Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2016


Maxine A. Papadakis

Stephen J. McPHEE

Associate Editor Michael W. Rabow
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Book Details
 1921 p
 File Size 
 20,261 KB
 File Type
 PDF format
 2016 by McGraw-Hill Education 

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2016 (CMDT 2016) is the 55th edition of this single-source reference for practitioners in both hospital and ambulatory settings. The book emphasizes the practical features of clinical diagnosis and patient management in all fields of internal medicine and in specialties of interest to primary care practitioners and to subspecialists who provide general care.

House officers, medical students, and all other health professions students will find the descriptions of diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, with citations to the current literature, of everyday usefulness in patient care. Internists, family physicians, hospitalists, nurse practitioners, physicians’ assistants, and all primary care providers will appreciate CMDT as a ready reference and refresher text. Physicians in other specialties, pharmacists, and dentists will find the book a useful basic medical reference text. Nurses, nurse-practitioners, and physicians’ assistants will welcome the
format and scope of the book as a means of referencing medical diagnosis and treatment.
Patients and their family members who seek information about the nature of specific diseases and their diagnosis and treatment may also find this book to be a valuable resource.

• Expanded section on opioids for chronic noncancer pain
• Updated smoking cessation therapies, including e-cigarettes
• Revised treatment for patients with hypertension who have diabetes mellitus or chronic kidney disease
• Updated treatment recommendations for diabetes mellitus, including incretins (GLP-1 receptor agonists and DPP-4 inhibitors), sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors, and inhaled insulin
• Updated weight loss treatments for obesity
• New Table outlining when to operate in chronic severe aortic regurgitation
• New Table summarizing the 2014 AHA/ACC Guidelines for defining severe aortic stenosis
• 2014 AHA/ACC Treatment Guidelines for aortic stenosis, including transcutaneous aortic valve replacement (TAVR)
• Revised recommendations for managing anticoagulation in patients with prosthetic heart valves who are pregnant or undergoing noncardiac procedures
• Updated recommendations on dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with acute coronary syndrome who have received bare metal or drug-eluting stents
• Revised treatment section for ventricular premature beats and ventricular tachycardia
• New pharmacologic therapy recommendations for chronic lymphocytic leukemia and hairy cell leukemia
• New medications for metastatic prostate cancer
• New discussion on role of antidepressants in managing generalized anxiety disorder
• New biologics and anti-integrins for Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis
• New treatment algorithm for pulmonary hypertension
• Updated treatment options for reducing rate of lung function decline in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
• Comprehensive update on Ebola virus
• Updated treatment options for erythema multiforme/Stevens Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis
• New section on heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
• Revised treatment options for varicose veins
• New colon cancer test that combines fecal DNA with fecal immunochemical test for stool hemoglobin
• New diagnosis and treatment guidelines for familial adenomatous polyposis
• New treatment section for hepatitis C virus infection
• Extensively revised discussion of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
• Rewritten section on Allergic Diseases
• New section on drug-induced lupus
• Rewritten section on Renal Amyloidosis
• Extensive revision of Endocrine Disorders
• Updated HIV treatment guidelines
• New Table on dosing influenza vaccines
• Rewritten section on staphylococcal bacteremia
• Extensively revised chapter on Disorders Related to Environmental Emergencies
• Options for managing emetogenic chemotherapy

• Medical advances up to time of annual publication
• Detailed presentation of primary care topics, including gynecology, obstetrics, dermatology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, psychiatry, neurology, toxicology, urology, geriatrics, orthopedics, women’s health, preventive medicine, and palliative care
• Concise format, facilitating efficient use in any practice setting
• More than 1000 diseases and disorders
• Annual update on HIV infection and AIDS
• Specific disease prevention information
• Easy access to medication dosages, with trade names indexed and costs updated in each edition
• Recent references, with unique identifiers (PubMed, PMID numbers) for rapid downloading of article abstracts and, in some instances, full-text reference articles
CMDT Online ( provides full electronic access to CMDT 2016 plus expanded basic science information and six additional chapters. The six online-only chapters (Anti-Infective Chemotherapeutic & Antibiotic Agents, Fundamentals of Human Genetics & Genomics, Diagnostic Testing & Medical Decision Making, Information
Technology in Patient Care, Integrative Medicine, and Podiatric Disorders) are available at
CMDT. CMDT Online is updated throughout the year and includes an expanded, dedicated Media Gallery as well as links to related Web sites. Subscribers also receive access to Diagnosaurus with 1000+ differential diagnoses, Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests, Quick Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, and CURRENT Practice Guidelines in Primary Care.

Table of Contents
Authors v
Preface xi
1. Disease Prevention & Health Promotion 1
Michael Pignone, MD, MPH, & René Salazar, MD
2. Common Symptoms 19
Paul L. Nadler, MD, & Ralph Gonzales, MD, MSPH
3. Preoperative Evaluation & Perioperative Management 44
Hugo Q. Cheng, MD
4. Geriatric Disorders 55
G. Michael Harper, MD, C. Bree Johnston, MD, MPH,
& C. Seth Landefeld, MD
5. Palliative Care & Pain Management 71
Michael W. Rabow, MD, & Steven Z. Pantilat, MD
6. Dermatologic Disorders 94
Kanade Shinkai, MD, PhD, Timothy G. Berger, MD,
& Lindy P. Fox, MD
7. Disorders of the Eyes & Lids 166
Paul Riordan-Eva, FRCOphth
8. Ear, Nose, & Throat Disorders 201
Lawrence R. Lustig, MD, & Joshua S. Schindler, MD
9. Pulmonary Disorders 242
Mark S. Chesnutt, MD, & Thomas J. Prendergast, MD
10. Heart Disease 321
Thomas M. Bashore, MD, Christopher B. Granger,
MD, Kevin P. Jackson, MD, & Manesh R. Patel, MD
11. Systemic Hypertension 435
Michael Sutters, MD, MRCP (UK)
12. Blood Vessel & Lymphatic Disorders 468
Christopher D. Owens, MD, MSc, Warren
J. Gasper, MD, & Meshell D. Johnson, MD
13. Blood Disorders 495
Lloyd E. Damon, MD, & Charalambos Andreadis, MD
14. Disorders of Hemostasis, Thrombosis, & Antithrombotic Therapy 542
Patrick F. Fogarty, MD, & Tracy Minichiello, MD
15. Gastrointestinal Disorders 568
Kenneth R. McQuaid, MD
16. Liver, Biliary Tract, & Pancreas Disorders 663
Lawrence S. Friedman, MD
17. Breast Disorders 721
Armando E. Giuliano, MD, & Sara A. Hurvitz, MD
18. Gynecologic Disorders 749
Jason Woo, MD, MPH, FACOG, & Alicia Y. Armstrong, MD, MHSCR
19. Obstetrics & Obstetric Disorders 783
Vanessa L. Rogers, MD, & Kevin C. Worley, MD
20. Rheumatologic, Immunologic, & Allergic Disorders 812
David B. Hellmann, MD, MACP, & John B. Imboden, Jr., MD
21. Electrolyte & Acid-Base Disorders 869
Kerry C. Cho, MD
22. Kidney Disease 898
Suzanne Watnick, MD, & Tonja C. Dirkx, MD
23. Urologic Disorders 938
Maxwell V. Meng, MD, FACS, Thomas J. Walsh, MD,
MS, & Thomas D. Chi, MD
24. Nervous System Disorders 962
Michael J. Aminoff, MD, DSc, FRCP, & Geoffrey
A. Kerchner, MD, PhD
25. Psychiatric Disorders 1033
Nolan Williams, MD, & Charles DeBattista, DMH, MD
26. Endocrine Disorders 1087
Paul A. Fitzgerald, MD
27. Diabetes Mellitus & Hypoglycemia 1190
Umesh Masharani, MB, BS, MRCP(UK)
28. Lipid Disorders 1239
Robert B. Baron, MD, MS
29. Nutritional Disorders 1249
Robert B. Baron, MD, MS
30. Common Problems in Infectious Diseases & Antimicrobial Therapy 1267
Peter V. Chin-Hong, MD, & B. Joseph Guglielmo, PharmD
e1 Anti-Infective Chemotherapeutic
& Antibiotic Agents Online*
B. Joseph Guglielmo, PharmD
31. HIV Infection & AIDS 1310
Mitchell H. Katz, MD
32. Viral & Rickettsial Infections 1342
J. Daniel Kelly, MD, & Wayne X. Shandera, MD
33. Bacterial & Chlamydial Infections 1417
Brian S. Schwartz, MD
34. Spirochetal Infections 1463
Susan S. Philip, MD, MPH
35. Protozoal & Helminthic Infections 1482
Philip J. Rosenthal, MD
36. Mycotic Infections 1524
Samuel A. Shelburne, III, MD, PhD, &
Richard J. Hamill, MD
37. Disorders Related to Environmental Emergencies 1538
Jacqueline A. Nemer, MD, FACEP, & Melissa C. Clark, MD
38. Poisoning 1554
Kent R. Olson, MD
39. Cancer 1585
Patricia A. Cornett, MD, & Tiffany O. Dea, PharmD
e2 Fundamentals of Human Genetics &
Genomics Online*
Reed E. Pyeritz, MD, PhD
40. Inherited Disorders 1655
Reed E. Pyeritz, MD, PhD
41. Sports Medicine & Outpatient Orthopedics 1664
Anthony Luke, MD, MPH, & C. Benjamin Ma, MD
42. Women’s Health Issues 1698
Megan McNamara, MD, MSc, & Judith Walsh, MD, MPH
e3 Diagnostic Testing & Medical
Decision Making Online*
C. Diana Nicoll, MD, PhD, MPA, Michael Pignone,
MD, MPH, & Chuanyi Mark Lu, MD, PhD
e4 Information Technology in
Patient Care Online*
Russ Cucina, MD, MS
e5 Integrative Medicine Online*
Kevin Barrows, MD, & Sanjay Reddy, MD
e6 Podiatric Disorders Online*
Monara Dini, DPM, & Cynthia A. Luu, DPM
Appendix: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring &
Laboratory Reference Intervals, &
Pharmacogenetic Testing 1710
C. Diana Nicoll, MD, PhD, MPA, & Chuanyi Mark Lu, MD, PhD
Index 1729


From inability to let alone; from too much zeal for the new and contempt
for what is old; from putting knowledge before wisdom, and
science before art and cleverness before common sense; from treating
patients as cases; and from making the cure of the disease more
grievous than the endurance of the same, Good Lord, deliver us.
—Sir Robert Hutchison
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