Food as Medicine Everyday

Reclaim Your Health with Whole Foods

Julie Briley, ND & Courtney Jackson, ND

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 267 p
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 2016 by Julie Briley, ND and 
 Courtney Jackson, ND

About the Authors
Dr. Julie Briley is a naturopathic physician, educator,
and mother. She is the co-founder of the Food As
Medicine Institute at National College of Natural
Medicine in Portland, Oregon, and a faculty member in
the Master of Science in Nutrition program.
At her private practice in downtown Portland, Dr.
Briley focuses on identifying food sensitivities,
optimizing digestive health, balancing hormones, and
the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. She
is a popular speaker in Portland’s thriving health and food culture.
Dr. Briley’s longstanding interest in community health and education was
sparked through her research and teaching experience in the U.S and Latin
America, including her service as a Peace Corps volunteer in Paraguay.
Dr. Briley received her doctorate degree at National College of Natural
Medicine and her Bachelors of Science in Biology from University of Wisconsin at Madison.

Dr. Courtney Jackson is a naturopathic physician
who passionately promotes the healing power of
whole foods to her patients and the public. She is the
creator of the ECO Project at the National College of
Natural Medicine and co-founder of the Food as Medicine Institute.
Prior to pursuing her medical career, Dr. Jackson
earned her Bachelor of Science in Resource Ecology
Management from the University of Michigan. Her interest in medicine stemmed
from growing up in a conventional medical family in the Midwest. Her ND
degree beautifully rounds out the medical family tree and adds a dynamic flavor
to family conversations.
Dr. Jackson maintains a private practice in southeast Portland where she
offers comprehensive, patient-centered evaluations focusing on hormone,
digestive, and cardiovascular health. She loves spending time indoors and
outdoors with her husband and two kids and celebrating a good meal with them.

About NUNM Press
NUNM Press, a division of National University of Natural Medicine, publishes
distinctive titles that enrich the history, clinical practice, and growing significance
of contemporary natural medicine systems. As well, the Press strives with its
titles to recognize historical and contemporary best practices in environmental,
global health, and sustainability research and history.

NUNM (National University of Natural Medicine, Portland, Oregon) was founded
in 1956 as National College of Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM). It transitioned to
university status in June 2016. NUNM is home to the longest serving, accredited
clinical doctorate naturopathic program in North America and to numerous
accredited graduate research programs and undergraduate programs. NUNM’s
program mix also includes one of the country’s most unique clinical doctorates
in Classical Chinese Medicine.

When we consider the health report card of Americans, it is no secret that most
people have risk factors for chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease
(still the number one cause of death of Americans), and cancer. These risk
factors include a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, high
stress, increased belly fat, and a poor diet. In fact, over 60% of Americans are
overweight or obese, which is a significant risk factor for chronic disease.
We are bombarded with messaging, recommendations and guidance from a
variety of sources (some reliable, some not) about how we are supposed to
make healthy food choices. For example, your doctor tells you to reduce
saturated fat and to eat more vegetables. The latest best-seller diet book
advises you to increase protein intake, reduce fat, and avoid carbs. Your best
friend tells you that by eating certain metabolic-enhancing foods, she finally lost
that belly fat, and you can, too!

Most people do indeed want to eat healthier for a variety of reasons: to lose
weight; to improve their cholesterol level; to lower blood pressure; or to
improve energy. The challenge isn’t the desire to eat healthy. The challenge is
being able to sift through the varying dietary information sources, understand
what is accurate and reliable, and then convert that knowledge into action. For
those who have already embarked on improving their diet, initial behavioral
changes may have looked something like this: choosing a diet soda over a
regular soda; seeking out low-fat labels on food products; declining to add salt
to a meal; incorporating no-calorie sweeteners, or choosing the latest lowcalorie
breakfast shake. While these examples of changes are made with every
good intention for better health, they are often misguided attempts.

The optimal diet we reference throughout this book is based on the Latin
word, diaeta, meaning way of living. We are not referring to a mass-marketed
diet that promises weight loss and rapid improvements in health. Most such
diets are only meant to be followed short-term, as they are too restrictive in
their guidelines to be sustainable. Fad diets for sustained weight loss simply
don’t work by their very definition; they are meant to be short-lived. It has been
clearly found that no one diet, whether low-fat or low-carb, is better than
another for weight loss.[1] Once you quit a diet, you gain the weight back. This
yo-yo effect with weight explains the enormous financial success of the weight
loss industry. Fad dieting creates a lifelong weight loss customer.

We also question the guidance of fad diets that, regardless of individual
evaluation, encourage people to exclude a complete category of whole foods
for improved health, such as grains, meat, or dairy. Not everyone benefits from
a diet that is high protein, grain-free, low-fat, or dairy-free. In addition, a
vegetarian or vegan diet may be nutritionally risky for some.[2]

This book is not a fad diet book; it is a guidebook that will illuminate the
benefits of eating whole foods as a way of living. It will unravel common myths
about nutrition so that you can approach food with confidence, not confusion.
Physicians, nutrition experts, dieticians, and foodies around the globe are all
trying to create the perfect dietary plan for everyone. However, it doesn’t exist.
There is no single diet that everyone should follow or one that is metabolically
correct for all people. Even so, it is important to point out the unifying themes
among health-care professionals. Few diets will encourage drinking more soda,
eating more white bread, or eating fewer vegetables. We want to showcase
what the majority of nutrition experts can all agree upon: eating real, whole
foods matters most, and reducing highly processed foods from our diets will
lead to better health. This is the way to live for improved health. This is the diet.

There are many contributing factors that influence the likelihood of health or
disease in children and adults. One obvious factor is food choice. Simply
stated; the Standard American Diet (appropriately nicknamed the SAD diet) is
calorie-rich, nutrient-poor, highly processed, and low in whole foods. Poor food
choices due to problems of access and education have contributed to our
country’s epidemic of poor health. As naturopathic doctors, we regularly treat
patients dealing with illness and chronic disease due to a lifetime of poor dietary
choices. Inspired to expand our work and address community health, we cofounded
the Food as Medicine Institute at the National College of Natural
Medicine (NCNM). Since 2010, we have facilitated a twelve-week series of
community-based nutrition and hands-on cooking workshops called the Ending
Childhood Obesity (ECO) project and the Food as Medicine Everyday (FAME)
series. We have worked with hundreds of families from diverse cultures and
different socioeconomic backgrounds. Time and time again, we observe that
participants with widely varied education backgrounds often arrive at the
workshops with the same level of minimal nutrition knowledge. They share the
same sense of confusion regarding the conflicting and rapidly changing nutrition
fads that are widely marketed. Without a solid foundation regarding basic
nutrition, it is no wonder that so many of us are swayed to move away from
real food. We get easily distracted by all the highly processed, convenient and
seemingly cheap products available.

We also understand the obstacles our patients face after they hear dietary
advice in their doctor's office and then try to convert that knowledge into real
action. People won't eat whole foods if there are obstacles of affordability and
availability or if they do not know how to prepare healthy and delicious meals. In
our twelve-week cooking and nutrition workshops, we have seen impressive
change take place in the lives of participants as they learn to navigate these
obstacles in order to develop a healthy relationship with whole food. Far
beyond reading a nutrition book or watching a food documentary, we have
found it can take at least three months of committed interest and action, such
as attending twelve weekly workshops, to empower families and individuals to
make sustainable changes in how they spend grocery dollars and cook at
home. Our workshops provide multiple opportunities for participants to be in the
kitchen with fellow community members. Together they create simple, healthy,
and economical recipes. In the end, they realize that they too can purchase and
make the same healthy foods at home, and their meals will taste good.
Thanks to this group, our family’s eating habits have never been
better. Each week my family has the opportunity to go and try new
foods and cooking styles and learn to eat better. I have become more
conscious of the origins of my family’s food and of the tremendous
varieties that exist right in my own area and to explore new recipes
that enrich our diet with locally grown products. This course has been
totally wonderful. Our 10-month old son can even eat the food that is
made each week, and he LOVES it! I think a LOT of mothers would
appreciate how yummy and healthy the classes are.
—Christine, ECO project, Mt. Olivet
As you read this book, we hope you will grow confident about making
healthy changes to your food choices. To expand this change to have a wider
reaching impact on reducing chronic diseases as a nation, especially for our
children, we need a family-based, community-based effort. Lack of family
involvement in programs aimed at improving children’s health and reducing
childhood obesity has been identified as the largest barrier to success.[3] The
ECO project and the FAME series are bridging this gap in a community-based
health revolution.
There are tons of websites out there focused on health and wellness
that you can read, but until you start putting healthy habits into your
lifestyle, success cannot be achieved. Dr. Jackson and Dr. Briley
educated us on how to incorporate simple practices into our everyday
actions through the ECO project. I was thrilled to learn how to make
grains and greens that my husband thinks ROCK!
Since coming to the ECO cooking classes, I look at recipes and how
I’m living a bit differently. While I have always been a fit and healthy
woman, they inspired me to try new recipes and make some of my
already good habits even better! They taught me how to incorporate
healthier choices into my busy lifestyle and that it is possible to be a
working woman that can provide nourishing fresh meals for her family.
—Jackie, ECO project, Mt. Olivet
If you don’t have access to an ECO project or FAME series, don’t worry.
This book is your beginning. Starting today, you can improve your health and the
health of our nation by simply incorporating into your lifestyle sit-down, family
dinners made with whole foods. [4],[5]

The success we have witnessed by getting individuals and families back in
the kitchen, cooking and eating together, inspires us to share what we have
seen and learned. This book, or any other nutrition or cookbook for that matter,
is no substitute for time spent exploring, preparing and enjoying whole foods.
While this book will serve as an excellent nutrition resource, our hope is that it
will inspire you to spend time in the kitchen and enjoy a delicious meal.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
The Wisdom Of Traditional Diets
Nourish Yourself With Fat
Nourish Yourself With Carbohydrates
Nourish Yourself With Protein
Reading Food Labels
The FAME Plate
Strategies For Healthy Digestion
Balancing Blood Sugar
Exploring Sweeteners
Benefits Of Breakfast
Habits For Health
Healthy Eating On The Go
Nutritious Lunches And Snacks
Shopping Guide And Everyday Superfoods
Kitchen Skills
All Seasons
Spring and Summer
Fall and Winter
About the Authors
About NUNM Press

List of Tables
Table 2.1 Food Sources of Fats
Table 3.1 Food Sources of Simple and Complex Carbohydrates
Table 3.2 Food Sources of Fiber
Table 4.1 Food Sources of Protein
Table 4.2 Vitamins: Functions and Food Sources
Table 4.3 Minerals: Functions and Food Sources
Table 6.1 Food Sources of Calcium
Table 6.2 USDA Guidelines for Daily Caloric Intake
Table 6.3 Low-glycemic Guidelines for Daily Caloric Intake
Table 8.1 Nutrition Values for Alcoholic Beverages and Mixes
Table 8.2 Important Nutrients and Their Food Sources for Diabetes
Table 15.1 Cooking Guidelines for Common Whole Grains
Table 15.2 Cooking Guidelines for Common Beans
Table 15.3 Cooking Guidelines for Dark Green Leafy Vegetables
Table 15.4 Saturated Fats and Their Smoke Points
Table 15.5 Unsaturated Fats and Their Smoke Points

Managing Editor: Nichole Wright
Illustrations by Jesse Nellis
Photography by Jenny Bowlden and Vanessa Morrow

NUNM Press
National University of Natural Medicine
049 SW Porter Street
Portland, Oregon 97201, USA
Production: Fourth Lloyd Productions, LLC
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