Sex For Dummies 3rd Edition. Wiley

by Dr.Ruth K.Westheimer with Pierre A. Lehu

Enjoy Healthy Sexuality Throughout Life

Universal Praise for Bestselling
Author Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer
“Dr. Ruth Westheimer is the Stealth fighter of sex education.”
— San Jose Mercury News, 1995
“Her image is synonymous with sex . . . .”
— Time, 1987
“Dr. Ruth writes the way she talks — enthusiastically, nonjudgmentally,
and informatively. . . .”
— Booklist, 1994
“Her energy level is higher than that of a charged particle.”
— People Magazine, 1985
“She can seemingly say things on the air that no one else can. This could
be because she is short and sweet and takes her job seriously . . . .”
— New York Times, 1985
“America’s star sexologist . . . .”
— TV Guide
“Her manner is down-to-earth and reassuring . . . she tries to make people
feel better, value themselves, trust their instincts . . . .”
— Ladies’ Home Journal, 1986
“If height were measured in courage, determination and hard work, this
little lady would be 10 feet tall.”
— Newsday, 1987
“Her name and the distinctive thrill of her voice have become inextricably
linked with the subject of sex.”
— New York Times, 1992
“This textbook style resource is comprehensive and easy to use.
Accessible and up-to-date, it focuses on basic sexuality information and
education for adults.”
— SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council

of the United States) on Sex For Dummies, 1st Edition

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Sex For Dummies 3rd Edition

About the Author
Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer is a psychosexual therapist who helped pioneer the
field of media psychology with her radio program, Sexually Speaking, which
first aired in New York in 1981. Within a few years, she had built a communications
network to distribute her expertise that included television, books,
newspapers, games, calendars, home videos, and computer software.

Dr. Westheimer studied psychology at the Sorbonne in Paris, received her
Master’s Degree in Sociology from the Graduate Faculty of the New School of
Social Research and her Doctorate of Education (EdD) in the Interdisciplinary
Study of the Family from Columbia University Teacher’s College. Working at
Planned Parenthood prompted her to further her education in human sexuality
by studying under Dr. Helen Singer Kaplan at New York Hospital–Cornell
University Medical Center. She later participated in the program for five years
as an adjunct associate professor. She has also taught at Lehman College,
Brooklyn College, Adelphi University, Columbia University, and West Point.
She is currently an associate fellow at Calhoun College at Yale University,
where she teaches a class on the family, a fellow at Butler College at Princeton
University, where she teaches a class on the Jewish family in the Department
of Judaic Studies, and an adjunct professor at New York University.

Dr. Westheimer is a fellow of New York Academy of Medicine and has her own
private practice in New York. She frequently lectures around the world,
including at universities, and has twice been named “College Lecturer of the
Year.” She has received honorary doctorates from Hebrew Union College—
Institute of Religion, Trinity College, and Lehman College, as well as a Medal
of Excellence from Columbia Teacher’s College.

Dr. Westheimer has written 31 books. Some of the others include Dr. Ruth’s
Encyclopedia of Sex, Dr. Ruth’s Sex After 50, The Art of Arousal, The Olive and
the Tree: The Secret Strengths of the Druze, and Rekindling Romance For
Dummies. And Dr. Ruth can be found on the Web at

Pierre A. Lehu has been Dr. Ruth’s “Minister of Communications” for more
than 25 years. He has co-authored 13 books with her.

Author’s Acknowledgments
I am grateful and appreciate the tremendous contribution in writing this book
made by Pierre Lehu. Pierre and I are now entering our 26th year of working
together! He is the best “Minister of Communications” anybody could wish
for. A special toast to Pierre and to many more years of cooperation.

I have so many people to thank it would require an additional chapter, so let
me just mention a few: David Best, MD; Gwynne Bloomfield-Pike; Marcie Citron;
Martin Englisher; Cynthia Fuchs Epstein, PhD, and Howard Epstein; Gabe Erem;
David Goslin, PhD; David Hager; Mark Hager; Alfred Kaplan; Steve Kaplan, PhD;
Robert Krasner, MD; Ronnie and Michael Kassan; John Kilcullen; Marga and
Bill Kunreuther; Stephen Lassonde, PhD; Gabrielle Lehu; Peter Lehu; Lou
Lieberman, PhD, and Mary Cuadrado, PhD; John and Ginger Lollos; Sanford
Lopater, PhD; Jonathan Mark; Mary Jane Minkin, MD; Dale Ordes; Fred
and Ann Rosenberg; Cliff and Eleanor Rubin; Peter Schaefer; Joanne Seminara;
Rose and Simeon Schreiber; Daniel Schwartz; Amir Shaviv; Jerry Singerman,
PhD; Richard Stein; Hannah Strauss; Betsy and William Sledge, MD; Kathy
Welton; Greg Willenborg; Ben Yagoda; and Froma Zeitlin, PhD.

To the Wiley staff: What a terrific, hard working, competent, and expert group
you are to work with! Thanks especially to Stephen Kippur, Wiley’s president,
for his overall supervision, and to Alissa Schwipps and Vicki Adang for their
hard work. I also want to thank Kathy Nebenhaus, Kathy Cox, Lindsay
McGregor, and our new technical editors, Christopher F. Fariello, PhD, MA,
LMFT, and LeeAnne M. Nazer, MD.


Humans have been having sex since time immemorial, and not much
changed as the centuries slid by. Then in the 1960s, the Pill came out,
and the sexual revolution was said to begin. But the past 25 years, which
coincidentally is the period when I first became well known, have seen the
most major advancements. Many more women who couldn’t have orgasms
are now orgasmic. Many older people, particularly men, can have sex into
their 90s. People are talking to each other about their sexual needs, and as a
result, they’re more satisfied with their sex lives. And although we’ve made
progress, more needs to be done.

First of all, millions of young people are just beginning their sexual lives.
They need to be taught what to do and how to do it. Secondly, millions of
adults are still having sex the way cave men and women did in the Stone Age.
For whatever reason, the message that terrific sex is possible hasn’t penetrated.
Finally, many people are still derailed by sexual myths. So although
the need for this book has lessened since it first came out, especially for the
hundreds of thousands who’ve bought it here and those who purchased it in
the 26 other languages into which it’s been translated, my job of educating
people about good sexual functioning is not yet over.

How people learn about sex has a great deal to do with how well equipped
they are to have sex. So where did most of you learn about sex? You learned a
little bit from your parents and a little bit at school. But because much of this
information was, rightfully, passed on before you were really ready to use it,
it may not have meant all that much to you, and so it didn’t totally sink in.
Later on, if you had another class, you probably felt the need to act blasé, as
if you knew it all, and you may not have bothered to listen.

This Catch-22 makes having good sex difficult — you get the information
before you need it, and you forget what you learned by the time you do need
it. Or you get the facts so confused that they’re not helpful to you.
Our children are the same way. Often, despite our best efforts as parents,
kids are more likely to pay attention to what they hear on the street or in the
locker room or at a sleepover. How much of this information is accurate is anybody’s guess.

But even though some of this information is true, it leads only to more confusion,
because it doesn’t match the sexual myths that are also out there. And
when you’re confused don’t you often end up not paying attention to anything
you’ve heard — preferring to trust your instincts?
Unfortunately, in sexual matters, trusting your instincts can often lead to problems.

In the end, you let trial and error become the teacher of last resort. And when
that happens, not unexpectedly, you can often make serious mistakes — such
as becoming pregnant when you don’t intend to be, or catching a sexually
transmitted disease, or, at the very least, having a less-than-satisfactory sex
life, or going through your entire life never having terrific sex.
In the 21st century, this process of misinformation and confusion can’t continue.
In the past, we had rules in place to guide us so that, even if we didn’t
understand human sexuality all that well, as long as we followed the rules
and got married before having sex, we couldn’t stray too far.

But over the past 40 years, these rules have begun to disintegrate badly.
Some people would say the results — millions of unintended pregnancies,
millions of single parents, vast numbers of people with sexually transmitted
diseases — were predictable.

About This Book
Do you know how I learned about sex? I was about 10, and my parents kept a
marriage manual in a locked cabinet way up high. I had to pile books on top of
a chair to reach it, so I literally risked my neck to learn the facts of life. You’re
so much luckier because everything you need to know is right here in the
palm of your hand. In truth, maybe everything isn’t here, but this book certainly
contains enough information to help you become a fabulous lover. If you
have a serious problem, you may have to turn to a professional for help, but at
least after reading this book, you’ll know whether you really need to do that.
Just as you can have sex many different ways, you can use this book a variety
of ways. You can read it from cover to cover, but it’s okay if you skim it, too.

The table of contents at the front of the book and the index in the rear can
point you to the topics you’re interested in. Also, when I talk about something
important that you should know that you may have skipped, I always
refer back to the appropriate chapter.

And because I cover such a wide variety of material, I’m going to suggest that
instead of keeping this book on a bookshelf in the basement, you keep it right
by your bed — or on the kitchen counter if that’s where you most often
engage in sex!
Now, let me say something about my philosophy at this point.
I am old-fashioned and a square.
I believe in God, I believe in marriage, and I believe in morality.
But, because I can’t dictate to you how you should live your life,
I believe that I must give you the tools with which to conduct yourself as safely as possible.
That’s why I believe in giving you information so that, even if you do have
premarital sex, at least you have a better chance of not causing unintended
pregnancies and not catching a sexually transmitted disease.
Do I encourage people to develop a relationship before they engage in sex
with another person? Absolutely. And I’ll say it again and again throughout this book.

But even if you’re having a one-night stand that I don’t approve of, I still want
you to wake up the next morning healthy and safe. And I look at this book as
an important tool in reaching you and others of all ages to help you discover
more useful information on this important subject.

Conventions Used in This Book
To help you navigate through this book, I’ve set up a few conventions:
Italic is used for emphasis and to highlight new words or terms that are defined.
Boldfaced text is used to indicate the action part of numbered steps.
Monofont is used for Web addresses.
When this book was printed, some Web addresses may have needed to break
across two lines of text. If that happened, rest assured that I haven’t put in
any extra characters (such as hyphens) to indicate the break. So, when using
one of these Web addresses, just type in exactly what you see in this book,
pretending as though the line break doesn’t exist.

What You’re Not to Read
I’ve written this book so that you can 1) find information easily and 2) easily
understand what you find. And although I’d like to believe that you want to
pore over every last word between the two yellow and black covers, I actually
make it easy for you to identify “skippable” material by presenting it in
sidebars (or the shaded boxes that appear here and there). This information
is the stuff that, although interesting and related to the topic at hand, isn’t necessary reading.

Also, because there are two sexes, some of what I write is addressed to one sex
or the other. But because these two sexes interact, it’s not a bad idea to know
what’s going on inside the head and body of the other. So although you may
not have to read what’s addressed to the opposite sex, you still may want to.
I also include material for gays and lesbians. Straight readers may want to
skip those parts, but gays and lesbians shouldn’t ignore most of this book’s
contents, because much of the information doesn’t depend on the sex of your
partner. Of course gays and lesbians don’t have to worry about causing an
unintended pregnancy, and neither do seniors, so those groups definitely can skip that material.

Foolish Assumptions
One assumption I can make is that if you’re capable of reading this book,
you’re a sexual being. Some other assumptions I’ve made include
You want to improve your sex life. I’m not assuming your sex life is bad,
just that you’d like to make it better.
You don’t come from Victorian England when mothers would instruct
their about-to-be-wed daughters to just “lie back and think of England.”
You’re reasonable enough not to engage in risky behavior after the dangers
have been pointed out to you.
If you’re a newbie, whether a teen or just inexperienced, you’re eager to
learn the facts of life and avoid the pitfalls of the myths.
And if you’re a parent, who either wants to give this book to your child
or just have it nearby for reference when talking to him or her, you know
how important this information is, but you also know that in the end,
your child is responsible for his or her sex life.

How This Book Is Organized
To help you find information that you’re looking for, this book is divided into
five parts. Each part covers a particular aspect on sex and contains chapters
relating to that part.
Part I: Getting Ready for Sex
Even if you’re not a virgin, if you want to be a terrrrific lover you have to have
a solid foundation in sexual functioning. When you understand how the male
and female anatomy works and how our bodies develop into sexual beings,
you’ve mastered the basics. After you’ve found a partner with whom you want
to get intimate, you need to be prepared for all sorts of conversations, including
one about birth control. I provide the facts you need to know in this part.
Part II: Doing It
If you have to ask what “it” is, then you’d better read Part I again before you
jump ahead to all the juicy stuff related to traditional intercourse in Part II:
ideas for foreplay; what to expect the first time you have intercourse; suggestions
for moving beyond the missionary position; advice for making sure both
of you have an orgasm; and ways to put some zing in your sex life. When
you’re ready, spend as much time here as you’d like.
Part III: Different Strokes
No two people are the same when it comes to sexual pleasure, and you have
all sorts of ways of getting to the main goal of having sex: the pleasure of an
orgasm. Some people prefer to have sex alone, others like oral sex, while
others like to engage in intercourse with a partner of the same sex. All of
those topics are covered here.
As you age, your enjoyment of sex and your body’s sexual responses change.
If you’re older and wondering what’s going on, or if you have a chronic health
condition or disability or are a partner of someone who suffers from one of
these problems, I include chapters to help you make the most of your sex lives.
Part IV: Having a Healthy Sex Life
Many of you have questions about your sexual functioning that you’re too
embarrassed to ask your doctor. You still need to talk to your doctor, but you
can find some answers about premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, low
libido, and elusive orgasms here. I also have some advice on how you can
find time to have sex and ways to rejuvenate your sex life after you and your
spouse have been together many, many years.
And as much as I wish such things as the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and safe
sex really existed, sadly they don’t. But you can enjoy safer sex if you know
how, so this part also includes information on sexually transmitted diseases
and how you can prevent catching one. A chapter on how to talk to kids
about sex, keeping them safe from strangers, and protecting them while they
use the Internet wraps up this part.
Part V: The Part of Tens
This part gives you a chance to better understand the opposite sex and
people’s attitudes in general about sex. I dispel ten myths about sex and give
you insight about what men wish women knew about sex and what women
wish men knew about sex. And if you really think you know all of that (but
trust me, you don’t), you can read my ten tips on how to be a grrrrreat lover.
But wait — there’s more!
Over and over in this book I advise you to see a sex therapist if you can’t
handle a specific problem on your own. Because most of you have never
done this, you may be a bit intimidated. But after you read Appendix A, you’ll
know a lot more about the process and should feel a lot more comfortable
making that appointment, if necessary.
Because I can’t cover every little detail of human sexuality here, I leave you
with Appendix B, which lists groups you can contact or Web sites you can
visit for more information on many of the subjects I cover in this book.


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Product details
 File Size
 11,004 KB
 433 p
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 PDF format
 2007 by Wiley Publishing, Inc
 2007 Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer 

Contents at a Glance
Part I: Getting Ready for Sex
Chapter 1: So You Want to Know More about Sex
Chapter 2: Tuning the Male Organ
Chapter 3: Demystifying the Female Parts
Chapter 4: Courtship, Marriage, and Commitment: Getting to Yes
Chapter 5: It’s All about Control: Contraception and Sex
Chapter 6: Growing Up Fast: The Challenges of the Teen Years
Part II: Doing It
Chapter 7: Foreplay: Revving Up Your Engines
Chapter 8: Intercourse: Coming Together for the First Time
Chapter 9: Changing Positions: Variations on a Theme
Chapter 10: Going for the Big O
Chapter 11: Afterplay: Embracing the Moment
Chapter 12: Spicing Up Your Sex Life
Part III: Different Strokes
Chapter 13: Enjoying Oral Sex
Chapter 14: Savoring Solo Play and Fantasy
Chapter 15: Keeping Up with Cybersex and Other Hot Stuff
Chapter 16: Celebrating Same-Sex Relationships
Chapter 17: Conquering the Challenges of Mature Sex
Chapter 18: Thriving Sexually with Illness or Disability
Part IV: Having A Healthy Sex Life 
Chapter 19: What You Can Catch and How to Prevent It
Chapter 20: Erectile Dysfunction and Other Male Sexual Problems
Chapter 21: Low Libido and Other Female Sexual Problems
Chapter 22: Avoiding Sexual Relationship Pitfalls
Chapter 23: Sex and the Law
Chapter 24: Teaching Your Children about Sex and Keeping Them Safe
Part V: The Part of Tens
Chapter 25: Ten Dumb Things People Believe about Sex
Chapter 26: Ten Tips for Safer Sex
Chapter 27: Ten Things Women Wish Men Knew about Sex.
Chapter 28: Ten Things Men Wish Women Knew about Sex
Chapter 29: Ten Tips for Truly Great Lovers
Appendix A: Step into My Office
Appendix B: Terrific Resource

Table of Contents
About This Book..........
Conventions Used in This Book 
What You’re Not to Read......
Foolish Assumptions .............
How This Book Is Organized...........
Part I: Getting Ready for Sex ........
Part III: Different Strokes ..........
Part IV: Having a Healthy Sex Life .........
Part V: The Part of Tens.......................
Icons Used in This Book....
Where to Go From Here.............
Part I: Getting Ready for Sex .........................................9
Chapter 1: So You Want to Know More about Sex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
What Is Sex, Anyway? ....................................................................................12
So Why Do We Have It?..................................................................................12
Making babies: A natural outcome.....................................................12
Enjoying a sensory experience...........................................................17
Understanding the Ins and Outs of the Sexual Response Cycle ..............17
Partnering Up .................................................................................................19
For love and the long haul...................................................................20
For lust and the fun of it all .................................................................20
Flying solo .............................................................................................20
Playing It Safe..................................................................................................21
Adjusting Over Time......................................................................................21
Are You Ready to Get Busy? .........................................................................22
Chapter 2: Tuning the Male Organ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
The Penis: Inside and Out .............................................................................23
The three sponges (No cleaning involved) .......................................24
At the head of the class: The glans ....................................................25
Size and sexual performance ..............................................................27
Getting erection direction ...................................................................29
Grasping the Basics of Your Testicles .........................................................30
Making the descent ..............................................................................30
Manufacturing hormones....................................................................31
Producing sperm ..................................................................................31
Why boys wear cups............................................................................34
At risk for testicular cancer ................................................................35
The Prostate Gland ........................................................................................36
Checking the prostate..........................................................................37
Treating the prostate ...........................................................................37
Chapter 3: Demystifying the Female Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Making Time for a Grand Tour .....................................................................40
Translating All Those Latin Terms...............................................................40
Viva the vulva .......................................................................................41
The hymen: Symbol of virginity..........................................................44
The vagina: The main thoroughfare...................................................44
At your cervix .......................................................................................46
The uterus: It stretches, and stretches, and stretches....................47
The ovaries and fallopian tubes .........................................................47
The “Men” Words: Menstruation and Menopause.....................................48
Menstruation — “Your monthly visitor” ...........................................48
Menopause — “The change of life”....................................................51
Breasts: Hanging in There .............................................................................53
Feeding babies ......................................................................................53
Getting sexual pleasure .......................................................................54
Checking for breast cancer .................................................................54
Be proud of your breasts.....................................................................56
Chapter 4: Courtship, Marriage, and Commitment: Getting to Yes . . . .57
Starting Off with Courtship...........................................................................57
Finding the right partner: Difficult, yes; impossible, no..................58
Believing in yourself.............................................................................61
Taking charge........................................................................................62
Moving On to Commitment...........................................................................63
Deciding that someone is sex worthy................................................63
Becoming friends with benefits..........................................................63
Sealing the Deal: Making Marriage Work.....................................................64
Knowing that love isn’t enough..........................................................64
Handling children and commitment ..................................................65
Putting your marriage first..................................................................65
Strengthening your marriage ..............................................................66
Chapter 5: It’s All about Control: Contraception and Sex . . . . . . . . . . .71
Why Use Contraceptives? .............................................................................71
Warding off STDs ..................................................................................72
Preventing the natural outcome.........................................................72
Considering Your Birth Control Options.....................................................74
Sterilization ...........................................................................................74
The Pill and other hormonal methods ..............................................79
The diaphragm, condom, and other barrier methods ....................84
Natural family planning .......................................................................91
Facing Facts about Birth Control Myths .....................................................93
Douching doesn’t prevent pregnancy................................................94
One time is all it takes..........................................................................94
You can get pregnant without orgasms.............................................94
Stand-ups don’t stop sperm................................................................95
Pregnancy and periods can mix .........................................................95
Pulling out is no protection.................................................................95
If Your Method Fails.......................................................................................96
Keeping the baby..................................................................................96
Putting the baby up for adoption.......................................................97
Ending the pregnancy early ................................................................97
Making your decision...........................................................................99
Chapter 6: Growing Up Fast: The Challenges of the Teen Years . . . .101
Being a Teenager in the Twenty-First Century .........................................102
Evolving into Adulthood .............................................................................103
The physical changes ........................................................................104
The psychological changes...............................................................104
Dealing with Common Concerns................................................................105
Sex ........................................................................................................107
Sexual orientation ..............................................................................112
Peer pressure......................................................................................112
Cyberporn ...........................................................................................112
Protecting Your Privacy ..............................................................................113
Don’t Stop Here ............................................................................................114
Part II: Doing It ........................................................115
Chapter 7: Foreplay: Revving Up Your Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
Foreplay for Life ...........................................................................................117
Linking the Emotional to the Physical.......................................................118
Setting the Stage...........................................................................................119
Sending flowers ..................................................................................119
Thinking ahead ...................................................................................119
Dressing for success ..........................................................................120
Dinner for two.....................................................................................120
Getting Physical............................................................................................121
Bestowing a kaleidoscope of kisses.................................................121
Making the most of massage.............................................................123
Turning up the heat in the hot tub...................................................123
Pinpointing erogenous zones with body mapping.........................124
Switching Gears: Engaging the Genitals ....................................................126
Looking under the hood: Foreplay for her ......................................126
Checking the dipstick: Foreplay for him .........................................129
Moving on to the Main Event......................................................................130
Variety Is the Spice of Foreplay ..................................................................130
Chapter 8: Intercourse: Coming Together for the First Time . . . . . . .131
What’s the Rush?..........................................................................................131
Making Your First Time Special..................................................................133
Choosing your partner wisely ..........................................................134
Avoiding the dangers of demon rum ...............................................134
Giving the green light.........................................................................135
Picking protection ..............................................................................136
Expressing your wishes .....................................................................136
The First Time for Women ..........................................................................137
Breaking the hymen ...........................................................................137
If you’re too tight................................................................................137
What to expect....................................................................................139
The First Time for Men................................................................................139
Controlling your erection ..................................................................139
Premature ejaculation........................................................................140
Working through the problem ..........................................................140
The First Time All Over Again ....................................................................140
Chapter 9: Changing Positions: Variations on a Theme . . . . . . . . . . .143
The Good Old Missionary Position............................................................144
Mating face-to-face .............................................................................144
Recognizing drawbacks .....................................................................145
Varying it up ........................................................................................146
The Female-Superior Position ....................................................................146
Reaching maximum pleasure............................................................147
Stressing about stamina ....................................................................147
A variation to make your head spin.................................................148
Taking Her from Behind...............................................................................148
Gaining a new perspective ................................................................149
You might want kneepads .................................................................149
Experimenting with some alternatives............................................149
East Side, West Side, Side by Side ..............................................................152
Lap Dancing ..................................................................................................153
The Oceanic Position...................................................................................154
Standing Up...................................................................................................155
Oral Sex: Using Your Mouth........................................................................156
Anal Sex: Handle with Care .........................................................................156
Safe Sex: Playing Alone Together ...............................................................158
Sex During and After Pregnancy: Orgasms Are Okay, with Changes........158
Rethinking what you can do .............................................................159
Be prepared for physical changes....................................................161
Postpartum sex...................................................................................161
Chapter 10: Going for the Big O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163
What Is an Orgasm, Anyway? .....................................................................163
Experiencing Orgasms: Differences for Men and Women.......................164
Men’s orgasms: The penis is the star...............................................164
Women’s orgasms: Several paths to the goal .................................165
Kegelling is not a new dance.............................................................166
Achieving Orgasm: Let Me Count the Ways..............................................167
Hitting the G-spot: Stuff of fact or fiction?.......................................167
Climaxing during intercourse ...........................................................168
The simultaneous orgasm.................................................................169
Multiple orgasms................................................................................169
Don’t Try — Let It Come. You’ll Be Glad You Did.....................................170
Putting on Your O-Face: Responding to the Orgasmic Experience........171
The Best Reason to Have an Orgasm.........................................................172
Chapter 11: Afterplay: Embracing the Moment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173
Understanding the Importance of Afterplay.............................................174
Sharing the Moment.....................................................................................175
Advice for men: Stay awake ..............................................................175
Advice for women: Tell him what you need....................................176
The Simplest of Techniques........................................................................177
Chapter 12: Spicing Up Your Sex Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179
Using Variety to Add Some Va Va Va Voom to Your Sex Life ...................180
Making the extra effort ......................................................................180
Taking creativity on the road............................................................181
Expanding Your Toy Chest..........................................................................182
Visiting a sex shop..............................................................................182
Ordering sexy stuff from a catalog or online ..................................183
Watching X-rated movies...................................................................183
Part III: Different Strokes ..........................................185
Chapter 13: Enjoying Oral Sex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187
Overcoming Your Inhibitions......................................................................188
Leaving Him Breathless: What Men Like...................................................189
Making Her Toes Curl: What Women Like.................................................190
Dealing with Some Delicate Details............................................................193
Tidying up down there.......................................................................193
To swallow or not to swallow ...........................................................193
But I’m having my period ..................................................................194
Avoiding lockjaw, lip languor, tongue tiredness .............................194
Assuming the Position.................................................................................195
Addressing the Safety Issue........................................................................196
Chapter 14: Savoring Solo Play and Fantasy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197
Exploring the Mythology of Masturbation................................................197
Avoiding Too Much of a Good Thing .........................................................199
Masturbation: Good for All Ages................................................................199
Childhood: Figuring out what’s “down there” ................................200
Adolescence: Exploring sexuality ....................................................201
Adulthood: Masturbating for many reasons...................................201
Masturbation Education..............................................................................203
For men: Do-it-yourself techniques..................................................203
For women: Tickling your own fancy...............................................204
Fantasy: It’s All in Your Head ......................................................................208
Stories to get you started..................................................................208
Anything and anyone goes................................................................209
Sharing your fantasies .......................................................................209
A fantasy is a fantasy is a fantasy . . ................................................209
Chapter 15: Keeping Up with Cybersex and Other Hot Stuff . . . . . . .211
Eyes Wide Open: A Word of Caution..........................................................211
Cybersex: Sights for Mature Minds............................................................212
Computers as sex objects: Turned on all the time ........................213
Getting kinky with a keyboard: Chatting online .............................215
Off-line viewing ...................................................................................218
Sex and the Telephone: Aural Sex..............................................................218
Pay to play — 900 or 976 numbers ..................................................218
I just called to say . . ..........................................................................219
Cell phones: Sex on the go ................................................................220
Sex and the Radio: It’s All Talk....................................................................220
Sex and Television: A Different Meaning of Boob Tube ..........................221
Renting films to view alone or together ..........................................221
Starring in your own sex flick ...........................................................222
Pulp Nonfiction.............................................................................................222
Body Parts Go? .........................................................................................223
The lure of adultery ...........................................................................223
Wife swapping, swinging, and group sex.........................................224
Chapter 16: Celebrating Same-Sex Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227
Considering Sexual Orientation .................................................................227
What determines sexual orientation?..............................................228
Keeping religion and government out of the bedroom .................228
Behaving responsibly, no matter what orientation you are .........229
Where does bisexuality fit in?...........................................................230
Determining Your Orientation: What Turns You On................................231
Revealing Your Sexual Identity...................................................................231
Living in the closet .............................................................................232
Coming out ..........................................................................................232
Outing by others.................................................................................235
Finding support ..................................................................................235
Sexual Practices among Gay Men ..............................................................236
Sexual Expression between Lesbians ........................................................237
Marriage between Same-Sex Partners .......................................................238
Chapter 17: Conquering the Challenges of Mature Sex . . . . . . . . . . .239
Female Changes: Tackling Menopause......................................................239
The downside of menopause: vaginal dryness ..............................240
The upsides of menopause: No periods, no pregnancy ................241
Male Changes: Not All the Same.................................................................241
The spirit is willing, but the penis is weak:
Fewer psychogenic erections........................................................241
Impotency: Don’t ignore it; bring it up ............................................243
A benefit of aging: No more premature ejaculation .......................244
The Psychological Bonuses ........................................................................244
Chapter 18: Thriving Sexually with Illness or Disability . . . . . . . . . .245
We Are All Sexual Beings .............................................................................246
Sex When You’re Physically Disabled........................................................246
Finding a partner ................................................................................247
Partnering the person with disabilities ...........................................248
Keeping the relationship alive ..........................................................248
Sex After You’ve Had a Heart Attack .........................................................250
Overcoming fear .................................................................................250
It may not all be in your head ...........................................................251
What can you do?...............................................................................251
Sex When You Have Diabetes .....................................................................252
Sex and People Who Are Mentally Disabled or Ill....................................254
Sex and People Who Are Living in a Long-Term Care Facility ................255
Uncompromising Compromised Sex .........................................................256
Part IV: Having a Healthy Sex Life .............................257
Chapter 19: What You Can Catch and How to Prevent It . . . . . . . . . .259
STDs: Battle Scars No One Wants after a Night of Sex.............................260
Genital warts and HPV.......................................................................262
Hepatitis B ...........................................................................................264
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS ...........................267
Molluscum contagiosum ...................................................................269
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)...................................................269
Pubic lice .............................................................................................270
Syphilis ................................................................................................270
Trichomoniasis ...................................................................................271
Vaginitis ...............................................................................................271
Let’s Get Serious...........................................................................................272
Condoms give good, not great, protection......................................272
Have a relationship before you have sex ........................................272
Don’t be a silent partner....................................................................273
Minimize your risks............................................................................277
Chapter 20: Erectile Dysfunction and Other Male
Sexual Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279
Premature Ejaculation .................................................................................280
Defining the dilemma .........................................................................280
Does circumcision make a difference? ............................................281
The age factor .....................................................................................281
Home remedies...................................................................................281
The real cure: Recognizing the premonitory sensation ................283
Is it really that simple?.......................................................................285
Going for help .....................................................................................285
Erectile Dysfunction.....................................................................................286
The precursor: Loss of instant erection ..........................................286
Dealing with ED in older men............................................................287
Managing short-term impotence ......................................................289
Monitoring your erections as a clue to your health ......................292
Giving Mother Nature a boost ..........................................................292
Retarded Ejaculation ...................................................................................295
Priapism — The Case of the Permanent Erection....................................296
The Bent Penis..............................................................................................296
Lack of Desire ...............................................................................................298
Chapter 21: Low Libido and Other Female Sexual Problems . . . . . .299
That Elusive Orgasm....................................................................................299
Warming up to the idea of orgasms .................................................300
Handling your own orgasm ...............................................................301
I need more: Employing a vibrator...................................................302
Forging ahead through the flat moment..........................................302
Filing a missing orgasm report .........................................................303
Playing show-and-tell with your partner.........................................303
Faking it ...............................................................................................305
Ouch! It’s Too Tight in There ......................................................................307
When Cleaning the House Sounds Better Than Having Sex ...................308
Acknowledging your partner’s frustration......................................308
Identifying and treating the problem...............................................308
Every Body Is Attractive .............................................................................310
Putting away the scales .....................................................................310
Beautiful at any age............................................................................311
Sex After a Mastectomy...............................................................................311
Chapter 22: Avoiding Sexual Relationship Pitfalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .313
Making Time for Alone Time.......................................................................314
Connecting through meaningful conversations .............................314
Scheduling sex dates..........................................................................315
Fighting boredom in and out of the bedroom.................................316
Making the Most of a Long-Distance Relationship...................................317
Dealing with Addictive Behavior: Hooked on Porn .................................317
Surfing for a thrill ...............................................................................318
Deciding if porn is a problem............................................................318
Stopping destructive habits..............................................................319
Staying Close to Avoid the Empty-Nest Syndrome ..................................319
Chapter 23: Sex and the Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .321
Sex, Children, and the Law..........................................................................322
The age of consent .............................................................................322
The legal marriage age.......................................................................323
Incest: A violation of trust.................................................................324
Sex education: Spreading the word..................................................324
Rape: A Growing Concern ...........................................................................325
The Law and Contraception .......................................................................326
The Law against Spreading Diseases.........................................................327
Abortion: A Legal Safeguard .......................................................................327
The Law and Homosexuality ......................................................................328
Acknowledging homosexuality.........................................................328
Gay marriage.......................................................................................329
Prostitution: The Case for Legalization.....................................................330
Pornography: Erotic or Obscene ...............................................................331
Adultery: Cheating the Law ........................................................................332
Chapter 24: Teaching Your Children about Sex
and Keeping Them Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .333
Not Everything Is Dangerous: Teaching Proper Functioning
and Etiquette.............................................................................................333
Allowing children to explore their bodies.......................................334
No prescription needed to play doctor ...........................................334
Answering Children’s Questions ................................................................335
Warning Signs of Possible Sexual Abuse ...................................................337
The Accidental Voyeur ................................................................................338
Protecting Your Children from the Media.................................................338
Protecting Your Children from Cyberporn: Good News
and Bad News ...........................................................................................340
Educating your kids ...........................................................................340
Controlling kids’ access.....................................................................340
Giving the Speech about Strangers............................................................341
Personal privacy.................................................................................342
Telling kids to tell an adult ................................................................342
Organizing with other parents..........................................................343
That Other Discussion — Sex Ed and the Older Child............................343
Knowing doesn’t equal doing ...........................................................344
To give or not to give condoms ........................................................344
Other Messages You Don’t Want to Send..................................................345
Part V: The Part of Tens .............................................347
Chapter 25: Ten Dumb Things People Believe about Sex . . . . . . . . .349
If I Haven’t Had Sex by the Time I’m 18, I’m a Loser................................349
The More I Score, the More Pleasure I’ll Have .........................................350
Being a Heterosexual Makes Me Immune to AIDS....................................351
The Grass Is Always Greener in the Neighbors’ Bedroom......................351
Having Sex Will Make Everything All Right...............................................352
A Good Lover Must Be an Open Book .......................................................352
I Should Always Compare Sexual Partners ...............................................353
I Can’t Become a Better Lover....................................................................353
Lovers Want and Need the Same Things...................................................353
I’m Too Old to Have Sex ..............................................................................354
Chapter 26: Ten Tips for Safer Sex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .355
Learn to Say No ............................................................................................355
Limit Your Number of Partners ..................................................................356
Don’t Rely Solely on Your Instincts............................................................356
Never Dull Your Senses When You’re with Strangers..............................357
Discuss Safer Sex in Advance .....................................................................357
Use Condoms................................................................................................358
Develop a Relationship Before You Have Sex...........................................358
Don’t Engage in Risky Behavior .................................................................359
Don’t Forget about the Other STDs ...........................................................359
Don’t Sell Your Other Options Short .........................................................360
Chapter 27: Ten Things Women Wish Men Knew about Sex . . . . . .361
Chivalry Isn’t Dead Yet ................................................................................361
Appearances Count......................................................................................362
You Can’t Hurry Love ..................................................................................362
A Clitoris Is Not Just a Small Penis ............................................................363
Women Need to Bask in the Afterglow ......................................................363
Kinky Sex Isn’t Sexy Sex ..............................................................................364
Wandering Eyes Mean Less Sex..................................................................364
Slam-Bam-Thank-You-Ma’am Doesn’t Cut the Mustard...........................365
Changing Diapers Is Sexy ............................................................................365
Just Because You Can’t Doesn’t Mean You Won’t ....................................366
Chapter 28: Ten Things Men Wish Women Knew about Sex . . . . . .367
Try Not to Give Mixed Signals ....................................................................367
Lack of Sex Really Can Hurt ........................................................................368
Sometimes Wasting Electricity Is Okay .....................................................368
Teamwork Is Important ...............................................................................369
The Playboy Playmate Is Not a Threat ......................................................369
The Day I Stop Looking Is the Day I’m Dead.............................................370
If You Really Loved Me, You’d . . . ..............................................................370
The Way to a Man’s Heart Is Not through His Stomach ..........................371
To a Man, Sex Is Different than Love .........................................................372
The Older a Man Gets, the More Help He Needs......................................372
Chapter 29: Ten Tips for Truly Great Lovers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .373
Don’t Make Love on Your First Date ..........................................................373
Set the Mood as Far in Advance as Possible ............................................374
Find Out What Your Partner Needs ...........................................................374
Protect Yourself and Your Partner.............................................................375
Don’t Fall into a Rut .....................................................................................375
Fix the Potholes of Love..............................................................................376
Use Your Sense of Touch.............................................................................376
Become a Great Kisser ................................................................................377
Satisfy Your Partner Even If You Don’t Feel Like Sex...............................377
Adjust to Changes Caused by Aging..........................................................378
Appendix A: Step into My Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .379
Baring All for the Sexual Status Exam .......................................................379
Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth ..............................380
Take a number; one at a time, please ..............................................380
Do you need a partner? .....................................................................381
I am not a medical doctor: Ruling out physical problems ............381
Accepting that sex is natural ............................................................382
Advancing to psychosexual therapy ...............................................382
Sex Therapists Give the Best Homework..................................................382
Assignment 1: The start-stop method .............................................383
Assignment 2: Sensate focus exercises ...........................................383
Finding a Sex Therapist ...............................................................................385
Choosing a Sex Therapist............................................................................386
Appendix B: Terrific Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .387
Sex Therapy ..................................................................................................388
Sexually Transmitted Diseases...................................................................388
Sexual Orientation........................................................................................388
Sexuality and Family Planning....................................................................388
Sexual Toys ...................................................................................................389
Protecting Children......................................................................................389
Support Groups............................................................................................390


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