In Translations by
CHARLES F. AIKEN, S.T.D., Dean of Theology, Catholic University,
Washington, D. C.; SIR M. COOM^RA SWAMY, of the Legislative
Council of Ceylon; HERMANN OLDENBERG, Ph.D., Professor of Sanskrit
at Kiel University; T. W. RHYS DAVIDS, Professor of Pali and
Buddhist Literature, University College, London; JAMES LEGGE,
LL.D., former Professor of Chinese at Oxford University; F. MAX
MULLER, LL.D., former Professor of Comparative Philology at Oxford
University; REV. P. BIGANDET, Bishop of Burmah; ROMESH
CHUNDER DUTT, C.I.E., of the Royal Asiatic Society; HENRY CLARKE
WARREN, formerly of Harvard University.
With a Brief Bibliography by
With an Historical Survey and Descriptions by
In Translations by
CHARLES F. AIKEN, S.T.D., Dean of Theology, Catholic University,
Washington, D. C.; SIR M. COOM^RA SWAMY, of the Legislative
Council of Ceylon; HERMANN OLDENBERG, Ph.D., Professor of Sanskrit
at Kiel University; T. W. RHYS DAVIDS, Professor of Pali and
Buddhist Literature, University College, London; JAMES LEGGE,
LL.D., former Professor of Chinese at Oxford University; F. MAX
MULLER, LL.D., former Professor of Comparative Philology at Oxford
University; REV. P. BIGANDET, Bishop of Burmah; ROMESH
CHUNDER DUTT, C.I.E., of the Royal Asiatic Society; HENRY CLARKE
WARREN, formerly of Harvard University.
With a Brief Bibliography by
With an Historical Survey and Descriptions by
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India And Buddhism ( English Translated ) |
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India And Buddhism ( Sacred Book ) ISBN |
"As the great sea, disciples, is permeated with but one taste,
the taste of salt, so also, disciples, this doctrine and this law are
pervaded with but one taste, the taste of deliverance."
"An evil deed, like newly drawn milk, does not turn suddenly;
smoldering, like fire covered by ashes, it follows the fool."
FOE our Western world the Buddhist faith and the
Buddhist literature hold a more living interest than any
other of the books or teachings of the Far East In the first
place, Buddhism, both in its doctrines and in its history,
bears a striking resemblance to Christianity. Second,
Buddhism even to-day has more believers than any other
religion in the world ; it is the accepted faith of four hundred
million people, one-fourth of the population of the earth.
Third, it has had a remarkable and romantic career; it has
been called the great exiled religion, for, despite the many
millions of its supporters, it is practically abandoned in
India, the land of its origin. At one time it was accepted
by almost all of India's teeming millions ; then it was completely
trodden under foot, its shrines fell into ruin and were
as wholly forgotten as though they had never existed. Even
to-day, the few Buddhist devotees found in India are pilgrims
who have journeyed there under the shelter of Britain's
Christian protection. So while Buddhism has claimed the
faith and satisfied the hearts of all the other peoples of the
Far East, it has been rejected by the race who first felt its high inspiration.
We touch here on a fourth and perhaps even deeper source
of interest in the faith. It is of Aryan origin, the chief
religion that has sprung wholly from the Aryan mind and
been spread abroad by Aryan teachers. Almost all the peoples
of our Western world to-day are of Aryan stock. Note
therefore this striking contrast, which is one of the most
impressive oddities of our tangled universe. All the modern
European and American Aryans have abandoned their
ancient Aryan faith, whether of Odin, of Jupiter, or of older
gods, and have accepted Christianity, which is of Semitic
origin. Yet scarce a Semite in all the world now holds with
us to this Semitic teaching. On the other hand, Buddhism,
the richest, broadest, and most lasting of the religions of
Aryan origin, has now scarcely an Aryan believer anywhere.
It has become the faith of the hundred millions of Turanians,
or non-Semitic and non-Aryan races of the East.
Shall we seek a more specific knowledge of this ancient
and wide-spread Aryan teaching? It originated about five
hundred years before Christ, being taught by an Indian
prince named Siddharthd. He was a truly wondrous
teacher, whose followers have since worshiped him through all .^
the ages without for one moment confusing him with God or
regarding him as anything different from a man, a soul, a
spirit like themselves. For this teacher Siddhartha the
Buddhists have many names. Most commonly they speak
of him by his religious title as Buddha, which means " The
Awakened One." That is, he is the sage, the seer, who has
shaken off all the benumbing influences of the senses, has
escaped the daze and bewilderment of human passions, has
pierced the confusing mists of life and thought, and has thus
seen and understood the very heart of the universe. From
that center of serene and perfect understanding Buddha is
supposed to have looked out over all space, and all time, and
comprehended every smallest thing within the boundless
reach of his perfected vision. But note that in thus becom-
ing Buddha or the Awakened One, Prince Siddhartha did
not cease to be a man. Indeed, Buddhism teaches that there
had been other "awakenings" before that of Siddhartha, and
that there will be other Buddhas yet to come. This might
almost be taken as the essence, the central thought, of the
Aryan religious teaching. It founds its confidence on man,
is profoundly assertive of human possibilities and power;
man is everything; he can achieve everything; he can learn
to grasp the universe; he can rise above it. Each feeble,
groveling soul among us can himself become Buddha, the
all-powerful, the all-knowing.
It has been pointed out by our Western thinkers that in
such a system there is very little use for God; there is perhaps
no room for him. Hence Buddhism has been frequently
accused of being a form of atheism. Its believers deny this ;
they are willing to accept any number of deities. Only
their thought centers not on gods, but on man, on man's
progress rising or falling through many transmigrations of
body, but always capable of attaining superiority to and
thus escape from the "wheel of life." Man, the immaterial
spirit, may rise above both the material and the immaterial
world, and thereby reach " Nirvana."
What is this Nirvana, this goal toward which man's struggle
aims? With our Western fondness for exact wordings,
we have insisted on defining it as "nothingness," since in
Nirvana the spirit ceases wholly to act or feel, that is to "suffer
or enjoy, or to think, or even to believe. That is, it absolutely
escapes or abandons every human idea or mode of consciousness.
Yet you will find no Buddhist philosopher
agreeing therefore to view Nirvana as extinction. It is
indeed to him the opposite of existence, of being; but may
not that opposite be beyond and above existence, rather than
beneath ? The Buddhist simply does not know the meaning
of Nirvana, and does not believe either you or himself capable
of phrasing it in human speech.
Was all this the actual teaching of Prince Siddhartha, the
Buddha? We do not know; because his words were not
written down during his life, and we can not be sure how
much of modern Buddhism is a development grown beyond
its earliest teacher. What we know of Siddhartha, or rather
what the Buddhist books tell us of him, is briefly this. He
was a prince of the Gotama race ; from which fact he is more
commonly called by his tribal name, Gotama. He was surrounded
in youth by all the luxury of princehood; but like
the imaginary prince in Dr. Johnson's celebrated tale of
Rasselas, so, too, Gotama looked beyond his own pleasures
and saw the miseries of humanity. He resolved to devote
himself to seeking the cause and the remedy for all this bitter
grief and hideous suffering. Fleeing from his life of ease,
he spent years in solitude and austerity and deep meditation.
Thus at last he freed himself from all human weakness and
attained his Buddhahood.
Legend tells that all the evil influences and evil spirits of
the world strove to thwart Gotama's final effort to pierce to
the very center of all knowledge. His concentration of
thought was a mighty battle, which is told with all the metaphors
of strife. He won his victory of meditation while
seated under a sacred tree, called the bo-tree; and this tree
has ever since been an object of worship to the Buddhists.
Sprouts sprung from it, or from its descendant bo-trees, are
still preserved and honored.
Having attained his Buddhahood, Gotama went forth to
save his followers from the heavy
" wheel of life," by teaching
them his wisdom. Everywhere they listened and
accepted. Spirits as well as men hung upon his words rejoicing,
and he converted thousands upon thousands. His
death came after more than forty years of teaching; and
then his followers gathered in a great council to formulate
and exactly define what they should continue to announce as
Buddha's doctrine.
All of this story depends on later evidence. The Buddhist
teaching was handed down only by word of mouth for
centuries. Then some two hundred years after Gotama's
death there was in India a powerful king or emperor, Asoka
(about 267-233 B.C.). Asoka is said to have ruled all India,
to have been at first opposed to Buddhism, but to have finally
accepted it and facilitated its spread, not by force, but by
sending out many teachers, so that all India adopted the
faith. Thus Asoka did for Buddhism what the Emperor
Constantine did for Christianity made it the State
religion of a vast empire.
With this event, we come upon the earliest literature of
Buddhism. Asoka proclaimed edicts favoring the religion,
and he had these edicts carved on rock-faced cliffs or on State
pillars set up throughout his domains. Several of these
ancient inscriptions with their long-forgotten commands have
been recently rediscovered, empty echoes of an imperial
power once as absolute as it seemed eternal. Their
translation opens our volume.
Even in Asoka's time, however, there seems to have been
no Buddhist books. He called another council to determine
anew the exact doctrines of the faith; and perhaps all our
present Buddhist Scriptures were then agreed on orally.
That is, they had been previously known, and the " canon "
was now fixed or made unchangeable ; no more teachings were
to be accepted as sacred. But we have reason to believe that
none of these accepted doctrines or books was ever written
down until almost two centuries after Asoka.
The first setback to Indian Buddhism occurred about the
beginning of the Christian era, when there was a schism, the
church separating into the Lesser Vehicle, or conservative
faith, and the Greater Vehicle, or newer teaching, which
looked beyond the actual words of Gotama. This Greater
Vehicle seems to have contained more, or at least emphasized
more, of the spiritual side of the religion. So that many
Christians have thought that this later Buddhism learned
and borrowed much from Christianity. Positive proof of
such borrowing is no longer to be had, but the similarity of
the two faiths is marked. They narrate several similar incidents;
and the doctrines of Buddha parallel those of early
Christianity on at least two important points. Buddhism
teaches that, to attain a higher state beyond this, man must
deliberately and firmly turn away from the pleasures and
sensations of this world, and it insists on kindliness toward
every living thing. A Buddhist monk will not even kill an
insect that annoys him, but will gently remove it from his
person. This universal kindliness differs from the Christian
teaching of universal love only by its lack of warmth. Love
is too intense a feeling to accompany the Buddhist doctrine
of the suppression of human passions.
It was the missionaries of the Greater Vehicle, or more
modern Buddhism, who spread their teachings through China
in the early centuries of the Christian era. In India the
faith declined slowly. For many centuries it existed side by
side with Brahmanism. The two faiths both were tolerant,
and indeed they had so much in common that a believer might
well accept both. But gradually the more sensuous character
of Brahmanism drew the mass of the people away from
the stern, ascetic Buddhism. Then came the Mohammedan
conquest of India, and Mohammedan fanaticism completely
crushed the last remnants of the fading Buddhism in its
birthland. To-day it still holds some place in the hill countries
north of Hindustan, and in Ceylon to the southward.
From Ceylon it spread to all Indo-China in about the sixth
century A.D., and a little later it spread from China to Japan.
It probably spread northward at an even earlier date, from
India into Tibet and Turkestan and Mongolia.
Turn now to the Buddhist literature. The Buddhist
Scriptures consist of three collections called the Three Baskets,
or Ti-pitaka. These were originally, no doubt, written
in India ; but since the faith perished in India we have been
compelled to seek the Ti-pitaka in other lands. The most
complete and probably the oldest versions of these Buddhist
Scriptures have been found in Ceylon. They are in the Pali
tongue, a dialect which was once the common speech of northern
India as opposed to the learned Sanskrit in which the
Vedas, or holy books of Brahmanism, were composed. Thus
it may be that Buddha deliberately chose to proclaim his
teaching in the common tongue, to aid the unlearned rather
than the learned, to reach the masses rather than the brahmin
priests. Versions of several of the Buddhist books, however,
exist also in Sanskrit, in Burmese, in Chinese, and in other
languages ; and our scholars are still studying and comparing
the many differing forms of the faith. Among the Ti-pitaka
only one section, or Basket, has much interest for the outside
world, as the other two are later collections, consisting either
of mere Driestly rules and ceremonials or of abstract metaphysical
speculations. The first Pitaka, on the contrary,
contains a most remarkable mass of historical anecdotes
about Buddha and his disciples, their teachings and their
parables. These are called the Suttas, or Sacred Sayings.
They would cover perhaps as many pages as our Bible, but
they are much more diverse in character. Moreover, some of
them are held by Buddhists in far higher honor than others,
so that it is easy to guide our readers to the more valued ones.
We give here what seem to be the oldest Suttas, those which
open the very old collection known as the Sutta Nipata.
The Nipata has been called the Rig-Veda of the Buddhists,
that is, the work in which the formation of their doctrines
may be studied. With these we give also the celebrated
Sutta which is honored as containing the concentrated essence
of the early Buddhist doctrines, and which is known as the
Foundation of the Kingdom of Righteousness.
Our volume then presents the most honored of all the historical
Suttas, the Book of the Great Decease. This is, so
far as we know, the earliest account of Gotama's life, or
rather of his death. Thus it holds, for Buddhism, somewhat
the place of our Gospels. ISTo other part of the Buddhist
Scriptures is received by its devotees with quite such reverence
as this Book of the Great Decease. It unquestionably
deserves to be classed among the great books of the world, and
no man should assume that he understands Buddhism, or even
that he understands Asia, until he has read this gently wise
and simple account of the passing of the great sage, of the
man who had risen to be almost a god, or at least was believed
to hold the power of a god over the things of the world which
he was leaving. There are indeed what we would call
" miracles" described in the Great Decease, but these are little
more than metaphors. They are but the husk, the shell to
enclose the kernel of Buddha's teaching.
Later Buddhist writings dwelt, perhaps unfortunately,
far more on the miraculous side of Buddha's career. The
sage becomes lost in the magician; the love, in the power.
In order that the reader may follow the development of the
Buddhist faith we give, after the Great Decease, the most
celebrated later accounts of Buddha's life. These could not
much change the story of his death that had been fixed by
the Great Decease ; but they revel in the marvels of his early
life and of his victorious struggle toward Buddhaship. They
will show us, too, the development of the new religion outside
of India. So we give these opening chapters first from the
celebrated Chinese " Life of Buddha " which was translated
into Chinese about A.D. 400 from the work of the famous
Buddhist missionary Asvaghosha. Then we give the accepted
Burmese " life," which is of still later though uncertain
date, and in which the man Gotama has become wholly
lost amid the truly Asiatic maze of fantasy. Then follows
the brief but very noteworthy song which Buddhist tradition
has established as being the old and eternally recurring
" birth song
" which each Buddha chants in celebration at the
moment of his enlightenment.
Any account of Buddhist literature or Buddhist thought
would be hopelessly incomplete if it did not also include
something of the Jatakas, or birth-tales, to which the next
section of our volume is devoted. These are included among
the Suttas as being sacred teachings, yet they are really
beast-fables. Just such stories had been told in India long
before Buddhism arose, yet in the increasingly fantastic
spirit of the new faith they were at some time, perhaps even
as early as King Asoka's day, accepted as being holy. They
were associated with Buddha through the doctrine of transmigration,
and were represented as being tales told by him of
his previous "births
"in the lower forms of life. Hence they are called
Having thus presented the life of Buddha from every side,
v:e turn next to the later doctrines of Buddhism, its finally
accepted preaching. This we find at its richest and clearest
in the best known of all the later Suttas, the celebrated
Dhammapada, which is here given in full. The name comes
from dhamma, which means " law." So the book is the Great
Law of Buddhism. We then close our volume with some
quotations from the other most noted later Suttas.
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File Size
| 31,288 KB |
430 p |
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| 1917 Parke, Austin, and Lipscomb, Inc |
INTRODUCTION: The Most Widespread Aryan Teaching in the World
The Snake Sutta 28
The Rich Man Sutta 31
The Rhinoceros Sutta 34
The Foundation of the Kingdom of Righteousness 41 4-
account of Buddha's life (300 B.C.?) ... 49 4
The Chinese Biography (400 A.D.) .... 149
The Burmese Biography (1300 A.D.?) ... 205
The Buddha Song of Awakening 290
The Strider over Battlefields 294
The Red-fish 299
Birth Stories from the Burmese 304
celebrated of Buddhist teachings (70 B.C.?) . 313
The Great King of Glory . 359
The Way of Purity . . . . . . . . .389