The Portable New Century Edition
Translated from the Latin by Lisa Hyatt Cooper
1. New Jerusalem Church—Doctrines. 2. Bible. O.T. Genesis—Commentaries—Early works to 1800. 3. Bible. O.T. Exodus—Commentaries—Early works to 1800.
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| 513 p |
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| 978-0-87785-411-1 |
| 2012 by the Swedenborg Foundation, Inc |
Volume designation Secrets of Heaven was originally published in eight
volumes; in this edition all but the second original volume have been
divided into two. Thus Swedenborg’s eight volumes now fill fifteen volumes,
of which this is the second. It corresponds to approximately the
second half of Swedenborg’s volume 1.
Section numbers Following a practice common in his time, Swedenborg
divided his published theological works into sections numbered in sequence
from beginning to end. His original section numbers have been preserved
in this edition; they appear in boxes in the outside margins. Traditionally,
these sections have been referred to as “numbers” and designated by
the abbreviation “n.” In this edition, however, the more common section
symbol (§) is used to designate the section numbers, and the sections are
referred to as such.
Subsection numbers Because many sections throughout Swedenborg’s
works are too long for precise cross-referencing, Swedenborgian scholar
John F. Potts (1838–1923) further divided them into subsections; these
have since become standard, though minor variations occur from one
edition to another. These subsections are indicated by bracketed numbers
that appear in the text itself: [2], [3], and so on. Because the beginning
of the first subsection always coincides with the beginning of the
section proper, it is not labeled in the text.
Citations of Swedenborg’s text As is common in Swedenborgian studies,
text citations of Swedenborg’s works refer not to page numbers but to section
numbers, which are uniform in most editions. In citations the section
symbol (§) is generally omitted after the title of a work by Swedenborg.
Thus “Secrets of Heaven 29” refers to section 29 (§29) of Swedenborg’s Secrets
of Heaven, not to page 29 of any edition. Subsection numbers are given after
a colon; a reference such as “29:2” indicates subsection 2 of section 29. The
reference “29:1” would indicate the first subsection of section 29, though
that subsection is not in fact labeled in the text. Where section numbers
stand alone without titles, their function is indicated by the prefixed section
symbol; for example, §29:2.
Citations of the Bible Biblical citations in this edition follow the accepted
standard: a semicolon is used between book references and between chapter
references, and a comma between verse references. Therefore “Matthew
5:11, 12; 6:1; 10:41, 42; Luke 6:23, 35” refers to Matthew chapter 5, verses 11
and 12; Matthew chapter 6, verse 1; Matthew chapter 10, verses 41 and 42;
and Luke chapter 6, verses 23 and 35. Swedenborg often incorporated
the numbers of verses not actually represented in his text when listing verse
numbers for a passage he quoted; these apparently constitute a kind of “see
also” reference to other material he felt was relevant. This edition includes
these extra verses and also follows Swedenborg where he cites contiguous
verses individually (for example, John 14:8, 9, 10, 11), rather than as a range
(John 14:8–11).
Quotations in Swedenborg The manner in which Swedenborg used the
various conventions of quotation in the first edition suggests that he did
not feel it necessary to belabor the distinction between direct quotation
and paraphrase of the Bible; neither did he mark his omissions from or
minor changes to material he quoted, a practice in which this edition
generally follows him. One exception consists of those instances in which
Swedenborg did not include a complete sentence at the beginning or end
of a Bible quotation. The omission in such cases has been marked in this
edition with added points of ellipsis.
Italicized terms Any words in indented scriptural extracts that are here
set in italics reflect a similar emphasis in the first edition.
Special use of vertical rule The opening passages of the chapters treating
Genesis 1–15, as well as the ends of all chapters, contain material that
derives in some way from Swedenborg’s experiences in the spiritual world.
Swedenborg specified that the text of these passages be set in continuous
italics to distinguish it from exegetical and other material. For this edition,
the heavy use of italic text was felt to be antithetical to modern
tastes, as well as difficult to read, and so such passages are instead marked
by a vertical rule in the inside margin.
Changes to and insertions in the text This translation is based on the
first Latin edition, published by Swedenborg himself (1749–1756); it also
reflects emendations in the third Latin edition, edited by P. H. Johnson,
John E. Elliott, and others, and published by the Swedenborg Society
(1949–1973). It incorporates the silent correction of minor errors, not
only in the text proper but in Bible verse references. The text has also
been changed without notice where the verse numbering of the Latin
Bible cited by Swedenborg differs from that of modern English Bibles.
Throughout the translation, references or cross-references that are implied
but not stated have been inserted in brackets; for example, [John 3:27].
Biblical titles Swedenborg refers to the Hebrew Scriptures as the Old
Testament and to the Greek Scriptures as the New Testament; his terminology
has been adopted in this edition. As was the custom in his day, he
refers to the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy)
as the books of Moses, or simply as “Moses”; for example, in
§1001:4 he writes “Moses says,” and then cites a passage from Leviticus.
Similarly, in sentences or phrases introducing quotations he sometimes
refers to the Psalms as “David,” to Lamentations as “Jeremiah,” and to
both the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelation as simply “John.”
References given in parentheses after these and other Bible quotations
specify their sources in accordance with the conventions set out above.
Annotated edition For more information on the translated text, and for
extensive notes on the subject matter, the reader is referred to the annotated
edition of this work.
Table of Contents
Volume 2
Conventions Used in This Work vii
Genesis Chapter 9
§§947–970 / The Hells (Continued): A Different Set Than Those Already
Mentioned 3
Text of Genesis Chapter 9 11
§§971–976 / Summary of Genesis 9 13
§§977–1105 / Inner Meaning of Genesis 9 14
§§1106–1113 / Spiritual Devastation 111
Genesis Chapter 10
§§1114–1129 / The Earliest Church, Called “Humankind,” or Adam 115
Text of Genesis Chapter 10 120
§§1130–1138 / Summary of Genesis 10 121
§§1139–1264 / Inner Meaning of Genesis 10 122
§§1265–1272 / The Pre-Flood People Who Died Out 183
Genesis Chapter 11
§§1273–1278 / Location in the Universal Human; in Addition, Place and
Distance in the Other Life 187
Text of Genesis Chapter 11 189
§§1279–1282 / Summary of Genesis 11 191
§§1283–1375 / Inner Meaning of Genesis 11 192
§§1376–1382 / Location and Place in the Other Life; Distance and Time
There as Well (Continued) 237
Genesis Chapter 12
§§1383–1400 / The Ability of Spirits and Angels to Perceive Things;
Auras in the Other Life 241
Text of Genesis Chapter 12 246
§§1401–1402 / Summary of Genesis 12 248
§§1403–1502 / Inner Meaning of Genesis 12 248
§§1504–1520 / Perception and Auras in the Other Life (Continued) 300
Genesis Chapter 13
§§1521–1534 / The Light in Which Angels Live 306
Text of Genesis Chapter 13 310
§§1535–1539 / Summary of Genesis 13 311
§§1540–1618 / Inner Meaning of Genesis 13 311
§§1619–1633 / The Light in Which Angels Live (Continued); Their
Magnificent Gardens and Their Dwellings 354
Genesis Chapter 14
§§1634–1650 / The Way Spirits and Angels Talk 361
Text of Genesis Chapter 14 368
§§1651–1658 / Summary of Genesis 14 369
§§1659–1756 / Inner Meaning of Genesis 14 370
§§1757–1764 / The Way Spirits Talk (Continued) and How It Varies 428
Genesis Chapter 15
§§1767–1777 / Sacred Scripture, or the Word, Which Conceals a Divine
Message That Lies Open to the View of Good Spirits and Angels 431
Text of Genesis Chapter 15 435
§§1778–1782 / Summary of Genesis 15 437
§§1783–1868 / Inner Meaning of Genesis 15 437
§§1869–1879 / Sacred Scripture, or the Word (Continued) 492
§§1880–1885 / [The Senses of Spirits and Angels; and Two Uncommon
Kinds of Visions] 497
Biographical Note 501
West Chester, Pennsylvania
Originally published in Latin as Arcana Coelestia, London, 1749–1756.
Senior copy editor, Alicia L. Dole
Text designed by Joanna V. Hill
Typesetting by Alicia L. Dole
Ornaments from the first Latin edition, 1749
Cover design by Karen Connor