Hot, Fast, Erotic Fixes . . . and Sensuous Stories to Get Things Started
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| Susan Crain Bakos, 2005 |
Does Your Sex Life Need a Makeover?
Makeovers! They are every woman’s (and man’s) version
of the fairy godmother’s wand. We all want a piece of the magic.
You could transform your life today in many ways: by cutting
off your long brown hair, coloring it blond, and trading
those basic midheel black pumps for a pair of hot pink
stilettos; by turning your cluttered office into a true workspace
where creativity can flourish; by painting the living
room a soft, glowing orange and adding exotic pillows, art
baskets, and a huge palm tree or two.
Makeovers are so appealing because they promise to
change us within as well as without. We will become the Chic
Blonde, the Writer, the Worldly Sophisticate that our new
exteriors boast that we are. And, unless we fall back into our
old mousy, cluttered, and drab ways again, we do transform
ourselves, at least to some degree.
But can you make over your sex life that easily?
There are a lot of misconceptions about sex. One of the
most popular among women is that good sex takes place
only within the confines of a committed, monogamous relationship.
And even achieving good sex within those narrow
confines takes time and “work.” When you hear the
word relationship, the phrase working on won’t be far behind.
With luck and a weekly visit to couples therapy, you
can change and improve your sex life in three to six months,
provided you’re both willing to “communicate” everything.
You’re probably not going to be that lucky, especially if your
insurance doesn’t cover extensive therapy. (Therapy seems
to expand the outer limits of your insurance!)
Men, on the other hand, have been programmed to believe
a sexual makeover is breast-enhancement surgery for
the current partner—or trading that old partner for a new, younger model.
In this book I show you how to rejuvenate that tired old sex
life beginning tonight, no therapy, no surgery required.
Yes, I Said: Tonight
Like popular cosmetic makeovers, Sex Life Makeovers create
significant change in a short period of time. I know that
the standard advice assumes you can’t improve the sex
without an investment of time and effort. But it’s wrong!
You can, for example, learn how to have an orgasm during
lovemaking faster than you can shop for a new, more flattering
look. Unless you or your partner has serious psychological
issues affecting sexual desire or performance or you
are trying to have good sex with someone who has never attracted
you, there’s nothing wrong with your sex life that a
quick and easy makeover can’t fix.
As a sex journalist, sexologist, and author of five previous
sex advice books, I have interviewed thousands of men
and women about their intimate lives. And I hear the same
complaints over and over again. So many people with the
same basic problems that are really not difficult to fix! Yet
what kind of advice is out there for them? Guides by therapists
to creating more intimate, passionate marriages—and
increasingly complicated technique guides by sexperts in
competition with one another to see who can make a basic
blow job the most complex erotic performance act. (When
a popular sex adviser offered fifty-seven versions of the
hand job, I knew sex technique advice had jumped the shark.)
That’s what led me to develop the Sex Life Makeover program
based on my radical idea that sex is not brain surgery.
And sex should definitely not be “work.”
I’ve guided men and women, committed couples and
dating singles, through hundreds of erotic transformations.
It worked for most of them. Trust me. You can have a
more sizzling sex life in less time than it takes a brunette to go blond.
Each makeover begins with a quick fix that is so easy and
produces such immediate benefits that you and your partner
will be motivated by the results to follow through on the
rest of the week’s plan. You’ll experience increased satisfaction
on night one—and a real turnaround within the
week. The moves are simple. Sometimes they may not work
for you without a little modification. Don’t worry about that.
Modify a move, and if you still don’t like it, go on to the next
one. Feel free to borrow techniques from other makeovers.
Each chapter will present a typical sex problem/situation,
give the standard solution that seldom works, and finally
offer in step-by-step detail the uncommon solution.
That opens into an erotic story illustrating the theme. On
the assumption that you are probably tired of reading anecdotes
that are really composites of the patients in therapists’
practices and the people sex journalists have
interviewed, I am leaving out the “Anne and John say that
their sex life problem is . . .” commentary. Anne and John
and their dreary life stories have been replaced by brief
quote capsules here and there where tester comments are
genuinely helpful—but mostly by soft-core porn that will
turn you on.
The Sex Life Makeover program is based on:
• Sexy advice and sexy stories to stimulate desire and arousal.
• Simple directions you don’t need to be a contortionist to use.
• Fresh ideas. Everything that can be said about “intimacy”
has been said. And I’m going to assume you already
know about sexy lingerie, flowers, and candles.
• And your commitment to do the Instant First-night
Makeover as described and have sex at least twice in
the following six days, using the Sex Life Makeover plan.
Relax. This is going to be fun—and not only that, it really works.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Does Your Sex Life Need a Makeover? 1
1. “The Sex Works, but the Thrill Is Gone.” 9
2. “I Want Sex; He Doesn’t.” 27
3. “He Wants Sex; I Don’t.” 40
4. “We Don’t Have the Time—or the Energy—for Sex.” 54
5. “His/Her Body Doesn’t Turn Me on Anymore.” 73
6. “More Foreplay, Please!” 87
7. “He Won’t Go Down on Me.” 107
8. “She Rarely Performs Fellatio.” 119
9. “He Loses His Erection During Lovemaking.” 130
10. “She/He Won’t Try Anything New in Bed.” 141
11. “It’s Over Too Fast.” 157
12. “I Don’t Come with Him.” 169
13. “I Get Bored with a Woman After a Few 189
14. “I Keep Picking Bad Lovers.” 210
15. “She/He Wants a Little Kink; I Don’t.” 225
16. “He’s Not Putting It There.” 24o
17. “We Never Have Sex Because We Can’t Ever
Agree on When, How, or How Much.” 25o
18. “I Shared My Fantasies—and She/He Isn’t
Speaking to Me Anymore.” 259
19. “She/He Wants to Act Out Fantasies, and I Don’t.” 269
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