brief contents
A new language for .NET
Introduction to Python
.NET objects and IronPython
Writing an application and design patterns with IronPython
First-class functions in action with XML
Properties, dialogs, and Visual Studio
Agile testing: where dynamic typing shines
Metaprogramming, protocols, and more
WPF and IronPython
Windows system administration with IronPython
IronPython and ASP.NET
Licensed to Deborah Christiansen <pedbro@gmail.com>
Databases and web services
Silverlight: IronPython in the browser
Extending IronPython with C#/VB.NET
Embedding the IronPython engine
Book Details
2.00 USD |
| 494 p |
File Size
8,089 KB |
File Type
PDF format |
| 978-1-933988-33-7 |
| 2009 by Manning Publications Co |
Michael Foord and Christian Muirhead both work full time with IronPython for
Resolver Systems, creating a highly programmable spreadsheet called Resolver One.
They have been using IronPython since before version 1.0 was released.
Michael Foord has been developing with Python since 2002. He blogs and writes
about Python and IronPython far more than is healthy for one individual and in 2008
was made the first Microsoft MVP for dynamic languages. As the Resolver Systems community
champion he speaks internationally on Python and IronPython. He maintains
the IronPython Cookbook6 and IronPython-URLs7 websites, and can also be found
online at http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/weblog/. In the real world he lives in
Northampton, UK, with his wife Delia.
Christian Muirhead began his career in a high-volume database environment, and
for the last eight years has been building database-driven websites. He has five years of
experience working with C#, the .NET framework, and ASP.NET. He has been using
Python in most of his projects since discovering it in 1999, including building web
applications for the BBC using Django. Christian is a New Zealander currently exiled
in London with his wife Alice.
About this book
IronPython is a radical project for Microsoft. It is the first project to be released under
their Ms-PL (Microsoft Public License) open source license. It is also a radically different
language from the ones that Microsoft has traditionally promoted for the .NET
framework. IronPython is an implementation of the popular programming language
Python for .NET. Python is an open source, object-oriented, dynamically typed language
in use by organizations like Google, NASA and Pixar. Python is a multi-paradigm
language, and brings new possibilities to .NET programmers: not just the added flexibility
of dynamic typing, but programming styles such as functional programming and
metaprogramming. For Python programmers the powerful runtime, with its JIT compiler
and huge range of .NET libraries, also presents new opportunities.
The goal of IronPython in Action is not just to teach the mechanics of using IronPython,
but to demonstrate the power and effectiveness of object-oriented programming
in the Python language. To this end we cover best practices in API design, testing, and
the use of design patterns in structured application development. In part this is to dispel
the myth that dynamic languages are merely scripting languages; but mostly it is to
help you make the best of the language and the platform on which it runs.
The addition of Python to the range of languages available as first-class citizens in
.NET reflects the changes happening in the wider world of programming. No one says
it better than Anders Hejlsberg, the architect of C#, when asked by Computer World5
what advice he had for up-and-coming programmers:
Go look at dynamic languages and meta-programming: those are really
interesting concepts. Once you get an understanding of these different kinds
of programming and the philosophies that underlie them, you can get a
much more coherent picture of what’s going on and the different styles of
programming that might be more appropriate for you with what you’re
doing right now.
Anyone programming today should check out functional programming and
meta-programming as they are very important trends going forward.
About the title
By combining introductions, overviews, and how-to examples, the In Action books are
designed to help learning and remembering. According to research in cognitive science,
the things people remember are things they discover during self-motivated exploration.
Although no one at Manning is a cognitive scientist, we are convinced that for learning
to become permanent it must pass through stages of exploration, play, and, interestingly,
re-telling of what is being learned. People understand and remember new
things, which is to say they master them, only after actively exploring them. Humans
learn in action. An essential part of an In Action guide is that it is example-driven. It
encourages the reader to try things out, to play with new code, and explore new ideas.
There is another, more mundane, reason for the title of this book: our readers are
busy. They use books to do a job or solve a problem. They need books that allow them
to jump in and jump out easily and learn just what they want just when they want it. They
need books that aid them in action. The books in this series are designed for such readers.
About the cover illustration
The caption of the figure on the cover of IronPython in Action reads “An Ironworker.”
The illustration is taken from a French book of dress customs, Encyclopedie des Voyages
by J. G. St. Saveur, published in 1796. Travel for pleasure was a relatively new phenomenon
at the time and illustrated guides such as this one were popular, introducing
both the tourist as well as the armchair traveler to the inhabitants of other regions of
the world, as well as to the regional costumes and uniforms of French soldiers, civil
servants, tradesmen, merchants, and peasants.
The diversity of the drawings in the Encyclopedie des Voyages speaks vividly of the
uniqueness and individuality of the world’s towns and provinces just 200 years ago. This
was a time when the dress codes of two regions separated by a few dozen miles identified
people uniquely as belonging to one or the other, and when members of a social class
or a trade or a profession could be easily distinguished by what they were wearing.
Dress codes have changed since then and the diversity by region and social status,
so rich at the time, has faded away. It is now often hard to tell the inhabitant of one continent
from another. Perhaps, trying to view it optimistically, we have traded a cultural
and visual diversity for a more varied personal life. Or a more varied and interesting
intellectual and technical life.
We at Manning celebrate the inventiveness, the initiative, and the fun of the computer
business with book covers based on the rich diversity of regional life two centuries
ago brought back to life by the pictures from this travel guide.
Table of Contents
foreword xvii
preface xx
acknowledgments xxii
about this book xxiii
1 A new language for .NET 3
1.1 An introduction to IronPython 5
What is IronPython? 6 ■ A brief history of IronPython 9
IronPython for Python programmers 11 ■ IronPython for .NET
programmers 13
1.2 Python on the CLR 15
Dynamic languages on .NET and the DLR 15 ■ Silverlight: a new
CLR 18 ■ The Python programming language 20 ■ Multiple
programming paradigms 22
1.3 Live objects on the console: the interactive interpreter 23
Using the interactive interpreter 23 ■ The .NET framework:
assemblies, namespaces, and references 25 ■ Live objects and the
interactive interpreter 25 ■ Object introspection with dir and help 27
1.4 Summary 28
Licensed to Deborah Christiansen <pedbro@gmail.com>
2 Introduction to Python 29
2.1 An overview of Python 31
Python datatypes 32 ■ Names, objects, and references 40 ■ Mutable
and immutable objects 41
2.2 Python: basic constructs 41
Statements and expressions 42 ■ Conditionals and loops 43
Functions 44 ■ Built-in functions 45 ■ Classes 47
2.3 Additional Python features 50
Exception handling 50 ■ Closures and scoping rules 52 ■ List
comprehensions 54 ■ Modules, packages, and importing 55
Docstrings 58 ■ The Python standard library 58
2.4 Summary 61
3 .NET objects and IronPython 62
3.1 Introducing .NET 63
Translating MSDN documentation into IronPython 63 ■ The Form class 65
3.2 Structures, enumerations, and collections: .NET types 67
Methods and properties inherited from Control 67 ■ Adding a Label
to the Form: ControlCollection 68 ■ Configuring the Label: the Color
structure 70 ■ The FormBorderStyle enumeration 71 ■ Hello World
with Form and Label 72
3.3 Handling events 73
Delegates and the MouseMove event 74 ■ Event handlers in
IronPython 75
3.4 Subclassing .NET types 77
3.5 Summary 78
4 Writing an application and design patterns with IronPython 81
4.1 Data modeling and duck typing 82
Python and protocols 82 ■ Duck typing in action 83
4.2 Model-View-Controller in IronPython 84
Introducing the running example 85 ■ The view layer: creating a
user interface 86 ■ A data model 88 ■ A controller class 89
Licensed to Deborah Christiansen <pedbro@gmail.com>
4.3 The command pattern 91
The SaveFileDialog 92 ■ Writing files: the .NET and Python ways 93
Handling exceptions and the system message box 95 ■ The
SaveCommand 98 ■ The SaveAsCommand 100
4.4 Integrating commands with our running example 100
Menu classes and lambda 101 ■ .NET classes: ToolBar and images 103
Bringing the GUI to life 105
4.5 Summary 108
5 First-class functions in action with XML 110
5.1 First-class functions 111
Higher order functions 111 ■ Python decorators 113 ■ A nullargument-
checking decorator 113
5.2 Representing documents with XML 114
The .NET XmlWriter 116 ■ A DocumentWriter Class 118 ■ An
alternative with an inner function 120
5.3 Reading XML 121
XMLReader 121 ■ An IronPython XmlDocumentReader 123
5.4 Handler functions for MultiDoc XML 126
5.5 The Open command 129
5.6 Summary 132
6 Properties, dialogs, and Visual Studio 133
6.1 Document observers 134
Python properties 134 ■ Adding the OpenCommand 138
6.2 More with TabPages: dialogs and Visual Studio 139
Remove pages: OK and Cancel dialog box 139 ■ Rename pages: a
modal dialog 143 ■ Visual Studio Express and IronPython 148
Adding pages: code reuse in action 151 ■ Wiring the commands to the view 152
6.3 Object serializing with BinaryFormatter 154
6.4 Summary 156
7 Agile testing: where dynamic typing shines 157
7.1 The unittest module 158
Creating a TestCase 159 ■ setUp and tearDown 162 ■ Test suites
with multiple modules 163
Licensed to Deborah Christiansen <pedbro@gmail.com>
7.2 Testing with mocks 166
Mock objects 166 ■ Modifying live objects: the art of the monkey patch 169
Mocks and dependency injection 173
7.3 Functional testing 175
Interacting with the GUI thread 176 ■ An AsyncExecutor for
asynchronous interactions 178 ■ The functional test: making
MultiDoc dance 179
7.4 Summary 182
8 Metaprogramming, protocols, and more 183
8.1 Protocols instead of interfaces 184
A myriad of magic methods 184 ■ Operator overloading 187
Iteration 191 ■ Generators 192 ■ Equality and inequality 193
8.2 Dynamic attribute access 195
Attribute access with built-in functions 196 ■ Attribute access
through magic methods 197 ■ Proxying attribute access 198
8.3 Metaprogramming 199
Introduction to metaclasses 200 ■ Uses of metaclasses 201 ■ A
profiling metaclass 202
8.4 IronPython and the CLR 205
.NET arrays 205 ■ Overloaded methods 208 ■ out, ref, params,
and pointer parameters 208 ■ Value types 210 ■ Interfaces 211
Attributes 212 ■ Static compilation of IronPython code 213
8.5 Summary 214
9 WPF and IronPython 217
9.1 Hello World with WPF and IronPython 220
WPF from code 221 ■ Hello World from XAML 223
9.2 WPF in action 226
Layout with the Grid 227 ■ The WPF ComboBox and CheckBox 229
The Image control 231 ■ The Expander 232 ■ The ScrollViewer 233
The TextBlock: a lightweight document control 234 ■ The XamlWriter 236
9.3 XPS documents and flow content 236
FlowDocument viewer classes 238 ■ Flow document markup 239
Document XAML and object tree processing 240
9.4 Summary 243
Licensed to Deborah Christiansen <pedbro@gmail.com>
10 Windows system administration with IronPython 244
10.1 System administration with Python 245
Simple scripts 245 ■ Shell scripting with IronPython 246
10.2 WMI and the System.Management assembly 251
System.Management 251 ■ Connecting to remote computers 255
10.3 PowerShell and IronPython 260
Using PowerShell from IronPython 260 ■ Using IronPython from
PowerShell 264
10.4 Summary 271
11 IronPython and ASP.NET 273
11.1 Introducing ASP.NET 274
Web controls 274 ■ Pages and user controls 275 ■ Rendering, server
code, and the page lifecycle 275
11.2 Adding IronPython to ASP.NET 276
Writing a first application 277 ■ Handling an event 279
11.3 ASP.NET infrastructure 280
The App_Script folder 280 ■ The Global.py file 281 ■ The
Web.config file 282
11.4 A web-based MultiDoc Viewer 282
Page structure 283 ■ Code-behind 285
11.5 Editing MultiDocs 287
Swapping controls 288 ■ Handling view state 289 ■ Additional events 292
11.6 Converting the Editor into a user control 294
View state again 295 ■ Adding parameters 296
11.7 Summary 298
12 Databases and web services 299
12.1 Relational databases and ADO.NET 300
Trying it out using PostgreSQL 301 ■ Connecting to the database 303
Executing commands 304 ■ Setting parameters 305 ■ Querying the
database 306 ■ Reading multirow results 307 ■ Using transactions 309
DataAdapters and DataSets 311
12.2 Web services 313
Using a simple web service 314 ■ Using SOAP services from
IronPython 317 ■ REST services in IronPython 319
12.3 Summary 328
Licensed to Deborah Christiansen <pedbro@gmail.com>
13 Silverlight: IronPython in the browser 329
13.1 Introduction to Silverlight 330
Dynamic Silverlight 332 ■ Your Python application 334
Silverlight controls 335 ■ Packaging a Silverlight application 339
13.2 A Silverlight Twitter client 341
Cross-domain policies 341 ■ Debugging Silverlight applications 343
The user interface 344 ■ Accessing network resources 346 ■ Threads
and dispatching onto the UI thread 349 ■ IsolatedStorage in the browser 351
13.3 Videos and the browser DOM 353
The MediaElement video player 353 ■ Accessing the browser DOM 354
13.4 Summary 356
14 Extending IronPython with C#/VB.NET 359
14.1 Writing a class library for IronPython 360
Working with Visual Studio or MonoDevelop 361 ■ Python objects from
class libraries 362 ■ Calling unmanaged code with the P/Invoke
attribute 366 ■ Methods with attributes through subclassing 370
14.2 Creating dynamic (and Pythonic) objects from
C#/VB.NET 374
Providing dynamic attribute access 374 ■ Python magic methods 378
APIs with keyword and multiple arguments 378
14.3 Compiling and using assemblies at runtime 382
14.4 Summary 385
15 Embedding the IronPython engine 386
15.1 Creating a custom executable 387
The IronPython engine 387 ■ Executing a Python file 389
15.2 IronPython as a scripting engine 393
Setting and fetching variables from a scope 394 ■ Providing modules
and assemblies for the engine 398 ■ Python code as an embedded resource 400
15.3 Python plugins for .NET applications 402
A plugin class and registry 403 ■ Autodiscovery of user plugins 404
Diverting standard output 406 ■ Calling the user plugins 407
Licensed to Deborah Christiansen <pedbro@gmail.com>
15.4 Using DLR objects from other .NET languages 409
Expressions, functions, and Python types 409 ■ Dynamic operations
with ObjectOperations 412 ■ The built-in Python functions and
modules 414 ■ The future of interacting with dynamic objects 417
15.5 Summary 418
appendix A A whirlwind tour of C# 419
appendix B Python magic methods 433
appendix C For more information 445
index 449
Who should read this book?
IronPython in Action is particularly aimed at two types of programmers: Python programmers
looking to take advantage of the power of the .NET framework or Mono for
their applications, and .NET programmers interested in the flexibility of dynamic languages.
It assumes no experience of either Python or .NET, but does assume some previous
programming experience. If you have some programming experience, but have
never used either of these systems, you should find IronPython in Action an accessible
introduction to both Python and .NET.
Just as Python is suited to an enormous range of problem domains, so is IronPython.
The book covers a range of different uses of IronPython: from web development to
application development, one-off scripting to system administration, and embedding
into .NET applications for extensible architectures or providing user scripting.