by Aleister Crowley, Lon Milo DuQuette, Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D.
Book Details
2.50 |
| 156 p |
File Size
12,352 KB |
File Type
PDF format |
| 1-56184-029-7 |
| U.S.E.S.S. 1991 |
By Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D.
How do you know when you are really beginning to understand a subject?
When you come to the realization that it is basically much easier
than you ever imagined.
For years I avoided an in-depth study of Enochian Magick,
believing it to be not only too ponderous a task but also anachronistically
irrelevant. I considered it a quaint dead-end of Elizabethan magic,
elements of which have trickled down the centuries and lodged themselves
in modem ceremonial magick.
I admit that I had a certain level of curiosity and fascination,
especially when I saw the painted tablets and Enochian "chess" equipment
that Israel Regardie would display on rare occasions to his friends. But the
idea of actually taking the time to make sense of this collection of complex
and fragmentary material was totally intimidating. And the thought of
having to learn an "angelic language" did not thrill me at all. I was quite
happy to file Enochian Magick in the same drawer of my mind where I keep
"Secrets of Aztec Cardiology" and "Cooking with Barbed Wire." Then
several years ago I was pleasantly disabused.
I had asked Crowley expert, Lon DuQuette, to write an epilogue for
my book. Secrets of Western Tantra, (Falcon Press, 1989) and in the
course of our discussion he asked me if I had ever utilized Enochian
Angels for operations of Sex Magick. He was genuinely amused when I
revealed my reasons for avoiding the subject and he suggested that if ever
I wished to learn how to immediately perform Enochian Magick, I should
simply read Crowley's Liber Chanokh and get started.
Enochian World of Aleister Crowley
When I protested that I had read it, that in fact, it was included in
Gems From The Equinox, (Falcon Press, 1982). He said, "then read it
again, carefully, and this time assume that everything you need to know is
right there in the text."
He continued. "It is much simpler than you think." He then
encouraged me to call him if I ran into trouble.
His somewhat cavalier attitude was oddly reassuring, so I took
some time that evening to reread Chanokh. I followed his advice and
pretended it was the only book on the subject in the world. To my great
surprise I discovered that everything seemed quite clear. Was this the
same book that frustrated and confused me earlier? Did I all of a sudden
become so much smarter? Questions that were raised by one sentence
were answered in the next. The fundamentals of the system unfolded
neatly before my eyes. In less than an hour, I felt perfectly competent to
start basic operations. I had no reason to call Lon for advice.
When I did call him it was to tell him of my application of the
system to elements of my Tantric practices and that I wished to publish
Chanokh along with his comments and supplementary material of my own
findings. I have enjoyed our collaboration very much for his enthusiasm for
the subject has been irresistibly contagious. Now we invite you to enter
Relax. It is much simpler than you think and I guarantee you that if
you do embark upon the sexual practices all of your efforts will be well rewarded.
By Lon Milo DuQuette
In the introduction of a recently published book on magick, the writer
characterizes the Enochian material in Crowley's Equinox as being
"scanty" and in "disarray". I am afraid I could not disagree more. In fact, it
is so exquisitely comprehensive and laid out with such orderly neatness
that, (to quote Masonic scholar, Gary Ford), "Crowley can only be criticized
for being too anal retentive."
If the critic was capable of paying attention and spent the hour or less
that it takes to read Chanokh she couldn't help but grasp the subject. This,
in my opinion, cannot be said of any other text on the subject.
For example, the somewhat complex explanation of how the 18 Calls
are ordered and combined for invocations of the 16 different subangles
takes four pages in Regardie's Complete Golden Dawn System Of Magic,
(Falcon Press, 1984). Crowley does it easily in 10 sentences.
I will not argue that Crowley demands much from his readers. But in
the case of Liber LXXXIV vel Chanokh the difficulty is that one finds it
almost impossible to believe that so much is communicated in so few words.
Enochian system of Magick. Those who were aware of its existence fell
into two main categories:
I. Members of the surviving magical societies which operated in the basic
traditions of Ordo Templi Orientis, A.'. A.'. or The Golden Dawn.
II. Individuals lucky enough to posses either of two long-out-of-print works:
The Equinox Volume I, Numbers 7 & 8
The Golden Dawn Volumes 1-4
The Equinox, Aleister Crowley's Magnum Opus, issued at six
month intervals between 1909 and 1914, was the first modern publication
to examine the Enochian system in the seventh and eighth books of the
ten number series.
Israel Regardie's Account Of The Teachings, Rites And
Ceremonies Of The Golden Dawn followed in four volumes, the first
published in 1937 and the fourth in 1940.
Though material relating directly to Enochiana occupies only a
fraction of the above texts, the quality of the material is unquestioned. Both
provide clear, fundamental information that gives the student both a basic
understanding of the system and all the tools necessary to begin to
immediately apply it and operate Enochian Magick.
In 1969 Regardie's Golden Dawn was reissued in a two volume
format and then in 1974 he edited and released Gems From The Equinox
containing all the Enochian material from the original 10 volume set. Both
works are still in print. The Complete Golden Dawn System Of Magic,
(Falcon Press, 1984) Regardie's tour de force published shortly before his
death, includes his invaluable. Addendum to the Concourse of Forces.
This tome stands as a monument to both the man and the material. This
time the Enochian Genii has stayed out of the bottle.
Since 1969 an increasing number of students have turned their
attention to this attractive yet, at first glance, overwhelmingly complex
system. Their diligence is rewarded with something very rare indeed—a
magical system that really works!
This takes many arm-chair magicians entirely off guard. A
legitimate encounter with an Elemental Spirit or an Angel of an Æthyr
invariably leaves a more lasting impression on the magician than the
phantoms of self-deluded wishful thinking that mark the "successful
working" of the dilettante.
Today Enochiana commands a respectable amount of space on
the shelves of your local occult or New-Age bookstore. Much of the
original Dee material (still existent) has been reprinted and made available
to an ever-growing body of readers. The students of the early 1970s have
become the researchers and prolific authors of today.
Many of the new works are excellent and offer invaluable
contributions to the ever-increasing library of Enochian knowledge.
(The works of Robert Turner should be singled out for their insight and high level of scholarship.)
Some others I feel are of less value. While perhaps informative as
examples of the "findings" of one magician's experimentation, the
distinction is not always made clear as to what is the author's speculation
and innovation and what actually are the procedures suggested in the
original documents. Then, to make matters even more confusing, the
author presumes to define to the reader what they can expect to
experience, intimating that if they get anything else they are somehow in error.
In my opinion, these works are little more than guided meditations
upon another magician's visions and deny the reader the challenge of self
discovery and mastery. But I'm sure that new volumes such as these
will continue to appear. I will not be surprised to someday see titles such
as The Enochian Cookbook, or I'm OK.. .You're Enochian appearing at my local bookstore.
Table of Contents
Foreword....................................................................... 13
Introduction................................................................... 15
Chapter One
A Short, Brief History (Abridged).................................. 19
Chapter Two
Before We Start Let's Get Something
Straight......................................................................... 21
Chapter Three
The Ten Minute Overview............................................ 25
Chapter Four
Comments On Liber LXXXIV vel Chanokh...................31
Chapter Five
Liber LXXXIV vel Chanokh.......................................... 61
Chapter Six
Divine Eroticism......................................................... 103
Chapter Seven
Techniques Of Enochian Sex Magick........................ 109
Chapter Eight
The Enochian Dictionary ...........................................123
Chapter Nine
The Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram............................141
Appendix................................................................... 145
Sex Magick Symbols................................................. 155
It is our aim to offer in a practical format, Liber LXXXIV vel
Chanokh, Crowley's original presentation of basic Enochiana and make it
immediately useful for the student who wishes to make use of it now.
This coupled with Regardie's fine Enochian Dictionary and
pronunciation guide provides the reader with the minimum material
necessary to get started. For the advanced student we offer practical
instructions concerning powerful sexual applications of the system and the
opportunity to re-evaluate the original information that the greatest
magician of 20th Century felt was most necessary to master first.