Soul Mind Body Science System

Grand Unification Theory and Practice for Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity, and Immortality


Zhi Gang Sha  &  Dr. Rulin Xiu
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Book Details
 319 p
 File Size 
 2,600 KB
 File Type
 PDF format
 Heaven’s Library Publication Corp.

THIS BOOK INTRODUCES a sophisticated system that draws on
unification theory in physics to explain the unification of soul, heart,
mind, and body. The unification this book presents consists of bringing
together soul, heart, mind, and body “as one.” “One” denotes the “Source
Field,” which is the Creator of this universe, of all things in this universe,
and of all universes.
I welcome the publication of Soul Mind Body Science System because it
accomplishes another, much needed unification as well: that between
traditional wisdom, as denoted by concepts such as jing, qi, and shen
(where jing stands for matter, qi stands for energy, and shen stands for soul,
heart, and mind), and contemporary physics, medical science, and science
in general. It is true, as Dr. Rulin Xiu tells us, that physics and Western
medicine focus on jing (matter) together with their matter-based
interpretation of qi (energy), and largely neglect shen (soul). Based on the
remarkable success of the practice of Dr. and Master Sha, in this book Dr.
Xiu seeks to rectify this one-sided emphasis. She brings into the ambit of
healing and healthcare insights regarding mind, spirit, and soul that until
now were largely the preserve of traditional healers. In the modern world,
in physics, medicine, and most other branches of science, such insights
were either ignored or, if acknowledged, presented in a conceptual
framework that denied the very possibility that modern science could
contribute to their clarification.
Based on five decades of research on the relevance of modern science to
well-being and evolution in our world, I can attest in good conscience to the
importance of bringing about a unification of the key insights of traditional
wisdom with the emerging insights of cutting-edge science. The basis of
this unification, in my view, is the recognition that the universe consists
fundamentally of “informed energy”—that is, of energy “formed” by
information (which is then “information”). This recognition is now dawning
among researchers at the cutting edge of science, in particular physics.
There is a question, however, that has not been sufficiently considered
and explored in science, and that concerns what Dr. Xiu calls “the Source”:
the nature and origin of the information that acts on the systems of
informed energy most people regard as matter. As the great physicist David
Bohm affirmed, the source of information is not on the same plane or
dimension as the things and events on which the information acts. These
things and events are on the plane that Bohm called the “explicate order,”
whereas the information that acts on them is on the plane of the “implicate
order.” The human body, for example, on which the information acts, is in
spacetime, whereas the information that acts on it is beyond spacetime. The
existence of a dimension that is beyond space and time has been recognized
by classical philosophers, spiritual masters, and healers: it is the fifth
element of the universe, the most fundamental. The Indian rishis named this
deep dimension the Akasha.
We can affirm today that the four-dimensional spacetime matrix is
“informed” by a beyond-spacetime Akashic dimension. This information is
what gives things and events form in space and orientation in time. In its
absence, the universe would be a random concourse of particles scientists
know as quanta and commonsense as matter. Yet, instead of a randomly
configured assembly of quanta or material events, we find a universe of
informed energy evolving consistently and harmoniously toward form and
complexity—toward coherence and indeed supercoherence (which is
coherence among in-themselves coherent systems).
Evolution creates higher and higher levels of coherence in and among
systems. Coherence is based on the fine-tuning of the mutual sensitivity of
the parts that constitute the systems. This is what enables what philosopher
Alfred North Whitehead called “prehension” in and by the systems: the
grasp or perception of one system of other systems around it. In a universe
where spacetime is a nonlocally “entangled” matrix—as physicists claim—
prehension involves the basic perception by every system of every other system.
In an evolved system, prehension is manifest as conscious grasp or
perception: as consciousness. With good reason, Dr. and Master Sha and Dr.
Xiu affirm that all systems in space and time have some level and form of
consciousness. We humans are privileged to possess a relatively evolved
form and level of consciousness, more evolved than those of other species
in this biosphere. Our highly articulate “prehension” enables us not only to
be informed by the cosmic source of spirit, mind, and soul, but to be
consciously guided by it.
In my view, the soul is the localized but intrinsically nonlocal
manifestation of cosmic “information” in our brain. It appears in
association with our brain but is not produced by our brain and cannot be
reduced to it. As already William James, the great American psychologist
and philosopher, affirmed in his 1899 “Ingersoll Lecture on Immortality,”
the brain transmits and does not generate consciousness. Akashic beyondspacetime
information manifests in us as spirit, mind, or soul. Dr. and
Master Sha and Dr. Xiu use the mathematical tools developed in quantum
physics to define them as physical quantities. They pave the way toward a
quantitative study of concepts that in the modern world were considered
only in qualitative terms. This is a major contribution to the task of meeting
a challenge that is crucial for peace, health, and understanding in the world:
bridging the gap between the two great streams of human culture:
spirituality and science.
Taking beyond-spacetime information—spirit, mind, soul—fully into
account is the secret revealed by Dr. and Master Sha. This has not been a
secret in the past; it was a pillar of metaphysics and healing for thousands
of years. But it has been ignored and even denied in modern science and
medicine, and thus it is now a “secret” we need to—and thanks to Dr. and
Master Sha can—rediscover. We should be grateful to him for rediscovering
it in theory and applying it in practice, and to Dr. Xiu for clarifying the
contribution this revelation will make to our health and well-being.
Ervin Laszlo
Author of The Self-Actualizing Cosmos: The Akasha Paradigm in Science
and Human Consciousness and The Immortal Mind: Science and the
Continuity of Consciousness Beyond the Brain, with Anthony Peake
August 2014

THE PURPOSE OF life is to serve. I have committed my life to this
purpose. Service is my life mission. To serve is to make others happier
and healthier.
My total life mission is to transform the soul, heart, mind, and body of
humanity and all souls in Heaven, Mother Earth, and countless planets,
stars, galaxies, and universes, and enlighten them or enlighten them further,
in order to create the Love Peace Harmony Universal Family.
This Universal Family includes all humanity on Mother Earth and all
souls in Mother Earth, Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and
universes. The ultimate goal of the Universal Family is to reach wan ling
rong he, which is universal oneness.
“Wan” means ten thousand. In Chinese, “wan” represents all. “Ling”
means soul. “Rong he” means join as one. “Wan ling rong he” (pronounced
wahn ling rawng huh) means all souls join as one. This is universal
oneness. This is the ultimate goal in this new universal era. This new era,
called the Soul Light Era, started on August 8, 2003, and will last fifteen
thousand years.
My total life mission includes three empowerments.
My first empowerment is to teach universal service to empower people
to be unconditional universal servants. The message of universal service
and my first empowerment is:
I serve humanity and all souls in Mother Earth, Heaven, and
countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes unconditionally.
You serve humanity and all souls in Mother Earth, Heaven, and
countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes unconditionally.
Together we serve humanity and all souls in Mother Earth, Heaven,
and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes  unconditionally.
My second empowerment is to teach soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge,
and practical techniques to empower people to create soul healing miracles
to transform all life. The message of soul healing miracles and my second
empowerment is:
I have the power to create soul healing miracles to transform all of  my life.
You have the power to create soul healing miracles to transform all of your life.
Together we have the power to create soul healing miracles to
transform all life of humanity and all souls in Mother Earth and
countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes.
To transform all life is to:
• boost energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity
• heal the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies
• prevent all sickness
• purify and rejuvenate soul, heart, mind, and body
• transform all kinds of relationships
• transform finances and business
• increase soul, heart, and mind intelligence
• open spiritual channels
• enlighten soul, heart, mind, and body
• bring success to every aspect of life and more.
My third empowerment is to teach Tao to empower people to reach Tao.
To reach Tao is to reach soul mind body enlightenment.
Tao is The Source.
The Source is the Creator of Heaven, Mother Earth, and countless
planets, stars, galaxies, and universes.
Tao is The Way of all life.
Tao is the universal principles and laws.
Soul enlightenment is to uplift one’s soul standing in Heaven to a saint’s
level. The first step in the spiritual journey is to reach soul enlightenment.
A human being has two lives: physical life and soul life. Physical life is
limited. Soul life is eternal. The purpose of the physical life is to serve the
soul life. The purpose of the soul life is to reach soul enlightenment. To
reach soul enlightenment is to uplift your soul standing in Heaven to
become a saint. To become a saint is to become a better servant. The
highest saints will be uplifted to the divine realm. If one’s soul reaches the
divine realm, this soul has reached very high soul enlightenment.
The second step in the spiritual journey is to reach mind enlightenment.
Mind enlightenment is to uplift one’s consciousness to the consciousness
of a saint. The saints reside in different layers of Heaven. The
consciousness of the highest saints could be uplifted further and completely
transform to divine consciousness. To reach divine consciousness is beyond
The third step in the spiritual journey is to reach body enlightenment.
Body enlightenment is to transform the physical body to the purest light
body. To attain the purest light body is to reach immortality. I will discuss
immortality in chapters three and four of this book.
The message of enlightenment and my third empowerment is:
I have the power to reach soul mind body enlightenment.
You have the power to reach soul mind body enlightenment.
Together we have the power to reach soul mind body enlightenment.
This book is the second book in my Soul Healing Miracles Series. In the
books of my Soul Power Series and the first book of my Soul Healing
Miracles Series,1 I have shared my personal story of how the Divine chose
me as a servant of humanity and the Divine in July 2003. I will not repeat
the story here. Please read those books.
As a divine servant, vehicle, and channel, I have offered Divine Karma
Cleansing and Divine Soul Mind Body Transplants2 for the last eleven
years. Approximately one million soul healing miracles have been created
by these divine services and by thousands of soul healers that I have created
on Mother Earth. Soul healing miracles are being created every day.
In 2008, Tao, which is the Source, chose me as a servant of humanity
and Tao. I started to offer Tao Karma Cleansing and Tao Soul Mind Body
Transplants. My soul standing has been uplifted continuously over the last
eleven years. I am extremely honored that I have received soul upliftment
to higher and higher layers of Source. Source has unlimited layers.
Upliftment never ends. To be uplifted higher and higher is to be a better
servant for humanity and all souls.
I would like every reader to know that the books of my Soul Power
Series and Soul Healing Miracles Series teach and empower you and
humanity to create your own soul healing miracles. Readers learn sacred
wisdom and knowledge and apply the practical techniques of soul healing.
Everyone could create soul healing miracles.
Now, the time is ready for the next step: to unify science and spirituality.
Therefore, the Divine and The Source guided me to create and write this
second book of the Soul Healing Miracles Series, Soul Mind Body Science
System: Grand Unification Theory and Practice for Healing, Rejuvenation,
Longevity, and Immortality. The Soul Mind Body Science System is a
breakthrough system that introduces a scientific formula and practice to join
soul, heart, mind, energy, and matter as one, which is the ultimate truth to
purify, heal, transform, and enlighten all life and return to the Source. This
Grand Unification Theory and practice will unite spirituality with science
and much, much more.
Now, it is 2014. In the last eleven years, there have been many natural
disasters in the world, including earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods,
fires, volcanic eruptions, droughts, and more. There are many other
challenges, including political challenges, economic, financial, and business
challenges, environmental challenges, healthcare challenges, religious and
ethnic wars, and many other challenges.
Millions of people are suffering from sicknesses in the spiritual body,
mental body, emotional body, and physical body. Hundreds of millions of
people worldwide have limited or no access to adequate healthcare.
Why are Mother Earth and humanity facing challenges? The reason is
soul mind body blockages.
Soul blockages are negative karma. Negative karma is caused by one’s
and one’s ancestors’ mistakes of hurting, harming, or taking advantage of
others in all lifetimes. Negative karma is carried by one’s inner souls.
Mind blockages include negative mind-sets, negative attitudes, negative
beliefs, ego, attachments, and more.
Body blockages include energy blockages and matter blockages.
How can we help humanity pass through this difficult historic period?
How can we help humanity remove sickness? How can we help humanity
heal and recover from sickness faster? Most important: How can we help
humanity prevent sickness?
My previous books, including Soul Mind Body Medicine, Power
Healing, and the ten books in my Soul Power Series, including Soul
Wisdom, The Power of Soul, Divine Soul Mind Body Healing and
Transmission System, Tao I, and Tao Song and Tao Dance, have offered
answers to the above “how can we help humanity” questions and helped to
create approximately one million soul healing miracles worldwide.
In this book, I will offer further soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and
practical soul techniques. The teaching and practices will become simpler,
more practical, more powerful, and more profound, and bring soul healing
miracles faster.
What are the secrets and power that I will give you in this book? I will
create The Source Field within this book and bring the power of Ba Gua
nature to you through sacred Tao Ba Gua mantras and practices. I will also
connect you with The Source within you.
What is The Source Field? The Source Field is a field with the jing qi
shen (matter, energy, mind, heart, and soul) of The Source.
How does The Source Field work? The Source Field carries The Source
jing qi shen, with the frequency and vibration of The Source love,
forgiveness, compassion, and light. The Source jing qi shen can transform
the jing qi shen of all unhealthy conditions and other imbalances.
One of the most important principles and laws in countless planets, stars,
galaxies, and universes can be summarized in one sentence:
Everyone and everything in Heaven, Mother Earth, and countless
planets, stars, galaxies, and universes is vibration, which is the field of  jing qi shen.
The Source Field carries the jing qi shen of The Source that can remove
soul mind body blockages of sickness and transform the jing qi shen of a
human being’s spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies from head
to toe, skin to bone, to restore them to health.
I will create The Source Field by writing two Source Ling Guang
Calligraphies for this book. “Ling Guang” (pronounced ling gwahng)
means soul light. The Source Ling Guang Calligraphy is the name The
Source gave to me. It means The Source Soul Light Calligraphy.
I will create The Source Field within The Source Ling Guang
Calligraphies. It will carry the jing qi shen of The Source, which can heal
and create soul healing miracles. How do these calligraphies work? The
Source Ling Guang Calligraphies receive permanent treasures from The
Source. These treasures carry The Source jing qi shen. The Source jing is
The Source matter. The Source qi is The Source energy. The Source shen is
The Source soul, heart, and mind. The Source jing qi shen field carries The
Source frequency and vibration with The Source love, forgiveness,
compassion, and light that can remove soul mind body blockages of
sickness for healing, rejuvenation, and creating soul healing miracles.
This is the second time that I have shared The Source Ling Guang
Calligraphies with humanity. The Source Ling Guang Calligraphies can
create soul healing miracles. The Source Ling Guang Calligraphies in this
book are The Source Ling Guang Calligraphy Shen Qi Jing He Yi, S + E +
M = 1 and The Source Ling Guang Calligraphy Tao Normal Creation and
Tao Reverse Creation. You will learn much more about Tao normal creation
and Tao reverse creation in this book.
How can I create The Source Field in The Source Ling Guang
Calligraphies? I am the servant, vehicle, and channel of The Source. The
Source has given me the honor and authority to connect with The Source in
order to create The Source Field.
The Source Ling Guang Calligraphies in this book carry power beyond
comprehension. Try them. Practice with them. Apply them to heal your
spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies. Apply them to join your
jing qi shen (matter, energy, mind, heart, soul) with Mother Earth’s,
Heaven’s, and Tao’s jing qi shen. Experience the power of The Source Ling
Guang Calligraphies within this book. You will be extremely blessed.
There are four ways to use The Source Ling Guang Calligraphies in this
book (see list of figures on page xxix):
1. Put one palm on the photograph of The Source Ling Guang
Calligraphy. Put your other palm on any part of the body that needs
healing. Sincerely ask for healing.
2. Put The Source Ling Guang Calligraphy on any part of the body that
needs healing. Sincerely ask for healing.
3. Meditate with The Source Ling Guang Calligraphy. Sincerely ask for healing.
4. Trace The Source Ling Guang Calligraphy. Sincerely ask for healing.
With all four of these methods, you can also chant or sing The Source
Song of Tao Normal Creation and Tao Reverse Creation or The Source
Grand Unification Equation.
There is a renowned phrase in ancient sacred spiritual teaching:
Da Tao zhi jian
“Da” means big. Tao is The Way. “Zhi” means extremely. “Jian” means
simple. “Da Tao zhi jian” (pronounced dah dow jr jyen) means The Big Way
is extremely simple. This book will follow this principle. You could realize
the simplicity very quickly. You could receive soul healing miracles very
quickly and wonder how? and why?
I am excited, honored, and humbled to create and write this book with
Dr. Rulin Xiu for humanity. I cannot thank The Source, the Divine, and all
Heaven’s Committees enough for their sacred wisdom, knowledge, and
practical techniques, as well as for their immeasurable power to bless us.
How blessed humanity is that The Source puts The Source power in the
books and calligraphies, and offers permanent downloads to my readers. I
am simply a servant and vessel for my readers, humanity, and all souls.
The message of soul healing miracles is:
I have the power to create soul healing miracles to transform all of my life.
You have the power to create soul healing miracles to transform all  of your life.
Together we have the power to create soul healing miracles to
transform all life of humanity and all souls in Mother Earth and
countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes

I love my heart and soul
I love all humanity
Join hearts and souls together
Love, peace and harmony


Table of Contents
Foreword by Ervin Laszlo
How to Receive the Divine and Tao Soul Downloads Offered in My
What to Expect After You Receive Divine and Tao Soul Downloads
How to Receive Maximum Benefits from My Books
List of Figures
Three Bodies of a Human Being
Jing Qi Shen Are One
The Historic Source Language Grand Unification Diagram Is Born
1: Grand Unification
What Is Grand Unification?
Dr. Rulin Xiu’s Grand Unification Journey
Soul Mind Body Science System
Ancient Sacred Wisdom: The Source of Grand Unification Theory
Jing Qi Shen
The Relationship of Jing and Qi
The Relationship of Qi and Mind
Kundalini Meditation and Practice
The Relationship of Mind and Heart
The Relationship of Heart and Soul
Relationships Among Soul, Heart, Mind, Energy, and Matter
What Is Soul? A Mathematical Definition
What Is Heart?
What Is Mind?
The Grand Unification Equation
Definition of Soul
Definition of Heart
Definition of Mind
Definition of Body
Scientific Formula of Grand Unification Theory and Practice in
the Soul Mind Body Science System
2: The Formation of Heaven, Mother Earth, and Countless
Planets, Stars, Galaxies, and Universes
The Wu World Creates the You World
Tao Sheng Yi
Yi Sheng Er
Er Sheng San
San Sheng Wan Wu
The You World Returns to the Wu World
Wan Wu Gui San
San Gui Er
Er Gui Yi
Yi Gui Tao
3: Apply Grand Unification for Health
Soul Heart Mind Energy Matter: The Sacred Process and Path
Shi Shen and Yuan Shen
Why People Get Sick
Secrets, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Practical Techniques to Heal the
Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Bodies
Forgiveness Practice
Body Power
Soul Power
Mind Power
Sound Power
Shen Mi
Kou Mi
Yi Mi
Practice Is Vital
Sacred Formula for Forgiveness Practice
Invoke Yuan Shen for Forgiveness
Yuan Shen Practice: Dr. Rulin Xiu’s Personal Experience and Insights
Apply Ba Gua for Healing, Rejuvenation, and Transformation of All
The Path to the Wu World
Ba Gua Practices for Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity, and Moving
Toward Immortality
Ba Gua Practice for the Root Chakra or First Soul House: Kan
Ba Gua Practice for the Heart Chakra or Fourth Soul House
(Message Center): Li Huo
Ba Gua Practice for the Heart and Heart-Related Conditions: Li
Ba Gua Practice to Receive Heaven’s Essence: Qian Tian
Ba Gua Practice for the Throat, Thyroid, and Vocal Cords: Zhen
Ba Gua Practice for Growths, Pain, and Inflammation: Zhen Lei
Ba Gua Practice for the Lower Abdomen: Xun Feng
Ba Gua Practice for the Brain and Head: Gen Shan
Ba Gua Practice for the Wai Jiao: Dui Ze
Ba Gua Practice for All Life: Ba Gua He Yi
4: Apply Grand Unification for Fan Lao Huan Tong
(Transform Old Age to the Health and Purity of the Baby
State), Longevity, and Immortality
Immortality and the Tao Journey
Grand Unification Scientific Formula for Rejuvenation, Longevity,
and the Immortality Journey
Why Do People Get Old?
Secrets, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Practical Techniques to Reach Fan
Lao Huan Tong
Jin Dan Practice for Fan Lao Huan Tong, Longevity, and
Tao Normal Creation and Tao Reverse Creation Practice for Fan
Lao Huan Tong, Longevity, and Immortality
5: Purification
Seven Da
The First Da—Da Ai (Greatest Love)
The Second Da—Da Kuan Shu (Greatest Forgiveness)
The Third Da—Da Ci Bei (Greatest Compassion)
The Fourth Da—Da Guang Ming (Greatest Light)
The Fifth Da—Da Qian Bei (Greatest Humility)
The Sixth Da—Da He Xie (Greatest Harmony)
The Seventh Da—Da Yuan Man (Greatest Enlightenment)
Other Books by Dr. and Master Sha

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First e-book edition: November 2014

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Cover photo and design by Henderson Ong
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