Everyday Greatness: Inspiration for a Meaningful Life


Stephen R. Covey

Compiled by David K. Hatch
Rutledge Hill Press®  Nashville, Tennessee

A Division of Thomas Nelson Publishers

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Book Details
 366 p
 File Size 
 1,642 KB
 File Type
 PDF format

 978-1-4016-0241-3 (hardcover)
 978-1-4016-0356-4 (IE)
 1-4016-0241-X (hardcover)
 1-4016-0356-4 (IE)
 2006 by FranklinCovey Co 


Ifeel blessed.
In a world where turmoil dominates the evening news and words of
discouragement often prevail, I feel blessed to meet daily with individuals
around the globe whose lives convince me that there is an abundance of good among us.
In a day when we hear so much of corporate scandals and ethical breaches, I
feel blessed to associate with leaders of nations, heads of business, and first time
supervisors whose lives are filled with integrity and moral fortitude.
In a time when echoes of crime, war, natural disasters, and disease are
common, I feel blessed to work with law enforcers, military experts, civic
administrators, and medical professionals who sacrifice much and whose
intentions are honorable.

In an age when parenthood and family ties are being challenged as perhaps
never before, I feel blessed to know strong fathers and noble mothers who by
day and night do their best to provide sustenance and nurturance for their children.
And, in an era when schools and youths are being bombarded with negativism
and sensitive social dilemmas, I feel blessed to be familiar with dedicated
teachers and talented youths who are rich in character and committed to make a
difference—each in their own unique way.

Indeed, I feel blessed to encounter people from all walks of life and all parts
of the world who are genuinely good and who do so much to contribute to the
world around them. They inspire me.
Probabilities are high that you are such a person.

Table of Contents

1. Contribution
2. Charity
3. Attention
4. Responsibility
5. Courage
6. Discipline
7. Integrity
8. Humility
9. Gratitude
10. Vision
11. Innovation
12. Quality
13. Respect
14. Empathy
15. Unity
16. Adaptability
17. Magnanimity
18. Perseverance
19. Balance
20. Simplicity
21. Renewal


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So there you have the three choices that provide the foundation for Everyday
Greatness. In a sense, the choice to act represents the energy we bring to life—
our will power. The choice of purpose represents our destination—where we
choose to go in life, what we choose to accomplish. The choice for principles
then determines the means for how we will get there—how we will attain our goals.
I believe that the people I mentioned at the start of this Introduction—the
people who exhibit Everyday Greatness in today’s world—distinguish
themselves through their responses to these three choices. I also believe that the
people you will read about in this collection have set themselves apart at various
points of their lives by responding positively to these same three choices.
But this collection is not about those people. It’s about you. In other words, it
is not intended to highlight what others have done or said, but rather to
encourage you to examine your own life. What you contribute on a daily basis.
How you treat people. How you use your time. 
Whether you are doing good or doing your best.
And so I ask:
• Is your life like driftwood being tossed to and fro, or are you instead
making your own waves and going in directions you—by choice—want to go?
• To what ends, or purposes, are your daily choices leading?
To what ends, or purposes, would you like them to lead?
• Is your life in harmony with timeless, universal principles?
These are tough questions. If you are unsure about or displeased with any of
your answers, I hope you take advantage of this collection. For each entry is a
reminder that your life does matter and that your days—regardless of what
transpires in the world around you—can be rich in meaning and progress.
You will note that the entries have been divided into seven categories, each
containing three principles.Within each of the twenty-one principles is a series of
stories that illustrate the principle, followed by supporting quotes and anecdotes.
Brief commentary and insights that I have contributed are interspersed to
provide narration and make application to today’s world. One of the things that
makes the book’s format so friendly is that you can pick it up at any page and
find inspiration. A prior chapter’s understanding is not required to benefit from a later chapter.

I can envision many uses of this material. I can see parents and teachers
gleaning from it thoughts or stories to inspire youth. I can visualize professional
speakers and business leaders using it as a content resource. I can imagine work
teams discussing and applying the principles to various work efforts. But most of
all, I can see individuals like you using it to discover inspiring, mind-expanding
insights and solutions to specific personal challenges. Therefore, I challenge you
to tap your conscience. Highlight specific quotes or principles that you feel—if
applied better—will help you toward your goals. As you do, consider the
suggestions provided in the Afterword to generate a realistic go-forward plan for
enhancing your capacity for Everyday Greatness.
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