A Compendium of Tools & Techniques for Growth & Transformation
Carl Llewellyn Weschcke & Joe H. Slate, Ph.D.
the “new age” is real!..dr. joe h. slate, pioneering parapsychologist..if everyone is psychic …to become more than you are..four major empowering principles..demystifying the paranormal..discover a new world of your own..mind over matter—every day..tomorrow as probability..but, what about astrology, palmistry, and numerology?
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| 2011 by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke and Joe H. Slate, Ph.D. |
By Joe H. Slate, Ph.D.
This jointly authored book introduces the contributions of Carl Llewellyn
Weschcke to the revised version of my earlier book, Psychic Empowerment
(1995). This book is, however, far more than simply a revised and expanded
version of an earlier work. Woven throughout the book are the advanced threads
of psychic empowerment that only Carl Weschcke can provide. As the
universally acclaimed Father of the New Age, he is rapidly gaining recognition
as the Father of Psychic Empowerment, a title he has earned many times over
through his writing and contributions to the publishing world. His unparalleled
success as founder and now as chairman of Llewellyn Worldwide is a testament
to his commitment to make psychic empowerment an attainable reality for
everyone. I am indeed honored to be his coauthor in this effort to achieve that
important goal.
We now know that psychic empowerment, rather than being a theoretical
possibility, is a measurable, though complex, process of personal evolvement.
Using the tools and techniques presented in this book, you can accelerate that
process by accessing your dormant inner potentials and activating them to enrich
the quality of your life. Beyond that, you can become the master builder of an
endless tower of power to the great beyond, a tower that connects you to the far
reaches of the cosmos and the entire powers underlying it. Built of the finest
materials—those found in your own being—the tower of power can become
your empowerment connection to the boundless resources of the great beyond.
It’s a tower that brings you into balance and constant attunement to the universe.
This book goes beyond the mere presentation of information and beliefs about
psychic phenomena by offering rational explanations of the “unexplained” and
focusing on the personal benefits of the psychic experience. It explores a host of
psychic tools and formulates effective techniques for applying them. It
systematically develops the psychic empowerment perspective by focusing on
our inner potentials and our ability to develop and apply them.
This book holds steadfastly to the belief that every individual is a person of
incomparable worth, endowed with the potential for greatness. It explores a host
of psychic tools and develops effective techniques for applying them. Presented
at the end of the book is a “Journey of a Lifetime” Development Program, which
organizes the seminal concepts of psychic empowerment into an accelerated,
step-by-step program for the systematic development of your psychic potentials.
While the centerpiece of this book is personal empowerment, we recognize the
critical importance of global empowerment. Global empowerment must begin
somewhere. Becoming personally empowered can be seen as the first step
toward empowering the globe and making the world a better place for present
and future generations. In its exploration of the essential concepts, this book
attempts to strike a reasonable balance between scientific objectivity and
practical application. The inner sources of power perceive the existence of other
planes. While they may remain largely unknown, they are nonetheless receptive.
This power recognizes the complexity of our makeup as mental, physical, and
spiritual beings and the capacity of each to influence the other. The pinnacle of
psychic empowerment is the promotion of our personal evolvement while
contributing to the greater good. Accepting the task of making this world a better
place for present and future generations is a major goal of this book.
Psychic empowerment is for everyone. Once empowered, you can overcome all
barriers to your growth and turn even the most difficult problems into exciting
new growth opportunities. You’ll discover that fear, insecurity, inferiority, and
doubt all yield to the empowered self. Now as never before, you can make
empowerment a reality in your life.
Knowledge is power, and psychic knowledge is power at its peak. Psychic
knowledge is relevant mentally, physically, psychically, and spiritually as well as
culturally and globally. It has relevance even on a universal and multiuniversal
scale. Here are but a few examples of the empowerment possibilities of psychic
empowerment possibilities of psychic knowledge
• It can expand your awareness and increase your understanding of your existence as a life force being.
• It can unveil new dimensions of reality and facilitate empowering interactions with them.
• It can generate mental, physical, and spiritual attunement and balance.
• It can enrich your social interactions and promote your career success.
• It can bring you into a state of harmony with other dimensions and higher planes of power.
• It can promote your development of the skills required to achieve your personal goals.
• It can reveal the endless nature of your existence as an evolving soul.
• It can promote global peace and suggest solutions to global problems, such as
reckless depletion of natural resources and disregard for threatened or endangered species.
• It can dispel the myths that are often associated with the paranormal.....
Your authors have chosen to provide a detailed, or annotated, Table of Contents and we want to tell you why.
Because we anticipate this book being extensively used as a combination Reference and Practical
Textbook—one that we hope you will not merely refer to often but will use as a practical guide to all of the
Tools and Techniques of Psychic Empowerment—we wrote these chapter descriptions to serve as a concise
introduction to each subject. At the same time, rather than create an encyclopedia by adding many more chapters, we chose the subjects carefully to serve as a master foundation for you to build your own Self-Empowerment program of
personal development and experiments. These introductions carefully follow the construction of each chapter and then provide a quick sequential reference to the included content.
We have also provided a Master List of the Charts, Tables, Programs and Procedures, and a List of
Illustrations and Photographs so you can quickly find or refer back to particular information regardless of its chapter location. We hope that you will find this book to be as exciting as it is useful; that it will open doors and windows
revealing new worlds of mind and spirit; and that it will inspire a revolutionary movement of mental and
spiritual innovation to move beyond present concepts of conflict and limitation. We live at a turning point in
human history as alone and together we take the next steps in our evolution and the realization of the first
global civilization. list of illustrations and photographs
list of charts, tables, programs, procedures and exercises
What is “Psychic Empowerment”? That’s what you’re going to read about in this book, but it’s not just one
thing but many. There are many subjects we can group under “Psychic” and we can ask many questions
about what we mean by “Empowerment.”
But, we can’t just define “Psychic” by the many subjects it encompasses (some of which are listed below)
any more than we can comfortably define as “Physical” by listing all the subjects from Astronomy (and
Astrology) to Hatha Yoga and Zoology that the physical world encompasses. And the same is true of words
(and worlds) like “Mental” and “Spiritual.”
The reality is that each person has physical aspects and psychic aspects, as well as mental and spiritual.
You have a physical body, you have a mind, and most people believe they have a soul or spirit. The reality
is that you also have innate psychic powers and attributes, but they are often underdeveloped because we
have a primarily material viewpoint of the world we live in.
This book is giving you a new perspective, and it is also providing you with the means to develop your
psychic powers and attributes. And we’re going to show you that, in doing so, you are going to become
more than you are—you are going to grow and develop into the whole person you are intended to be.
For each chapter described here in the Table of Content, we’re going to list some interesting statistics
taken from Amazon and Google, but for this Foreword there really isn’t one specific subject to relate to, so
we’re just going to give a broad selection of the same information. If you walk into a bookstore and look for
books related to Psychic Empowerment, you are going to end up in the New Age section. New Age is a
bookstore category for books also classified under “Body, Mind, and Spirit” or “Metaphysical,” and
sometimes “Self-Help.” It includes Astrology and Witchcraft, Parapsychology and Hypnosis, Magick and
Spell-casting, and a whole lot of other subjects.
Contents include: The “New Age” is Real!; Dr. Joe H. Slate, Pioneering Parapsychologist; If Everyone is
Psychic … ; To Become More Than You Are; Four Major Empowering Principles; Demystifying the
Paranormal; Discover a New World of Your Own; Mind over Matter—Every Day; Tomorrow as
Probability; But What about Astrology, and Palmistry?
Amazon lists 102,836 titles for New Age, 26 for Psychic Empowerment, 8,940 for Paranormal, 93,264
for Body, Mind, and Spirit, 9,193 for Parapsychology, 17,159 for Astrology, 19,515 for Occult, 18,084 for
Metaphysics, 3,409 for Wicca, and 7,805 for Witchcraft.
Google lists 186,000,000 results for New Age, 2,410,000 for Psychic Empowerment, 19,500,000 for
Paranormal, 6,670,000 for Body, Mind, and Spirit, 983,000 for Parapsychology, 43,000,000 for Astrology,
8,980,000 for Occult, 7,800,000 for Metaphysics, 3,210,000 for Wicca, and 7,420,000 for Witchcraft.
There’s nothing very accurate about these numbers because the subjects themselves are not well defined
and include duplications from related (in the eye of the programmer) subjects. But numbers are interesting.
There are 29,603 Astronomy titles on Amazon, 338,426 Psychology titles, 9,165 for Quantum Physics, and
49,534 for Ghosts.
Psychic empowerment, rather than a theoretical possibility, is a measurable though complex process of
personal evolvement. Using the tools and techniques presented in this book, you can accelerate that process
by accessing your dormant inner potentials and activating them to enrich the quality of your life.
This book goes beyond the mere presentation of information and beliefs about psychic phenomena by
offering rational explanations of the “unexplained” and focusing on the personal benefits of the psychic
experience. It explores a host of psychic tools and formulates effective techniques for applying them. It
systematically develops the psychic empowerment perspective by focusing on our inner potentials and our
ability to develop and apply them.
Presented at the end of the book is a “Journey of Your Lifetime” Development Program, which organizes
the seminal concepts of psychic empowerment into an accelerated, step-by-step program for the systematic
development of your psychic potentials.
Part One: Consciousness-Expanding Techniques for Psychic Development
You are, by nature, psychic. The central theme of this book is the development of psychic empowerment
through practice and firsthand experience. Psychic empowerment is a continuous process of growth and
self-discovery. In the empowered state, you can achieve your loftiest goals and improve the quality of your
life. Equipped with knowledge and related skills, you can at last take full command of the forces—both within
and beyond—that affect your life. You can accelerate learning, improve memory, increase creativity, solve
complex problems, overcome debilitating fears, promote better health and fitness, break unwanted habits,
and even slow the aging process. On a larger scale, you can contribute to the greater good and make the
world a better place for present and future generations.
Contents include: Empowerment Possibilities of Psychic Knowledge; Threefold Premise of Psychic
Empowerment; The Psychic Empowerment Perspective; Four Empowering Principles; The Psychic
Empowerment Hierarchy; Psychic Empowerment Programs; Self-discovery, Commitment, Investment;
Guidelines to Psychic Empowerment.
Chapter One: Extrasensory Perception: Out of the Lab into the Real World
Extrasensory perception (ESP) is knowledge of or response to events, conditions, or situations—past,
present, or future—independently of known sensory mechanisms or processes. While not yet fully
understood, ESP is one of our most valuable channels for experiencing the inner and outer realities of our
existence. Bypassing ordinary sensory functions, it can directly engage realities that are otherwise unavailable to us.
In its capacity to send and receive both thoughts and feelings through telepathy, ESP can expand our
communication capacities, promote productive interactions, and provide information, often from a great
distance, otherwise unavailable to us. In its capacity to perceive spatially distant realities through
clairvoyance, ESP can dramatically expand our world of awareness and uncover critical sources of new
knowledge and power. In its capacity to perceive the future through precognition, ESP can provide
advanced awareness that equips us to prepare for future events and, in some instances, to influence or
prevent them altogether.
Contents include: Empowering Effects of Psychic Knowledge; The Developmental Nature of ESP; Factor
X; Becoming Psychically Empowered; Positive Self-Talk; Psychic Empowerment Through Self-Talk—
Telepathy, Precognition, Clairvoyance; The Power of Mental Imagery; Mental Imagery and the Palm
Viewing Exercise; The Finger Interlock Technique; Extrasensory Interactions with the Spirit Realm; ESP
and the Dream Experience; Beyond Dreaming.
Amazon lists 793 titles for Extrasensory Perception. Google lists 223,000 results for Extrasensory Perception.
Chapter Two: Astral Projection & the Out-of-Body Experience
Astral projection is the greatest adventure in consciousness we can have while still living in our physical
body. It offers proof that being within the physical body is necessary to know, to feel, to love, to live, and to
fulfill the great plan of growing and evolving to become more than we are. We are beings of consciousness
sometimes inhabiting physical bodies that we can learn to leave at will, to travel in time and space, and tap
into memory archives and knowledge banks even greater than those of Internet search engines. Going
outside of the physically limited brain consciousness enables the soul traveler to enter the heaven worlds,
meet and communicate with deceased loved ones, receive guidance from spiritual counselors, and even to
intervene in the physical world, often healing the body of disease.
Contents include: What is Astral Projection? The Astral Body and the Astral Plane; Macrocosm and
Microcosm; Mathematical Measurement Prefixes and their Meanings; Vibration Ranges of Different
Phenomena; Infrasonic to Very Low Frequency (VLF) Waves, Magnetism and Gravity; Physical Senses—in
Vibrations per Second; Brain Waves in Vibrations per Second; Earth’s Schumann Resonant Frequency;
Electromagnetic Spectrum, Longer Waves; Super high frequencies (SHF)—Microwaves; Infrared, Heat;
Visible Light (visible to human physical sight); Ultraviolet; Spirit Light (visible to human, psychic, sight);
Gamma and Cosmic Rays; Seven Planes of Solar System and Seven Levels of the Human Structure;
Physical and Etheric Planes and Bodies; Astral Plane and Body; Mental Plane and Body and Causal Body;
Buddhic Plane and Body; Atmic Plane and Body; Monadic Plane and Monad; Adic Level and Divine
Spark; Levels of Consciousness, Soul and Spirit, and the Whole Person; The Evolutionary Plan of the
Psyche; A New Way of Thinking; Inducing the Out-of-Body Experience; the Copper Penny; Destination
Control; Home Territory; Eye-Blink Procedure; Astral Flight.
Amazon lists 711 Astral Projection titles, 284 for Astral Travel, 67 for Astral Sex, and 487 for Out-of-
Body Experience. Google lists 993,000 results for Astral Projection, 638,000 for Astral Travel, and
1,060,000 for Astral Sex.
Chapter Three: Auras: Seeing & Reading What Can’t Be Hidden
The human aura is a developmental, life-sustaining energy force that surrounds, penetrates, vitalizes, and
characterizes every human being, animal, entity, and object. It has shape, form, and color that reveals
consciousness, health, character and substance. This chapter shows how to see, read, and interpret the aura,
including your own.
Contents include: What is an Aura? Of What Value is the Aura? Man vs. Machine; Seeing the Aura
Instructions; To See Your Own Aura; More than One Aura; Colors in the Aura; Chakra Names, Colors,
Associated Planets, and Tattwas; Aura: Interpretation of Colors, Their Intensity, and Their Location;
Interpreting the Aura; Magical Mirror of the Universe; Sphere of Sensation; Functions of the Aura System;
Self-Perception and Cosmic Centering Procedure; The Aura Self-Massage Procedure.
Amazon lists 6,159 Aura titles. Google lists 104,000,000 results.
Chapter Four: The Chakra System: Spinning Wheels of Psychic Power
Chakras are not physically real but are the energy “transformers” between the physical and the nonphysical,
and are vital to body, mind, and spirit. They are located on the surface of the Etheric Double but have subtle
connections with certain glands and nerve complexes in the physical body and particular energy centers in
the astral body. The Etheric Double is created in advance of birth and functions as a matrix for the
developing physical body. No matter the cause, diseases first show up in the astral body, flow down into the
Etheric Double, and then manifest in the physical body. This is why etheric or “energy healing” can be so
effective through the hands of a competent healer acting early in the disease process. Once disease
manifests in the physical body, physical treatments are usually necessary but can be supplemented from the
ether/energy level as well.
Contents include: Out-of-Body Chakras—Location, Color, and Function; The Etheric Double; Physical
Matter Exists in Seven Orders of Density; Functions of the Four States of Etheric Matter; Energies: Fohat,
Kundalini, Prana; Primal Energies of the Universe; The Chakras; The Primary Chakra System; Grounding
Exercise; The Base Chakra (Muladhara) Correspondences; Appreciation Exercise; Energy Flows from
Sacral Chakra; The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) Correspondences; Self-Control Exercise; The Solar
Plexus (Manipura) Correspondences; The Love Exercise; Heart Chakra (Anahata) Correspondences; Selftruth
Exercise; Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) Correspondences; Seeing Divinity Exercise; Brow Chakra
(Ajna) Correspondences; Self-Surrender Exercise; Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) Correspondences; The
Nature of Psychic Development; Chakra Development Exercises; Kundalini Rising; Nine Main Siddhis;
Eight Primary Siddhis; Ten Secondary Siddhis; Five Siddhis of Yoga and Meditation.
Amazon lists 4,335 Chakra titles. Google lists 6,540,000 results.
Chapter Five: Clairvoyance: Seeing Beyond Your Nose
Clairvoyance is a psychic technique traditionally defined as the perception of tangible objects, current
events, or existing conditions not present to the physical senses, but nevertheless having objective reality.
Unlike sensory perception, clairvoyance requires no stimulation of sensory mechanisms, and is not subject
to the limitations of conventional sensory experience. The spontaneous clairvoyant experience usually
provides the means to action.
Complementing inner-clairvoyance as a source of personal insight and power are our clairvoyant
interactions with the spirit realm, which often manifests its presence through sensory channels. Frequently,
dreams provide the channel for clairvoyant knowledge. Dream mechanisms promote a subconscious
transfer of information to conscious awareness. Common among the dream’s clairvoyant functions is the
delivery of information concerning urgent situations.
Meditation exercises that focus on creative imagery seem particularly conducive to clairvoyant
empowerment. The third eye, a chakra thought to be connected to the pituitary gland and associated with
clairvoyance, appears particularly responsive to meditation strategies that engage the mind’s imagery
powers. The Third Eye Exercise given here was specifically designed to develop that faculty.
Contents include: Inner-clairvoyance; Clairvoyance and the Spirit Realm; Clairvoyance and Dreams;
Clairvoyant Strategies; Third Eye Exercise.
Amazon lists 2,645 Clairvoyance titles. Google lists 1,890,000 results.
Chapter Six: Remote Viewing: Psychic Research or “Voodoo Warfare”
Remote Viewing is the purported ability to gather information about a distant or unseen target by means of
extrasensory perception. Typically, a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object that is
hidden from physical view and separated at some distance. Several programs sponsored by the CIA, US
Army, the Air Force, and others actively explored distant clairvoyance and astral projection during the Cold
War between the old Soviet Union and the United States.
Contents include: Remote Viewing and the Cold War; Astral Projection or Clairvoyance; Methods for
Remote Viewing; Astral Projection Program; Clairvoyance Program; Programming for Remote Vision.
Amazon lists 157 Remote Viewing titles. Google lists 3,350,000 results.
Chapter Seven: Dream Interpretation and Intervention
Dreams are always purposeful and empowerment driven. They are, however, often cloaked in symbolism or
other forms of disguise, thus challenging us to discover their meanings and apply them. Paradoxically, the
absence of transparency in the meanings of dreams actually increases their empowerment potential. By
nature we place higher value on new knowledge requiring effort and involvement. Knowledge too easily
acquired is often cast aside as unworthy of serious consideration.
Although dreams have been with us forever, only in recent years have we developed effective dream
empowerment programs connecting us to the enormous resources of the subconscious. With new
understanding of dreams as expressions of the subconscious, a new dream technology is clearly emerging.
As Shakespeare noted, “We are the stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep!”
The typical dream experience is energized by not only our subconscious motives but new growth
possibilities as well. By accurately interpreting our dreams, we can increase awareness of our subconscious
resources and activate totally new growth processes. Self-enlightenment and self-empowerment become the
twofold goal of dream interpretation.
Advanced dream intervention programs have been developed in the laboratory setting and are now
available for use by everyone in solving personal problems, accelerating learning, overcoming blockages,
improving memory, slowing aging, increasing creativity, activating out-of-body travel, and interacting with
the spirit realm. Dreams deliver new insights for solving complex problems. Aside from their problemsolving
functions, dreams are often psychic in nature. Almost everyone recalls having a precognitive dream
that later came true, or a clairvoyant dream that expanded awareness of an existing situation or condition,
often at a distant setting. Aside from these, telepathic dreams in which messages are sent and received
between dreamers are not uncommon.
Contents include: Dreams are Always Purposeful and Empowerment Driven; The Nature of Dreams;
Dream Interpretation Guidelines; Dream Intervention Programs; The Finger Spread; Solar Plexus Rest;
Arm Lift Technique; Pre-sleep Meditation; and a concise Dream Symbols Dictionary.
Amazon list 2,065 Dream Interpretation titles. Google lists 3,330,000 results
Chapter Eight: ESP Programs & Psychic Empowerment
A cardinal principle of psychic empowerment holds that psychic potentials exist in everyone and can be
developed through appropriate programs. Common to those programs are the following three essentials.
Motivation: Given motivation, you become goal oriented and focused in your pursuit of psychic
empowerment. Learning: Through your exploration of various psychic concepts, exercises, and
development programs, you will discover the knowledge that’s essential to your psychic growth and
development. Practice: The necessity.
In developing your psychic potentials, there is no substitute for practice. Through practice using various
exercises and programs, you will discover the tools and techniques that work best for you. Through
continued practice, you will develop your psychic powers to their peak.
Contents include: Essentials for Discovery and Development of Psychic Powers; Conscious vs.
Subconscious; General Psychic Development; The X Position; Mind/Body Interactions; Telepathy,
Clairvoyance, and Precognition: Exercises for Growth; Psychic Balance and Attunement Technique;
Empowerment-at-Once Procedure.
Amazon lists 6,179 ESP titles. Google lists 68,600,000 (many of these have nothing to do with
Extrasensory Perception but rather a guitar company of that name).
Chapter Nine: Magic, Ritual, & Shamanism: Ancient Practices of Psychic Empowerment
Rituals are basic to civilized life, and many of them have their foundations in magical theory and come
down to us through mythic origins. Most rituals mark turning points in life and are, in essence, “initiations”
aiding in our transformation from onestate or status into another state or status. Other rituals are
celebrations that express the natural rhythms of life and of the seasons. Without these rituals, we would lose
attunement to the stages of life and of nature.
Other rituals are esoteric, as in Masonry, Organized Religion, and Magickal groups, and involve the
arousal and direction of psychic forces for particular purposes, often transformative psychologically and
spiritually. These rituals, knowingly or not, employ hypnosis and utilize established symbols and substances
to infuse special energies into the process.
Most rituals can be practiced solitary and involve self-hypnosis. The lack of group energy is compensated
for with particular exercises drawing upon the unlimited power of the Cosmos. Gerald Gardner and the
Eight Paths to the Center are discussed in detail, along with the principles of Shamanism. The principles of
hypnosis and self-hypnosis are given, along with the practices of invocation and evocation.
Contents include: Rhythm and Pattern in Ritual; Esoteric Rituals; Hypnosis; Hypnosis in Ritual Settings;
Conscious Participation in Group Rituals; Self-Hypnosis; Prayer and Spells; The Magic of Faith; Extra-
Consciousness; Shamanic Techniques and Experiences, and The Eight Paths to the Center in Witchcraft;
Programming for Self-Directed Rituals and Self-Hypnosis; The Principles of Induction; Belief and
acceptance; Induction Aids; Security and confidence; The Right Time; The Key Steps in the Induction
process: Preparation; The Relaxation Process; Invoking your SubConscious Mind; Script for Developing
your ESP and PK Potentials; Script for Interacting with Spirit Guides; Script for Developing your
Mediumistic Powers; Script for Discovering Higher Planes of Power.
Amazon lists 78,350 Magic titles (5,142 for Magick), 26,615 for Ritual, and 2,151 for Shamanism.
Google lists 271,000,000 results for Magic, 2,980,000 for Magick, 34,000,000 for Ritual, and 1,540,000 for Shamanism.
Chapter Ten: Precognition: Tomorrow As Probability
The ability to perceive the future independently of presently known predictive circumstances exists to some
degree in everyone. The future is not fixed but exists only in varying degrees of probabilities, ever
dependent on past and present realities. Personal consciousness interacts with those future probabilities to
generate a mind/future interaction that not only “sees” the future but influences it, bringing about desired change.
By developing our ability to interact with the time continuum, we can not only access the future through
precognition but dip into the past through retrocognition. While the past can’t be changed, increased
knowledge of that dimension can alter our perceptions of the present and empower us to more effectively shape the future.
Precognitive awareness is activated deliberately through certain procedures and techniques, some of
which were developed in the controlled laboratory setting. To deny our capacity to experience the future
through precognition is to eliminate one of the most important gateways to new knowledge, growth, and
power. Fortunately, procedures are now available to develop our precognitive capacities and apply them as
personal empowerment resources.
Hypnotic age progression has demonstrated unusual effectiveness in identifying future events of both
personal and global significance. The program uses self-hypnosis to induce the trance state, during which
awareness flows with ease along the time continuum until it is arrested either voluntarily or spontaneously
to engage areas that command special attention. This approach is especially effective in identifying future
happenings that can be either prevented or minimized through appropriate intervention measures. Crises
related to business and personal concerns are particularly receptive to this approach.
Contents include: Precognition and the Subconscious; Precognitive Role of the Subconscious; The
Precognitive Reality Slip; Empowerment at its Peak; Precognition and Psychic Empowerment; Precognitive
Development; Future Probe Program; The Future Screen Program; The Doors to the Future Program;
Precognitive Review Program; Hypnotic Age Progression.
Amazon lists 2,129 titles. Google lists 405,000 results.
Chapter Eleven: Psychokinesis: A Holistic View: Mind Over Matter—Every Day
PK is the ability to move or influence physical objects without physical intervention. From a holistic
perspective, it becomes increasing conceivable that the teleportation of materials and matter to distant
destinations is a reasonable reality awaiting our discovery and poised for unfoldment.
Within our definition of PK is the assumed capacity of PK to influence not only external conditions but
also physiology, including the most critical systems and organ functions. The capacity of PK to intervene
physiologically has been dramatically illustrated in the biofeedback setting, where increased awareness of
biological processes led to the ability to mentally control them, including blood pressure, muscular tension,
migraine and tension headaches, heart rate, and brainwave patterns. Given these powers of the mind over
the body, PK interventions that promote wellness and healing become reasonable possibilities.
Aside from these, lab studies offered convincing evidence of the capacity of PK to slow the aging
process, and in some instances to literally reverse the effects of aging.
Contents include: PK in the Laboratory; Reality PK; The Deliberate Induction of PK; Stages of Induced
PK; PK Bombardment Drill; PK and Wellness; Mind-Body Interaction for Wellness; The Wellness
Activation Program; PK and Rejuvenation; PK Rejuvenation Principles; Rejuvenation PK Program.
Amazon lists 193 titles. Google lists 238,000 results.
Chapter Twelve: Reincarnation & Past-Lives Enlightenment
Our past-life experiences remain forever with us for a purpose. But rather than being automatically
available to us at the beginning of each lifetime, they challenge us to retrieve them and discover their
relevance for ourselves. Only then can we integrate them into our present lifetime. It’s through concentrated
effort and self-discovery that we learn and grow. It’s then that knowledge of the past becomes power for the
present. It’s then that we uncover totally new potentials to be realized and enjoyed. Once we discover them,
our past-life achievements in particular can build feelings of worth and well-being. We become less
constricted in our self-identity and more at one with the universe.
The most effective self-hypnosis program for past-life enlightenment is called Past-life Corridor, which
uses a combination of age-regression and past-life regression. The procedure introduces the concept of a
Past-life Corridor of many doors with each door representing a past lifetime. Additional programs explore
preexistence and life-between-lives.
Knowing that you do live forever and are constantly growing and learning—forever becoming more than
you are—gives significant meaning and justification to life.
Contents include: The Multiple Dimensions of Personal Existence; Interacting with the Subconscious;
Self-hypnosis and Past-life Regression; Past-life Regression Self-hypnosis Procedures; EM/RC and Pastlife
Corridor Regression Program; Sleep Intervention Program; Preexistence and Life-Between-Lives;
Exploring Preexistence; Life between Lifetimes; Benefits of Preexistence Regression; Past-life Regression and ESP.
Amazon lists 4,416 Reincarnation and 73 Past Lives Regression titles. Google lists 4,410,000 results for
Reincarnation and 898,000 for Past Lives Regression.
Chapter Thirteen: Sigils: Pictures That Work
A picture may be worth a thousand words as stated in an ancient Chinese proverb quoted again and again. A
specifically created drawing of a particular thing or idea may be worth many thousands of words in
clarifying our understanding of it. A sigil may be worth more than words because it is a magical formula
charged with energy to do a certain kind of work.
As you will see, the “modern” form of sigil magick is very similar to the practice of self-hypnosis
involving specific goals expressed in affirmation form. Both sigil magick and traditional self-hypnosis are a
kind of programming to mobilize the resources of the subconscious mind to accomplish your objectives.
Contents include: What are Sigils? Traditional Sigils; The Rose Matrix for Sigil Magick; The Modern
Sigil; Sigils in Practical Magick; Sigils and Thoughtforms; Principles of Sigil Magick; Magick in Theory
Amazon lists 383 titles. Google lists 147,000 results.
Chapter Fourteen: Telepathy: The Power of Self-Talk in Self-
Empowerment, Mind-to-Mind Messaging, & Global Communication
Telepathy is communication without physical limitations and surpassing even the most advanced
communication technology. It includes not only the sending and receiving of thought messages but the
emotions and motives underlying them. It can even include the transference of positive energy.
All social interactions include a spontaneous telepathic component that can promote productive
interactions by enriching the communication process. In the group setting, the communication process as
well as the productiveness of the group can be strongly influenced by telepathic interactions.
The sender in the communication system has two major functions: first, formulating the message in some
appropriate encoded form, notably imagery, words, symbols or a combination of these, and second, sending
the encoded message. The receiver in the communication system likewise has two major functions: first,
receiving the encoded message and second, decoding it.
Similar to self-hypnosis, inner-telepathy empowers us to command the complex, ongoing interactions
within the self. One of the most common examples is self-talk with thought messages subsequently
dispersed throughout the self-system or to selected inner targets. Self-talk combined with mental imagery is
especially effective in generating creative ideas.
Global telepathy is based on the premise that we can psychically generate global interactions that affect
global conditions and bring forth global change.
Contents include: Telepathy Explained; Telepathic Initiative Program; Telepathic Activation Procedure;
Two-part Composite Telepathic Procedure; Global Telepathy.
Amazon lists 2,857 titles. Google lists 1,970,000 results.
Chapter Fifteen: Visualization: The Key to Empowering Your Imagination
To imagine is to create. The imagination (image-plus-action) is our faculty that puts an image into action.
To act upon an image is to turn it into reality. The essential element for successful Creative Visualization is
emotion. Effective visualization is the key to empowering your imagination to “make real the unreal.” To
imagine and to visualize is to move from past into future, which becomes the present. “Present” in time, and
a “present” (i.e., a gift) to you.
The image in the imagination was visualized—created wholly out of “mind stuff” which can become the
seed or matrix or core of energy that becomes converted into matter to enter the world of reality. To enable
that process to happen, the visualized image attracts energy and matter that become the thing visualized
through any of a variety of processes.
The “power of attraction” uses creative visualization to activate opportunities to bring fulfillment to your
desires and accomplish your goals in life. Know what you want, be specific without limiting the opportunity
to access the reality by which it can be accomplished, find the picture or symbol to represent your desire or
goal, empower it with emotion, see it in your imagination, and “put yourself in the picture” so that the
opportunity comes to you. Your ability to effectively visualize turns your imagination into a psychic power
tool for use in psychic work as well as in all forms of magical application, active meditation, astral travel,
Qabalistic pathworking, the development of clairvoyance, remote viewing, symbol “doorways” to access
specific areas of the astral world, activating archetypal powers, the assumption of god forms, entering
mythic worlds, and much more.
Contents include: What’s the Difference? Creative Visualization; The Power of Attraction; Visualization
as a Technique; Are there Practical Applications? Making the Imagined Image as “Real” as REAL;
Cultivating Visualization.
Amazon lists 4,903 titles. Google lists 17,500,000 results.
Part Two: Awareness-Expanding Divinatory Tools for Psychic Development
Chapter Sixteen: Objectology & Psychic Empowerment
An important technique of psychic empowerment is to adopt certain objects as “tools” for indirect means to
access our inner psychic potentials and promote their development. These psychic tools are material objects
purposefully applied to connect us to sources of psychic power within the self. We call the study of these
tangible tools and the techniques associated with them “objectology.”
Psychic empowerment tools and techniques are valuable, not only in stimulating our psychic functions
and promoting their development, but also in research designed to explore and better understand the world
of psychic phenomena. Through the use of tangible objects, we can develop techniques and assemble
objective data that can be statistically analyzed for significance and relevance to the psychic experience.
The application of dowsing rods, for example, can yield specific data regarding natural subterranean
resources which can be analyzed for accuracy. Likewise, the pendulum when appropriately applied can
provide a wealth of data in a quantified form that can be treated statistically. ESP cards are often used by
researchers to gather objective data related to various psychic faculties and provide comparisons of psychic
abilities among individuals. Many of our conclusions concerning the nature of psychic phenomena are
based on the results of studies that applied tangible objects under appropriately controlled, scientific conditions.
Amazon lists no titles. Google lists 2,150 results.
Chapter Seventeen: Ascending the Pyramid
The pyramid, along with the circle, square, triangle, etc. is one of the basic geometric shapes fundamental to
the universe, and through our creative imagination it connects us to the energies of the material world. As
an archetypal symbol it is used in Masonic and Esoteric programs to align the psyche with basic
philosophical concepts.
Inside the Great Pyramid are passageways and chambers historically used in mystical practices while a
schematic representation of the interior is used to describe divisions of human consciousness.
A popular view of pyramid power centers on the inherent empowering properties of the design itself
along with its inspiring, balancing, preserving, and rejuvenating properties. When the pyramid is oriented
with one side accurately aligned to one of the four cardinal points of the compass, its positive potentials are
activated. For most personal applications, the pyramid’s empowerment potentials are expanded through
appropriate affirmations.
Ascending the Pyramid is a practical psychic empowerment meditation exercise used in relation to goal
setting. When used in meditation, pyramidal imagery increases the effectiveness of empowering affirmations.
Contents include: A Universal Symbol of Power and Mystery; Divisions of Human Consciousness; Basic
Geometric Shapes Fundamental to the Universe; Possible Healing Properties; The Pyramid’s Applications
as an Empowerment Tool; Pyramidal Strategies; Ascending the Pyramid Meditation Strategy; Benefits of
the Ascending Imagery.
Amazon lists 17,572 Pyramid titles. Google lists 26,100,000 results for Pyramid.
Chapter Eighteen: Crystal Gazing & Psychic Awareness
Crystal gazing is one of the most widely known techniques to stimulate inner psychic functions and expand
psychic awareness. Through the centuries, crystal gazing, or , has been used to probe the unknown; and, in
recent years, it has been incorporated into a variety of self-empowerment strategies designed to open new
vistas of psychic understanding and knowledge.
Crystal Gazing enables the discovery and transfer of specific knowledge found in the subconsciousness
to the conscious mind as needed or on demand, or as required in certain telepathic communications. As a
meditation technique, crystal gazing will often produce profound personal insight as well as highly relevant
psychic knowledge.
For both precognition and retrocognition, crystal gazing functions in two important modes: forward and
reverse. In its forward mode, the technique transports awareness into the future to target selected events,
while in its reverse mode, it projects awareness to unknown past events or experiences.
Aside from its relevance in stimulating various psychic functions, crystal gazing has been successfully
applied as a stress management, meditation, and general self-empowerment technique.
Contents include: Stimulating Psychic Functions; The Mind’s Imagery and Concentration Powers;
Positioning the Crystal Ball; Crystal Gazing Facilitates Transfer from Subconscious to Conscious
Awareness; The Function of Focal Points; Crystal Gazing Procedures; Crystal Gazing as Meditation Aid.
Amazon lists 167 titles. Google lists 192,000 results.
Chapter Nineteen: Probing the Energy Field with Dowsing & the Pendulum
“Dowsing is the exercise of a human faculty, which allows one to obtain information in a manner beyond
the scope and power of the standard human physical senses of sight, sound, touch, etc.”
Dowsing rods and pendulums are simply external tools of the psychic mind. As “antennae” of mind and
body, dowsing instruments stimulate a host of sensory and extrasensory receptors for gathering a vast
amount of information. As the psychic mind develops, so does our capacity for dowsing.
As a technique for gathering information, dowsing has been successfully applied to science and
technology, business and industry, forensics, and the military. Valuable subterranean resources including oil,
coal, water, minerals, and natural gas have been located through dowsing. In industrial settings, dowsing
has been effective in locating buried cables, water, gas lines, and valuable resources. There is some
evidence that dowsing may have valuable diagnostic potential when applied to the human body.
We share energy and consciousness with the Earth and ourselves at both the physical and more subtle
levels known as etheric and astral. It is within our personal consciousness—our subconscious and conscious
minds—that we can make the fine attunements that can channel specific information useful in practical and
beneficial applications. The greatest value of dowsing with the pendulum is communication between the
subconscious mind and the conscious mind, and actually going beyond to the universal consciousness in
which all memories and all knowledge resides.
The pendulum can accurately explore our inner motives, abilities, interests, and potentials. As a probe of
external realities, the pendulum can tap distant sources of psychic insight and connect us to a vast wealth of
empowering psychic knowledge.
Contents include: Dowsing is a Respected Profession; Dowsing and the Magnetic Field; Energy and
Consciousness; Test it Yourself; You Have the Power; It All Starts at the Beginning; An Ancient Practice
Renewed; Channels of Communication accessing Subconscious Knowledge; How to Dowse with Rods and
Sticks; Dowsing’s Many Practical Applications; Dowsing as a Diagnostic Aid; American Dowsing Society
Website; Dowsing with the Pendulum; Detecting Gender; Alphabet and Number Charts; Pendulum
Prospecting with Maps; Pendulum Power—Pendulum Magic; Detailed Instructions for both Dowsing and
Pendulum Work; Taking the Next Step.
Amazon lists 653 Dowsing and 2,847 Pendulum titles. Google lists 600,000 results for Dowsing and
10,900,000 for Pendulum.
Chapter Twenty: Geomancy: What the Earth Tells You
Geomancy is an Earth-based divination system providing a picture of the immediate environmental
influences on the question at hand. Psychologist Carl Jung called it “terrestrial astrology,” following the
West Nigerian practice of creating the astrological chart by counting pebbles to arrive at ones and twos to
produce a chart read like a horoscope.
All divinatory systems connect the Conscious Mind to the Subconscious and thence to the Universal
Consciousness to provide a map of the Unconscious at that moment. Psychic Empowerment depends on our
abilities to consciously “channel” our questions to these lower realms and to refer the answers to our
awakened consciousness for their analysis and application. While it can be used to gain some insight and
alternative views of events, it will primarily relate to the personal state of awareness rather than the fully
objective “outside” world.
While geomancy is shamanic in origin, the common form of European geomancy is derived from ancient
Arabic and Roman practices combined with astrology and the Greek doctrine of the four elements. The
sixteen geomantic signs (four rows of dots or lines) represent all possible basic combinations of the
elements. Each of the seven traditional planets is associated with two geomantic signs, the remaining two
signs being associated with the nodes of the moon. Zodiacal symbols are assigned to the geomantic signs
associated with the planets according to each planet’s zodiacal rulership. From its simple origins, it has
evolved into a complex operation working at subconscious levels.
While some practitioners simply put dots on paper, proceeding from right to left, and then count them,
the better method is to use a box of clean sand and a common pencil as a stylus. Marks are made, and
counted, and the process repeated to complete the forms which are then interpreted according to established
rules extended through intuition and psychic insight.
Contents include: An Earth-Based Divination System; A Picture of Earth Energy Influences; Terrestrial
Astrology; Communication Disguised in Symbols and Strange Words; Geomancy’s Evolution from Simple
to Complex; the Flow of Earth Energies; Miniature Sand Box; Sixteen Tetragrams; Four Mothers; A Map of
the Unconscious at the Moment; Necessity of a Geomantic Journal; History and Origins; Hermes
Trismegistus; The Golden Dawn; Practice of Geomancy; The Question is the “Need to Know”; The Shield;
Four Daughters; Four Nieces; Two Witnesses; The Judge; Geomantic House Meanings; Techniques of
Consultation; Geomantic Attributions (Tables); Reconciler; Signification of the Houses; The Geomantic
Map; Geomantic House Meanings; Geomantic-Astrological Rules of Planets in Signs; Geomantic Steps in
Divination; Geomantic Golden Dawn Ritual of Operation.
Amazon lists 218 titles. Google lists 380,000 results.
Chapter Twenty-One: What Your Handwriting Says About You
Handwriting refers only to writing and only rarely to hand printing. Your writing sample is most likely to be
a note taken at a meeting or as a summary of a phone or other conversation; the more spontaneous it was the
better. Your analysis starts with simple observation and your impressions: Is it orderly, neat, messy,
unbalanced, heavy? Write down your impressions. Does the writing appear fluid or rigid, natural or
stilted? Is it balanced and symmetrical? Is the use of white space harmonious? Does the writing feel
rhythmic? Write your impressions. As you notice different factors that seem unusual, write the same thing
yourself (even if you wrote the note originally) and see how it feels.
Handwriting analysts break the handwriting into zones. Zones are the portions occupying the main area
of the writing, and then those above and below, and are viewed symbolically for the energies expended in
particular areas of the writer’s life. All references are to noncapitalized letters. The Upper Zone identifies
with the superconscious mind—the mental, spiritual, political, and intangible areas of life. The Middle Zone
identifies with the conscious mind—the mundane matters of daily life, social relationships, and conscious choices.
The Lower Zone identifies with the subconscious mind—the basic biological drives and desires, sex and
sensuality, sports and material matters of money, and consumer comforts.
Baseline Slant reflects the writer’s emotional state and the extremes of optimism or pessimism. Letter
Slant relates to the writer’s emotional direction and degree of emotional control. Letter Size projects the
writer’s self-importance and claim to space. Pressure relates to the intensity and depth of feeling.
Connecting Strokes reveal the writer’s attitude toward others. Letter Spacing reveals the writer’s
expression: introversion, extroversion, repression. Word Spacing reveals the writer’s degree of contact with
the immediate environment. Line Spacing reveals the writer’s sense of direction and order. Margins reveal
the writer’s relationship to the world as expressed in economy, consistency, tolerance, desire for esteem, and
urge for acceptance. Letter Formations can reflect considerable character tendencies, but vary considerably
even within a single writing sample.
The signature is still commonly used to legally affirm a contract, to transfer funds with a bank check, and
to confirm or acknowledge the details of a report. While most of the rules of handwriting analysis can be
applied to the written signature, it is necessary to consider that the personal signature is often deliberately
created as a public representation of the self. The pronoun “I” is most commonly used in statements of
affirmation, promise, and commitment, and often used in self-hypnosis.
Contents include: The Two Powers of Divination; Understanding the Circumstances of the Moment to
Determine a Course of Beneficial Actions for “Fortune Building”; Handwriting as a Method of
Communication and Recording; Scientific Method of Character Study; Forensic Aid in Criminal
Investigations; Relationship Probabilities; Handwriting Today; Graphotherapy—Changing Handwriting for
Self-Improvement; Main Elements of Handwriting Analysis; Connecting Strokes; What Letter Spacing
Reveals; The Meaning of Margins; What Letter Formations Reveal; What the Handwritten Signature Has to
Say; The Personal Pronoun “I” and the Private You.
Amazon lists 635 Handwriting Analysis titles. Google lists 552,000 results.
Chapter Twenty-Two: The I Ching: When the Moment is Right
“Chinese Thought” is concerned with Virtue and Correct Conduct, and divination is performed to determine
the right course of action. The I Ching is not a fortune-telling system but a way to examine the nature of the
moment to determine right conduct. “Correct Conduct” is not always the most personally beneficial action
but it is the right thing to do—ethically, practically, and “spiritually” in the cosmic scheme of things.
In all things, “timing is the key to success” and when the moment changes, so will its nature. When the
moment is right, the “rainbow bridge” connects heaven and earth, placing the forces of Yin and Yang in
perfect balance. Such balance becomes the foundation for right action. The premise of the I Ching is that all
things—past, present, and future—are interrelated, and constantly changing and transforming. The past is in
the present, for the past is the present’s base and influence. The seeds of the future are in the present, and
the future’s roots are in the past. However, even though all things are constantly changing, a given moment
in time may be isolated and its unique characteristics determined.
Carl Jung called this the “synchronistic concept” of the universe. Since the exact parameters of a moment
occur only once, this becomes legible by means of the hexagram form. As the moment is, so do the thrown
sticks or coins or dice or shuffled cards fall because they have the quality of that moment alone, a visible
summation of all things past and present. The function of divination is to understand past and present in
order to foresee the future, drawing from the unconscious to the conscious mind whatever is needed to
understand the question asked and provide its solution.
The eight basic trigrams symbolize all that is knowable, spiritually and physically. The trigrams are
symbols of all that is in the midst of a state of change and are true representations of life itself. Your trigram
throw is yours alone. Yang and Yin lines compose a trigram based on the triune Principle of Body, Mind,
and Soul. The bottom line is the body and automatic emotions. The middle line is the thinking man, mind,
and intellect. The top line is the soul, spirit, and one’s intuitive wisdom.
There is one Great Key, and only one to the interpretation of each of the sixty-four hexagrams in relation
to any question. This Key is the right comprehension of the meaning of each of the eight trigrams, plus the
special implications of the trigram’s position in the hexagram, upper or lower. By placing yourself in touch
with the flow of universal energies through the random draw, you will find your place in the scheme of
things—at this moment. The I Ching is not so much predictive as revealing of your circumstance if you
continue to follow the path you are on. The interpretation will suggest ways to realign yourself with the
deeper harmony.
Contents include: From Unity Comes Duality—Yin and Yang; Yin and Yang Manifest in a Trinity—the
Trigram; All Things are Interrelated, Constantly Changing and Transforming; Jung’s “Synchronistic
Concept”; How It Works—The Eight Basic Trigrams Symbolize All that is Knowable, and Represent Life
Itself; When “the Moment is Right”; Body, Mind, and Soul in the Trigram; Three Great Principles of
Activity, Substance, and Form; Putting the Question; Casting the Yi Hexagram; Casting by Coins; I Ching
64-Card Deck; Chess Method of Casting; The Dice Method; Interpretive Guide Amazon lists 1,843 titles.
Google lists 4,280,000 results.
Chapter Twenty-Three: Spirit Communications: When the Spirit Moves
Spirits have been with us from the beginning of anything we know about humanity. Their presence is
recorded in the sacred literature of all peoples and in their mythologies as well. They are in the Jewish and
Christian Bible, in our folklore, and part of religious history studies and paranormal research. Spirits are an
intimate experience in African-Spiritist based religions of Santeria, Macumba, Voudoun, and others
prominent in the African-American and Hispanic cultures of the United States, the Caribbean, and Latin America.
The modern renaissance started with rapping sounds in 1848 in the Fox family home in Hydesville, NY.
The two young sisters started communicating with the spirit making the rappings and news of this brought
reporters and observers from New York City and more distant places. Among the observers were H. P.
Blavatsky, who later founded the Theosophical Society and Spiritualism as religion, and the subject of
psychical research dominated public interest.
Laboratory research at Athens State University and elsewhere has demonstrated and measured a range of
phenomena associated with Spirit presence and communication, including out-of-body experiences,
psychokinesis, and hauntings, and has verified the history behind such spirit appearances. Included in ASU
research projects was the astral body of one person sharing the physical body of another person.
Research refutes the lore and claims of negative experiences and harm from spirit communication and
finds only positive benefit. Experimentation included table tipping and séance, leading to the development
of programs developing “the medium within.”
The deeper our understanding of spirit communications, the deeper our understanding of ourselves and
the spiritual nature of our existence. Although we are mind, body, and spirit, without the spirit we would not
exist. Only the spirit is forever. It’s the spirit that gives meaning to our existence and direction to our
strivings as soul beings.
Contents include: A Little History; Parapsychology and Metaphysics; The New Age of Spirit; Spirituality
in the Laboratory; Spirituality and the Out-of-body Experience; Out-of-One’s-Own-Body-and-Into-the-
Body-of-Another; The Nature of Spiritual Communication; The Down Side of the Other Side: Fact or
Fiction; The Medium Within; Tools and Techniques; Table Tipping; Table Tipping Applications; The
Séance; Spirit Communication for just One or Two; Automatic Writing; Dream Symbols and Meanings;
Prophets as Channels of God; Spirits and Spirits.
Amazon lists 2,406 titles. Google lists 3,330,000 results.
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Runes: Fire and Ice: Our Northern Heritage
Runic Divination and Runic Magick work reliably and reveal a well-structured cosmology and esoteric
psychology comparable to the Qabalah. However, the Northern Tradition’s World Tree is not directly
compatible with the Qabalah’s “Tree of Life.” Each provides complex structures for organizing human
experience and perceptions of the workings of the universe. Individual components of each system can find
a correspondence in the other, but they are not always identical.
The Runes are little-understood images used in Divination and Magick. The word itself means “secret,”
and secret they are until personally activated by the user. Their origin is ancient and prehistoric, coming to
us through verbal tradition, song, and poetry. They are part of the Nordic and German pagan traditions, and
like all ancient religions were ruthlessly suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church and then further
repressed and lost as modern culture denigrated the Pagan past.
It is as symbols that the runes are significant. Some symbols are historical in origin, associated with an
event and used as a “sign of affiliation,” and have come to embody specific “magical powers” related to
religious functions of blessings and acceptance into the faith. Other symbols originated as signs but have
taken on many associations that evoke feelings, remind us of historical events, and represent arguments and
debates. Other symbols represent archetypal functions, perceptions, and events such as those in Tarot Cards,
and yet others like those of the I Ching that represent the flow of life processes. These symbols—
astrological, alchemical, religious, magical, etc.—are “loaded” with meanings that are in turn specifically
informative or that evoke feelings and awaken intuition.
Other symbols, like the Runes that have mythic origins, are occult formulae for working the Cosmic
Forces as perceived by their shamanic discoverer, and actually embody psychic, magical, and spiritual
powers, energy processes, and movement that seem as if they were self-evolved or “channeled” from a
higher consciousness.
The wizards who used the runes for magical purposes regarded themselves as blood kin to Odin, the
Nordic god who was popularly accredited with inventing the runic alphabet. As we have seen, they
were basically followers of the shamanistic tradition, which is one of the oldest, if not the oldest,
religious belief systems known to humanity …
Michael Howard believes that the Runes are so ancient and so fundamental—so loaded with intrinsic
power—that their modern usage will turn the user into a kind of shaman. The “father-god” of the Norse
people was himself a shaman and everything about the Northern tradition is shamanic. Their study will
involve more than a “dictionary of meanings” and will require some immersion into the world of their gods
and goddesses, into their practical magick, and a feeling for their poetry.
In the creation myth, we first see two opposing forces coming from opposite directions, and then their
synthesis in the center. It was this that established the two basic principles of Duality and Trinity that
permeate every aspect of the Northern Tradition. Later, in the three families of the Runes, we see this same
conflict between inner and outer forces, and then their synthesis in a third family. Such is the nature of the
cosmos and the psyche—opposition and then synthesis—repeated again and again in higher levels of
growth and development, of evolution and progress.
Contents include: The Source of Divination and Magic; The Role of Myth and History; Background to
the Nordic Creation Myth; The Myth: Fire and Ice; The Nature of the Norse Universe; Ragnarok, End of the
World; Discovery of the Runes; Norse Gods, Goddesses, and Other Supernatural Beings: Their Lore,
Powers, and Influence; The Lesser Beings, Aspects of Soul and Personality; Runes, Their Meanings and
Correspondences; The Outer Life; The Inner Life; Relationship and Synthesis; Runic Divination—
Techniques of Reading and Consultation; Runes and Their Basic Meanings; Runecasting Techniques and
Layouts, Step-by-Step; Living the Tradition; Runic Magick; Rune Magick Glossary of Words and
Concepts; After the Coming of Christianity?
Amazon lists 2,734 titles. Google lists 7,660,000 results.
Chapter Twenty-Five: Sand Reading: A Handprint Tells a Story
The desert sands seem forever, yet record the transiting passage of men and events, whether of footprints or
monuments. A box of sand, like one used in Geomancy, can hold an impression of a palm that can be read
as a simple recording of a “psychic moment,” or as a palm print by the rules of palmistry.
As a direct impression, it’s like a physical and psychic photograph that can be read both from simple
objective observations of depth, pressure, finger spread, and details that uniquely reflect the feelings of the
person in 3-D, and with the subjective impression to be felt and intuited before the moment passes.
Contents include: Instructions for Making and Reading the Hand Print in Sand.
Amazon lists 121 titles. Google lists 25,100,000 results.
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Tarot: Your Path to Good Fortune
Along with astrology, the tarot is one of the most important and powerful systems of Self-Empowerment in
the Western Tradition, and indeed—like astrology—it has passed beyond cultural limitation and become
global and universal in acceptance and application. However, unlike astrology, the tarot is powered by the
imagination to enable the user to soar beyond Earth and the solar system to all the dimensions of the universe.
Your cards are rich in symbols, the language of the Unconscious, illustrated to express—through
specified colors, images, and actions—archetypal powers derived from the Tree of Life. That a picture is
“worth a thousand words” is a gross understatement. The colorful images speak directly to our emotional
and mental selves. Even without the specific descriptions and interpretations that come later, you will find
that you already “know” a great deal. It is better, initially, to learn by actually experiencing the cards in action.
The “secret” to all systems of divination starts with establishing rules and definitions to guide your
interpretations of cards drawn in response to your well-defined questions. The first step is to define your
question(s) as specifically as possible—even as questions asking for a “yes” or “no” answer—even though
your answers will be much more extensive than that. With experience, your questions may become more
general and expansive, while your answers will actually become more specific in application to your personal situation.
The cards of the Minor Arcana present to us the vibrations of Number, Color, and Element—that is, the
plane on which number and color function. Thus, in the Ten of Pentacles we have the number Ten and
tertiary colors, citrine, olive, and russet, working in Malkuth, the material plane. Whereas in the Ten of
Wands we have the number Ten and the tertiaries working in pure energy. In these cards, the Sephirah is
indicated by the coloring of the clouds; the plane by the coloring of the symbols.
The Tarot’s greatest use is as a magickal implement which can bring spiritual attainment to one who
studies it. This is because each Tarot card is an astral mirror of the human mind. Meditating on
specific cards helps tune the student in to different aspects of his/her own mind establishing a
communication link between the conscious and the subconscious … (The New Golden Dawn Ritual
Tarot, by Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero)
We must live whole lives—learning to use the whole of our consciousness—and not limit ourselves by
the hereditary divisions. We are entering into a new age of evolutionary opportunity that is calling forth
responses that once were relegated to “special studies” like shamans, priests, and other class distinctions.
You have all the powers and abilities that enable you to function at a “whole” level—but you must develop
those innate psychic powers that open the channels between conscious and subconscious minds and thus
enable what we call the “Superconscious mind” that completes the structure we call “Self-Empowerment.”
The Tarot is much more than a Divinatory System. That’s just the beginning journey. The Tarot can be
used in Dream Interpretation, Meditation, Pathworking, Astral Travel, and a complete program of selfdevelopment
and Self-Empowerment, growing into the Whole Person of our Destiny.
Pathworkings are journeys, almost like magical train trips, from one station through exotic landscapes to
another station. The goal is to follow all the paths in reverse, starting with the thirty-second, called “the
Universe,” that runs from the station named Malkuth to the one named Yesod. Each magical trip on the
paths—working in reverse—is progressive in training your mental skills (concentration, visualization,
memory recall) and developing your psychic abilities (astral travel, clairvoyance, constructive imagination)
while expanding and integrating your growing knowledge. And, like any journey, the more you travel each
one, the more you will expand your horizons as you observe and experience the scenery and inner world
inhabitants, gaining knowledge that can be turned to practical benefit.
The pertinent cards of the Minor Arcana establish different “platforms” or levels for each station, while
the Major Arcana card assigned to the path is your ticket and passport for the particular journey. The more
you know about the Tree of Life and the correspondences to the Sephiroth and Paths, the richer your trip
will be. It is like moving up from an economy class to higher luxury classes with better accommodations
and more interesting traveling companions.
There has been a special interest in using Tarot Cards as an “astral doorway” in a manner less complex
than pathworking, but still based on the same concept that the card becomes a “key” to a specific area of the
astral world. Rather than a journey from station to station, it is comparable to traveling to a single
destination, and then passing through a doorway composed of the card and sightseeing at that single
destination, and then turning around and exiting through that same door back to this world to come back home.
The trained imagination, which also means that it is controlled by the conscious mind, is the creative
power of the mind. And that which is imagined is experienced in the astral world. Pathworking, astral
doorways, and meditation, are exercises of the creative imagination just as are creative art, design, music,
literature, inventions, scientific breakthroughs, and the ability to visualize.
Without the creative imagination, innovation would not happen. Without the creative imagination,
humanity would exist only as animals on a planet on which the predator large animals would be the victors.
Pathworking, meditation, astral travel, and all magical and creative work are exercises of a controlled and
guided imagination. Think about it, and pick a card to work with. Let it act as a doorway, but keep to the
images and ideas that are associated specifically with that card. Record your experience, and compare it
with the information provided. The more you practice, the more rewarding will be your experience and your
ability to employ the trained imagination in your material world as well as your astral world.
Contents include: History and Myth; Gypsies, Mystics and Occultists; Hebrew Letters and the Tree of
Life; Symbols, Images, and Qabalistic Correspondences; From Jung to the Golden Dawn: Divination and
Magick, Meditation, and Astral Travel; Archetypes, The Major Arcana and the Paths on the Tree of Life;
The Minor Arcana and the Sephiroth; Four Worlds, Colors, and Numbers; Brief Meanings of the Major
Arcana, Also Called the 22 Keys—from Fool to Universe; the Four Suits and the Four Elements; The Four
Worlds and the Four Divisions of the Soul; Your own Birthday Card from the Tarot; Meanings of the Minor
Arcana and the Court Cards; Divination: Your Path to the Future; Concise, Single-sentence Meanings You
Can Remember; First Steps, and Rules; Significator and Spreads; On the Signification and Dignity of the
Cards; Clairvoyance and Intuition; Meditation: Your Path to Inner Worlds; Dream Work; Pathworking: Your
Path to Inner Growth; Astral Travel: Your Path to Inner Awareness; Ritual Magick: Your Path to Power;
Alternative Realities: Your Path to Revelation; The Whole Person We Are Destined to Become.
Amazon lists seventy-two Tarot Book-only titles, 191 book and deck sets, and 742 card decks. Google
lists 796,000 Tarot Book and 208,000 Tarot Deck results.
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tea Leaf & Coffee Grounds Reading: May Your
Cup Brimeth Over
Your simple teacup can “brimeth over” with information about your present situation and answers to your
carefully phrased questions. How is this possible? Because everything is available in your subconscious
mind and Tea Leaf Reading, like other forms of divination, can call up the exact information you need. But
you must understand the subconscious mind stores information in symbols rather than words, so we have to
relate to those symbols in our reading and turn them into a story.
The patterns found in wet tea leaves often clearly show recognizable images and symbols, but other times
we must use the imagination to “fill in the blanks” to arrive at a definable picture, and then create an
individualized interpretation or solution to a posed question. As you progress, you will more often use the
imagination to trigger the subconscious mind rather than depending on a dictionary definition.
It’s this expansion of awareness, using the imagination calling to the subconscious mind and feeling the
intuitive response that helps open your psychic abilities. That’s what we are really after—using this simple
tool to bring you Psychic Empowerment.
People use tea leaf reading to understand a current situation and to forecast the future, and the practice
will help “train” your imagination to develop your psychic skills and intuition.
Coffee Ground Reading: Coffee ground reading is a relatively new concept to the Western world, but is
an old practice still surviving in the Middle East and the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.
Basically, reading coffee grounds is similar to tea leaf reading and starts with the preparation of a cup of
coffee intended for reading, one cup at a time.
Contents include: Tea Leaves and Meaningful Images; Your Aura—An Information Interchange; Every
Cell of Your Body Stores ALL Your Personal Information; “Channeling” and “Trance”; You are a Free
Spirit; The Equipment You Need; And How to Do It; Asking the Question; What You Can Learn;
Dictionary of Common Tea Leaf Symbols; Preparation for Coffee Ground Reading.
Amazon lists fifty-two titles for Tea Leaf Reading and three for Coffee Ground Reading. Google lists
310,000 results for Tea Leaf Reading and 1,090,000 for Coffee Ground Reading.
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Wrinkled Sheet: Anything can work because
the Power is in You, not the Thing
The Wrinkled Sheet, like Sand Reading (Chapter Twenty-five), demonstrates an important point: the
Psychic Tool need not be something with a long history and established lore about its use because the
“power” is not in the thing, i.e. the tool, but in the psyche of the reader. Anything, old or new, simple or
complex, inexpensive or expensive, natural or manufactured, etc. can be adapted for use in a psychic reading.
What is important is that the reader sees the “thing” to be a tool and remembers that a tool is an extension
of the body and of the psyche. In almost every situation involving a tool, the selected instrument is a
multiplier of the physical or psychic strength of the user, just as is a hammer, shovel, pen, or computer.
Examining the process of adapting an ordinary object into a Tool of Psychic Empowerment may reveal
something of the nature of psychic development and the capacity of the psyche to extend itself into the
environment to meet its own goals or fulfill its needs.
In the divinatory process, the key step is to establish rules that will become the vocabulary of
interpretation. While it helps if there is a seeming natural correlation between the defining rule and
something about the object being used as a tool—for example, calling the most prominent line in the palm
the “life line”—but the real importance comes with the psychic (subconscious) feeling of correctness to the
meanings so assigned.
Even with the arbitrary choice of the divinatory tool, we will find signs and symbols that resonate with
long-established “intuitions” that will work with the new tool as well as with other “established” tools.
Before a reading is undertaken, the important question should be carefully formulated and expressed.
Generally the “thing” is then given a charge of energy, preferably by the person for whom the reading is
being given. Cards are shuffled, dice are shaken, sand is carefully raked and smoothed, and the paper sheet
is deliberately crumpled. With these principles and rules established, you can see how it is that “anything”
can be substituted for the “real thing” in psychic divination. Just the same, those tools like the Tarot or
Runes or the I Ching that do have a long history and established literature also have a hereditary power that
is truly valuable and helpful to the reader.
The avenues for exploring the mind, like the mind itself, are endless. The wrinkled sheet technique, like
sand reading, provides in symbolic form a representation of the innermost self. Its intricate complexity
parallels the complexity of the human psyche, and when appropriately interpreted, provides yet another
valuable source of psychic insight. In our continuing struggle for wisdom and understanding, the wrinkled
sheet can offer critical raw material for activating the creative, inquiring mind.
The exquisitely complex wrinkled sheet effectively engages its counterpart, the exquisitely complex
mind, in an interaction that is both challenging and empowering. The greater our psychic skills, the more
easily we can make that subjective leap into psychic space.
Contents include: Any “Thing,” Old or New, Can Be Used as a Tool in Psychic Reading; An Extension
of Body and Psyche; Rules and the Vocabulary of Interpretation; A “Charge” of Energy; It is Personal
Action that Sets the Psychic Imprint; The Capacity of the Object to Activate Psychic Insight; Seeing the
Whole, and the Part; Seeing Patterns, with Open Awareness for their Potential Meanings; Principles of
Pattern Interpretation.
Amazon lists no titles. Google lists 3,130,000 results but not the kind of sheet we’re talking about!
Part Three: The Next Step in Self-Development
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Self-Empowerment: The Great Work
Self-Empowerment does begin with Psychic Empowerment! It is the “Next Step” in the Great Work of our
evolutionary development, and is bringing the innate psychic powers resident in the lower unconscious into
the light of the conscious mind. It is the necessary Next Step in the integration of the Lower Self with the
Higher Self in the Whole Person. Self-Empowerment empowers the Whole Person to comprehend the world
we live within so that we may live intelligently and responsibly with our human family and other species in
the home we all share.
Psychic Empowerment is not the only Next Step in our evolutionary journey being thrust upon us in the
most critical moment in human history, but it is vital to our understanding the ramifications and necessity of
other scientific, technological, economic, social, and medical innovations that must be made to adjust for
new environmental and geopolitical realities challenging our survival.
Psychic powers are not new, but their open “availability” is. Since any historic recording began—
including mythical and religious—certain select people have exercised clairvoyance, far-seeing, astral
projection, psychokinesis, telepathy, and precognition. These few people became priests and prophets,
advisors to kings, and adored saints. They were separated from the general population, enjoying power and
prestige, while establishing a hierarchy of students learning their “secrets” under controls that were more
“political” than ethical.
Science has changed Belief into certainty, and Secrets are replaced with knowledge, practical techniques
and tools, and pertinent applications.
Psychic skills are as important to successful living as other physical and mental skills and through
systemic integration programs of heightened conscious awareness, meditation, and self-hypnosis, your
psychic powers become as “normal” and familiar as logical analysis, creative thinking, ethical judgment,
and communal responsibility.
As scientists of the psyche—whether we are called psychologists, parapsychologists, or metaphysicians
—we recognize that we can only see one part of the picture. Physical scientists—in particular physicists,
biologists, and astronomers—see another part of the picture, while quantum physicists are beginning to see
the unifying field where those parts come together in the Big Picture. As we work together, a more
complete picture emerges and we learn that consciousness itself is pervasive in every dimension of the universe.
The metaphysical universe is divided into “worlds” (or planes)—Physical (which includes the Etheric),
Astral, Mental, and Spiritual (which also includes several “higher” planes. Each plane has a vibratory range
that is distinct to the “substance” of that world (See Chapter Two). All things, living and nonliving, have
counterparts in the astral and other worlds, so to confine the discussion to the human, we each have astral,
mental, and spiritual bodies, and an in-between etheric body that is really the energy part of the physical
body. It is within the etheric body that we can locate the chakras, meridians, and other of the “esoteric”
organs and energy pathways important in the alternative systems.
While the substance of each world and each body is distinctive, consciousness is pervasive and only
requires an appropriate means of perception and expression in each world.
Humanity is on a journey moving beyond the frontiers of past times, calling upon each and every one of
us to individually move beyond past beliefs about personal limits to become more than we are, and accept
the greater responsibilities that our growth and development require. It’s a journey comparable to that
leading to the founding of the American Republic and the first lunar landing. But it’s a pioneering journey
that only you can make—no government funding needed, no expensive equipment required, no strenuous
physical preparation necessary. For you, it is not only a journey, it is also an adventure and it is personal
development that benefits all of humanity.
Contents include: The Next Step; Self-Empowerment Begins with Psychic Empowerment; The
Empowering Potentials of Psychic Empowerment; No More Secrets! Unlimited Power Within; Windows of
the Mind, Doors to Soul; I Am Not the Brain; the Brain Is Not Me; The “Higher” Unconscious; Seeing the
Bigger Picture; Levels of Conscious, Soul, and Spirit, and the Whole Person; The Evolutionary Plan of the Psyche.
Amazon lists 989 titles for Self-mpowerment and 21,602 for the Great Work (although most deal with
“work”). Google lists 1,980,000 Self-Empowerment and 318,000,000 Great Work results.
Chapter Thirty: Hypnosis & Self-Hypnosis
Successful Hypnosis is a goal-related state of altered consciousness in which attention can be productively
focused on specific goals. All hypnosis involves acceptance and participation by the subject—thus, all
hypnosis is self-hypnosis and is possible for everyone. With the subject in control and using the proven
techniques of self-hypnosis, goals are more efficiently accomplished and self-hypnosis becomes a true
method of self-help applied to the needs and interests of the self-hypnotist, including such quality-of-life
goals as weight control, self-healing, substance abuse, slowing aging, pain control, rejuvenation,
overcoming fears, accelerated learning, memory improvement, accessing past lives, astral projection, and
promoting psychic development. Successful goals focus on possibilities, not limitations.
Self-hypnosis is an indispensable gateway to self-empowerment. It provides ready access to the highest
sources of power, both within you and beyond. Once equipped with the programs presented in this chapter,
you can seize with confidence the splendor of the moment and the challenges of the future. Each built-in
part of your being—psychic, healer, educator, therapist, creator, rejuvenator, and hypnotist—is then poised
to ensure your destiny for endless greatness.
You may also discover that the sound of your voice increases the effectiveness of your suggestions.
Throughout the session, addressing oneself as “I” rather than “you” typically facilitates successful hypnosis
by more effectively engaging the subconscious. Likewise, the so-called “I am” approach tends to promote
successful induction as well as application.
Contents include: The Subconscious as a Storehouse of Power; The Hypnotist as Facilitator; The Best
Hypnotist is the Self-Hypnotist; Self-hypnosis Essentials; Four Essentials for Effective Self-hypnosis; I AM
Statement; Inducing and Applying Self-hypnosis; The Solar Plexus Program; Knee-press Program for
Progressive Relaxation and Induction; Peripheral Glow Program; Cosmic Power Program; Empowering
Properties through Color.
Amazon lists 5,690 titles for Hypnosis, 2,351 for Self-Hypnosis, 937 for Self-Hypnosis Audio CDs, and
12 DVDs. Google lists 9,650,000 Hypnosis and 1,570,000 Self-Hypnosis results.
Chapter Thirty-One: Meditation: From Body to Mind to Spirit
Hypnosis, self-hypnosis, and meditation are all associated with special mental states that facilitate positive
personality changes and connect with higher dimensions of the psyche.
Like Self-Hypnosis, meditation is mostly self-administered and can be applied entirely for physical,
emotional, and mental benefits. From a Body/Mind (“BM”) perspective meditation is a non-drug way to
lower stress levels, relax any area of the body, reduce blood pressure levels, calm the emotions, and clear the mind.
Mantra meditation, mostly associated with Hinduism and Buddhism, is by far the best-known form of
meditation. Each mantra, while having similar physical and mental effects, will also produce different
emotional feelings and induce unique spiritual effects identified with the particular tradition and the words
or names used. Phrases containing “God Names” are especially powerful, as you would expect.
Mantra meditation is common in other traditions as well. The wisdom of the Kabbalah and its core
symbol, the Tree of Life, is the foundation of Western metaphysics and invisibly of the whole of Western
science and philosophy. With it, we have the means to understand and relate to the body of the Universe and
Man and the Soul of Man and the Universe.
While there are individual Hebrew mantras, the premier form of meditation is found in the practices of
“Pathworking.” These are imaginative journeys or guided meditations following the twenty-two paths
between the ten Sephiroth which should be understood as the “God Forces” behind the universe. Because
pathworking is a visual exercise, it needs visual focus and the images of the Tarot Trumps are among the
most productive for this purpose, and often serve to frame the vision that ensues.
Pathworking has been described as the art of clairvoyantly investigating the Paths of the Tree of Life. The
technique was largely developed by adepts of the Golden Dawn and Aurum Solis but has become a
comprehensive meditative system outside the magical orders. Once the meditator has passively followed the
guided meditation, he should then attempt to retread the Paths out-of-body following certain ritual
techniques involving visualized symbols, performing certain gestures and vibrating Divine Names.
Just as the individual Tarot Arcanum communicates particular information and energies, so do the
individual Hebrew letters. The twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet are profound realities embodying
primal spiritual forces that are, in effect, the “building blocks of Creation.” Hebrew is called a “flame
language” and each letter appears to be shaped out of flames that can channel forces connecting Heaven
with Earth in special ways. Because of the belief that these letters (the forces embodied therein) predated
Creation, the letters themselves and the order and manner in which they are utilized are of crucial
significance, and their properly pronounced sounds transformative. Hebrew chants (mantras) were designed
as special formulas able to arouse spiritual forces.
Contents include: Body/Mind (BM) Relaxation; Tension and Release to Aid Physical Relaxation; Mantra
Meditation; Meditation vs. Self-Hypnosis; “Personal” vs. “Traditional”; “Trance” and a “Focused State of
Consciousness”; the “Words; The “Goal”; Concentration; Mindfulness; Transcendent Mindfulness; Mantras
in Hinduism and Buddhism; Sanskrit Pronunciation Guide; Judaism; Hebrew and Christian Mantras; The
Tetragrammaton; The Middle Pillar Exercise; Christian Mantras and Prayers; The Open Dialogue.
Amazon lists 44,243 titles. Google lists 30,900,000 results.
Appendix A: Journey of A Lifetime: A Program for Actualizing Your
Psychic Powers
It’s a program designed to activate your psychic powers and initiate a psychic-empowered lifestyle with
totally new growth possibilities. It’s a do-it-yourself Journey based on the premise that the best psychic
growth specialist exists within yourself—the Journey empowers you to connect to that specialist. It
organizes the concepts of psychic empowerment into a plan that progresses from positive self-affirmations
to step-by-step psychic development techniques, all of which you can do for yourself. Included in the
Journey are totally new approaches that embrace the whole person in a growth process extending far
beyond the completion of the step-by-step exercises presented in the program.
Psychic development is a natural and continuous process so that even sporadic and experimental
involvement will yield positive results—but the full realization of your psychic potentials needs a more
organized approach that recognizes your inherent capacity to access and activate your growth resources.
The results will be a mental, physical, and spiritual state of empowerment that transcends the demands of
even the most difficult life situation.
The exercises that follow are designed to initiate a Journey with life-changing possibilities for selfdiscovery,
growth, and power. Through this Journey of a Lifetime, you will discover that the possibilities
are unlimited when you tap into the powers within!
Exercise One: Promoting Growth Readiness and Expectations of Success
The psychic-empowerment goal for this introductory exercise is twofold: first, to generate a state of psychic
growth readiness and second, to promote powerful expectations of success.
Exercise Two: Picture Recall
The purpose of this second exercise is to build the visualization skills required to access your inner
potentials and apply them toward achieving your personal goals.
Exercise Three: The Blank Sheet
The Blank Sheet is designed to further exercise your visualization skills and empower you to use them to
achieve your stated goals. This exercise is especially effective in activating your psychic faculties.
Exercise Four: Becoming Balanced and Attuned
The goal of this exercise is to achieve an empowered state of mental, physical, and spiritual balance and
attunement. Once you are wholly balanced and attuned, you are at your peak empowerment—nothing is
beyond your reach. In that empowered state, you can achieve your loftiest goals. You can solve your most
difficult problems and overcome all barriers to your success.
Exercise Five: The Four A’s of Psychic Empowerment
Everyone is psychic, but developing and effectively applying your psychic powers requires recognition of
your psychic potentials and a commitment to actualize them. This exercise is based on the four A’s of
psychic empowerment: Awareness, Appreciation, Actualization, and Application.
Exercise Six: Becoming Altruistically Empowered
Altruism is the pinnacle of mental, physical, and spiritual empowerment. Possibly nothing is more
empowering than acts of kindness toward others, including persons and animals alike.
The Journey of a Lifetime is an endless adventure with unlimited possibilities for growth, self-discovery,
and fulfillment. It’s a journey of necessity as well as of opportunity. Without growth, we come to a dead
end; with continuous growth, our potential is infinite.
Appendix B: The Audio CD: Supplementing the power of self-hypnosis
Appendix C: What do you like, and What More do you want?
Appendix D: What Do You Know?
Glossary and Dictionary of Divination:
First e-book edition © 2011
Cover art © iStockphoto.com/Ryan Lindsay Cover design by Lisa Novak
Editing by Connie Hill
Interior illustrations by the Llewellyn Art Department Photograph of Gerald
Gardner compliments of Raymond Buckland Photograph on page 350 by Joe
Slate The Decanates of the Zodiac on page 468 from The New Golden Dawn
Ritual Tarot by Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabitha Cicero, redrawn with permission
Llewellyn Publications is an imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.
Llewellyn Publications
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