by Ian Sommerville
S.E Ninth Edition
Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River
Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto
Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo
Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River
Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto
Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo
A large number of people have contributed over the years to the evolution of this
book and I’d like to thank everyone (reviewers, students, and book users) who have
commented on previous editions and made constructive suggestions for change.
I’d particularly like to thank my family (Anne, Ali, and Jane) for their help and
support while the book was being written. A big thank-you especially to my daughter,
Jane, who discovered a talent for proofreading and editing. She was tremendously
helpful in reading the entire book and did a great job spotting and fixing a
large number of typos and grammatical errors.
Ian Sommerville
October 2009
As I was writing the final chapters in this book in the summer of 2009, I realized
that software engineering was 40 years old. The name ‘software engineering’ was
proposed in 1969 at a NATO conference to discuss software development problems—
large software systems were late, did not deliver the functionality needed by their
users, cost more than expected, and were unreliable. I did not attend that conference
but, a year later, I wrote my first program and started my professional life in software.
Progress in software engineering has been remarkable over my professional lifetime.
Our societies could not function without large, professional software systems.
For building business systems, there is an alphabet soup of technologies—J2EE,
.NET, SaaS, SAP, BPEL4WS, SOAP, CBSE, etc.—that support the development and
deployment of large enterprise applications. National utilities and infrastructure—
energy, communications, and transport—all rely on complex and mostly reliable
computer systems. Software has allowed us to explore space and to create the World
Wide Web, the most significant information system in the history of mankind.
Humanity is now faced with a new set of challenges—climate change and extreme
weather, declining natural resources, an increasing world population to be fed and
housed, international terrorism, and the need to help elderly people lead satisfying
and fulfilled lives. We need new technologies to help us address these problems and,
for sure, software will play a central role in these technologies.
Software engineering is, therefore, a critically important technology for the future
of mankind. We must continue to educate software engineers and develop the discipline
so that we can create more complex software systems. Of course, there are still
problems with software projects. Software is still sometimes late and costs more
than expected. However, we should not let these problems conceal the real successes
in software engineering and the impressive software engineering methods and technologies
that have been developed.
Software engineering is now such a huge area that it is impossible to cover the
whole subject in one book. My focus, therefore, is on key topics that are fundamental
to all development processes and topics concerned with the development of reliable,
distributed systems. There is an increased emphasis on agile methods and software
reuse. I strongly believe that agile methods have their place but so too does ‘traditional’
plan-driven software engineering. We need to combine the best of these
approaches to build better software systems.
Books inevitably reflect the opinions and prejudices of their authors. Some readers
will inevitably disagree with my opinions and with my choice of material. Such
disagreement is a healthy reflection of the diversity of the discipline and is essential
for its evolution. Nevertheless, I hope that all software engineers and software engineering
students can find something of interest here.
Integration with the Web
There is an incredible amount of information on software engineering available on the
Web and some people have questioned if textbooks like this one are still needed.
However, the quality of available information is very patchy, information is sometimes
presented badly and it can be hard to find the information that you need. Consequently,
I believe that textbooks still have an important role to play in learning. They serve as a
roadmap to the subject and allow information on method and techniques to be organized
and presented in a coherent and readable way. They also provide a starting point for
deeper exploration of the research literature and material available on the Web.
I strongly believe that textbooks have a future but only if they are integrated with
and add value to material on the Web. This book has therefore been designed as a
hybrid print/web text in which core information in the printed edition is linked to
supplementary material on the Web. Almost all chapters include specially written
‘web sections’ that add to the information in that chapter. There are also four ‘web
chapters’ on topics that I have not covered in the print version of the book.
The website that is associated with the book is:
The book’s web has four principal components:
1. Web sections These are extra sections that add to the content presented in each
chapter. These web sections are linked from breakout boxes in each chapter.
2. Web chapters There are four web chapters covering formal methods, interaction
design, documentation, and application architectures. I may add other chapters
on new topics during the lifetime of the book.
3. Material for instructors The material in this section is intended to support people
who are teaching software engineering. See the “Support Materials” section in this Preface.
4. Case studies These provide additional information about the case studies used
in the book (insulin pump, mental health-care system, wilderness weather system)
as well as information about further case studies, such as the failure of the Ariane 5 launcher.
As well as these sections, there are also links to other sites with useful material on
software engineering, further reading, blogs, newsletters, etc.
I welcome your constructive comments and suggestions about the book and the
website. You can contact me at Please include
[SE9] in the subject of your message. Otherwise, my spam filters will probably
reject your mail and you will not receive a reply. I do not have time to help students
with their homework, so please don’t ask.
The book is primarily aimed at university and college students taking introductory
and advanced courses in software and systems engineering
. Software engineers in
the industry may find the book useful as general reading and as a means of updating
their knowledge on topics such as software reuse, architectural design, dependability
and security, and process improvement. I assume that readers have completed an
introductory programming course and are familiar with programming terminology.
Changes from previous editions
This edition has retained the fundamental material on software engineering that was
covered in previous editions but I have revised and updated all chapters and have
included new material on many different topics.
The most important changes are:
1. The move from a print-only book to a hybrid print/web book with the web material
tightly integrated with the sections in the book. This has allowed me to reduce
the number of chapters in the book and to focus on core material in each chapter.
2. Complete restructuring to make it easier to use the book in teaching software
engineering. The book now has four rather than eight parts and each part may be
used on its own or in combination with other parts as the basis of a software
engineering course. The four parts are an introduction to software engineering,
dependability and security, advanced software engineering, and software engineering management.
3. Several topics from previous editions are presented more concisely in a single
chapter, with extra material moved onto the Web.
4. Additional web chapters, based on chapters from previous editions that I have
not included here, are available on the Web.
5. I have updated and revised the content in all chapters. I estimate that between
30% and 40% of the text has been completely rewritten.
6. I have added new chapters on agile software development and embedded systems.
7. As well as these new chapters, there is new material on model-driven engineering,
open source development, test-driven development, Reason’s Swiss Cheese
model, dependable systems architectures, static analysis and model checking,
COTS reuse, software as a service, and agile planning.
8. A new case study on a patient record system for patients who are undergoing
treatment for mental health problems has been used in several chapters.
Using the book for teaching
I have designed the book so that it can be used in three different types of software
engineering courses:
1. General introductory courses in software engineering The first part of the book
has been designed explicitly to support a one-semester course in introductory software engineering.
2. Introductory or intermediate courses on specific software engineering topics You
can create a range of more advanced courses using the chapters in Parts 2–4. For
example, I have taught a course in critical systems engineering using the chapters
in Part 2 plus chapters on quality management and configuration management.
3. More advanced courses in specific software engineering topics In this case, the
chapters in the book form a foundation for the course. These are then supplemented
with further reading that explores the topic in more detail. For example,
a course on software reuse could be based around Chapters 16, 17, 18, and 19.
More information about using the book for teaching, including a comparison with
previous editions, is available on the book’s website.
Product details
File Size
| 14,226 KB |
790 p |
File Type
PDF format |
ISBN-10 | 978-0-13-703515-1 0-13-703515-2 |
| 2011, 2006, 2005, 2001, 1996 Pearson Education, Inc |
Contents at a glance
Preface iii
Part 1 Introduction to Software Engineering
Chapter 1 Introduction 3
Chapter 2 Software processes 27
Chapter 3 Agile software development 56
Chapter 4 Requirements engineering 82
Chapter 5 System modeling 118
Chapter 6 Architectural design 147
Chapter 7 Design and implementation 176
Chapter 8 Software testing 205
Chapter 9 Software evolution 234
Part 2 Dependability and Security
Chapter 10 Sociotechnical systems 263
Chapter 11 Dependability and security 289
Chapter 12 Dependability and security specification 309
Chapter 13 Dependability engineering 341
Chapter 14 Security engineering 366
Chapter 15 Dependability and security assurance 393
Part 3 Advanced Software Engineering
Chapter 16 Software reuse 425
Chapter 17 Component-based software engineering 452
Chapter 18 Distributed software engineering 479
Chapter 19 Service-oriented architecture 508
Chapter 20 Embedded software 537
Chapter 21 Aspect-oriented software engineering 565
Part 4 Software Management
Chapter 22 Project management 593
Chapter 23 Project planning 618
Chapter 24 Quality management 651
Chapter 25 Configuration management 681
Chapter 26 Process improvement 705
Glossary 733Subject Index 749
Author Index
Table of Contents
Preface iii
Part 1 Introduction to Software Engineering
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Professional software development 5
1.2 Software engineering ethics 14
1.3 Case studies 17
Chapter 2 Software processes
2.1 Software process models 29
2.2 Process activities 36
2.3 Coping with change 43
2.4 The rational unified process 50
Chapter 3 Agile software development
3.1 Agile methods 58
3.2 Plan-driven and agile development 62
3.3 Extreme programming 64
3.4 Agile project management 72
3.5 Scaling agile methods 74
Chapter 4 Requirements engineering
4.1 Functional and non-functional requirements 84
4.2 The software requirements document 91
4.3 Requirements specification 94
4.4 Requirements engineering processes 99
4.5 Requirements elicitation and analysis 100
4.6 Requirements validation 110
4.7 Requirements management 111
Chapter 5 System modeling
5.1 Context models 121
5.2 Interaction models 124
5.3 Structural models 129
5.4 Behavioral models 133
5.5 Model-driven engineering 138
Chapter 6 Architectural design
6.1 Architectural design decisions 151
6.2 Architectural views 153
6.3 Architectural patterns 155
6.4 Application architectures 164
Chapter 7 Design and implementation 176
7.1 Object-oriented design using the UML 178
7.2 Design patterns 189
7.3 Implementation issues 193
7.4 Open source development 198
Chapter 8 Software testing
8.1 Development testing 210
8.2 Test-driven development 221
8.3 Release testing 224
8.4 User testing 228
Chapter 9 Software evolution
9.1 Evolution processes 237
9.2 Program evolution dynamics 240
9.3 Software maintenance 242
9.4 Legacy system management 252
Part 2 Dependability and Security
Chapter 10 Sociotechnical systems
10.1 Complex systems 266
10.2 Systems engineering 273
10.3 System procurement 275
10.4 System development 278
10.5 System operation 281
Chapter 11 Dependability and security
11.1 Dependability properties 291
11.2 Availability and reliability 295
11.3 Safety 299
11.4 Security 302
Chapter 12 Dependability and security specification
12.1 Risk-driven requirements specification 311
12.2 Safety specification 313
12.3 Reliability specification 320
12.4 Security specification 329
12.5 Formal specification 333
Chapter 13 Dependability engineering
13.1 Redundancy and diversity 343
13.2 Dependable processes 345
13.3 Dependable system architectures 348
13.4 Dependable programming 355
Chapter 14 Security engineering
14.1 Security risk management 369
14.2 Design for security 375
14.3 System survivability 386
Chapter 15 Dependability and security assurance
15.1 Static analysis 395
15.2 Reliability testing 401
15.3 Security testing 404
15.4 Process assurance 406
15.5 Safety and dependability cases 410
Part 3 Advanced Software Engineering
Chapter 16 Software reuse
16.1 The reuse landscape 428
16.2 Application frameworks 431
16.3 Software product lines 434
16.4 COTS product reuse 440
Chapter 17 Component-based software engineering
17.1 Components and component models 455
17.2 CBSE processes 461
17.3 Component composition 468
Chapter 18 Distributed software engineering
18.1 Distributed systems issues 481
18.2 Client–server computing 488
18.3 Architectural patterns for distributed systems 490
18.4 Software as a service 501
Chapter 19 Service-oriented architecture
19.1 Services as reusable components 514
19.2 Service engineering 518
19.3 Software development with services 527
Chapter 20 Embedded software
20.1 Embedded systems design 540
20.2 Architectural patterns 547
20.3 Timing analysis 554
20.4 Real-time operating systems 558
Chapter 21 Aspect-oriented software engineering
21.1 The separation of concerns 567
21.2 Aspects, join points and pointcuts 571
21.3 Software engineering with aspects 576
Part 4 Software Manage
Chapter 22 Project management
22.1 Risk management 595
22.2 Managing people 602
22.3 Teamwork 607
Chapter 23 Project planning
23.1 Software pricing 621
23.2 Plan-driven development 623
23.3 Project scheduling 626
23.4 Agile planning 631
23.5 Estimation techniques 633
Chapter 24 Quality management
24.1 Software quality 655
24.2 Software standards 657
24.3 Reviews and inspections 663
24.4 Software measurement and metrics 668
Chapter 25 Configuration management
25.1 Change management 685
25.2 Version management 690
25.3 System building 693
25.4 Release management 699
Chapter 26 Process improvement
26.1 The process improvement process 708
26.2 Process measurement 711
26.3 Process analysis 715
26.4 Process change 718
26.5 The CMMI process improvement framework 721
Glossary 733
Subject Index 749
Author Index 767