The Transformational Healing Power of Past-Life Memories
Brian L. Weiss and Amy E. Weiss
1. Reincarnation therapy. 2. Regression (Psychology)
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| 978–0–06–220122–5 |
| 2012 by Brian L. Weiss, Amy E. Weiss |
BRIAN WEISS, M.D., is America’s leading authority in past-life regression
therapy. A graduate of Columbia University and Yale School of Medicine,
Weiss is the author of multiple books including the New York Times bestseller
Many Lives, Many Masters. Visit him online at
AMY E. WEISS graduated summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, from Columbia
University with a B.A. in psychology. She received a Master of Fine Arts in
fiction writing from Washington University in St. Louis, where she won the
Carrie S. Galt prize for fiction, and a Master of Social Work from Barry
University. A certified hypnotherapist and award-winning nature photographer,
she lives in Miami, Florida.
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On a beautiful summer afternoon in New York in July 2010, my wife, Carole,
and I were driving up the tree-lined Taconic Parkway toward the Omega
Institute, a rustic retreat center where we teach an intensive course on past-life
regressions. We love teaching this course. Incredible events happen every day,
again and again. Participants not only remember past lives but have amazing
spiritual or healing experiences, find soul mates, receive messages from departed
loved ones, access profound wisdom and knowledge, or encounter some other
mystical and marvelous event. Carole and I have witnessed such lifetransforming
occurrences over the years in these workshops and trainings, and
we feel blessed to be able to facilitate and observe them. Often we do not know
that a particularly powerful experience has just transpired in the workshop. The
person may need time to process it, and we will only hear of it in a later e-mail or letter.
At that moment on the sun-dappled highway, Carole’s BlackBerry buzzed
with an e-mail describing another one of these wonderful workshop healings, a
message relaying such ancient wisdom yet arriving to us through this most
modern technology. The timing was perfect, for we were about to reenter the
very place where we had observed so many similar happenings. We never knew
exactly which amazing events and changes would transpire—only that they
would. Carole turned to me and observed in her wise, understated way:
“Sometimes miracles happen.”
Indeed, sometimes they do. The miracles may be large ones that affect the
entire group. They may be small and silent. No matter their scope, the
transformation is permanent. Relationships are repaired. Souls are nourished.
Lives acquire newer and deeper meaning. Miracles happen.
A miracle happened for me on the day that a patient named Catherine walked
into my office and introduced me to an entire spiritual universe that I had never
believed to exist. My earlier books contain a very detailed account of her
experiences, and they describe how her life was permanently altered for the
better as a result of them. My own life was affected at least as much. Before
uncovering her amazing past-life memories, I had been a left-brained, obsessivecompulsive
academic. I had graduated magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, with a
degree in chemistry from Columbia University. I earned my medical degree
from the Yale University School of Medicine, where I was the chief resident in
psychiatry. Completely skeptical of “unscientific” fields such as parapsychology
and reincarnation, I was the chairman of a prestigious psychiatry department at
Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami, and I had authored more than forty
scientific articles and book chapters in the fields of psychopharmacology, brain
chemistry, and Alzheimer’s disease. Catherine turned my skepticism—and my
life—upside down.
Although it has been over thirty years since that day, I still remember the
very first time that she crossed the invisible boundary of her current life and
entered the realm of other lifetimes. She was in a deeply relaxed state, her
eyelids lightly shut but her concentration intense.
“There are big waves knocking down trees,” she whispered in a hoarse voice
as she described an ancient scene. “There’s no place to run. It’s cold; the water is
cold. I have to save my baby, but I cannot . . . just have to hold her tight. I
drown; the water chokes me. I can’t breathe, can’t swallow . . . salty water. My
baby is torn out of my arms.” Her body had tensed; her breathing accelerated.
Suddenly, her body and her breathing relaxed completely.
“I see a cloud . . . my baby is with me. And others from my village. I see my brother.”
My skepticism needed more time to erode, but the process had begun.
Catherine’s severe symptoms began to disappear as she remembered more
scenes from this and other prior lifetimes. I knew that imagination could not
dissolve such chronic symptoms; only actual memories could. Catherine would
go on to remember many historical facts and details from her past lives, which
we were sometimes able to confirm. She was also able to relate private truths
from my own life, truths that she had no obvious way of knowing or discovering.
She would tell me these personal facts while she floated in that beautifully
relaxed state in between physical lifetimes.
Those powerful evidential encounters with Catherine began to open my mind
and to erase my doubts. I found other reputable clinicians conducting regressions
and research, and I became further convinced. Ever since Many Lives, Many
Masters, my first book, was published in 1988, I have treated over four thousand
individual patients using past-life regression therapy and many, many more in
large groups during my experiential workshops. Each case validates and
confirms, teaches and expands. Each case reveals more of life’s mystery. In that
time, I have met with past-life pioneers and luminaries from all over the world.
Where there was once disbelief, there is now carefully collected knowledge and
wisdom. The stories in this book will propel you on the very same path and lead
you from doubt to discovery. Just open your own mind and let this miraculous journey begin.
In the workshops that I conduct, approximately two-thirds of the audience
successfully remembers episodes from previous lives. Their memories and
recollections frequently heal emotional and physical maladies. Symptoms
resolve even though the memory may not be absolutely accurate, for an error in
recall does not negate the truth and importance of the memory. As an example,
in a regression you may recall the trauma, chaos, and even the entire emotional
reaction of your mother when you were three years old and ran into the street,
almost getting hit by a black Buick. When you check with your mother, it turns
out that the car was a navy blue Cadillac. Otherwise, everything else in your
recall was accurate. This slight degree of distortion is acceptable. Memory is not
literal time travel. And if, in describing the memory of the near accident, you
used a word that you did not learn until you were twelve, this is also fine. Your
observing and describing mind is your present-day consciousness, not your
three-year-old brain. You never actually stepped into a time machine. Hypnosis
is the tool I use to help people recall such childhood events—and more. Many of
my patients and the people who have attended my workshops are able to
remember events not only from their childhood but also from when they were in
their mothers’ wombs, from that mystical state when they were in between lives,
and from past lives.
Throughout the years, I have encountered people whose preconceived notions
about past-life regression therapy have compelled them to dismiss the concept
entirely. They argue that the memories are distorted or inaccurate, as I have
addressed above, or that its therapeutic effects can be ascribed to wishful
thinking, or that everyone who has a regression erroneously identifies
themselves as a famous historical figure in a past life. Such critics are vocal but
misinformed. This book contains numerous stories of people who have
undergone or performed their own regressions, and together they present a
catalog of an incredible diversity of experiences that definitively challenges such
assumptions. Its pages contain far more recollections of paupers and peasants
than people of prominence. Imagination or fantasy does not cure deeply
entrenched physical or mental conditions, yet this book is brimming with
examples of how remembering our past lifetimes does—and neither the patient
nor the therapist even needs to believe in this concept for the healing to occur,
just as neither Catherine nor I did at first. The stories in this book, like a
microcosm of the entire field of regression therapy, illustrate a widely varying
range of past lives, yet they also point again and again to the fundamental
commonalities in our soul’s journey and evolution. To open your mind to their
truths—that we are immortal and eternal beings who have lived before and will
live again, that we are all one, and that we are all here on Earth to learn lessons
of love and compassion—is, to borrow from that well-known quote, to take one
important step for a man and one giant leap for mankind.
Whenever my patients and workshop participants successfully remember one
of their past lives, a direct avenue to divine wisdom and to physical or emotional
wellness is established. The awareness that we have had multiple lifetimes,
separated by spiritual interludes on the other side, helps to dissolve the fear of
death and to bring more peace and joy into the present moment. Sometimes, just
the remembrance of past-life traumas leads to incredible insights and healings.
This is the rapid route.
Those who have not had a past-life memory can attain understanding and an
enhanced perspective by witnessing or reading about the experiences of others.
An empathic identification can be a powerful transformative stimulus. This is an
alternative route, where the direction of progress is more important than the
speed. We will all eventually reach a state of enlightened awareness.
Reincarnation, the concept that we have all lived past lives, is the door
through which I entered a greater level of understanding. Catherine opened the
door for me, and I have subsequently held it open for many more.
But there are many doors. People have accessed the higher realms through
near-death experiences, through mystical encounters, or through meditation.
Others have had a sudden insight or “aha” moment. All doors lead to the same
place: a transcendent recognition that our true nature is spiritual, not physical.
There often is a simultaneous awareness that we are all interconnected and that
we are somehow manifestations of one energy.
The author Paolo Coelho writes: “Life is the train, not the station.” On our
soul’s journey home to a state of infinite love and wisdom, a journey filled with
mystery and miracles, we rest, recuperate, and reflect at the stations, in between
lifetimes, until it is time to board again: another train, another body. There is
only one home and eventually we will all return there, sooner or later. It is a
place of bliss. This book will help you find its shores.
The treasure of this book lies in the stories carefully nurtured and harvested
by readers and workshop participants over the past twenty-three years. Shared
here, the experiences underlie and honor everything that I have written about and
taught. In a thousand voices, these stories validate not only the phenomena of
past-life regressions but the entire psychospiritual universe. You will read of
souls and soul mates, of the life that is found after death, of present lives being
utterly transformed by encounters with the past. The stories share how mind and
body can be profoundly and permanently healed. They tell how grief can be
changed to comfort and hope, and how the spiritual world interpenetrates and
enriches our physical world at all times. These stories are filled with wisdom,
love, and deep knowledge. They are humorous and serious, brief and extensive,
but always wise and instructive. Gleaned from all over the world, the shared
experiences will help many thousands of souls toiling through their current lives.
Helping others to heal, to understand, and to progress along their spiritual paths
is the soul’s noblest duty.
Reading the stories and reflections in this book is like experiencing a hundred
vicarious regressions. Powerful resonances to the reader’s own latent past-life
memories stimulate the subconscious and elicit a heightened awareness. The
deeper mind discovers new possibilities of physical and emotional healing. A
comprehension of our higher nature—that we are the soul, not the body or the
brain—leads to profound shifts in our core values and aspirations. And then the
most important transformation of all begins. Our consciousness awakens, opens
its divine but dormant eyes, and discerns its spiritual path. The stories that have
been selected to be in this book do not merely describe these gentle wake-up
calls, they provide them. To read them is to be changed in some ineffable yet indelible way.
At that moment of awakening, when we discover our inherent nature as
eternal beings, doubt disappears. As if an ancient alchemist sprinkled his magic
dust on us, fear is permanently transmuted into inner peace, despair into hope,
sadness into joy, hate into love. At the level of the soul, anything can happen.
Words have their own alchemical power. This book is not a collection of
stories; it is a collection of transformative possibilities. By reading about and
empathizing with the regression experiences of others, we gain a deep
connection to their immense wisdom. A link to an incredibly wise and loving
cosmic process is established and gradually strengthened, story by story. Each
one that has been chosen for this book facilitates those empathic connections and
provides accessible insights into the deeper nature of our souls, our purpose on
the earth, and our healing potential. My commentary, I hope, helps to clarify
these themes even more. As you read of others’ mystical encounters, the
likelihood of having one of your own becomes increased. The stories set the
table, and now the special guest can enter. They shine light on an entire
metaphysical philosophy. The concepts of reincarnation and past-life regression
demonstrate the reality and essence of our higher self and our higher purpose.
The techniques and teachings found in the following chapters can be used by all
to improve your lives, to endure along your spiritual path, to experience more
love and happiness right now, and to understand that there is no need to fear, as
we are all immortal. We are all souls.
My daughter, Amy, is a therapist as well as a writer and an editor. She and I
collected hundreds of submissions from people who had a meaningful memory
to share. We carefully read and reread each one, selecting those that we felt
would highlight an important point, provide a platform for teaching, and, most of
all, illuminate our shared life lessons. Their beauty and their insights were
frequent topics of discussion around the family dinner table. Amy and I worked
as a team to write this book. Sometimes, my words give poetry and purpose to
her thoughts; sometimes, her words give form and finish to my thoughts; but at
all times, both flow into each other seamlessly. It has been such a pleasure and a
blessing to be able to work with her on this project. Yet the most important
collaborator by far consists of you, the authors of its stories. Without you to
truthfully, bravely, and eloquently share your experiences, this book would not
exist. Without you, there would be no words. You are the inspiration for its
creation and the conduit for its healings.
This book is not necessarily designed to be read in one sitting, for its stories
are rich and layered with lessons. Wander leisurely in their wisdom. Linger with
them awhile. Feel their emotions and textures. You might find parallels with
your own life experiences, and these are worth taking the time to explore.
Reread the stories as many times as necessary. Each time that I do, I unfailingly
discover new and deeper levels of meaning. You will also quickly notice that
these stories are not just about past lifetimes. As I have mentioned, reincarnation
is a doorway into an expanded consciousness and incredibly rich vistas of
spiritual knowledge and wisdom. What is on the other side of the door is more
important than the door, even though the door itself is fabulous.
The stories that you are about to read are examples of our inexorable progress
toward spiritual perfection. They point the way; they illuminate the steps. They
are like multifaceted jewels that we have collected but that are meant to be
shared. The facets of one seem to reflect all of the others. Although I have
created chapters, the jewels really mirror one another and so could be located
anywhere and everywhere, like holographic gems.
Years ago, I had dreamed about humans as these jewels, and I described the
image in Many Lives, Many Masters:
It is as if a large diamond were to be found inside each person. Picture a
diamond a foot long. The diamond has a thousand facets, but the facets are
covered with dirt and tar. It is the job of the soul to clean each facet until the
surface is brilliant and can reflect a rainbow of colors.
Now, some have cleaned many facets and gleam brightly. Others have only
managed to clean a few; they do not sparkle so. Yet, underneath the dirt, each
person possesses within his or her breast a brilliant diamond with a thousand
gleaming facets. The diamond is perfect, not one flaw. The only differences
among people are the number of facets cleaned. But each diamond is the same,
and each is perfect.
When all the facets are cleaned and shining forth in a spectrum of lights,
the diamond returns to the pure energy that it was originally. The lights
remain. It is as if the process that goes into making the diamond is reversed,
all that pressure released. The pure energy exists in the rainbow of lights, and
the lights possess consciousness and knowledge.
And all of the diamonds are perfect.
Here are more diamonds.
Table of Contents
Title Page
1 - We Are All Connected
2 - Validating the Memories
3 - How Understanding Can Heal
4 - Freedom from Emotional Pain
5 - Healing Physical Symptoms and Illnesses
6 - Letting Go of Grief
7 - Intuition and Other Psychic Abilities
8 - One of a Kind
9 - Eternal Relationships
10 - Lessons That Animals Teach
11 - Short and Sweet
12 - Spiritual and Mystical Experiences
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Epub Edition © AUGUST 2012 ISBN: 9780062201249
RC489.R43W446 2012