From Healthy to Disordered Behavior
Jane Ogden
1. Eating disorders. 2. Appetite disorders. 3. Food habits
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| 978-1-4051-9121-0 (hardcover : alk. paper) 978-1-4051-9120-3 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
| 2010 Jane Ogden |
Obesity and overweight are on the increase, eating disorders are becoming
more common, and many people diet to lose weight. In parallel, dietrelated
subjects are in vogue and over the past few years there has been an
explosion of interest in any aspect of diet, from healthy eating through to
eating disorders. The popular press offers features on diet, bookstores sell
books on healthy eating, and television producers broadcast documentaries
on people who are overweight, are underweight, have a solution to weight,
or need a solution to their weight. The academic and research literature
has also proliferated. Diet provides the focus for dieticians, nutritionists,
endocrinologists, geneticists, psychiatrists, sociologists, and a range of
psychologists from social, biological, health, and clinical psychology
perspectives. There are journals dedicated to the subject of diet, specialist
books produced, and conferences held to provide a forum for discussion.
This book aims to provide a detailed map of this expanding area.
This chapter covers the following:
• The aim of this book
• The focus of this book
• The structure of this book
• Further reading
The Aim of This Book
The literature on diet is vast and is contributed to by individuals with a
range of different interests. Some are interested in healthy eating, others
are concerned with eating-related problems, and most produce work
which is focused on their one area. Work is specialized to enable detailed
research and theoretical development. As a result the relationships between
different aspects of diet-related work become unclear. For example, healthy
eating provides a context for understanding obesity, but these two literatures
are often kept separate. Food choice offers a context for understanding
eating disorders, but the paths of these areas rarely cross. Dieting and body
dissatisfaction are relevant to understanding eating disorders, obesity, and
food choice but are only sometimes studied by the same people and written
about in the same papers and same books.
This book aims to provide a detailed map of the diet literature and to
cover the spectrum of eating behavior, from healthy eating through body
dissatisfaction and dieting to obesity and eating disorders. In doing so,
it aims to show how these different areas are related to each other and to
draw out some common themes which run through this immense body of work.
The Focus of This Book
Diet is studied from a range of different disciplinary and theoretical perspectives,
and a comprehensive understanding of diet cannot be achieved
without these different literatures. This book therefore includes literature
from a range of approaches such as nutrition, physiology, psychiatry, and
sociology. But the primary focus of the book is psychology. In particular,
this book draws on mainstream psychology in the form of developmental,
cognitive, clinical, social, and health psychology. It integrates this approach
with that from the psychotherapeutic literature which is often based on
clinical experience and informed by feminist or psychoanalytic perspectives.
This book therefore offers “the psychology of eating” in the broadest sense
and illustrates how a wealth of perspectives have been used to analyze this
complex area of work.
The second edition
It is now 5 years since I wrote the first edition of this book. During this
time the literature on eating behavior, obesity, and eating disorders has
proliferated, and concerns of unhealthy diets and eating problems are in
the public eye more than they have ever been. This second edition aims to
cover some of the newest research and address the latest thinking about
the psychology of eating in the broadest sense. Each chapter has been updated
with recent data derived from recent debates, reviews, and research studies.
I am aware that this book can never be an exhaustive overview of all the
literature relevant to eating behavior. But I hope that this second edition
will satisfy most researchers’ need for information or, if not, will at least
be able to provide them with a map and enable them to know where to
find out more.
Table of Contents
List of Figures viii
Foreword – Janet Polivy x
Acknowledgments xiii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
The Aim of This Book 1
The Focus of This Book 2
The Structure of This Book 2
Further Reading 5
Chapter 2 Healthy Eating 8
What Is Healthy Eating? 8
The Role of Diet in Contributing to Illness 11
The Role of Diet in Treating Illness 16
Who Has a Healthy Diet? 20
The Impact of Health Concerns 27
A Note on Measuring Food Intake 28
Conclusion 30
Chapter 3 Food Choice 31
Developmental Models of Food Choice 32
Cognitive Models of Food Choice 43
Psychophysiological Models of Food Choice 49
Conclusion 61
Chapter 4 The Meaning of Food 63
Food Classification Systems 64
Food as a Statement of the Self 66
Food as Social Interaction 72
Food as Cultural Identity 74
Measuring Beliefs About the Meaning of Food 80
Conclusion 80
Chapter 5 The Meaning of Size 82
Media Representations 82
The Meaning of Sex 87
The Meaning of Size 88
Conclusion 96
Chapter 6 Body Dissatisfaction 97
What Is Body Dissatisfaction? 97
Who Is Dissatisfied With Their Body? 100
Causes of Body Dissatisfaction 105
Consequences of Body Dissatisfaction 112
Conclusion 115
Chapter 7 Dieting 116
Putting Dieting in Context 116
The Dieting Industry 121
What Is Dieting? 127
Dieting and Overeating 130
The Consequences of Dieting 138
Problems With Restraint Theory 142
Conclusion 146
Chapter 8 Obesity 148
What Is Obesity? 148
How Common Is Obesity? 151
What Are the Consequences of Obesity? 152
What Are the Causes of Obesity? 157
Physiological Theories 157
The Obesogenic Environment 163
Problems With Obesity Research 177
Conclusion 179
Chapter 9 Obesity Treatment 180
Doctors’ Beliefs About Obesity 180
Dietary Interventions 182
Should Obesity Be Treated at All? 187
The Treatment Alternatives 190
The Success Stories 201
Preventing Obesity 206
Conclusion 209
Chapter 10 Eating Disorders 211
Anorexia Nervosa 211
What Are the Consequences of Anorexia Nervosa? 220
Bulimia Nervosa 225
What Are the Consequences of Bulimia Nervosa? 230
Causes of Eating Disorders 233
Conclusion 252
Chapter 11 Treating Eating Disorders 254
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 255
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 259
Family Therapy 264
Inpatient Treatment 267
An Integrated Approach to Treatment 273
Chapter 12 An Integrated Model of Diet 276
A Summary of the Literature on Diet 276
Common Themes Across the Literature on Eating Behavior 279
An Integrated Model of Diet 285
Conclusion 286
References 288
Author Index 351
Subject Index 365
Further Reading
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the literature on diet from
healthy to disordered eating. Below is a guide to journals, books, and websites for
further reading on the subject.
There are many journals which publish work in the area of diet. The following are
some of the major specialist journals:
International Journal of Eating Disorders
International Journal of Obesity
European Eating Disorders Review
Obesity Research
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Journal of the American College of Nutrition
British Journal of Nutrition
Nutrition Review
These journals can be accessed online through databases such as Pubmed, Medline, and Psychinfo.