Access VBA Programming For Dummies. Wiley

by Joseph C. Stockman and Alan Simpson

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Access VBA Programming For Dummies

Authors’ Acknowledgments
Even though only two authors’ names appear on the cover, every book is a
team project. These authors would like to thank the many people who contributed
to this book. To Carole McClendon and everyone at Waterside
Productions, thank you for finding this project and making it happen. Also,
many thanks to Kyle Looper and Jean Rogers at Wiley for taking a chance on
a new author to help with the rewrite. And also, thanks to Microsoft for
making Access a wonderful development environment.

About the Author
Joe Stockman is an independent consultant, software designer, and author
who has been using Microsoft Access since its initial release. He’s also developed
courseware and taught classes in Access and VBA. Joe developed his
first application in Access, and then migrated into Visual Basic and VB.NET,
where he specializes in creating applications for the Windows Mobile platform.
He worked for several software companies before forming his consulting
business in 2002, where he deals with all types of clients including
healthcare, financial, government, manufacturing, and small business. His
ability to turn his customers’ wishes into working applications keeps them
satisfied. Joe’s also writing the fundamentals column for the Advisor Guide to Microsoft Access magazine.

Alan Simpson is the author of over 100 computer books on databases,
Windows, Web site design and development, programming, and networking.
His books are published throughout the world in over a dozen languages
and have millions of copies. Alan has also taught introductory and advanced
computer programming courses at San Diego State University and the UCSD
Extension. He has served as a consultant on high-technology, educationoriented
projects for the United States Navy and Air Force. Despite that,
Alan has no fancy job title because he has never had a real job.


Welcome to Access 2007 VBA Programming For Dummies. As you already
know (we hope), Microsoft Access is a huge database management
program, offering lots of ways to manage data (information). Common uses of
Access include managing mailing lists, memberships, scientific and statistical
data, entire small businesses, and just about anything else that involves storing
and managing large amounts of information.

As the title implies, this book is about using Visual Basic for Applications
(VBA) to enhance the power of Access databases. If you want Access to print
words on a check, skip mailing labels that you’ve already used, or manipulate
data behind the scenes, you have to write VBA code.

By the time you finish this book, you should know exactly what VBA is all
about and how it fits into Access. You’ll discover the meanings of all those
obscure terms that programmers throw around — code, variable, array, loop,
object — as though they were common knowledge. You’ll be able to write and
use your own, custom code, just like advanced programmers do.

This book covers VBA in Access 2007. Although many changes and improvements
to Access have occurred in all the versions that Microsoft has
released, the VBA programming language has hardly changed a bit over the
years. Although Access 2007 looks completely different from previous versions,
the underlying objects are virtually unchanged. The code that you see
in this book should also work in Access 2000, 2002, and 2003. The vast majority
of the code in this book also works just fine even in last century’s versions, such as Access 97.

About This Book
We wish we could say that this book is exactly like a coffee-table book, where
you could just pick it up, flip to any page, and have everything make perfect
sense to you. Well, we could say that, but we’d be lying if we did. It’s not
because we want to break from the coffee-table book idea. It’s really more
because some stuff in life doesn’t make much sense until after you already
know something else.

Here, it isn’t really possible to make much sense of VBA code until you understand
what VBA code is and why it exists. And, we are talking about Microsoft
Access VBA here. To make sense of much of anything in this book, you have
to already be familiar with Microsoft Access tables, queries, forms, and
reports. We just don’t have enough room in this book to explain all that stuff
from scratch and still have enough pages left over to talk about VBA.
On the bright side, we did everything we could to make it easy to find what
you need to know, when you need to know it. You certainly don’t have to read
this book from cover to cover to make sense of things. After you find the
topic you’re looking for, you should be able to read through the section and
be done with it quickly. Often, you can skip reading sections altogether and
get all you need to know from looking at the figures.

Conventions Used in This Book
While we’re on the topic of using this book without boring yourself to death
by attempting to read it, we also stuck with some conventions for displaying
text in these pages. For example, any VBA programming code appears in a
monospace font with a gray background, like this:
‘VBA code to say Hello World on the screen.
Sub Hello()
MsgBox “Hello World”
End Sub
When we have just a little chunk of code to show in text, like this — Dim Wit
As Date — you can see what is and what isn’t VBA code.
The ➪ symbol that you see in text separates individual menu options (commands)
that you choose in sequence. For example, rather than say “Choose
New from the File menu” or “Click File on the menu bar and then click New on
the drop-down menu,” we just say
Choose File➪New from the menu bar.
When you see something in bold, we want you to enter (type) it.

What You’re Not to Read
Not many people in the world would put reading a computer book into the
Read for Fun category. We think that reading a computer book is more likely
to fall into the Read for Work or Don’t Read category. To minimize the time
you have to spend away from the fun stuff, we put some information in sidebars
and beside Technical Stuff icons. That information is definitely optional
reading that you’re welcome to ignore.

Foolish Assumptions
To stay focused on VBA in this book, we need to assume that you’re already
familiar with Access and that you’re comfortable creating tables, forms,
reports, and queries. However, we don’t assume that you’re a true Microsoft
Access expert. Let’s face it: Access isn’t exactly an easy program for most people to tackle.

Another assumption we make is that you have already created an Access
database with at least some tables and forms in it. In fact, writing VBA code is
usually the last step in creating a custom Access database.
Finally, we don’t assume that you’re already an accomplished programmer
who is just picking up a new programming language. Rather, we assume that
you’ve never written any programming code in your life — and maybe you
aren’t even all that sure what programming code means or how it relates to Microsoft Access.

How This Book Is Organized
All books contain a lot of information. That’s what makes them books. To
break down topics into smaller, more manageable chunks, we split this book
into six main parts.
Part I: Introducing VBA Programming
This part has all the information you need to get started. If you’ve already
been using VBA for a few months or years, you can skim this part. If you
don’t know a VBA procedure from a PTO meeting, you might want to take a
closer look at Part I before venturing forth to other parts.
Part II: VBA Tools and Techniques
Here you discover how to write VBA code to make Access do things for you.
For example, you’ll see how you can make Access open forms, respond to
button clicks, change the appearance of objects, and more.
Part III: VBA, Recordsets, and SQL
Here you get friendly with tools and techniques for managing your Access
tables by using VBA with SQL (Structured Query Language) and recordsets.
All those buzzwords make this process sound more technical than it really is.
But as you’ll see, if you’ve done anything at all with queries, you’ve already
been working with SQL recordsets. The idea is the same. We just use fancier
terminology in the VBA world.
Part IV: Applying VBA in the Real World
In this part, you get into some more advanced programming tricks, mostly by
using techniques presented in earlier parts in new and creative ways. You’ll
also see how to use the VBA debugging techniques, which can be real lifesavers
when things go wrong and you just can’t figure out why the code you
wrote isn’t doing what you intended.
Part V: Reaching Out with VBA
VBA isn’t a programming language solely for Microsoft Access. You can also
use VBA to customize all the Microsoft Office application programs, including
Word, Excel, and Outlook. Furthermore, VBA can import data from, and
export data to, a variety of formats that extend its reach even beyond
Microsoft Access. Part V shows you how that’s all done.
Part VI: The Part of Tens
What For Dummies book would be complete without a Part of Tens? Ten is such
a nice number to work with, given our ten fingers and all. Chapter 15 covers the
main strategies that you can adopt to avoid going crazy trying to get VBA to do
your bidding. Chapter 16 goes over the top ten nerdy programming tricks you’re
most likely to want to do almost from your first day of using VBA.


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Product details
 File Size
 9,858 KB
 411 p
 File Type
 PDF format
 2007 by Wiley Publishing, Inc 

Contents at a Glance
Part I: Introducing VBA Programming
Chapter 1: Where VBA Fits In
Chapter 2: Your VBA Toolkit
Chapter 3: Jumpstart: Creating a Simple VBA Program
Part II: VBA Tools and Techniques
Chapter 4: Understanding Your VBA Building Blocks
Chapter 5: Controlling Access through VBA
Chapter 6: Programming Access Forms
Part III: VBA, Recordsets, and SQL
Chapter 7: The Scoop on SQL and Recordsets
Chapter 8: Putting Recordsets to Work
Part IV: Applying VBA in the Real World
Chapter 9: Creating Your Own Dialog Boxes
Chapter 10: Customizing Combo Boxes and List Boxes
Chapter 11: Creating Your Own Functions
Chapter 12: Testing and Debugging Your Code
Part V: Reaching Out with VBA
Chapter 13: Using VBA with Multiple Databases
Chapter 14: Integrating with Other Office Applications
Part VI: The Part of Tens
Chapter 15: Ten Commandments of Writing VBA
Chapter 16: Top Ten Nerdy VBA Tricks

Table of Contents
About This Book...............
Conventions Used in This Book .....
What You’re Not to Read......
Foolish Assumptions ........
How This Book Is Organized...........
Part I: Introducing VBA Programming ...
Part II: VBA Tools and Techniques..............
Part III: VBA, Recordsets, and SQL................
Part IV: Applying VBA in the Real World ...
Part V: Reaching Out with VBA........
Part VI: The Part of Tens ........
Icons Used in This Book....
Web Site for This Book ................
Where to Go from Here.......
Part I: Introducing VBA Programming.............................7
Chapter 1: Where VBA Fits In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Taking a Look at Access ................................................................................10
Understanding VBA........................................................................................11
Seeing Where VBA Lurks...............................................................................12
Finding standard modules...................................................................13
Finding class modules .........................................................................13
From VBA to Access.............................................................................15
Finding Out How VBA Works ........................................................................17
Discovering VBA procedures..............................................................17
Recognizing VBA procedures..............................................................18
Chapter 2: Your VBA Toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Using the Visual Basic Editor........................................................................21
Using Project Explorer.........................................................................23
Using the Properties window..............................................................24
Using the Immediate window..............................................................26
Using the Code window .......................................................................27
Referring to Objects from VBA.....................................................................29
Setting References to Object Libraries........................................................30
Using the Object Browser .............................................................................30
Searching the Object Library .......................................................................33
Chapter 3: Jumpstart: Creating a Simple VBA Program . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Creating a Standard Module .........................................................................35
Creating a Procedure .....................................................................................36
Understanding Syntax ...................................................................................38
Getting keyword help...........................................................................40
Help with arguments............................................................................43
About named arguments .....................................................................45
Using Existing Code .......................................................................................46
Copy and paste code from the Web...................................................46
Importing modules...............................................................................47
Modifying existing code.......................................................................48
Part II: VBA Tools and Techniques ................................49
Chapter 4: Understanding Your VBA Building Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Commenting Your Code ................................................................................52
Understanding VBA Data Types...................................................................53
Passing Data to Procedures ..........................................................................54
Storing data in variables and constants............................................57
Storing data in arrays...........................................................................58
Module-level versus procedure-level.................................................60
Naming conventions for variables .....................................................61
Repeating Chunks of Code with Loops........................................................62
Using Do...Loop to create a loop ........................................................62
Using While...Wend to create a loop ..................................................64
Using For...Next to create a loop.........................................................64
Making Decisions in VBA Code.....................................................................66
Using If...End If statements..................................................................67
Using a Select Case block ....................................................................68
Chapter 5: Controlling Access through VBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Understanding Object Models......................................................................72
Distinguishing between objects and collections..............................72
Understanding properties and methods ...........................................75
Identifying the icons for objects, properties, and methods ...........77
Manipulating Properties and Methods........................................................79
Getting the value of a property...........................................................79
Changing the value of a property.......................................................81
Using an object’s methods ..................................................................82
Seeking help with properties and methods ......................................84
Chapter 6: Programming Access Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87
Working with Class Procedures....................................................................87
Enabling or Disabling Form Controls...........................................................90
Using VBA to position the cursor.......................................................91
Choosing an object and event for the code ......................................92
Showing and hiding controls ..............................................................95
Making controls read-only...................................................................96
Responding to Form Events..........................................................................96
Changing the Appearance of Objects ..........................................................99
Changing colors....................................................................................99
Controlling boldface, italics, and such ............................................103
Changing special effects ....................................................................104
Using the With...End With statements .............................................104
Filling form controls with data .........................................................105
Opening and Closing Forms........................................................................107
Closing a form .....................................................................................109
Adding a related record to another table........................................109
More DoCmd methods for forms......................................................112
Part III: VBA, Recordsets, and SQL.............................115
Chapter 7: The Scoop on SQL and Recordsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
What the Heck Is SQL?.................................................................................117
Writing SQL without knowing SQL ...................................................120
Select queries versus action queries ...............................................121
Getting SQL into VBA .........................................................................123
Hiding warning messages..................................................................124
Storing SQL statements in variables................................................125
Creating Tables from VBA...........................................................................128
Creating new tables from existing tables ........................................128
Creating a new, empty table from VBA............................................129
Closing and deleting tables through VBA .......................................130
Adding Records to a Table..........................................................................131
Appending a single record with SQL................................................132
Query to append one record ............................................................133
Changing and Deleting Table Records.......................................................134
Performing an Action Query on One Record............................................136
Working with Select Queries and Recordsets...........................................137
Defining a connection ........................................................................140
Defining the recordset and data source ..........................................141
Filling the recordset with data..........................................................142
Managing recordsets..........................................................................143
Referring to fields in a recordset......................................................145
Closing recordsets and collections..................................................146
Chapter 8: Putting Recordsets to Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147
Looping through Collections ......................................................................147
Using For Each loops .........................................................................149
Using shorter names for objects ......................................................152
Tips on Reading and Modifying Code........................................................154
Square brackets represent names....................................................154
Other ways to refer to objects..........................................................155
The continuation character ..............................................................157
Skipping Over Used Mailing Labels ...........................................................159
Looking at How SkipLabels Works .............................................................162
Passing data to SkipLabels................................................................164
Declaring variables.............................................................................165
Copying the label report....................................................................165
Getting a report’s recordsource .......................................................165
Creating the recordset .......................................................................166
Creating LabelsTempTable from MyRecordSet ..............................166
Calling a Procedure from an Event ............................................................171
Part IV: Applying VBA in the Real World ....................173
Chapter 9: Creating Your Own Dialog Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175
Displaying and Responding to Messages..................................................176
Asking a question ...............................................................................176
Designing a message box...................................................................177
Responding to a MsgBox button click .............................................180
Converting Forms to Dialog Boxes ............................................................182
Storing dialog box settings................................................................183
Setting form properties .....................................................................184
Adding controls to the dialog box....................................................187
Creating Custom Combo Boxes..................................................................189
Creating a Spin Box Control........................................................................195
Detecting a Right-Click ................................................................................198
Chapter 10: Customizing Combo Boxes and List Boxes . . . . . . . . . . .201
Programming Combo and List Boxes ........................................................202
Listing field names .............................................................................204
Listing text options ............................................................................207
Listing Table/Query field values.......................................................212
Linking Lists..................................................................................................216
Running code when a form opens....................................................218
Running code when the user makes a choice.................................219
Linking Lists across Forms .........................................................................222
Updating a combo box or a list box.................................................223
Opening a form to enter a new record.............................................225
Seeing whether a form is open .........................................................226
Getting forms in sync.........................................................................227
More Combo Box Tricks..............................................................................228
Using hidden values in combo and list boxes ................................228
Giving users a quick find ...................................................................232
Avoiding retyping common entries..................................................235
Chapter 11: Creating Your Own Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239
The Role of Functions in VBA.....................................................................239
Creating Your Own Functions.....................................................................241
Passing data to a function .................................................................242
Returning a value from a function....................................................243
Testing a custom function.................................................................244
A Proper Case Function...............................................................................245
Looking at how PCase( ) works ........................................................247
Using the PCase( ) function ..............................................................248
A Function to Print Check Amounts ..........................................................251
Using the NumWord function............................................................254
Looking at how NumWord( ) works .................................................256
Chapter 12: Testing and Debugging Your Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .265
Understanding Compilation and Runtime ................................................266
Considering Types of Program Errors.......................................................268
Conquering Compile Errors ........................................................................269
Expected: expression.........................................................................271
Expected: end of statement ..............................................................272
Expected: list separator or ) .............................................................272
Dealing with Logical Errors.........................................................................274
Checking on variables with Debug.Print .........................................275
Slowing down code ............................................................................279
Getting back to normal in the Code window ..................................282
Wrestling Runtime Errors............................................................................283
Responding to a runtime error .........................................................283
Trapping runtime errors....................................................................285
Writing your own error handlers......................................................288
Part V: Reaching Out with VBA..................................293
Chapter 13: Using VBA with Multiple Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .295
Client-Server Microsoft Access ..................................................................296
Importing from External Databases...........................................................302
Linking to External Data through Code.....................................................304
Avoiding Multiple Tables and Links...........................................................305
Creating Recordsets from External Tables ...............................................308
Importing, Exporting, or Linking to Anything ..........................................309
Using a macro to write the code ......................................................309
Quick and easy import/export/link..................................................312
Chapter 14: Integrating with Other Office Applications . . . . . . . . . . .315
Accessing the Object Library .....................................................................315
Exploring a program’s object model................................................317
Meet the Application object..............................................................318
Connecting to other programs .........................................................319
Sending E-Mail via Outlook .........................................................................320
Sending Data to Microsoft Word ................................................................325
Creating the Word template ..............................................................325
Creating the Access form ..................................................................327
Writing the merge code .....................................................................328
Interacting with Microsoft Excel ................................................................334
Creating the worksheet......................................................................335
Creating a query and a form .............................................................336
Writing the Excel code.......................................................................337
Copying a table or query to a worksheet........................................342
Running Excel macros from Access .................................................346
Part VI: The Part of Tens ............................................349
Chapter 15: Ten Commandments of Writing VBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .351
I. Thou Shalt Not Harbor Strange Beliefs about Microsoft Access ........351
II. Thou Shalt Not Use VBA Statements in Vain ........................................351
III. Remember to Keep Holy the VBA Syntax ............................................352
IV. Honor Thy Parens and Quotation Marks .............................................353
V. Thou Shalt Not Guess ..............................................................................354
VI. Thou Shalt Not Commit Help Adultery................................................354
VII. Thou Shalt Steal Whenever Possible ..................................................355
VIII. Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness against Thy Object Browser.......355
IX. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Knowledge.............................356
X. Thou Shalt Not Scream ...........................................................................356
Chapter 16: Top Ten Nerdy VBA Tricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .357
Open a Form from VBA................................................................................357
See Whether a Form Is Already Open........................................................358
Refer to an Open Form ................................................................................358
Move the Cursor to a Control.....................................................................359
Change the Contents of a Control ..............................................................360
Update a List Box or Combo Box ...............................................................360
Show a Custom Message.............................................................................361
Ask the User a Question..............................................................................362
Print a Report ...............................................................................................363
Get to Know the DoCmd Object .................................................................364


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