1. Naturopathy—Encyclopedias. 2. Self-care, Health
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Book Details
3.00 |
| 455 p |
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| 978-0-470-83908-9 |
| 2008 by Sherry Torkos |
The great potential of diet, lifestyle, and natural health products in modern health
care is clouded by confusion and over-hyped marketing messages. There are now
over 29,000 commercially available dietary supplements in North America, with over
4,000 ingredients alone purported to assist in weight loss. There is a lineup of authors
touting the fad diet du jour, confl icting media messages on the benefi ts and pitfalls
of diet, and a wild west of unbridled health claims for supplements. It is not entirely
surprising that consumers, patients, and health care providers alike are all craving
sound, unbiased, and scientifi cally grounded information.
Enter trusted pharmacist Sherry Torkos, a renowned expert and talented writer
who has consistently set the gold standard in health promotion literature. Like thousands
of others, I have always been impressed by Sherry’s books, with their superb
coverage of women’s health, emotional disorders, anti-aging interventions, and sound,
scientifi cally based measures for the maintenance of a healthy, lean body. It was no
shock to me that Sherry would take on the Mount Everest of nutritional projects—the
daunting task of covering the need-to-know information regarding nutrition, lifestyle,
and supplements in relation to the most common medical disorders and diseases.
In addition to the global aspects of diet and nutrients, lifestyle habits, and
stress management for overall health, Sherry provides condition-specifi c advice on
complementary interventions, dietary modifi cations, and key nutritional and herbal
supplements—all without overwhelming the reader. The end result is the ultimate
resource for consumers, patients, and health care providers. Pharmacists, doctors
and patients will also appreciate the unique and detailed descriptions of the prescription
drugs that can deplete vitamins and minerals. This drug–nutrient interaction is
an underappreciated factor and a particularly important one when considering that
prescription drug usage in Canada now exceeds $20 billion.
It will be obvious and appreciated by readers that this is an exhaustive work, a
cross-over book that will be useful and reader-friendly to both consumers and doctors
alike. Leaving no stone unturned, Sherry has elegantly put together a book that
stands alone. She has fi ltered out the hype and synthesized thousands of scientifi c
papers from various medical disciplines—there simply is no other book like it. This
resource is timely and destined to become one that will be referred to over and over
again. Most importantly, it is a resource that allows for informed choice without bias
or commercial spin, providing practical advice that is sure to make a difference in the
lives of many. The book strikes me as an extension of Sherry herself, a trusted advisor
in the otherwise confusing world of nutrition and natural health products.
Alan C. Logan, ND, FRSH
The Power of Natural Medicine in Modern Health
The history of medicine is a fascinating story of the transition from ancient healing
techniques to brilliant scientifi c and technological advances. We have gone from using
medicine men and plant-based remedies to creating pharmaceutical drugs and
sophisticated surgical procedures. Undoubtedly, medicine today now provides us
with the ability to fi ght off deadly diseases and live longer lives; however, we must
not forget that many solutions can still be found in nature. In fact, many of the prescription
medications used today are derived from plants. As well, we must be aware
that lifestyle factors—diet, activity level, sleep, and environment—play a critical role
in health and disease prevention.
In the last 20 years, we’ve witnessed a growing desire to look to natural remedies
fi rst before taking prescription medications that may have drug interactions,
side effects, and high costs. There is increasing interest in prevention for both minor
and chronic health concerns and awareness of taking responsibility for one’s health.
People are no longer satisfi ed with the idea of taking a pill to fi x their problems.
They are starting to question the indiscriminate use of prescription drugs and the
motivations behind the industry, and they are becoming better educated about their options.
I have also witnessed a growing awareness among doctors, pharmacists, and
other health care professionals in holistic therapies, but we still have a long way to
go before mainstream medicine and natural medicine are fully integrated. And that’s
where I come in. As a traditionally trained pharmacist with a complementary background
in natural health, nutrition, and fi tness, my goal is to bridge the gap between
the two worlds and in doing so, help people along their journey to optimal health.
My interest in natural medicine came from a personal experience. As a young teen
I suffered from undiagnosed celiac disease, a genetic condition in which the body
cannot digest gluten, which is a protein found in many grains. For several years, I
experienced abdominal pain, bloating, weight loss, fatigue, visual impairment, hair
loss, and skin rashes. Despite seeing several doctors, I did not get a proper diagnosis
and was instead given large doses of unnecessary prescription medications.
I was sick almost every day for nearly four years. As my health continued to
deteriorate, I developed both physical and emotional symptoms. I suffered with depression,
poor concentration, and impaired memory. What I didn’t know at the time
was that gluten was destroying the absorptive surface of my intestines, causing malnutrition,
wasting, and damage to vital organs.
Luckily for me, my parents never gave up. Finally, after much searching, we
found a doctor who immediately recognized my symptoms as celiac disease and put
me on a strict gluten-free diet. My stomach symptoms gradually improved on the
restricted diet. However, my health was far from restored. I was still quite fatigued,
forgetful, and suffered with eczema, poor night vision, and lack of hair growth. This
is when I turned to holistic therapies. I read, researched, and investigated how to
improve my health. I began taking therapeutic dosages of vitamins, minerals, and essential
fatty acids to correct the defi ciencies that I had experienced for so many years.
Slowly, but steadily, I began to return to a state of optimal health.
Coping with a health problem at such a young age was a life-altering experience,
and fi lled me with a passion for health and a willingness to look “outside the box” for
answers. After high school, I studied science, pharmacy, and nutrition in Philadelphia
and went on to build a holistic pharmacy practice in the Niagara area of Ontario. In
my practice, I have worked with many people facing serious health challenges, such
as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and depression, and I have seen how remarkably
well the body can heal and repair when it is given the proper elements.
My intention with this book is to have people refer to it for both prevention and
treatment of health conditions, and then consult with their health care practitioner
for proper guidance and monitoring. I must stress that the information in this book is
not intended to diagnose or replace the advice of your doctor or health care provider.
Under no circumstances should you stop taking existing medications or combine supplements
with existing medications without consulting your doctor fi rst. I believe that
conventional medicine does offer benefi ts when used appropriately, but I also believe
that nutritional therapies, herbs, exercise, meditation, and other holistic measures
can provide potential solutions and signifi cant steps toward prevention and as such,
should be given equal consideration. Knowledge and understanding about natural
therapies is imperative before you can integrate it into your life.
In some cases striking the balance between the two modalities is easier said
than done. Diffi culties arise because many mainstream health practitioners remain
cautious or even skeptical about the benefi ts of natural remedies. By providing comprehensive,
science-based information on natural medicine, I hope to provide you
with a sound resource that can be taken to your health care provider when discussing
a health concern. As such, the information provided in this book refl ects the most
recent data from scientifi c studies, in many cases published in respected medical
journals. I refer to research throughout the book, and only recommend supplements
and therapies that have been studied and found to be benefi cial. I also note drug interactions,
contraindications, and side effects where relevant.
Table of Contents
Foreword ix
Acknowledgements xi
Advisory Board xiii
Introduction – A Pharmacist’s Perspective: The Power of Natural Medicine in Modern Health 1
Section I: Prescription for Successful Living
Chapter 1: Macronutrients 7
Chapter 2: Micronutrients 13
Chapter 3: Functional Foods 33
Chapter 4: 10 Principles of a Healthy Diet 37
Chapter 5: Exercise for Better Health 43
Chapter 6: The Importance of Sleep and Stress Management 47
Section II: The Natural Pharmacy
Chapter 7: Reference Guide to Dietary Supplements,
Herbal Remedies, and Branded Ingredients 53
Chapter 8: Principles of Safe Supplementing 67
Chapter 9: Homeopathy by Dr. Bryce Wylde 73
Section III: Common Health Concerns and Conditions
Acid Refl ux (GERD) 86
Acne 90
Allergic Rhinitis 93
Alzheimer’s Disease 97
Anemia 101
Anxiety 105
Arthritis (Rheumatoid) 109
Asthma 113
Athlete’s Foot 117
Attention Defi cit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 120
Autism (Autism Spectrum Disorders) 127
Back Pain 132
Bad Breath (Halitosis) 136
Bladder Infection 139
Bronchitis 142
Burns 146
Cancer 151
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 158
Cataracts 161
Celiac Disease (Gluten Intolerance) 164
Cervical Dysplasia 167
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 171
Chronic Venous Insuffi ciency 175
Cold Sores 178
Common Cold 181
Congestive Heart Failure 185
Constipation 189
Crohn’s Disease and Colitis 192
Depression 196
Diabetes 200
Diarrhea 205
Diverticular Disease 209
Ear Infections 212
Eczema 216
Endometriosis 219
Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) 222
Fibrocystic Breasts 225
Fibroids (Uterine) 228
Fibromyalgia 231
Flu 234
Gallstones 238
Glaucoma 242
Gout 245
Gum Disease 248
Hair Loss 252
Heart Disease (Cardiovascular Disease) 257
Hemorrhoids 262
Hepatitis (Viral) 265
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) 270
High Cholesterol 274
Hypoglycemia 278
Hypothyroidism 282
Infertility 287
Insomnia 292
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 295
Kidney Stones 299
Lice 303
Low Libido 307
Lupus 310
Macular Degeneration 316
Memory Loss 319
Menopause 323
Metabolic Syndrome 327
Migraine Headaches 331
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) 335
Obesity 341
Osteoarthritis 345
Osteoporosis 348
Ovarian Cysts 352
Parasites 355
Parkinson’s Disease 358
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 363
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) 366
Prostate Enlargement (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) 369
Psoriasis 372
Restless Leg Syndrome 375
Rosacea 379
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) 382
Shingles (Herpes Zoster) 385
Sinusitis 389
Stress 393
Thrush (Candidiasis) 402
Tinnitus 405
Ulcers 409
Vaginitis and Yeast Infections 413
Varicose Veins 416
Section IV: Appendices
Appendix A: Determinations for Body Fat and Weight 421
Appendix B: Glycemic Index Table 424
Appendix C: Cleansing and Detoxifi cation 426
Appendix D: Food Allergies and the Elimination Diet 430
Appendix E: Hormone Testing 434
Index 437