The World's Best Asian Noodle Recipes

 - 125 Great recipes from top chefs -

Foreword by Ian Kittichai

food editor and writer Susan Sulic

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Book Details
 290 p
 File Size 
 60,687 KB
 File Type
 PDF format
 digital edition
 2013 by The Book Shop, Ltd

Noodles are beloved all throughout Asia and now throughout the world. I grew
up in a big Thai-Chinese family in Bangkok, Thailand where noodles were a
significant part of my life. Not only did my family regularly eat noodles as part
of our everyday cuisine, but we also had a green grocery where we made and
sold noodles and noodle dishes. My family also made Chinese-style egg noodles
to sell to other noodle shops and restaurants. Our own specialty hot dish was
a braised pork shank over wide flat rice noodles (a version of this dish can be
found in my Street Style Noodles recipe on page 130). It was here my culinary
training began at a very young age. I remember learning how to make noodles
when I was eight or nine years old while working in my family’s shop. We
would make huge batches of egg noodles at one time, using up to 100 chicken
eggs to get the noodles a beautiful yellow hue. (See recipe, page 17.) It was my
responsibility to crack each egg into a large bowl, being careful to avoid pieces of
shells and bad eggs from getting into the mix.
There are a wide variety of noodles and each country has its own specialty styles
and dishes—for example, Japan has udon and buckwheat soba noodles, Thailand
has boat noodle soup, and Malaysia has laksa. The noodle is actually thousands
of years old and originates from China. In Chinese culture the noodle is a
symbol of longevity and it is typically eaten for birthday celebrations and New
Year celebrations. Given this symbolism, it is considered unlucky to cut up a
strand of noodle. The Japanese also eat noodles to ring in the New Year.
Noodles are a highly functional ingredient—they can be a very fast onthe-
go snack, like an instant cup of noodles or ramen, to a staple for simple
family meals like stewed pork or beef over noodles, to something much more
sophisticated and elegant. In this wonderful book you will find recipes that fall
into the categories of all of the aforementioned types of dishes.
From personal and professional experience I can tell you that the best way to get
familiar with the versatility of the noodle and ingredients that go with it in this
book is to try the recipes and experiment. Noodles are fun to cook with and to
eat, so get creative and do not be afraid to try something new or make a bit of a
mess—it’s the best way to learn!
Keep Cooking!
Chef Ian Kittichai

Noodles could very well be the answer to that
age-old question: “If you were stranded on a
desert island and could only have one food with
you, what would it be?” Every culture has them
and regardless of country or ethnicity, noodles
always seem to be equated with comfort. What
distinguishes Asian noodle dishes from Italian or
American pasta dishes is, first, the wide variety
of ingredients used to make the noodles. There
are egg noodles but there are also Chinese rice
noodles, Japanese noodles made from buckwheat
flour, noodles made with lotus leaf and acorn
powder, and even noodles made from bean
sprouts. Noodles become the palette on which
many flavors can be painted. The other standout
factor about Asian noodle dishes, as the recipes in
this book show, is the type and use of ingredients
that go into the dishes. While there are some
sauces that are mixed evenly throughout the
noodles, more often there will be a number of
different and strong elements—spicy, bitter, sweet,
tangy, hot—that will be strategically placed to
allow each individual flavor to burst through in
a wonderful taste adventure. If you are already a
lover of Asian noodles, you will find traditional
favorites and classic recipes for many well-known
noodle dishes, as well as contemporary and
innovative treatments of this versatile ingredient.
If you are new to Asian noodles, get out your
knife, your whisk, and your wok, and hold on
to your seat! You are about to embark on a
culinary expedition that will lead you to new taste
sensations and a wide variety of food preparations,
and will leave you with many new recipes for both
your daily repertoire and special entertaining—
as well as a hunger to go even further in
experimenting and creating Asian noodle dishes.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgments 7
Foreword 8

Introduction 10

Seafood 25

Meat 97

Poultry 145

Vegetable 183

Combinations 247

Index 282


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This 2013 edition published by Race Point Publishing
by arrangement with The Book Shop, Ltd.

recipe selection Kirsten Hall
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