Organized
The combination of Google's API and over 3 billion pages of constantly shifting data can do strange things to your imagination and give you lots of new perspectives on how best to search.
This book goes beyond the instruction page to the idea of "hacks"—tips, tricks, and techniques you can use to make your Google searching experience more fruitful, more fun, or (in a couple of cases) just more weird. This book is divided into several chapters:

Chapter 1
This chapter describes the fundamentals of how Google's search properties work, with some tips for making the most of Google's syntaxes and specialty search offerings.
Beyond the list of "this syntax means that," we'll take a look at how to eke every last bit of searching power out of each syntax—and how to mix syntaxes for some truly monster searches.
Chapter 2
Google goes beyond web searching into several different arenas, including images, USENET, and news. Did you know that these collections have their own syntaxes? As you'll learn in this section, Google's equally adroit at helping you holiday shop or search for current events.
Chapter 3
Not all the hacks are ones that you want to install on your desktop or web server. In this section, we'll take a look at third-party services that integrate the Google API
with other applications or act as handy web tools—or even check Google by email!
Chapter 4
Google's API doesn't search all Google properties, but sometimes it'd be real handy to take that search for phone numbers or news stories and save it to a file. This collection of scrapers shows you how.
Chapter 5
We'll take a look under the hood at Google's API, considering several different languages and how Google works with each one. Hint: if you've always wanted to learn Perl but never knew what to "do with it," this is your section.
Chapter 6
Once you've got an understanding of the Google API, you'll start thinking of all kinds of ways you can use it. Take inspiration from this collection of useful applications that use the Google API.
Chapter 7
All work and no play makes for a dull web surfer. This collection of pranks and games turns Google into a poet, a mirror, and a master chef. Well, a chef anyway.
 Or at least someone who throws ingredients together.
Chapter 8
If you're a web wrangler, you see Google from two sides—from the searcher side and from the side of someone who wants to get the best search ranking for a web site. In this section, you'll learn about Google's (in)famous PageRank, cleaning up for a Google visit, and how to make sure your pages aren't indexed by Google if you don't want them there. 

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Searching Google
1. Setting Preferences
2. Language Tools
3. Anatomy of a Search Result
4. Specialized Vocabularies: Slang and Terminology
5. Getting Around the 10 Word Limit
6. Word Order Matters
7. Repetition Matters
8. Mixing Syntaxes
9. Hacking Google URLs
10. Hacking Google Search Forms
11. Date-Range Searching
12. Understanding and Using Julian Dates
13. Using Full-Word Wildcards
14. inurl: Versus site:
15. Checking Spelling
16. Consulting the Dictionary
17. Consulting the Phonebook
18. Tracking Stocks
19. Google Interface for Translators
20. Searching Article Archives
21. Finding Directories of Information
22. Finding Technical Definitions
23. Finding Weblog Commentary
24. The Google Toolbar
25. The Mozilla Google Toolbar
26. The Quick Search Toolbar
28. Googling with Bookmarklets
Chapter 2. Google Special Services and Collections
29. Google Directory
30. Google Groups
31. Google Images
32. Google News
33. Google Catalogs
34. Froogle
35. Google Labs
Chapter 3. Third-Party Google Services
36. XooMLe: The Google API in Plain Old XML
37. Google by Email
38. Simplifying Google Groups URLs
39. What Does Google Think Of...
Chapter 4. Non-API Google Applications
41. Don't Try This at Home
42. Building a Custom Date-Range Search Form
43. Building Google Directory URLs
44. Scraping Google Results
45. Scraping Google AdWords
46. Scraping Google Groups
47. Scraping Google News
48. Scraping Google Catalogs
49. Scraping the Google Phonebook
Chapter 5. Introducing the Google Web API
50. Programming the Google Web API with Perl
51. Looping Around the 10-Result Limit
52. The SOAP::Lite Perl Module
53. Plain Old XML, a SOAP::Lite Alternative
54. NoXML, Another SOAP::Lite Alternative
55. Programming the Google Web API with PHP
56. Programming the Google Web API with Java
57. Programming the Google Web API with Python
58. Programming the Google Web API with C# and .NET
59. Programming the Google Web API with VB.NET
Chapter 6. Google Web API Applications
60. Date-Range Searching with a Client-Side Application
61. Adding a Little Google to Your Word
62. Permuting a Query
63. Tracking Result Counts over Time
64. Visualizing Google Results
65. Meandering Your Google Neighborhood
66. Running a Google Popularity Contest
67. Building a Google Box
68. Capturing a Moment in Time
69. Feeling Really Lucky
70. Gleaning Phonebook Stats
71. Performing Proximity Searches
72. Blending the Google and Amazon Web Services
73. Getting Random Results (On Purpose)
74. Restricting Searches to Top-Level Results
75. Searching for Special Characters
76. Digging Deeper into Sites
77. Summarizing Results by Domain
78. Scraping Yahoo! Buzz for a Google Search
79. Measuring Google Mindshare
80. Comparing Google Results with Those of Other Search Engines
81. SafeSearch Certifying URLs
82. Syndicating Google Search Results
83. Searching Google Topics
84. Finding the Largest Page
85. Instant Messaging Google
Chapter 7. Google Pranks and Games
86. The No-Result Search (Prank)
87. Google Whacking
88. GooPoetry
89. Creating Google Art
90. Google Bounce
91. Google Mirror
92. Finding Recipes
Chapter 8. The Webmaster Side of Google
93. A Webmaster's Introduction to Google
94. Generating Google AdWords
95. Inside the PageRank Algorithm
96. 26 Steps to 15K a Day
97. Being a Good Search Engine Citizen
98. Cleaning Up for a Google Visit
99. Getting the Most out of AdWords
100. Removing Your Materials from Google

How to Use This Book
You can read this book from cover to cover if you like, but for the most part, each hack stands on
its own. So feel free to browse, flipping around whatever sections interest you most. If you're a
Perl "newbie," you might want to try some of the easier hacks and then tackle the more extensive
ones as you get more confident.


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 384 p
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 Tara Calashain                     

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