Grow a New Body

How Spirit and Power Plant Nutrients Can Transform Your Health

Dr. Alberto Villoldo

1st edition, March 2019

Subjects: LCSH: Spiritual healing--Shamanism. | Shamanism. | Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric. | Health. | BISAC: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Healing General. | HEALTH
& FITNESS Alternative Therapies. | BODY, MIND & SPIRIT Spirituality Shamanism.
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Book Details
 578 p
 File Size 
 2,747 KB
 File Type
 PDF format
 2019 by Alberto Villoldo
 Published in the United States by: Hay House, Inc

About the Author
Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D., has trained as a psychologist and medical
anthropologist, and has studied the healing practices of the Amazon and the
Andean shamans for more than 25 years. While an adjunct professor at San
Francisco State University, he founded the Biological Self-Regulation
Laboratory to study how the brain creates psychosomatic health and disease.
Convinced that the mind could create health, he left his laboratory and traveled
to the Amazon to work with the medicine men and women of the rain forest and
learn their healing methods and mythology.

Dr. Villoldo directs The Four Winds Society, where he trains individuals in
the U.S. and Europe in the practice of shamanic energy medicine. He is the
founder of the Light Body School, which has campuses in New York, California,
and Germany. He also directs the Center for Energy Medicine in Chile, where he
investigates and practices the neuroscience of enlightenment. Dr. Villoldo has
written numerous best-selling books, including Shaman, Healer, Sage; The Four
Insights; Courageous Dreaming; One Spirit Medicine; and Power Up Your Brain.

How to Use This Book
I’ve designed this book to guide you through the steps to grow the new body
that will take you through the rest of your life. This requires that you upgrade
your brain, so you can maintain a state of awareness I call Oneness. To get the
most out of the process, I recommend reading the chapters in the order in which
they’re presented and trying the dietary practices and exercises before moving
on in your reading.
Part I: Discovering Your Inner Healer introduces One Spirit Medicine; the
invisible world of radiant, living energy that informs the visible world of the
senses; and Spirit’s role as the harmonizing force in your health. You’ll be
introduced to the tyrannical mind-set that has dominated humanity since the
dawn of agriculture and understand how it drives us to war with ourselves and
with each other, undermining our health and well-being.
Part II: Shedding the Old Ways identifies the myriad environmental and
endogenous toxins (produced in the body) that we’re exposed to and explains
how to detoxify the body and the brain. You’ll learn about the “second brain” in
the digestive tract and how to upgrade the beneficial bacteria of your biome to
eliminate toxins before they enter your blood or brain. You’ll be introduced to
superfoods that promote brain and gut repair, discover the toxic effects of grains
and sugars, learn how our protein-rich diets are making you sick, and understand
how ketosis helps you burn healthy fats and produce neural stem cells to repair
and upgrade the brain.
In Part III: Overcoming the Death That Stalks You, you’ll learn to
transform dysfunctional emotional patterns founded on anger and fear, and how
brain nutrients can help to improve higher-brain function and help you manage
stress. You’ll be introduced to the mitochondria, the power centers of your cells.
Inherited from your mother, they represent the feminine life force. You’ll learn
how to reset the cells’ “death clocks” and switch on longevity proteins controlled
by mitochondria. You’ll find out what free radicals and inflammation do to the
body and how to reverse the damage. And you’ll discover shamanic techniques
that can upgrade your body and brain.
Part IV: From Stillness Comes Rebirth supports you in the process of
letting go of old, unhealthy ways of thinking so that you can experience healing
with One Spirit Medicine. You’ll learn how to shed outworn narratives about
your past and embrace a new, liberating personal story. You’ll overcome fear of
loss and change, and discover a new purpose for your life journey.
In Part V: The Grow a New Body Program, you’ll put what you’ve learned
into action. You’ll dedicate seven days to this plan and repeat it every three months.
You will learn to change what and when you eat in order to enter into ketosis
to activate the regions in the brain that will allow you to have an experience of
Oneness. You will also learn to work with neuronutrients available at your
health-food store that detoxify the body and brain and switch on the genes that
create health and longevity. Lastly, you will learn how to do a soul retrieval to
recover the vibrant and innocent parts of yourself that were lost because of
childhood trauma.

Table of Contents
Foreword by Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Introduction: The Gifts of One Spirit Medicine
Part I: Discovering Your Inner Healer
Chapter 1: Medicine of the Shamans
Chapter 2: Spirit and the Invisible World
Chapter 3: Dethroning the Tyrant King
Part II: Shedding the Old Ways
Chapter 4: Detoxifying the Gut-Brain
Chapter 5: Switching On the Longevity Genes
Chapter 6: Superfoods and Super Supplements
Part III: Overcoming the Death That Stalks You
Chapter 7: Resetting the Death Clock
Chapter 8: Freeing Yourself from Stressors
Part IV: From Stillness Comes Rebirth
Chapter 9: Embracing a New Mythology
Chapter 10: The Journey of the Healer: Shedding the Past and Healing Our
Mother Wounds
Chapter 11: The Journey to the Divine Feminine: Facing the Fear of Death and
Meeting the Goddess
Chapter 12: The Journey of the Sage: Becoming Still in Midair
Chapter 13: The Journey of the Visionary: Receiving One Spirit Medicine
Chapter 14: The Vision Quest
Part V: The Grow a New Body Program
Chapter 15: Preparing for the Program
Chapter 16: Grow a New Body Health Questionnaire
Chapter 17: Recipes for Inner Healing
Chapter 18: Your Longevity Plan: Practicing Prevention
Conclusion: One Spirit Medicine and Beyond
Appendix: Creating Your Longevity Spa
About the Author
Ebook Supplemental Resources

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