Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain

How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves


1. Neuroplasticity. 2. Brain. 3. Mind and body. 4. Philosophy of mind. 5. Buddhism and science
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Book Details
 298 p
 File Size 
 1,459 KB
 File Type
 PDF format
 2007 by Mind and Life Institute

About the Author
SHARON BEGLEY, science columnist and a senior editor at Newsweek magazine, was previously
the science columnist for The Wall Streeet Journal, where she inaugurated the paper’s “Science
Journal” in 2002. In addition to Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain, she co-authored The Mind
and the Brain and has won many awards for her articles. She is a frequent guest on radio and
television, including The Charlie Rose Show, Today Weekend, 
and CBS’s The Early Show. She lives in New York.

Praise for 

“A thrilling account of recent breakthroughs in neurology that have profound
implications for Buddhist practitioners and anyone interested in human potential
and how the mind works.”
—Shambhala Sun
“Reading this book is like opening doors in the mind. Sharon Begley brings the
reader right to the intersection of scientific and meditative understanding, a place
of exciting potential for personal and global transformation. And she does it so
skillfully as to seem effortless.”
Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience
“Neuroplasticity has enormous implications not only for our physic cal health but
for our mental health.”
“It is very seldom that a science in its infancy is so skillfully unpacked that it reads
like a detective novel. The fact that this science includes the collaborative efforts of
neuroscientists, psychologists, contemplatives, and philosophers, and the full
engagement of the genius of the Dalai Lama is not only fascinating but uplifting
and inspiring. This book lets you know that how you pay attention to your
experience can change your entire way of being.”
— JON KABAT-ZINN, author of Coming to Our Senses
“Does a good job of detailing the history behind the discovery [that the human
brain is not fixed at adulthood] and how it is changing our approach to learning,
neurological diseases, and emotional understanding.”
“This is a truly illuminating and eminently readable book on the revolutionary new
insights in mind sciences. I recommend it highly to anyone interested in
understanding human potential.”
—JACK KORNFIELD, author of A Path with Heart
“A clearly written account of recent discoveries about brain plasticity.”
—New Scientist
“I have meditated for forty years and have long felt that the potential of mind
training to improve our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being has barely
been tapped. Thanks to Sharon Begley’s fascinating book, though, that is about to
change. As human beings, we really do have inner powers that can make a world of
difference, particularly if our goal is not merely to advance our own agendas but to
cultivate compassion for the benefit of all living beings.”
—JOHN ROBBINS, author of Healthy at 100 and Diet for a New America

Table of Contents
Foreword by the Dalai Lama
Preface by Daniel Goleman
CHAPTER 1 / Can We Change?
Challenging the Dogma of the Hardwired Brain
CHAPTER 2 / The Enchanted Loom
The Discovery of Neuroplasticity
CHAPTER 3 / New Neurons for Old Brains
CHAPTER 4 / A Child Shall Lead Them
The Neuroplasticity of Young Brains
CHAPTER 5 / Footprints on the Brain
Sensory Experience Reshapes Adult Brains
CHAPTER 6 / Mind over Matter
Mental Activity Changes the Brain
CHAPTER 7 / Nature through Nurture
Turning On Genes in the Brain
CHAPTER 8 / Blaming Mom?
Rewired for Compassion
CHAPTER 9 / Transforming the Emotional Mind
Challenging the Happiness “Set Point”
CHAPTER 10 / Now What?

Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain- How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves
BALLANTINE and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Begley, Sharon.

QP 363.5.B44 2007
12.8—dc26 2006042952

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