Reach New Levels of Career Success Using the Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Joseph Murphy, Ph.D., D.D.
Compiled and edited by Arthur R. Pell, Ph.D .
I. Success in business Psychological aspects. 2. Success. 3. Attitude (Psychology).
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| 2009 by Jean L. Murphy Trust |
Joseph Murphy, born on May 20, 1 898, in a small town in the
County of Cork, Ireland, was enrolled in the National School,
where he excelled. Encouraged to study for the priesthood, he was
accepted as a Jesuit seminarian.
However, by the time he reached his late teen years, he began to
question the Catholic orthodoxy of the Jesuits and he withdrew
from the seminary. As his goal was to explore new ideas and gain
new experiences, a goal he could not pursue in Catholic-dominated
• Ireland, he left his family to go to America.
He arrived at the Ellis Island Immigration Center with only five
dollars in his pocket. His first project was to find a place to live. He
was fortunate to locate a rooming house where he shared a room
with a pharmacist who worked in a local drugstore.
His knowledge of English was minimal as Gaelic was spoken
both in his home and at school, so like most Irish immigrants,
Murphy worked as a day laborer, earning enough to keep fed and housed.
He and his roommate became good friends, and when a job
opened up at the drugstore where his friend worked, he was hired
to be an assistant to the pharmacist. He immediately enrolled in a
school to study pharmacy, and qualified as a full-fledged pharmacist.
He eventually purchased the drugstore and for the next few
years ran a successful business.
When the United States entered World War II, Murphy enlisted
in the U.S. Army and was assigned to work as a pharmacist in a
medical unit. While in the Army, he renewed his interest in religion
and began to read extensively about various religious beliefs. After
his discharge, he chose not to return to his career in pharmacy. He
traveled extensively and took courses at several universities both in
the United States and abroad.
From his studies, he became enraptured by the various Asian
religions and went to India to learn about them in depth. He extended
his studies to the great philosophers from ancient times
until the present.
The one person who most influenceô€…° Murphy was Dr. Thomas
Troward, who was a judge as well as a philosopher, doctor, and
professor. Judge Troward became Joseph's mentor. From him he
not only learned philosophy, theology, and law but also was introduced
to mysticism and particularly to the Masonic .order. Murphy
became an active member of this order and over the years rose in
the Masonic ranks to the 32nd degree in the Scottish Rite. .
Upon his return to the United States, he chose to become a minister.
As his concept of Christianity was not traditional and indeed
ran counter to most of the Christian denominations, he founded
his own church in Los Angeles. He attracted a small number of ,
congregants, but it did not take long for his message of optimism
and hope to attract many men and women to his church .
Dr. Murphy was a proponent of the New Thought movement, •
which advocated combining a metaphysical, spiritual, and prag-
matic approach to the way we think and live, to uncover the secret
of attaining what we truly desire. We can do all these things
only as we have found the law and worked out the understanding
of the law, which God seemed to have written in riddles in the past.
Over the years other churches joined with Dr. Murphy in developing
an organization called the Divine Science Federation, which
acts as an umbrella for all Divine Science Churches.
Murphy's local Church of Divine Scienc.e grew so large that he
had to rent the Wilshire Ebell Theater, a former movie house. His
services were so well attended that even this venue could not always
accommodate all who wished to attend. To reach the vast
numbers of people who wanted to hear his message, Dr. Murphy
created a weekly radio talk show, which eventually reached an audience
of more than a million listeners.
He taped his lectures and radio programs, and the initial success
that he saw in marketing the cassettes started a new venture to
increase his outreach. The tapes featured lectures explaining biblical
texts and provided meditations and prayers for his listeners. He
also started to publish pamphlets and small books of his inspirational material.
As a result of his books, tapes, and radio broadcasts, Dr. Murphy's
reputation grew exponentially and he was invited to lecture
throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. In addition to religious
matters, he spoke on the historical values of life, on the art of
wholesome living, and on the teachings of great philosophers from
both the Western and Asian cultures. In all his lectures, he emphasized
the importance of understanding the power of the subconscious
mind and the life-principles based on belief in the one God,
the "I AM."
He wrote more than thirty books. His most famous book, The
Power of the Unconscious Mind, first published in 1 963, became
an immediate bestseller. Millions of copies have been sold and
continue to be sold all over the world in a wide variety of languages
Dr. Murphy died in December 1 9 8 1 . His wife, Dr. Jean Murphy,
continued his ministry until her death.
About the Editor
This ,book was compiled and edited by Dr. Arthur R. Pell, author
of more than fifty books and hundreds of articles on management,
human relations, and self-improvement. In addition to his own
writings, Dr. Pell has edited and updated ma'ny of the classics on
human potential, including Dale Cart;legie's How to Win Friends
and Influence People, Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, Joseph
Murphy's The Power of ¥our Subconscious Mind, James Allen's As
a Man Thinketh, Yoritomo-Tashi's Common Sense, and works by
Orison Swett Marden, Julia Seton, and Wallace D. Wattles.
Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true,
your subconscious mind wiLL accept and bring to pdss. Believe in
good fortune, divine guidance, right action, and aLL the blessings of
life. You are the captain of your soul (subconscious mind) and the
master of your fate. Remember, you have the capacity to'choose.
Choose life! Choose love! Choose health! Choose happiness!
Are you unhappy in your career? Is your advancement stymied by
ostensible lack of opportunity? Do you want to succeed in achiev-
ing your goals? You need not be restricted by a dogmatic boss or
bureaucratic red tape, or depend on luck or fortuity. You have the
power within you to take charge of your career.
All that we achieve as well as all that we fail to achieve is the direct
result of our owp thoughts. Our weaknesses and strengths, purity and
impurity, are ours alone. They can only be altered by US; never by another.
All our happiness and suffering are evolved from within. As we
think, so we are; as we continue to think, so we remain.
Of course, there are some things you cannot change: the movement
of planets, the change in seasons, the pull of the oceans and
tides, and the apparent rising and setting of the sun. But you can
change yourself. You can be transformed by the renewing of your
mind. This is the key to improving your career. Your mind is a recording
machine, and all the beliefs, impressions, opinions, and
ideas accepted by you consciously are impressed in your deeper,
subconscious mind. By learning how to channel your subconscious
mind, you can gain control over your career.
Yes, you have the power to change what is in your subconscious
mind. It starts by taking overt steps to absorb noble patterns
of thoughts. Think thoughts of beauty, love, peace, wisdom, and
creative ideas. Your subconscious mind will respond accordingly,
transforming your mentality, your body, and the circumstances
surrounding your life.
This is especially true when applied to advancing your career.
Too many people hinder their career growth by fear fear of displeasing
a boss, fear of rivals in their move up the career ladder,
fear of bureaucratic impasses. Yes, any or all of these fears can affect
your career, but only if you let them.
If you are confident in your own abilities and work effectively
in achieving company goals, you will engage the power of your
subconscious mind to overcome all obstacles.
When a large law firm hired Jules H., a bright young attorney,
he noticed that there were a dozen young attorneys competing
with him for advancement. They were all highly competent and
equally ambitious. He noted that most of these associates were
constantly complaining about the long hours doing routine detail
work instead of the more interesting they all desired . •
Jules, although equally frustrated, called on the power of his sub-
conscious mind and told himself: "Sure, this work is boring and
brain-numbing, but it's the dues I have to pay if I want to get
ahead. I will do this work, not just with my brain, but with my
heart. I'll deal with it j ust as I tackled my most challenging assignments
in law school." It didn't take long for his bosses to recognize
his superiority and to begin assigning him more important cases
and move him ahead of his rivals.
Psychologists and psychiatrists point out that when thoughts
are conveyed to your subconscious mind, impressions are made in •
the brain cells. As soon as your subconscious accepts any idea, it
proceeds to put it into effect immediately. It works by association
of ideas and uses every bit of knowledge that you have gathered in
your lifetime to bring about its purpose. It draws on the infinite
power, energy, and wisdom within you. It lines up all the laws of
nature to get its way. Sometimes it seems to bring about an immediate
solution to your difficulties, but at other times it may take
days, weeks, or longer.
Your subconscious mind is like the soil, which accepts any kind
I of idea good or bad. Your thoughts are active and might be likened
to seeds. Negative, destructive thoughts continue to work
negatively in your subconscious mind and in due time will evolve
into actions that correspond with them. Remember, your subconscious
mind does not engage in proving whether your thoughts 􀔘re
good or bad, true or false. But it responds according to the nature
of your thoughts or suggestions.
, For example, if you consciously assume something to be true,
even though it may be false, your subconscious mind will accept it
as true and proceed to bring about results that must necessarily
follow if it were true. Your subconscious mind cannot argue controversially.
Hence, if you give it wrong suggestions, it will accept
them as true and will pt;oceed to bring them to pass as conditions,
experience, and events. Your subconscious mind is often referred
to as your subjective mind. Your subjective mind takes cognizance
of its environment by means independent of the five senses.
Your subjective mind perceives by intuition. It is the seat of
your emotion and the storehouse of memory. Your subjective mind
performs its highest functions when the objective mind is suspended
or in a sleepy, drowsy state. Your subjective mind sees
without the use of the natural organs of vision. It has the capacity
of clairvoyance and clairaudience.
When your conscious and subconscious minds function harmoniously
and peacefully, the result is harmony, health, peace, joy,
and happiness. All the evil, pain, suffering, misery, war, crime, and
sickness in the world are due to the inharmonious relationship of
the conscious and subconscious mind. Remember, your subconscious
is impersonal and nonselective'.
The habitual thinking of your conscious mind establishes deep
grooves in your subconscious mind. This is very favorable for you
and your career if your habitual thoughts are' harmonious, peaceful,
and constructive.
On the other hand, if you have indulged in fear, wOIiry, and
other destructive forms of thinking, the remedy is to recognize the
omnipotence of your subconscious mind and decree freedom, happiness,
perfect health, and prosperity. Your subconscious mind,
being creative and one with your divine source, will proceed to create
the freedom and happiness that you have earnestly decreed.
Chance or accident are not responsible for the path your career
takes; nor is predestined fate the author of your fortune or misfortune.
Your subconscious mind is not concerned with the truth or
falsity of what you consciously feel or believe to be true. Select
only that which is true, lovely, noble, and Godlike; and your subconscious
will react accordingly.
Although philosophers, theo, logians, and thinkers throughout
the ages knew this, each generation must be reminded of this and
make it work for its members.
Dr. Joseph Murphy, in his bestselling book, The Power of Your
Subconscious Mind, and his subsequent writings synthesized this
concept. Thousands of men and women came to the sermons and
lectures he presented in dozens of countries, and millions listened
to his radio broadcasts.
Dr. Murphy converts these theories into practical approaches to
life. He provides a no-nonsense program that will teach you how
to stop condemning yourself. You will be shown that you can now
claim what you want to be. You can now possess what you long to
possess. You can now do what you long to do. You can live in that
mental atmosphere. It will gradually sink down by osmosis from
your conscious to your subconscious, gradually becoming a conviction
as you nourish it and sustain it. Then your limitations will
disintegrate and you will rise like the phoenix from the ashes of the
old and become the new person.
You will acquire a new vision, a new image of yourself, a new
awareness. It's your deep-seated beliefs, your emotional espousals,
that govern you and control you. Whatever idea or belief is dominant
in your subconscious mind takes control of your thoughts, your actions
and reactions. If you believe in failure, you cannot succeed. You
could work eighteen hours a day, work very hard; but you still would
fail because that's the dominant idea in your mind. According to your
belief, it will be done unto you. It's a science of the mind.
You will learn how to expect the best, to look forward with
• anticipation to a most glorious future, to believe it is possible. With
this new image of yourself, you will experience the joy and thrill of
the fulfillment of your dream. You will learn how to apply these
principles to develop 'and advance in your job and your career.
Although the contents of this book is drawn primarily from Dr.
Murphy's works, it has been augmented with additional information
and examples to illustrate how valuable its message is to the
readers of the twenty-first century.
As Dr. Murphy was a minister, many of his suggestions are
based on his strong belief in God. However, whether you are religious,
agnostic, or an atheist, you can experience this Infinite Intelligence
functioning for you. You need no creed. If you will call
upon It, It will answer you. It's impersonal, no respecter of persons.
To religious people, this Infinite Intelligence is God. To others it
may be considered to be something deep within oneself. You can
call it Superhuman Intelligence, if you want to, or the subliminal
mind. •
-If you have a problem mental, physical, or emotional . that is
holding you back at work, ask yourself: What am I turning away
from? What is it I don't want to face? Am I hiding my resentment
and hostility to someone? Face the problem. Solve it with the
knowledge of your deeper mind, knowing that the Life Principle
always seeks to heal, to restore. The Life Principle is the vital force •
that animates us. It never condemns. It never punishes. It never
judges. It can't. You pass judgment on yourself by your own
thought, the conclusion, verdict, in your own mind. Remember, the
Life Principle cannot punish you. It cannot judge you. You judge
yourself. And you mold and you fashion your own destiny, for as
you think in your heart or subconscious so are you.
Realize, therefore, that thoughts are things; what you feel you
attract; what you imagine you become. Then wonders will begin to
happen in your life if you do that. Because ther.e's only One Power
and that Power is within you. You are the captain on the bridge;
you are giving the orders, and your subconscious mind will take
the impression you give it and bring it to pass, whether It's true or
not, as we said. Therefore, accept only those things that are true.
Our minds are cluttered up with false beliefs, ideas, and opinions;
and are opaque with these eternal truths. Suggestions of fear \
made to a person full of confidence and faith have absolutely no
effect. They reinforce faith and confidence in the principle of success.
They reinforce the concept that the Infinite can't fail, and suggestions
of failure simply result in that person's having greater
confidence in his or her inner powers.
, Innumerable experiments by psychologists and psychiatrists
and others on persons in the hypnotic state have shown that the
subconscious mind is incapable of making selections and comparisons;
which are necessary for a reasoning process.
,You must realize that your conscious mind is your sentry at the
gate. Its chief function is to protect your subconscious mind from
false impressions. You are now aware of one of the basic laws of
mind: Your subconscious mind is amenable to suggestion. As you
know, your subconscious mind does not make comparisons or
contrasts; neither does it reason or think things out for itself. This
latter function belongs to your conscious mind. It simply reacts to
the impressions given to it by your conscious mind. It does not
show a preference for one course of action over another.
Remember that a suggestion cannot impose something on the
subconscious mind against the will of the conscious mind. Your
conscious mind has the power to reject any false or negative sug-gestlon. ,
You must make certain to give your subconscious mind only
suggestions that heal, bless, elevate, and inspire you in all your
ways. Remember that your subconscious mind takes you at your
word. It takes you literally. If you keep saying, "I can't get that
promotion, I can't make ends meet," your subconscious will see to
it that you can't.
Another influence on your subconscious is sugges. tions from
another person. The power of suggestion has played a part on human
life and thought in every period of time, in each country of the
earth. In many parts of the world it is the controlling power of r.eligion,
with constant reiteration of such comments as "You are a
sinnet, " "The Devil is going to get you," "When you die you are
going to go to hell," and things of that nature. It frightens the life
opt of people.
From infancy on, the majority of us have been given many
negative suggestions. Constructive suggestions, of course, are wonderful
and magnificent. A negative suggestion, however, is one of
the most destructive of all of the response patterns of the mind,
resulting in war, misery, suffering, racial and religious prejudices,
and disaster. The dictators, despots, and tyrants of the world know
the power of suggestion. Stalin practiced it; Hitler practiced it;
Osama bin Laden practiced it, appealing to the religious and racial
prejudices of people; then when they were highly emotionally
aroused, planting more negative suggestions, repeating certain
things over and over again to millions of these people.
You are exposed to negative suggestions in all aspects of your
life. Here are some frequently heard ones that relate to your job
and career: "You'can't," "You'll never amount to anything," "You
, mustn't " "You'll fail " "You haven't got a chance " "You're all " ,
wrong," "It's no use," "It's not what you know but who you know,"
"What's the use ? " "Nobody cares," "It's no use trying so hard,"
"You're too old now," "Things are getting worse and worse," "Life
is an endless grind," "You j ust can't win," " Pretty soon you'll be
fired," "You can't trust a soul."
These are commands to your' subconscious minq, which will
cause your life to be a living hell. You'll be frustrated, neurotic, inhibited.
You'll haunt the psychiatrist's office, because you are giving
these destructive suggestions to yourself.
You can reject all these negative suggestions by feeding your
subconscious mind with prayer, or reading an inspirational meditation
before you go to sleep. This will counteract all these destructive ideas. .
You don't have to be influenced by destructive negative suggestions.
If you look back, you can easily recall how parents, friends,
relatives, teachers, bosses, and clergy contributed in a campaign of
these destructive suggestions. The purpose of much of it was to
control you or instill fear into you. You will find that many of these
suggestions are for the purpose of making you think, feel, and act
as others want you to, and to take the road that is to their own advantage.
You are not another person's puppet. You must choose your
own road, the ô€”™oad that leads to wholeness, the path of freedom.
That path is within you. Whatever you decide to be true in your
conscious mind you will experience with your subconscious mind.
Therefore, believe that God, or Infinite Intelligence, is guiding you.
Right action reigns supreme. Divine law and order governs you .
Divine peace fills your soul. Begin to believe in all these things. You
don't create these things, but you activate them; make them potent
in your life.
Do your own thinking. You have the power to control your
own emotions. In your job and career, it is you, not your bosses or
coworkers, who must have control over your destiny.
Be inspired from on high. As you accept these truths with your
conscious mind, your subconscious will bring all these things to
pass, and you will discover that you are not being held back in
, reaching your goals, that you are moving in the direction you have
chosen in your career and in your life.
We must believe we can improve our lives. A belief whether it
is true, false, or merely indifferent sustained over a period of time
becomes assimilated and is incorporated into our mentality. Unless
countermanded by belief of an opposite nature, sooner or later it
takes form and is expressed or experienced as the fact, form, condition,
circumstance, and events of life. We have the power within
us to change negative beliefs to positive ones and thereby change
our lives for the better.
, -Arthur R. Pell, Ph.D.
Table of Contents
Introduction: •
Understanding the Power of Your Subconscious Mind vii
Part One
Maximizing the Personal Attributes
That Lead to a Successful Career 1
1. Establishing and Achieving Your Goals 3
2. Developing Self-Confidence and Self-Worth 15
3. Becoming a More Positive Thinker 27
4. Mastering the Law of Attrac,tion 39
5. Becoming a More Enthusiastic Person 51
6. Developing Resilience and Adaptability 59
7. Overcoming Worry and Stress 71
8. Conquering Fear 82
9. Enhancing Your Creative Powers 93
10. Breaking Bad Habits 106
Part Two
Obtaining Cooperation and Support of Others 119
1 1 . Becoming a Leader 121
12. Creating a Dynamic Team 135
13. Expressing Sincere Appreciation 148
14. Communicating More Effectively 160
15. Dealing with Difficult People 173
16. Managing Your Time 187
17. Selling Your Ideas 198
18. Advancing Your Career 211
Index 223
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