Coding All-in-One For Dummies

by Nikhil Abraham, Andrie de Vries, Andy Harris, Eva Holland, Luca Massaron, Chris Minnick, Joris Meys, John Mueller

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Book Details
 4.00 USD
 834 p
 File Size
 17,808 KB
 File Type
 PDF format
 978-1-119-36302-6 (pbk)
 978-1-119-36303-3 (epub)
 978-1-119-36305-7 (epdf)
 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc 

About the Author
Nikhil Abraham is currently the CFO of Udacity, a venture-backed
education technology startup that teaches its students how to code and that
bridges the gap between real-world skills, relevant education, and
employment. Prior to joining Udacity, he worked at Codecademy. At
Codecademy, he helped technology, finance, media, and advertising
companies teach their employees how to code. With his help, thousands of
marketing, sales, and recruiting professionals have written their first lines of
code and built functional applications. In addition to his day job, he has
lectured at the University of Chicago Law School and created a course that
teaches students how to solve legal problems using open data and software.
Prior to joining startups, Nikhil worked in a variety of fields, including
management consulting, investment banking, and law; he also founded a Y
Combinator-backed technology education startup. He received a JD and
MBA from the University of Chicago and a BA in quantitative economics
from Tufts University.
Nikhil is a recent transplant from Manhattan, New York, and now lives in
Mountain View, California. Content from Nikhil's books Coding For
Dummies and Getting a Coding Job For Dummies appears in this book.

Andrie de Vries started to use R in 2009 to analyze survey data, and he has
been continually impressed by the ability of the open-source community to
innovate and create phenomenal software. During 2009 he also started
PentaLibra, a boutique market research and statistical analysis agency. After
getting increasingly involved in the R community, he joined Revolution
Analytics to help take R to enterprise customers, helping clients to deal with
the challenges of data science and big data. To maintain equilibrium in his
life, Andrie is studying and practicing yoga. Content from Andrie's book R
For Dummies, 2nd Edition appears in this book.

Andy Harris began his teaching life as a special education teacher. He joined
the faculty of the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Computer Science department in 1995. He serves as a Senior Lecturer,
teaching the introductory course to freshmen as well as numerous courses on
web development, general programming, and game programming. As
manager of the Streaming Media Laboratory, he developed a number of
online video-based courses, and worked on a number of international distance
education projects including helping to start a computer science program in
Tetevo, Macedonia FYR, and collaboration with Sun-Yat-Sen University in
Guangzhou, China.
Andy is active in home schooling, and is the technology columnist for a
national homeschool magazine.

Eva Holland is an experienced writer, trainer, and cofounder of WatzThis?.
She excels in presenting complicated subjects in easy-to-understand language
for beginners of all levels.
Eva has written, designed, and taught online, in-person, and video courses.
She has created curriculum for web development, mobile web development,
and search engine optimization (SEO). Prior to founding WatzThis?, Eva
served as COO of MWS, where she provided astute leadership, management,
and vision that guided the company to its goals. Content from Eva's book
Coding with JavaScript For Dummies appears in this book.

Luca Massaron is a data scientist and marketing research director who
specializes in multivariate statistical analysis, machine learning, and customer
insight, with more than a decade of experience in solving real-world
problems and generating value for stakeholders by applying reasoning,
statistics, data mining, and algorithms. From being a pioneer of web audience
analysis in Italy to achieving the rank of top ten Kaggler on, he
has always been passionate about everything regarding data and analysis and
about demonstrating the potentiality of data-driven knowledge discovery to
both experts and nonexperts. Content from Luca's books Machine Learning
For Dummies and Python for Data Science For Dummies appears in this book.

Chris Minnick is an accomplished author, trainer, and web developer. Prior
to cofounding WatzThis?, Chris was CEO of Minnick Web Services for 18
years, where he managed and worked on hundreds of web and mobile
projects for customers ranging from small businesses to some of the world’s
largest companies. Content from Chris' book Coding with JavaScript For
Dummies appears in this book.

Joris Meys, MSc is a statistical consultant, R programmer and R lecturer at
Ghent University (Belgium). After earning a master’s degree in biology, he
worked for six years in environmental research and management before
starting an advanced master’s degree in statistical data analysis. Joris writes
packages for both specific projects and general implementation of methods
developed in his department, and he is the maintainer of several packages on
R-Forge. He has co-authored a number of scientific papers as a statistical
expert. To balance science with culture, Joris spends most of his spare time
playing saxophone in a couple of local bands. Content from Joris' book R For
Dummies, 2nd Edition appears in this book.

John Mueller is a freelance author and technical editor. He has writing in his
blood, having produced 100 books and more than 600 articles to date. His
technical editing skills have helped more than 63 authors refine the content of
their manuscripts. John has provided technical editing services to both Data
Based Advisor and Coast Compute magazines. It was during his time with
Data Based Advisor that John was first exposed to MATLAB, and he has
continued to follow the progress in MATLAB development ever since.
During his time at Cubic Corporation, John was exposed to reliability
engineering and has continued his interest in probability. Be sure to read
John’s blog at Content from John's
books Machine Learning For Dummies and Python for Data Science For
Dummies appears in this book.

The ability to read, write, and understand code has never been more
important, useful, or lucrative than it is today. Computer code has forever
changed our lives. Many people can’t even make it through the day without
interacting with something built with code. Even so, for many people, the
world of coding seems complex and inaccessible. Maybe you participated in
a tech-related business meeting and did not fully understand the conversation.
Perhaps you tried to build a web page for your family and friends, but ran
into problems displaying pictures or aligning text. Maybe you’re even
intimidated by the unrecognizable words on the covers of books about
coding, words such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, or Ruby.

If you’ve previously been in these situations, 
This book explains basic concepts so you can participate
in technical conversations and ask the right questions, and it goes even further
than Coding For Dummies by covering additional topics in data science,
machine learning, and coding careers. Don’t worry — this book assumes
you’re starting with little to no previous coding knowledge, and I haven’t
tried to cram every possible coding concept into these pages. Additionally, I
encourage you here to learn by doing and by actually creating your own
programs. Instead of a website, imagine that you want to build a house. You
could spend eight years studying to be an architect, or you could start today
by learning a little bit about foundations and framing. This book kick-starts
your coding journey today.

The importance of coding is ever-increasing. As author and technologist
Douglas Rushkoff famously said, “program or be programmed.” When
humans invented languages and then the alphabet, people learned to listen
and speak, and then read and write. In our increasingly digital world, it’s
important to learn not just how to use programs but also how to make them.
For example, observe this transition in music. For over a century, music
labels decided what songs the public could listen to and purchase. In 2005,
three coders created YouTube, which allowed anyone to release songs. Today
more songs have been uploaded to YouTube than have been released by all
the record labels combined in the past century.

Accompanying this book are examples at, whose
exercises are one of the easiest ways to learn how to code without installing
or downloading anything. The Codecademy website includes examples and
exercises from this book, along with projects and examples for additional practice.

Table of Contents
About This Book
Foolish Assumptions
Icons Used in This Book
Beyond the Book
Where to Go from Here
Book 1: Getting Started with Coding
Chapter 1: What Is Coding?
Defining What Code Is
Understanding What Coding Can Do for You
Surveying the Types of Programming Languages
Taking a Tour of a Web App Built with Code
Chapter 2: Programming for the Web
Displaying Web Pages on Your Desktop and Mobile Device
Coding Web Applications
Coding Mobile Applications
Chapter 3: Becoming a Programmer
Writing Code Using a Process
Picking Tools for the Job
Book 2: Career Building with Coding
Chapter 1: Exploring Coding Career Paths
Augmenting Your Existing Job
Finding a New Coding Job
Chapter 2: Exploring Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees
Getting a College Degree
Enrolling in an Advanced Degree Program
Interning to Build Credibility
Chapter 3: Training on the Job
Taking a Work Project to the Next Level
Learning on the Job and after Work
Freelancing to Build Confidence and Skills
Transitioning to a New Role
Chapter 4: Coding Career Myths
Educational Myths
Career Myths
Book 3: Basic Web Coding
Chapter 1: Exploring Basic HTML
What Does HTML Do?
Understanding HTML Structure
Getting Familiar with Common HTML Tasks and Tags
Styling Me Pretty
Building Your First Website Using HTML
Chapter 2: Getting More Out of HTML
Organizing Content on the Page
Listing Data
Putting Data in Tables
Filling Out Forms
Practicing More with HTML
Chapter 3: Getting Stylish with CSS
What Does CSS Do?
CSS Structure
Common CSS Tasks and Selectors
Styling Me Pretty
Chapter 4: Next Steps with CSS
Styling (More) Elements on Your Page
Selecting Elements to Style
Aligning and Laying Out Your Elements
Writing More Advanced CSS
Chapter 5: Building Floating Page Layouts
Creating a Basic Two-Column Design
Building a Three-Column Design
Building a Fixed-Width Layout
Building a Centered Fixed-Width Layout
Chapter 6: Using Alternative Positioning
Working with Absolute Positioning
Managing z-index
Building a Page Layout with Absolute Positioning
Creating a More Flexible Layout
Exploring Other Types of Positioning
Flexible Box Layout Model
Book 4: Advanced Web Coding
Chapter 1: Working Faster with Twitter Bootstrap
Figuring Out What Bootstrap Does
Installing Bootstrap
Understanding the Layout Options
Coding Basic Web Page Elements
Build the Airbnb Home Page
Chapter 2: Adding in JavaScript
What Does JavaScript Do?
Understanding JavaScript Structure
Coding Common JavaScript Tasks
Writing Your First JavaScript Program
Working with APIs
Using JavaScript Libraries
Chapter 3: Understanding Callbacks and Closures
What Are Callbacks?
Understanding Closures
Using Closures
Chapter 4: Embracing AJAX and JSON
Working behind the Scenes with AJAX
Putting Objects in Motion with JSON
Chapter 5: jQuery
Writing More and Doing Less
Getting Started with jQuery
The jQuery Object
Is Your Document Ready?
Using jQuery Selectors
Changing Things with jQuery
Book 5: Creating Web Applications
Chapter 1: Building Your Own App
Building a Location-Based Offer App
Following an App Development Process
Planning Your First Web Application
Exploring the Overall Process
Meeting the People Who Bring a Web App to Life
Chapter 2: Researching Your First Web
Dividing the App into Steps
Identifying Research Sources
Researching the Steps in the McDuck’s Offer App
Choosing a Solution for Each Step
Chapter 3: Coding and Debugging Your First Web
Getting Ready to Code
Coding Your First Web Application
Debugging Your App
Book 6: Selecting Data Analysis Tools
Chapter 1: Wrapping Your Head around Python
What Does Python Do?
Defining Python Structure
Coding Common Python Tasks and Commands
Shaping Your Strings
Building a Simple Tip Calculator Using Python
Chapter 2: Installing a Python Distribution
Choosing a Python Distribution with Machine Learning in Mind
Installing Python on Linux
Installing Python on Mac OS X
Installing Python on Windows
Downloading the Data Sets and Example Code
Chapter 3: Working with Real Data
Uploading, Streaming, and Sampling Data
Accessing Data in Structured Flat-File Form
Sending Data in Unstructured File Form
Managing Data from Relational Databases
Interacting with Data from NoSQL Databases
Accessing Data from the Web
Book 7: Evaluating Data
Chapter 1: Conditioning Your Data
Juggling between NumPy and pandas
Validating Your Data
Manipulating Categorical Variables
Dealing with Dates in Your Data
Dealing with Missing Data
Slicing and Dicing: Filtering and Selecting Data
Concatenating and Transforming
Aggregating Data at Any Level
Chapter 2: Shaping Data
Working with HTML Pages
Working with Raw Text
Using the Bag of Words Model and Beyond
Working with Graph Data
Chapter 3: Getting a Crash Course in MatPlotLib
Starting with a Graph
Setting the Axis, Ticks, Grids
Defining the Line Appearance
Using Labels, Annotations, and Legends
Chapter 4: Visualizing the Data
Choosing the Right Graph
Creating Advanced Scatterplots
Plotting Time Series
Plotting Geographical Data
Visualizing Graphs
Chapter 5: Exploring Data Analysis
The EDA Approach
Defining Descriptive Statistics for Numeric Data
Counting for Categorical Data
Creating Applied Visualization for EDA
Understanding Correlation
Modifying Data Distributions
Chapter 6: Exploring Four Simple and Effective
Guessing the Number: Linear Regression
Moving to Logistic Regression
Making Things as Simple as Naïve Bayes
Learning Lazily with Nearest Neighbors
Book 8: Essentials of Machine Learning
Chapter 1: Introducing How Machines Learn
Getting the Real Story about AI
Learning in the Age of Big Data
Chapter 2: Demystifying the Math behind Machine
Working with Data
Exploring the World of Probabilities
Describing the Use of Statistics
Chapter 3: Descending the Right Curve
Interpreting Learning as Optimization
Exploring Cost Functions
Descending the Error Curve
Updating by Mini-Batch and Online
Chapter 4: Validating Machine Learning
Checking Out-of-Sample Errors
Getting to Know the Limits of Bias
Keeping Model Complexity in Mind
Keeping Solutions Balanced
Training, Validating, and Testing
Resorting to Cross-Validation
Looking for Alternatives in Validation
Optimizing Cross-Validation Choices
Avoiding Sample Bias and Leakage Traps
Book 9: Applying Machine Learning
Chapter 1: Starting with Simple Learners
Discovering the Incredible Perceptron
Growing Greedy Classification Trees
Taking a Probabilistic Turn
Chapter 2: Leveraging Similarity
Measuring Similarity between Vectors
Using Distances to Locate Clusters
Tuning the K-Means Algorithm
Searching for Classification by k-Nearest Neighbors
Leveraging the Correct K Parameter
Chapter 3: Hitting Complexity with Neural
Learning and Imitating from Nature
Struggling with Overfitting
Introducing Deep Learning
Chapter 4: Resorting to Ensembles of Learners
Leveraging Decision Trees
Working with Almost Random Guesses
Boosting Smart Predictors
Averaging Different Predictors
Chapter 5: Real-World Applications
Classifying Images
Scoring Opinions and Sentiments
Using Scoring and Classification
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About This Book
This book is designed for readers with little to no coding experience, and
gives an overview of programming to non-programmers. In plain English,
you learn how code is used to create web programs, who makes those
programs, and the processes they use. The topics covered include
Explaining what coding is and answering the common questions related
to code Building basic websites using the three most common languages: 
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Surveying other programming languages such as Python
Creating an application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Analyzing data using machine learning algorithms and techniques
Exploring coding careers paths and different ways to learn how to code
As you read this book, keep the following in mind:
The book can be read from beginning to end, but feel free to skip around
if you like. If a topic interests you, start there. You can always return to
the previous chapters, if necessary.

At some point, you will get stuck, and the code you write will not work as
intended. Do not fear! There are many resources to help you, including
support forums, others on the Internet, and me! Using Twitter, you can
send me a public message at @nikhilgabraham with the hashtag
#codingFD. Additionally, you can sign up for book updates and
explanations for changes to programming language commands by visiting

Code in the book will appear in a monospaced font like this: 
<h1>Hi there!</h1>.
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