Planet Forex: Currency Trading in the Digital Age

Abe Cofnas

Palgrave Macmillan

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Book Details
 107 p
 File Size 
 2,239 KB
 File Type
 PDF format
 978-3-319-92913-2 (eBook)
 The Editor(s) (if applicable)
 and The Author(s) 2018

This book is about the intersection of fundamentals, sentiment, and technical
analysis in the currency markets. It is written for people who are
interested in gaining an edge in forex trading. In particular, for traders
who are beginning to test the waters in currency trading, it provides guidance
on how to integrate fundamental knowledge to better assess price
action. For the more experienced trader who has focused mainly on technical
analysis, our objective is to supplement technical analysis trading
with insights into which fundamental forces are impacting price movements.
This book aims to assist traders to develop and apply a fundamental
and sentiment mind-set to trading currency markets.
Let us think back to just before the year 2000. That was the era of dedicated
phone lines and green screen monitors at brokerage firms. Markets
were slow. As a result, the prevailing strategy was “buy and hold.” In this
era, traders were at the mercy of their brokers. Information was in asymmetrical
pockets of knowledge. Then the rise of computers and the internet
destroyed the old order and changed the world of trading. Today,
information is now everywhere and mostly free. But the data flow is often
unreliable and mixed with rumors and hyperbole. Yet trading execution
is lightning fast and as a result markets move equally fast in reaction.
In today’s fast-paced globalized world of information, integrating fundamental
analysis with technical analysis is more important than ever
before. The digital era has made trading at the same time easier, as data
acquisition and trading can be done anywhere, from the beaches of
Miami, to the streets of Mumbai. Smart devices enable instant trading.
Yet, trading is also more complicated because markets are more complex
than ever before, and more volatile as news acts as information shocks
and cascades quickly through cross market asset classes. John Netto, a
leading trader states:
Globalization has created a swath of financial news sources, social media
outlets, and inexpensive research available on the internet. This information
has created a new balance, changing global macro investing from a
long-term strategy focused on large thematic bets to being woven in the
day-to-day price action of every asset class at every price level. The markets
eat, breathe, and run on global macro themes … The interconnectivity of
the world has melded global macro investing philosophies into all other
investment philosophies to the point they are inseparable.1
In the age of the internet, trading experience presents many challenges to
traders and one is reminded of the ancient saying in the Book of
Ecclesiastes that “there is no wisdom without pain.”
Currency traders experience several pain points in their journey into
trading. The first is selecting the wrong pair to trade. A second pain point
is putting on a trade in the wrong direction. Having targets that are based
on belief rather than on evidence is a very important third pain point.
Finally, after achieving a profitable trade, many traders get out too early.
These pain points are very much the result of a false dichotomy that postulates
there is a difference between fundamental and technical analysis,
or that all one needs is technical analysis to trade currency markets.
A goal of this book is also to provide forex traders with what they need
to know to reduce the time it takes to become good enough at forex training
to treat it as a profession. Malcom Gladwell famously referred to
10,000 hours as the amount of time necessary to become an expert. In
chess, Garry Kasparov has referenced 10,000 patterns or 50,000 positions.
For forex traders, this book on trading fundamentals and sentiment patterns
will hopefully build the skills for successful trading in far less time.
Ultimately, a successful trader is one who is not only profitable, but is
able to adapt to a changing global landscape. In today’s digital trading
environment, the attributes of trader fitness must include an understanding
of fundamental forces, sentiment patterns, and technical analysis.
Abe Cofnas

Table of Contents

1 What is Fundamental Analysis? 1

2 Core Fundamental Forces and How to Monitor Them 13

3 Understanding Central Banks and their Role in Moving Currency Markets 33

4 How to Decode Central Bank Statements 41

5 What is Sentiment? 51

6 Sentiment Trading Set-Ups 65

7 Cryptocurrencies 79
8 The Future of Forex Trading: Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, and Social Forex Trading 91
C onclusion 97
Appendix: Resources for Sentiment Trading and Training 99
Index 101

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Cover image © Creative-Touch / Getty Images
Cover design by Thomas Howey

Printed on acid-free paper

This Palgrave Macmillan imprint is published by the registered company Springer International Publishing AG part of Springer Nature.
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
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