Edited By
Srinivasan Damodaran
Kirk L. Parkin
CRC Press
Subjects: LCSH:
Food--Analysis. | Food--Composition
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| 1125 p |
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| 9781482243666 (e-book) 9781482208146 (e-book) 9781482208139 (e-book) 9781482208122 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
| 2017 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC |
Srinivasan Damodaran is a professor of food chemistry at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
He is editor of the book Food Proteins and Lipids (Plenum Press) and coeditor of the book Food
Proteins and Their Applications (with Alain Paraf) (Marcel Dekker, Inc.) and author/coauthor of
12 patents and more than 157 professional papers in his research areas, which include protein chemistry, enzymology, surface and colloidal science, process technologies, and industrial biodegradable polymers. He is a fellow of the Agriculture and Food Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society. In the fall of 2016, Dr. Damodaran was selected to be the first recipient of the “Owen R. Fennema Professorhip in Food Chemistry” award made possible by private gifts to fund an endowment to honor and preserve the legacy of personal and professional accomplishments achieved by Dr. Fennema. He is on the editorial board of Food Biophysics journal. Dr. Damodaran received
his BSc (1971) in chemistry from the University of Madras, Madras (now Chennai), India, MSc
(1975) in food technology from Mysore University, Mysore, India, and PhD (1981) from Cornell
University, Ithaca, New York.
Kirk L. Parkin is professor in the Department of Food Science at the University of Wisconsin–Madison,where he has been on the faculty for more than 31 years. His research and teaching interests revolve around food chemistry and biochemistry, with 3 patents and about 110 refereed journal publications in the areas of marine food biochemistry, postharvest physiology and processing of fruit and vegetable products, fundamental and applied enzymology, and potentially health-promoting bioactive compounds from foods of botanical origin. He has been appointed as the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Fritz Friday Chair of Vegetable Processing Research for much of the last 19 years, and was elected fellow of the Agricultural and Food Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society in 2003. Dr. Parkin serves as associate editor for Journal of Food Science and on the editorial board of Food Research International. Dr. Parkin received his BS (1977) and PhD (2003) in
food science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and MS (1979) in food science from the
University of California, Davis.
Welcome to the fifth edition of Fennema’s Food Chemistry. The 11-year interval from the fourth
edition has prompted transitions in contributors and content evoked by the waxing and waning of
careers, and discoveries based on another decade of research and development. New contributors
and co-contributors appear for chapters on “Water and Ice”, “Colorants”, “Bioactive Substances:
Nutraceuticals and Toxicants”, “Characteristics of Milk” and “Postharvest Physiology of Edible
Plant Tissues”. The Chapters titled ‘’Physical and Chemical Interactions of Components in Food
Systems” and “Impact of Biotechnology on Food Supply and Quality” have been omitted from the
5th Edition. In contrast, some things never changed. Dr. Robert Lindsay has been the sole author of
the “Food Additives” chapter in all five editions (titled “Other desirable constituents of food” in the
first edition) and “Food Flavors” in the second through the fifth edition, despite our efforts to find
a better contributor. Some acts are just tough to follow. We are greatly appreciative of the authors’
efforts in preparing the fifth edition, for the seriousness and dedication they invested in preparing
chapter revisions and complete rewrites to bring the content of Fennema’s Food Chemistry up to
date as much as possible.
On a very sad and somber note, many of you are aware that Dr. Owen Fennema made his final
transition in life in August 2012. Sir Isaac Newton said, “If I have seen further it is by standing upon
the shoulders [sic] of giants.” For those of us privileged to have had our lives touched by Owen, we
have benefited from the perch of insight he offered, enabling us to see further than we could have
on our own. He also inspired us by the manner in which he conducted himself as a scientist, professional, and human being. This fifth edition is dedicated to Dr. Owen Fennema, and, in that context, we share with you the following two documents.
Srinivasan Damodaran and Kirk L. Parkin
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Table of Contents
Memorial Resolution of the Faculty of the University of Wisconsin–Madison......ix
Editors........... xiii
Chapter 1 Introduction to Food Chemistry
Owen R. Fennema, Srinivasan Damodaran, and Kirk L. Parkin
Section I Major Food Components
Chapter 2 Water and Ice Relations in Foods
Srinivasan Damodaran
Chapter 3 Carbohydrates
Kerry C. Huber and James N. BeMiller
Chapter 4 Lipids
David Julian McClements and Eric Andrew Decker
Chapter 5 Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins
Srinivasan Damodaran
Chapter 6 Enzymes
Kirk L. Parkin
Chapter 7 Dispersed Systems: Basic Considerations
Ton van Vliet and Pieter Walstra
Section II Minor Food Components
Chapter 8 Vitamins
Jesse F. Gregory III
Chapter 9 Minerals
Dennis D. Miller
Chapter 10 Colorants
Steven J. Schwartz, Jessica L. Cooperstone, Morgan J. Cichon,
Joachim H. von Elbe, and M. Monica Giusti
Chapter 11 Flavors
Robert C. Lindsay
Chapter 12 Food Additives
Robert C. Lindsay
Chapter 13 Bioactive Food Components: Nutraceuticals and Toxicants.
Hang Xiao and Chi-Tang Ho
Section III Food Systems
Chapter 14 Characteristics of Milk
David S. Horne
Chapter 15 Physiology and Chemistry of Edible Muscle Tissues
Gale M. Strasburg and Youling L. Xiong
Chapter 16 Postharvest Physiology of Edible Plant Tissues.
Christopher B. Watkins
Index................. 1087
Library of Congress
Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data
Names: Fennema, Owen R. | Damodaran, Srinivasan. | Parkin, Kirk L. (Kirk
Lindsay), 1955-
Title: Fennema’s food chemistry.
Other titles: Food chemistry
Description: Fifth edition / [edited by] Srinivasan Damodaran & Kirk L.
Parkin. | Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2017. | Includes bibliographical
references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016027062| ISBN 9781482243611 (hardback : alk. paper) |
ISBN 9781482208122 (pbk. : alk. paper) | ISBN a9781482208139 (e-book) |
ISBN 9781482243666 (e-book) | ISBN 9781482208146 (e-book)
Subjects: LCSH: Food--Analysis. | Food--Composition.
Classification: LCC TX541 .F65 2017 | DDC 664/.07--dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016027062