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The author and publisher have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information herein.
However, the information contained in this kit is sold without warranty, either express or implied.
Neither the authors and SitePoint Pty. Ltd., nor its dealers or distributors will be held liable for any
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Rather than indicating every occurrence of a trademarked name as such, this book uses the names
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Published by SitePoint Pty. Ltd.
424 Smith Street Collingwood
VIC Australia 3066.
ISBN 0–9579218–8–8
Printed and bound in the United States of America
About The Author
Rachel Andrew is Web developer and director of Web solutions provider
When not writing code, she writes about writing code and is the coauthor of several books promoting the practical usage of Web standards alongside other everyday tools and technologies.
Rachel takes a common sense, real world approach to Web standards, with her writing and teaching being based on the experiences she has in her own company every day.
Rachel lives in the UK with her partner Drew and daughter Bethany.
When not working, they can often be found wandering around the English countryside hunting for geocaches and nice pubs that serve Sunday lunch and a good beer.
About SitePoint
SitePoint specializes in publishing fun, practical, and easy-to-understand content for Web
professionals. Visit to access our books, newsletters, articles
and community forums.
Table of Contents
Preface ................... ix
Who Should Read This Book? .................... x
What’s Covered in This Book? .................. x
The Book’s Website .................. xi
The SitePoint Forums ................. xii
The SitePoint Newsletters ................. xii
Your Feedback ................. xii
Acknowledgements ................ xiii
1. Getting Started with CSS
The Problem with HTML
Defining Styles with CSS
CSS Selectors
Summary ............... 9
2. Text Styling and Other Basics
How do I replace font tags with CSS?
Should I use pixels, points, ems or something else for font sizes?
How do I specify that my text is shown in a certain font?
How do I remove underlines from my links?
How do I create a link that changes color on mouseover?
How do I display two different styles of link on one page?
How do I add a background color to a heading?
How do I style headings with underlines?
How do I get rid of the large gap between an h1 tag and the following paragraph?
How do I highlight text on the page without using font tags?
How do I alter the line-height (leading) on my text?
How do I justify text?
How do I style a horizontal rule?
How do I indent text?
How do I center text?
How do I change text to all-capitals using CSS?
How do I change or remove the bullets on list items?
How do I use an image for a list item bullet?
How do I remove the indented left margin from a list?
How do I display a list horizontally?
How do I add comments to my CSS file?
How do I get rid of the page margins without adding attributes to the body tag?
Summary .............. 51
3. CSS and Images
How do I use CSS to replace the deprecated HTML border attribute on images?
How do I set a background image for my page with CSS?
How do I position my background image?
How do I make a background image that stays
still while the text moves when the page is scrolled?
How do I set background images for other elements?
How do I place text on top of an image?
How do I add more than one background image to my document?
Summary ................ 69
4. Navigation
How do I replace image-based navigation with CSS?
How do I style a structural list as a navigation menu?
How do I use CSS to create rollover navigation
without images or JavaScript?
Can I use CSS and lists to create a navigation system with sub-navigation?
How do I make a horizontal menu using CSS and lists?
How do I create button-like navigation using CSS?
How do I create tabbed navigation with CSS?
How do I change the cursor type?
How do I create rollovers in CSS without JavaScript?
Summary ............. 109
5. Tabular Data
How do I lay out spreadsheet data using CSS?
How do I ensure that my tabular data is accessible as well as attractive?
How do I add a border to a table without using the HTML border attribute?
How do I stop spaces appearing between
the cells of my table when I’ve added borders using CSS?
How do I display spreadsheet data in an attractive and usable way?
How do I display table rows in alternating colors?
How do I change a table row’s background color on hover?
How do I display a calendar using CSS?
Summary ............. 143
6. Forms and User Interfaces
How do I style form elements using CSS?
How do I apply different styles to fields in a single form?
How do I stop my form creating additional white space and line breaks?
How do I make a submit button look like text?
How do I ensure that users with text-only devices
understand how to complete my form?
How do I lay out a two-column form using CSS instead of a table?
How do I group related fields?
How do I style accesskey hints?
How do I use different colored highlights in a select menu?
I have a form that allows users to enter data as if into a spreadsheet.
How do I style this with CSS?
How do I highlight the form field that the user clicks into?
Summary ..................... 182
7. Browser and Device Support
In which browsers should I test my site?
I only have access to one operating system.
How can I test in more of these browsers?
Is there a service that can show me
how my site looks in various browsers?
Can I install multiple versions of Internet Explorer in Windows?
How do I test my site in a text-only browser?
How do I test my site in a screen reader?
How do I hide CSS from Netscape 4?
How do I display different styles for Netscape 4?
How do I add a message, which displays only in version 4 browsers,
to explain why my site looks so plain?
How do I hide CSS from other browsers?
Why does my site look different in Internet Explorer 6 than it does in Mozilla?
I think I’ve found a CSS bug! What do I do?
Some of my content is appearing and
disappearing in Internet Explorer 6! What should I do?
What do the error and warning messages in the W3C Validator mean?
How do I create style sheets for specific devices, such as screen readers or WebTV?
How do I create a print style sheet?
Some browsers allow users to choose a style sheet.
How do I add alternate style sheets to my site?
How do I make a style sheet switcher?
How do I use alternate style sheets without duplicating code?
Summary ................... 250
8. CSS Positioning and Layout
How do I decide when to use a class and when to use an ID?
Can I make an inline element display as if it were block-level, and viceversa?
How do margins and padding work in CSS?
How do I get text to wrap around an image without using the HTML align attribute?
How do I stop the next element moving up when I use float?
How do I align my logo and strapline to the left and right without using a table?
How do I set an item’s position on the page using CSS?
How do I center a block on the page?
How do I create a liquid, two-column layout with the menu on the
left, and the content on the right?
Can I reverse this layout and put the menu on the right?
How do I create a fixed-width, centered, two-column layout?
How do I create a three-column CSS layout?
How do I add a footer that works well, using CSS?
How do I display a thumbnail gallery without using a table?
Summary ................... 326
9. Experimentation, Browser Specific CSS, and Future Techniques
How do I build those colored scrollbars?
How do I create a menu that stays fixed while the page scrolls below it?
How do I get a fixed menu to work in Internet Explorer?
Can I create a page footer that remains fixed in position, like a frame, using CSS?
Can I create pure CSS drop-down menus?
Can you create rounded corners on CSS borders?
How do I create cross-browser, rounded corners using CSS?
How do I make elements translucent both in Mozilla-based browsers,
and in Internet Explorer?
How do I use CSS to indicate to visitors which links are external?
Can I use CSS to insert text into my document?
How do I style the first line or first letter of a block?
Is it a bad thing to use effects that don’t work in some browsers?
Summary ........... 376
Index ............. 377
● Screenshot ●