100 Industrial Strength : Tips & Tools
David A. Karp
Hacks The Ebay |
David A. Karp is that dangerous combination of compulsive writer and eBay fanatic.
He discovered eBay in the late 1990s while looking for a deal on an electric cat-litter box.
As an avid collector of toys of all kinds, he immediately saw eBay's potential to quench his thirst for second-hand consumer electronics, handmade brass trains, and obscure parts for discontinued products of all kinds. Soon thereafter he began selling on eBay, and now trades religiously, taking breaks occasionally to write books. He still has the litter box. Educated in Mechanical Engineering at U.C. Berkeley, David consults on Internet technology, user-interface design, and software engineering. Author of six power-user books on Microsoft Windows, including the bestselling Windows Annoyances series, he has also written for a number of magazines, including Windows Sources Magazine, Windows Pro Magazine, and New Media Magazine, and is a contributing editor for ZTrack Magazine. Noted recognition includes PC Computing Magazine, Windows Magazine, the San Francisco Examiner, and the New York Times. David spends some of his spare time outside with his camera, but often finds it difficult to tear himself away from a good movie.
David likes hiking and skiing, almost as much as he enjoys talking about them. He scored 30.96647% on the Geek Test (www.innergeek.us/geek.html), earning a rating of "Total Geek." Animals and children trust him. He can make 15-minute brownies in less than 10 minutes, and never gets tired of the Simpsons.
I'd like to start by thanking Dale Dougherty and Rael Dornfest for coming up with this terrific series of books, and Tim O'Reilly for talking me into writing this particular volume. Thanks to Dale Dougherty (again) for his guidance and the steadfast idea of exactly what a "hack" should be. Additional thanks to Ruth Kampmann, Nancy Kotary, and Jim Sumser for their roles in the bizarre series of events that led to the inception of this book. Thanks to Jeffrey P. McManus and Jeff Huber of eBay for their help with the eBay API, the new "Voyager" search engine, and some other aspects of the marvelous, sometimes mysterious, and always changing computer system behind the curtains at eBay. I'd also like to thank Todd Larason, who provided code that served as the basis for many of the scripts in Chapter 8. Thanks to Tim Miller, Katie Woodruff, Michael Eisenberg, Cat Haglund, Dennis Butzlaff, Sara Raymond, and that nice lady who kept bringing us drinks. Special thanks to Michael Moore, and an extra-special hello to Addie. Finally, my gratitude and love to Torey Bookstein, whose love and support help warm my soul.
Table of Contents
Foreword: This Magic Marketplace
What This Book Is . . . and Isn't
Hacking a Dynamic System
Practical Matters
How This Book Is Organized
How to Use This Book
Conventions Used in This Book
How to Contact Us
Got a Hack?
Chapter 1. Diplomacy and Feedback
Section 1.1. Hacks #1-8
Hack 1. Searching Feedback
Hack 2. Using Prefabricated Feedback
Hack 3. How to Avoid Negative Feedback
Hack 4. Replies and Followups to Feedback
Hack 5. Withholding Feedback
Hack 6. Remove Unwanted Feedback
Hack 7. Improve Your Trustworthiness Quickly
Hack 8. What to Do When Your Email Doesn't Get Through
Chapter 2. Searching
Section 2.1. Hacks #9-19
Hack 9. Focus Your Searches with eBay's Advanced Search Syntax
Hack 10. Controlling Fuzzy Searches
Hack 11. Jumping In and Out of Categories While Searching
Hack 12. Tweaking Search URLs
Hack 13. Find Similar Items
Hack 14. Search by Seller
Hack 15. Search Internationally
Hack 16. Save Your Searches
Hack 17. Create a Search Robot
Hack 18. Find Items by Shadowing
Hack 19. The eBay Toolbar
Chapter 3. Bidding
Section 3.1. Hacks #20-32
Hack 20. Sniffing Out Dishonest Sellers
Hack 21. Snipe It Manually
Hack 22. Automatic Sniping
Hack 23. Conditional Sniping with Bid Groups
Hack 24. Keep Track of Auctions Outside of eBay
Hack 25. Take Advantage of Bid Increments
Hack 26. Manipulating Buy-It-Now Auctions
Hack 27. Retract Your Bid Without Retracting Your Bid
Hack 28. Tools for Dealing with Fraud
Hack 29. Send Payment Quickly and Safely
Hack 30. International Transactions Made Easier
Hack 31. Save Money on Shipping
Hack 32. Dealing with Disappointment: Getting Refunds
Chapter 4. Selling
Section 4.1. Hacks #33-54
Hack 33. What's It Worth?
Hack 34. To Bundle or Not to Bundle
Hack 35. Reserve Judgment
Hack 36. The Strategy of Listing Upgrades
Hack 37. Putting Keywords in Your Auction
Hack 38. Track Your Exposure
Hack 39. Expectation Management
Hack 40. Formatting the Description with HTML
Hack 41. Customize Auction Page Backgrounds
Hack 42. Framing Your Auctions
Hack 43. Overriding eBay's Fonts and Styles
Hack 44. Annoy Them with Sound
Hack 45. Put a Shipping Cost Calculator in Your Auction
Hack 46. Allow Visitors to Search Through Your Auctions
Hack 47. List Your Other Auctions in the Description
Hack 48. Make Good Use of the About Me Page
Hack 49. Opting Out of Checkout
Hack 50. Make Changes to Running Auctions
Hack 51. Dynamic Text in Auction Descriptions
Hack 52. Let's Make a Deal
Hack 53. Diplomacy 101: Answering Dumb Questions
Hack 54. Keeping Out Deadbeat Bidders
Chapter 5. Working with Photos
Section 5.1. Hacks #55-64
Hack 55. How to Keep Your Item from Looking Pathetic
Hack 56. Mastering Close-Up Photography
Hack 57. Doctoring Photos
Hack 58. Protect Your Copyright
Hack 59. Host Your Own Photos
Hack 60. Make Clickable Thumbnails
Hack 61. Construct an Interactive Photo Album
Hack 62. Show a 360-Degree View of Your Item
Hack 63. Create a Photo Collage
Hack 64. Create a Good Gallery Photo
Chapter 6. Completing Transactions
Section 6.1. Hacks #65-71
Hack 65. Keep Track of Items You've Sold
Hack 66. Sending Payment Instructions
Hack 67. Protect Yourself While Accepting Payments
Hack 68. Cheap, Fast Shipping Without Waiting in Line
Hack 69. Selling and Shipping Internationally
Hack 70. Damage Control Before and After You Ship
Hack 71. Dealing with Stragglers, Deadbeats, and Returns
Chapter 7. Running a Business on eBay
Section 7.1. Hacks #72-81
Hack 72. eBay Stores
Hack 73. Streamlining Listings
Hack 74. Streamlining Communications
Hack 75. Streamlining Checkout and Payment
Hack 76. Obtaining Sales Records
Hack 77. Make Money by Linking to eBay
Hack 78. List Your Auctions on Another Site
Hack 79. Accept PayPal Payments from Your Own Site
Hack 80. Process PayPal Payments Automatically
Hack 81. Keep Tabs on the eBay Community
Chapter 8. The eBay API
Section 8.1. Hacks #82-100
Hack 82. Climbing Out of the Sandbox
Hack 83. API Searches
Hack 84. Retrieve Details About an Auction
Hack 85. Automatically Keep Track of Auctions You've Won
Hack 86. Track Items in Your Watching List
Hack 87. Automatically Keep Track of Auctions You've Sold
Hack 88. Submit an Auction Listing
Hack 89. Automate Auction Revisions
Hack 90. Spellcheck All Your Auctions
Hack 91. Negative Feedback Bidder Alert
Hack 92. Automatically Relist Unsuccessful Auctions
Hack 93. Send Automatic Emails to High Bidders
Hack 94. Generate a Custom Gallery
Hack 95. Leaving Feedback
Hack 96. Negative Feedback Notification
Hack 97. Automatic Reciprocal Feedback
Hack 98. Queue API Calls
Hack 99. Cache Auction Data to Improve API Efficiency
Hack 100. Working Without the eBay API
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